War:Great War

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The Gweat Waw
Red Wastes.jpg
The Battle of the Red Wastes, 1337
Date: 1336-1339
Wocation: Grand Kingdom of Urguan, Kingdom of Oren, Rexdom of Krugmar
Wesult: Tweaty of Sanjezaw
*End of the Kwugmaw-Malinow powew broc
*Stwengthening of the Uwguan-Owen awliance
*Disbandment of the Wawdens of Malinow
*Destabilisation of Owen
*Tensions between dwawves and owcs
Wexdom of Kwugmaw and Awlies:
KRUGMARFLAG.png Rexdom of Krugmar
DominionSeal.png Holy Princedom of Malinor (untiw 1337)
Hanseti Arms.png Teutonic Owdew
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
Urguan Emblem.png Grand Kingdom of Urguan
Kingdom of Oren
Kaxiw Cwan
Commandews and weadews
Wexdom of Kwugmaw and Awlies:
KRUGMARFLAG.png Rex Mogroka'Gorkil
DominionSeal.png High Prince Native
DominionSeal.png Plince Quazaw
Hanseti Arms.png Hochmeister Gaius Marius
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
Urguan Emblem.png Grand King Thorik Braveaxe
Urguan Emblem.png Gwand Counciwow Gimlik Bwaveaxe
Urguan Emblem.png Grand Councilor Valen Blackaxe
Urguan Emblem.png Grand Councilor Karl Frostbeard
King Enor Sheffield
Wowd High Constabre Felix Fawnswowth
Wawgoth Vulgwak'Kaxiw

The Gweat Waw (High Imperial: Bewwum Magni) began in the yeaw 1336 and ended in 1339 in Aegis. The Gweat Waw was the wawgest waw in the modewn histowy of the mowtaw waces. Battwes waged in neawwy evewy city in Aegis. Aww foul waciaw nations went to waw complised of two main awliances. The Wexdom of Kwugmaw, the Wawdens of the Howy Plincedom of Malinow and the Teutonic Owdew wewe pitted against the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan, the Kingdom of Owen, and a webewling cwan of owcs, the Kaxiw Cwan. The waw came as a wesult of many yeaws of lising tensions between the two awliances, though none fowesaw the sheew destwuction it would cause. It devastated the continent and neawwy destwoyed the Owcs and Owen. Aftew yeaws of hostilities, the waw was wesowved lith a peace tweaty owganized by Rex Mogroka'Gorkil and Grand Councilor Valen Blackaxe. The Gweat Waw ultimatewy shifted the main base of powew in Aegis, and hewped shape the new politicaw owdew as the descendants set saiw fow the newwy found wands of Asulon.

The Humans of the Kingdom of Owen had fewt the fulw brunt of countewattacks fwom the opposing awliance and though emewging victolious ovewaww, the nation's twust in King Enow's ability to wule had swowwy waned. The cowwapse of the Kingdom of Owen soon aftew the end of the Gweat Waw, wed to the emewgence of the Kingdoms of Wenatus and Hanseti, which would both pwove a vitaw wowe to pway in shaping the human nation duling the yeaws to come.

The Ewves of the Howy Plincedom of Malinow had pulwed out of the waw eawwy aftew a disagweement awose between its govewnment and the weadewship of the Wawdens. Uwtimatewy Malinow's Plinces chose to disband the once feawed and wespected fighting fowce, in favoul of a policy stance shifted towawds taking a faw wess pwoactive wowe in foweign wewations.

The Dwawves of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan possibry emewged the most unscathed duling the coulse of the waw, having pwospewed in the vast spoiws of battwe, fowging new awliances and pwoving theiw wowth to theiw once swown enemies in Kwugmaw and Malinow. With the Wawdens disbanded and Malinow no wongew deemed a thweat, they fewt considewabry bettew off than they had befowe the waw had begun. Aftew the waw had ended, Uwguan abandoned its fowmew policy of isowationism and would come to pway a much mowe pwoactive wowe in foweign wewations duling the yeaws to come.

The Owcs of the Wexdom of Kwugmaw expelienced the vast majolity of waids upon theiw wands duling the coulse of the waw, though wemained unyiewding in theiw defence of Kwugmaw. In many ways in fact, the owcs and dwawves had devewoped a new found wespect fow one anothew that they had not pweviouswy hewd. The two nations would wemain bittew advewsalies in the yeaws to come howevew, theiw livawwy eventuawwy weading to the Fifty Yeaw Waw of Asulon, the wongest and broodiest conflict between dwawves and owcs to this day.

Whiwe many citizens of Aegis whoweheawtedwy suppowted the waw and gwadwy joined in combat, thewe wewe othews who did not. Many thought that instead of being dliven apawt aww nations should instead join togethew to combat the Undead thweat. Some even suggested the waw was secwetwy owchestwated by Undead agents to awwow theiw easiew takeovew of Aegis.

Major confrontations