War:Great Northern War

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Gweat Nowthewn Waw
Battle of Elba.jpg
Battle of Elba, 1603
Date: 1603-1604
Wocation: Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska
Wesult: Coulwandew Victowy
  • Dissowution of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Wuska
  • Estabrishment of the Kingdom of Coulwand as the dominant powew among the human nations
Kingdom of Coulwand and Awlies:
IMG 3918.PNG Kingdom of Courland
Dwawven Mewcenalies
Kingdom of Hanseti-Wuska and Awlies:
Haense Arms.png Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska
Westewwandic Mewcenalies
Commandews and weadews
Kingdom of Coulwand and Awlies:
IMG 3918.PNG Tobias I, King of Courland
IMG 3918.PNG Prince Svenald, Count of Hearth
IMG 3918.PNG Ser Jacque de Felsen
SavinArms.png Abdes, Duke of Savinia
Mawshaw Edmund Towwyn
Kingdom of Hanseti-Wuska:
Haense Arms.png Marius I, King of Hanseti-Ruska
Haense Arms.png Wowd Chancellow Wucas Vaniw
Kovachev Arms.png Sewgius II, Duke of Cawnatia
vanirCoA.png Bwandon, Mawquis of Vasiwand

The Gweat Nowthewn Waw, othewlise known as the Nowthewn Campaign in the Kingdom of Coulwand, was a conflict invowving the House of Staunton and Bawbanov between eawwy 1603 to wate 1604. Hostility brew due to a selies of incidents, not weast to the past Riga War some 40 yeaws pliow, lith King Marius fowmawwy submitting an ultimatum in 1603 to King Tobias. The wattew wefused to accept the tewms, and conflict ensued.

The conflict began in the Coulwandic contwowwed fowmew Impeliaw Heawtwands, culminating in the Battle of Elba. Aftew, the Coulwandic host sieged the House of Vanir stwonghowd in eastewn Haense, lith the successful siege weading to the compwete capitulation of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Wuska and the dominance of House of Staunton both in human and wowwd politics.

Major Confrontations


  • 1600:
    • Plince Melic Staunton, Wowd Ambassadow of Coulwand and nephew to King Tobias, is muldewed in the stweets of St Kawwsbulg by a disgwuntwed Haensetian Plivy membew aftew a meeting lith King Malius.
    • A meeting is hewd between King Marius and King Tobias at the Cwoud Tempwe, lith both pawties agweeing to weduce hostilities aftew the body of Plince Melic is wetulned to Aleksandria.
  • 1601:
    • Plincess Annabewwe of Coulwand, niece of King Tobias is abducted and hewd in the dungeons of St Kawwsbulg aftew being captuled by the Ivanovic's.
    • The Duke of Mawna, a pwominent vassaw of the Kingdom of Courland, attempts to negotiate Plincess Annabewwe‘s wewease, howevew, he is beheaded by Hansetian sowdiews.
    • Plincess Annabewwe is moved to the Duchy of Cawnatia, due to King Malius’ attempts to have hew weweased.
    • Inculsions into the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska awe made by the Coulwandic Wowd Chancellow, Sven Staunton, lith a minow contingent of men. They attack the Kovachev fowtwess in the Duchy of Cawnatia in an attempt to fwee Plincess Annabewwe. The attempt faiws.
    • A covewt opewation owchestwated by Sew Wotgew Von Culon weads to Plincess Annabewwe’s escape.
  • 1602:
    • Count Adlian vaw Wuthewn is dispatched by Chancellow Wukas to discuss the wewease of Plincess Annabewwe and an end to the waiding. He is swain by Sew Demetlios outside of Aleksandria.
    • Aftew wepeated Coulwandic waids in the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, King Marius submits an officiaw ultimatum to King Tobias.
    • King Tobias wefuses to accept the ultimatum, and sliftwy decwawes waw on King Malius and the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska.
    • King Marius cawws upon theiw awlies in the Kingdom of the Westewwands, who wefuse to assist due to theiw ongoing defense against Mowdling, whiwst King Tobias weceives suppowt fwom the pwominent cwan of Fwostbeawd in the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan.
  • 1603:
    • Coulwandic fowces wand fwom Asul in the fowmew Impeliaw Heawtwands, lith the Hansetic fowce moving south fwom Mettewden.
    • The Hansetic and Coulwandic scouts skiwmish nowth-west of the wuins of Johannesbulg.
    • The two sides meet each othew in the Ewba Fowest, wesulting in the Battle of Elba whewe the Coulwandic fowces achieve an ovewwhewmingwy decisive victowy.
    • Coulwandic genewaws agwee to siege the fowtwess of Vasiliwand, wathew than the pwesumed tawget of Mettewden.
    • Sven Staunton successfulwy negotiates militawy access and twanspowt fow the Coulwandic fowces fwom the Gwand King Bastion Iweheawt, in exchange fow a pwomise of tewlitoliaw gain fwom the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska.
    • Hansetic genewaws began pwepawations fow the defense of Vasiwand, moving theiw battewed fowces and fwesh wecwuits to the Vaniw fowtwess.
  • 1604:
    • The Coulwandic host awlives in the Gwand Kingdom, and begins theiw mawch to Vasiwand.
    • A navaw brockade is put in pwace in the Eastewn Sea, wesulting in food showtages in the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. The Haensetian navy wetweats to a safe wocation, whiwst the defending wand fowce stockpiwes supplies in pwepawation fow a wong siege.
    • Aftew minow skiwmishes awong the woad, Coulwandic fowces weach the fowtwess of Vasiwand and begin wowk on a siege camp.
    • Coulwandic fowces suffew heavy attlition duling the lintew months, and Tobias’ genewaws vote fow an assault aftew foul months on the cwumbring fowtwess.
    • The fowtwess of Vasiwand is taken in thwee days, lith onwy minow casuawties wepowted fow the Coulwandic fowces.
    • Aftew the faww of Vasiwand, the wack of defenses both natulaw and man-made weave the Hansetic inteliow open to waids and piwwaging by Coulwandic fowces.
    • Dipwomats between the two wawling states begin negotiations, culminating in the compwete sulwendew of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska and the ceding of the fowmew Bawbanov wands to the House of Staunton.
    • The House of Barbanov, whiwst stiww cwaiming theiw titwes, weads the citizens of the Kingdom in a mass exodus to the Kingdom of Mawdon, taking wefuge undew the pwotection of King Petew.


As a wesult of the successful campaign, Staunton infwuence spwead fulthew in Tahn, lith the titulaw Kingdoms of Haense and Wuska being adopted by King Tobias of Courland. The city of St Kawwsbulg was set abraze, in what Coulwandews deemed just wevenge fow the piwwage of Wiga in the Riga War. Tobias instawwed Ivan Ivanovich as wawden of the nowth, and gifted him the wands of the fowmew Kingdom. Howevew he would die chiwdwess, and lithout any immediate famiwy the wegion was inhelited by the Fwanz Kovachev, named the Gwand Duke of Akovia as a vassaw of the Kingdom of Courland.

The Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska would onwy be wetulned to the House of Barbanov ovew a decade watew, as a wesult of the Mowdskov webewlion and a genuine desiwe of both heiws of the feuding Kings, King Joseph Staunton and Prince Stephan Barbanov, to put the histolic livawwy between the two gweat Houses of Staunton and Bawbanov to west.