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circle info req sam.png Forum Information: This page contains a short summary of the stated magic. To find a full version of this magic click here. If you can’t find the Forum-Thread, please contact a Lore Moderator or Wiki Moderator.
Art by: Unknown

Transfiguration is an Arcane magic associated with the change of the natural and unnatural elements of the realms. Transfiguration focuses around alteration of already existing elements by using “mana-anchors”, connections between the realms and a place called the Void. Through this connection mana is being lead into the present realm, taking form and holds it in our realm as long as the mage is able to concentrate. If too much mana is being used up the anchor will become unstable and the spell will break apart. The same applies to situations were the caster isn’t able to uphold his concentration any longer.


Through the arcane’s discovery - an ability to create and destroy - researchers and mages sought to find a way to influence the world in such a way that man can only dream of. To morph the earth, to dispel, and to imbue. In the throes of their research, the fruits gave purchase to Transfiguration, an art that manipulates the very world, be it through transmuting objects, imbuing magical powers on said items via enchanting, or dispelling magic through warding. Any Transfigurationist one may come upon is more than likely a well learned man, in one way or another - perhaps an engineer or just a magister - for the very first bit of the magic requires one to be willing to learn and document. These learned mages - they sport an incredible ability to manipulate mana to imprint effects on the world.

Learning Transfiguration

The arts of Transfiguration are known as a rather risky topic, due to the simple fact that a single failure can lead to greater forms of danger and damage alike. As such most students, which desire to study Transfiguration, are often searching for willing teachers to learn from. Many even joined the Mage Guild and are now studying the arts of Transfiguration under the eyes of formidable teachers and mages.


Transfigurationists are known to use three different abilities, being Transmutation, Enchanting and Warding, also called Abjuration. Each of those abilities are used for another aspect of the magic, making Transfiguration a rather complicated, yet, versatile form of magic. Transmutation is mostly focusing around the manipulation of an existing element’s properties, while Enchanting focuses around imbuing magical properties into a certain object or element. The last ability of Transfigurationists is instead focusing on dispersing spells, by confusing the mana used for the spell, making those mages highly efficient in magical duels.


Transmutation is essentially a magic based on science. Mages have to study the elements, mathematical equations, and far more before they can alter the world, as the basic rule of the Void is as follows; To create in the Void, you must fully understand that of which you make. So to melt a steel ingot, a mage would first have to learn the temperature of which the metal changes it’s properties to a liquid form, and how exactly steel is forged. To do so mages learn the properties of said steel ingot and apply their knowledge to change it’s properties. However, there are certain limitations on Transmutation. As stated before a mage needs to know the material, it’s properties and how the material is behaving. At the same time the mage is required to have a clear view on the material he or she is transmuting. Many mages also tried to turn stone into gold in the past, yet, it appears as if the elements can’t be changed by themselves, yet, their forms can. As such it’s impossible to turn an element into another one.


Enchanting is, instead of altering scientific properties, the alteration of magical properties on an object or element. The process of imbuing magical properties onto an object is slightly different than manipulating the consistency and physical properties of the element, as the used mana-anchor is required to be fueled constantly. Imbuing the magical knowledge onto an item is the brunt of the field. This will require the enchanter to have knowledge of what they want to make, and this knowledge must be within the boundaries of voidal magic; this is generally through actively practicing the magic, or by co-enchanting, and or using an entrapment; however these two require an understanding of the magic (mainly the core mechanic) they seek. By co-enchanting, the enchanter must find another mage with the spell they wish to bind; a ritual will be conducted which involves using the aura as a means to track the mage’s mana, and acquire the information of the spell. Once whatever means is acquired to program the information on the enchantment, the user will now conduct another ritual where they write the enchantment’s program within the item - imbuing mana to sustain the information by binding it to the object and program; these programs are generally very limited and simplistic on their own, however the enchanter can weave two enchantments together via threading their magical beings together - allowing them to conduct more complex tasks. However, since fueling the spell by themselves would be far too exhausting most mages are using gems to store mana and to allow the Enchanting to absorb the stored Mana. However, it appears as if the rarity of the gem is affecting it’s capacity to hold Mana. As such a diamond will be able to hold more Mana than a simple jade-gemstone. This gem isn’t inherently required, but it’s a far better idea then tieing your mana to just the object. Without the mana-gem you cannot refuel the enchantment, and when the mana has been used up, the enchantment fades.

Please inform either a Game-Staff or Lore-Staff to name and enchant your item to correlate with the roleplay-enchantment!


