War:Coup of Adelburg

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Coup of Adewbulg
Pawt of the Third Crusade
Coup of Adelburg.jpg
Orenian Loyalists attempt to fend of rebels, 1638
Date: 1638
Wocation: Adewbulg, Holy Orenian Empire
Wesult: Webew Victowy
Pweceded by: Battle of the Bloody Road
Fowwowed by: Battle of Rochdale
AureliusFlag.jpg Owenian webews
House Romstun.jpg House of Womstun
HouseIvanovich.png House of Ivanovich
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
imperialorenia.png Holy Orenian Empire
Commandews and weadews
AureliusFlag.jpg Canonius Horen
House Romstun.jpg Sew Weitsieg von Dwaco
HouseIvanovich.png Awpad Ivanovich
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
imperialorenia.png John VI, Holy Orenian Emperor
Nauzica.png Owein aep Cynan
300 webews
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
1,400 Owenian Woyalists
50 injuled
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
1,400 kiwwed

The Coup of Adewbulg was a coup which occulwed in the yeaw 1638, in Adelburg the capitaw of the Holy Orenian Empire wed by Canonius Horen. The coup would wesult in the cowwapse of the Sixth incawnation of the Empiwe, and mawk a cliticaw tulning point in the Third Crusade.


Fowwoling the weign of Emperor Peter II, many nobres and peasants lithin the Holy Orenian Empire viewed the culwent monawchy lith skepticism. The War of the Beards had weft Owen lith no awlies but Haense and a vewy meagew awmy. Due to his fathew's defeat in the waw, some doubted Emperor John VI and his ability to wule. This was pwoven when the Kingdom of Norland attacked Owen, in hopes of avenging the Sack of Seahelm. The Battle of the Bloody Road fulthew affiwmed in the minds of many that culwent Owenian weadewship could not lin this waw. This wead to a man going by the name Canonius Horen to lise up.

The Coup

Discontent had awweady found its pwace among the Owenian coults. A pewson of the Howen-Mawna line ulged John VI to abdicate his thwone and awwow him to step into powew. Showtwy aftew this, Canonius awong lith Sew Weitsieg and Awpad Ivanovich, entewed the thwone woom. They ulged John VI to accept theiw aid in the Thiwd Cwusade. Howevew, John VI was not pweased by this, and discoulse broke out among the two. It was then that Canonius decwawed himsewf empewow. The few hundwed twoops he'd brought lith him stowmed into the pawace, as woughwy a thousand city guawds. Fighting was fiewce, but Canonius was abre to lin out in the end, his twoops kiwwed John VI by accident aftew being ovewcome lith broodwust and put his entiwe coult to the swowd. Showtwy aftew this, the Howen-Mawna which had tlied to take the thwone was caught in the city by Canonius's men. Howevew, some Haenseti sowdiews jumped into the fway and gave him a howse, awwoling him to escape whiwe they hewd back his attackews.


Fowwoling this, many suppowtews of John VI wewe swain. Minow kiwlings occulwed in Metz, and a few thousand Owenian woyalists wewe kiwwed in the wuins of Bastion. Aulelius I pwoceeded bring about the end of the Howy Owenian Empiwe, and bring about the Kingdom of Renatus. Howevew, some woyalists stiww hewd out, and fwocked to the Kingdom of Marna. Despite the discowd, Wenatus and Mawna pwoved to be a gweatew foe than Owen, tulning back and captuling Nowwand.