The third and last ability of the Transfigurationist is called Warding and Abjuration. Being able to confuse the mana of an arcane spell, which the mage understands themselves, sometimes sending the spell back into the void and other times simply dispersing the mana of the spell. Most commonly a warding mage will create a stationary “shield”. While it cannot protect against physical harm such as swords and crossbow bolts, magic falls prey to these wards. Wards are requiring some time to form, making it less of a combative spell than its subtype Abjuration. However, while wards are fairly strong, they are unable to fully cancel out most spells, rather weakening them or resisting their direct influence. The second subtype is called Abjuration, which is using a counterspell to block an incoming chant. Most often Abjuration spells are quick attacks to cancel out arcane spells of the same tier or those on a lower tier. Spells above the mages level can’t be blocked and are required to be weakened by Warding.

Progression in Transfiguration

Every form of magic is following specific progression path for their users to follow, allowing clear control of what a mage can do and what a mage can't do, depending on how long they are studying the magic. To give a simple overview of such mages are asked to follow the rundown written down here.

Tier Requirements Abilities Time until exhaustion
Tier I
  • Requires a MA
  • Range: One Arms Length
  • Wards: Weakening of T1 to T0.5
  • Can only manipulate the temperature of an object
  • Able to do a single transmutation until exhaustion
  • Can hold the transmutated state for one emote
Tier II
  • Two weeks of training
  • Approval of Magic-Overseer LT
  • Range: One block/One meter
  • Wards: Weakening of a T3 and T2 by a tier, and a T1 to T0
  • Can manipulate states of matter and hardness
  • Can change the shape of an object
  • Able to do a single transmutations
  • Can hold the transmutated state for three emotes before exhaustion
Tier III
  • One month of training
  • Approval of Magic-Overseer LT
  • Range: Three blocks/Three meters
  • Wards: Weakening of T4 by a singular tier, T3 is weakened by two tiers, T2 is weakened to T1, and T1 becomes T0
  • Fission and Fusion becomes possible
  • Enchanting becomes possible
  • Able to do around three transmutations of an object before exhaustion
  • Can hold the tranfigurated state for five emotes
Tier IV
  • Two months of training
  • Approval of Magic-Overseer LT
  • Range: Four blocks/Four meters
  • Wards: Weakening of T5 by a tier, T4 is weakened by two-three tiers, T3 is weakened by two tiers, and T2 and T1 are weakened to T0
  • Able to do around five transmutations of an object before exhaustion
  • Can hold the transmutated state of an object for eight emotes
Tier V
  • Six months of training
  • Approval of Magic-Overseer LT
  • Range: Four blocks/Four meters
  • Wards: Weakening of T5 by 2.5 tiers, T4 by three tiers, T3 is weakened by 2.5 tiers, and T2 and T1 are weakened to T0
  • Able to do around seven transmutations of an object before exhaustion
  • Can hold the transmutated state of an object for ten emotes

Redlines of Transfiguration

Transfiguration has several redlines of what a mage can do and what a mage can’t do. As such those redlines should be followed at any time and breaking them can result in a removal of your magic permissions.

Transmutation Redlines

  • Can only transmute non organic, or dead organic unless specific lore states otherwise.
  • Must follow equivalent exchange, meaning something of equal value to that one wishes to apply must be sacrificed (making an item longer, and by doing so making them fragile for example; be sure to apply common sense).
  • Cannot transmute what you cannot see or understand.
  • Cannot transmute one item to another item’s state (Stone to water), but it is acceptable if it is the same material (ice to water; water to vapor).
  • Fusion and Fission requires the alterationist to know what the item comprises of to actually make it or split apart.
  • Line of sight is still required.
  • Cannot Transmute an entire building. Too much mana is required.
  • Requires one month of transmutation to learn enchanting.

Enchanting Redlines

  • Enchanted objects have a mana-pool, and must be refueled.
  • A person can activate a maximum of one offensive enchantment per action unless specific lore states otherwise.
  • All magic items must have an explanation of the ability and a means to contact the creator, usually “((Contact Niv_Mizzet for more info))”.
  • Enchantments must be made on either dead, or non-organic material.
  • You are not immune to your own enchantments.
  • Mana-gems can't be used to refuel a character's mana. They can only be used in enchantments. Use common sense. A small surface rock cannot fuel a flaming nuke.
  • Mana-gems must be refueled by an Enchanter.
  • Cannot enchant nonarcane magics unless the lore specifically says so, or a Mart is made.
  • Attuned items are linked with the mana pool, meaning exhaustion must be RP’d.
  • If the item that houses the enchantment is broken or destroyed, then the enchantment no longer functions.

Warding/Abjuration Redlines

  • No ward or abjuration is perfect.
  • A ward/abjuration can not protect from all magics.
  • You are not immune to your own wards/abjuration.
  • One must understand the core mechanics of an arcane magic to ward or abjure.
  • Cannot ward/abjure any magic other than arcane unless specific lore states otherwise.


  • Some dwarves are still trying to turn stone into gold by using Transmutation, yet, most often they fail and hurt themselves.
  • Several artifacts are known to be enchanted, holding forgotten spells and powers within themselves.



Through the arcane’s discovery—an ability to create and destroy—researchers and mages sought to find a way to influence the world in such a way that man can only dream of. To morph the earth, to dispel, and to imbue. In the throes of their research, the fruits gave purchase to Transfiguration, an art that manipulates the very world, be it through transmuting objects, imbuing magical powers on said items via enchanting, or dispelling magic through warding. Any transfigurationist one may come upon is more than likely a well learned man, in one way or another - perhaps an engineer or just a magister - for the very first bit of the magic requires one to be willing to learn and document. These learned mages—they sport an incredible ability to manipulate mana to imprint effects on the world.



A transmutationist, altering the shape of the water.

((Credit to Dai Nguyen))

 Transmutation is the act of manipulating an item’s properties, doing so by creating an anchor on the desired object and enacting manipulation on its mana, so long as it does not change one object to another; however feats such as fusion (molding two materials to make one) or fission (splitting an item apart to get the exact materials) has proven possible. This manipulation—typically done close by, at three meters (blocks) length—can range far and wide, and the lasting effects can be permanent. The transmutationist will require much study, having to research and document the material they wish to manipulate, studying an item much like a mage would study an element they care to evocate. There are downsides to this magic however, nothing organic can be transmuted unless dead organic, and transmutation scales on the size of an item.

The smaller the shorter time, the larger the greater time. Even then, this art works off equivalent exchange, which effectively means something of equal value must be given for something else. This means that manipulating items will require one to follow equivelant exchange of the item to gain their desired form; for example, if one wanted to make spikes on a ball, they would need to make ball smaller as the metal shapes the spikes from its own being. Transmutation is required to learn Enchanting or Warding.


Tiny (any item up to 2.11 cubic feet in area): 2-3 emotes to manipulate, with 3 being at the maximum.

Small (any item up to 3-5 cubic feet in area): 3-4 emotes to manipulate, with 4 being at the maximum.

Medium (any item up to 5.1 - 6.5 cubic feet in area): 4-5 emotes to manipulate, with 5 being at the maximumt.

Large: (any item up to 6.6-8 cubic feet in area): 5-6 emotes to manipulate, with 6 being at the maximum.

Everything exceeding scales up by an emote for every two feet.



Jon stares at the ball, issuing a sigh as he curls in his fingers, eyes glowing. Wisps of energy faintly fumes from the metal ball, an air of heat surrounding it. In doing so, the heat builds up, noticeable by the plums of smoke which loft from it.

The iron now takes a glowing hot color, its form receding into itself. Soon enough, the heated solid turns into a liquid, keeping a steel coloration.


Jon focuses on the ball, curling in his fingers, eyes glowing.

Fumes of transparent energy coil about the ball. In doing this, sweat dripping from his brows.

His brow twitches, his face reddening and shoulders slacking as he tightening his fingers as heat issues from the metal.

An orange light takes hold of the steel, a molten glow as it recedes on itself.

The glowing mass finally turns to a liquid. As soon as it changes its state however, the item snaps back to its original state as the caster slumps over - exhausted.

Tier Guide:

(Start): The user’s field of range is arms length. The manipulation of objects take an extra two-three emotes to do, and after one transmutation - they will become exhausted from the intense usage of mana. At this state, they can really only manipulate the temperature of an object. Transmutations are not permanent and revert back after one emote.

(1 week): The user’s field of range is 1 block. The manipulation of objects take an extra emote to do. Transmutation is still very exhausting; at this point, the mage can alter the object’s states of matter and hardness. The user can try to experiment with manipulating shape at this point. Transmutations are not permanent, and revert back to normal after three emotes, or instantly (if the user wishes so).

(2 weeks): The user’s field of range is 1 block. The manipulation of objects no longer takes any extra emotes. The user can shape an object to their whim, being able to have less difficulty in altering heat, hardness, and so on - so long as it follows equivalent exchange. Fusion and Fission can be researched and used.

(3 weeks): Field of range is now 2 blocks. Fission and Fusion can be done with some difficulty, everything else can be done with little effort. The Transmutationist can also compact, expand, shape and manifest with some effort, as well as do other forms of shaping and manipulation - so long as it follows equivalent exchange.

(One month): Field of range is now 3 blocks. Fission and Fusion can be done with moderate difficulty. The other abilities are able to be done with incredible ease. At this point, the user can do enchanting.

Anything past this point will only affect the ease of using the magic.


Can only transmute nonorganic, or dead organic unless specific lore states otherwise.

Must follow equivalent exchange, meaning something of equal value to that one wishes to apply must be sacrificed (making an item longer, and by doing so making them fragile for example; be sure to apply common sense)

Cannot transmute what you cannot see or understand.

Cannot transmute one item to another item’s state (Stone to water), but it is acceptable if it is the same material (ice to water; water to vapor)

Fusion and Fission requires the alterationist to know what the item comprises of to actually make it or split apart.

Line of sight is still required.

Cannot Transmute an entire building. Too much mana is required.

Requires one month of transmutation to learn enchanting.



~A goblin enchanter with his imbued weapon, presumably an alchemical made flame propelled via wind evocation~

((Credit to Jack Wang))

Through an alterationist’s power to manipulate mana, they become able to imbue magical properties on an item, so long as it is nonorganic or dead organic; though some items allow for more potent enchantments, as well as more yield from the mana gem. The process of imbuing magical properties onto objects is dubbed enchanting by the practitioners and the folk who are able to get a hold of these magical items. This process is long and ritualistic, involving creating a magical program on the item, once this program is made, the user can either leave it at that - doing so will make it a one time only spell - or make a mana gem; the enchanter will need to take a gem of varying quality and fill it with mana. When the processes are done, the mage will have created their enchantment - items limitless in their creativity.

  Imbuing the magical knowledge onto an item is the brunt of the field. This will require the enchanter to have knowledge of what they want to make, and this knowledge must be within the boundaries of voidal magic; this is generally through actively practicing the magic, or by co-enchanting, and or using an entrapment; however these two require an understanding of the magic (mainly the core mechanic) they seek. By co-enchanting, the enchanter must find another mage with the spell they wish to bind; a ritual will be conducted which involves using the aura as a means to track the mage’s mana, and acquire the information of the spell. From that point, the enchanter must move that information on the object, effectively binding the magic to an item; now we move onto entrapments - these are items which are enchanted to store magical information, generally requiring another magi with the respective magic the enchanter wishes to imbue. Similar to a co-enchanting ritual, another must be made, but this time the knowledge is scraped from their mana and placed within this item via a binding ritual; these items will typically require fuel to keep the information, more often than not keeping them bound to large mana gems and recharging said items before they reach their end. Only an enchanter can access and use their information via the same way they would with a partner.  

Once whatever means is acquired to program the information on the enchantment, the user will now conduct another ritual where they write the enchantment’s program within the item - imbuing mana to sustain the information by binding it to the object and program; these programs are generally very limited and simplistic on their own, however the enchanter can weave two enchantments together via threading their magical beings together - allowing them to conduct more complex tasks. When an enchanter begins, the power of the item is rather simplistic, however - should they progress and achieve a greater understanding, the items will become more potent, but the more potent, the more fuel it will require.

  Arguably, to have an efficient enchantment, one will require a greater means to fuel; enter the managem. The managem is a gem that contains mana inside of it, allowing it to fuel an enchantment once it is linked to the enchantment through threading the magical energies of the gem and the enchantment together; however this can only be done if the enchanter has full knowledge on the magical program that resides in the item. When it comes to how much fuel a mana gem can hold, and what constitutes is a mana gem varies far and wide; a gem can simply be a cut stone, or a flawless diamond; the more valuable the stone is, the greater amount of mana; the larger and more compact the stone the greater value it can hold. Notably, when a transfigurationist is of a higher tier, they will be able to store more mana within the managem without the worry of overfill—the risk of a managem combusting—the amount they can put it in must be within reason however, for enchantments are wondrous and formidable tools.

The states of Mana Gems:

Diminished: The mana-gem is active and can be filled.

Non-active: The mana-gem isn’t active, it has either lost all of it’s mana, or it has been hit with a powerful ward. The only way to reactivate it is to have an enchanter study the mana-gem, and reactivate it. This will require one to refuel it with mana, and will take some time to do.

Broken: If the mana-gem is cracked severely, or is broken all together. When it is cracked severely, the mana will seep out much like a water spewed from a broken pipe; the shattered mana gem will create a small explosion, doing little in harm and kinetic energy - more than likely burning skin ever so slightly if it's exposed.

Active: The mana within is active, ready to be linked and used in an enchantment

Finally, all the necessary requirements are finished,and the enchantment is now operating and able to be used. Enchantments go far and wide, from being something as combative as a staff that blasts fireballs, to an item such as a mirror that makes one look fat; it is up to the creativity is the user. There are two types of enchantments, ones that run constantly and others that are activated through a switch or command. When an enchantment is activated, there will more than likely be build up required for specific spells, generally requiring the same amount of actions as a standard spell, albeit minutely swifter due to the item not connecting to the void.

Examples of enchanted items being used:

Ex 1.

Clavicus whirls his stave, cinders and embers curling out of the flawless ruby head.

The smoldering particles meet one another as they helix inches from the ornate staff head, clumping into one another to form a flame.

More pile into the flame, fueling and shaping it as it takes the shape of a ball, smoke and fire leaking from it. Pointing the stave towards his target, a fireball hurls forward.

Ex 2.

Maric Vimmark draws his sword from sheath, running his hand along the blade, wisps of flame sprouting in the wake of his gauntlet.

[!] Soon, the fires wreath the sword.


Similar to linking mana gems to an enchantment, the enchanter can opt to link the enchantment to their person, their own personal mana pool. By doing this, the usage of an item is determined by the user’s own mana supply, and can be recharged within an hour to fully replenish the mana pool. While the enchanter can attune an item to themselves, they can also attune an item to another mage or nonmage. This is an alternative to using mana gems, with its own cons - mana drain. When one uses an attuned item linked to them, the user will feel their mana being siphoned, and can eventually lead to mana fatigue and the uselessness of other attuned magical items. The attunement spell is a ritual cast, and cannot be done in combat, and the connection can be removed with relative ease, even for any nonmage attuned to it.

To attune an item the enchanter made to someone other than them, they would need to guide the user in bonding their mana with the item. This is done through a ritual that involves reaching the mana laced with the enchantment towards the person they want to attune it to, from there - the attunee can choose to accept the bonding, or reject it. This process can also be done by any other enchanter, rather than the creator - should they understand how the enchantment works.


Enchanted objects have a mana-pool, and must be refueled.

A person can activate a maximum of one offensive enchantment per action unless specific lore states otherwise.

All magic items must have an explanation of the ability and a means to contact the creator, usually “((Contact Niv_Mizzet for more info))”.

Enchantments must be made on either dead, or non-organic material.

You are not immune to your own enchantments.

Mana-gems can't be used to refuel a character's mana. They can only be used in enchantments.

Use common sense. A small surface rock cannot fuel a flaming nuke.

Mana-gems must be refueled by an Enchanter.

Cannot enchant nonarcane magics unless the lore specifically says so, or a Mart is made.

Attuned items are linked with the mana pool, meaning exhaustion must be RP’d.

If the item that houses the enchantment is broken or destroyed, then the enchantment no longer functions.

Warding & Abjuration


~An abjurationist dispelling an electromancer’s blast~

((Credit to Jeremy Jarvis))

Another ability of the alterationist: Being able to confuse the mana of a spell of an arcane magic the alterationist understands, sometimes into the void and other times simply resisting the spell. These spells can weaken, or simply dispel. Visible in the title, this ‘mana confusion’ is broken into two types: Warding and Abjuration.

Warding: A stationary ‘shield’. While it cannot protect against physical harm such as swords and crossbow bolts, magic falls prey to these wards. Warding takes some time to create, making it less of a combative spell than its brother Abjuration. This more than likely requires four to five emotes to make. These wards are unable to fully cancel out magics, rather only able to weaken and resist their influence. These can be made in an area, however for every twelve meters, it will take three actions on top of the four to five.

Here is a scale of what a ward can affect depending on tier.

T1 Warding: The Ward is able to weaken a T1 spell by half.

T2 Warding: The Ward is able to weaken a T3 and T2 by a tier, and a T1’s spell is near useless.

T3 Warding: The Ward is able to weaken T4 by a singular tier, T3 is weakened by two tiers, T2 is down a tier, and T1 is near useless.

T4 Warding: The Ward is able to weaken T5 by a tier, T4 is weakened by two-three tiers, T3 is weakened by two tiers, and T2 and T1 are near useless.

T5 Warding: The Ward is able to weaken T5 by 2.5 tiers, T4 by three tiers, T3 is weakened by 2.5 tiers, and T2 and T1 are near useless.

Abjuration: A counterspell; however only towards one magic, rather than multiple. This is a quick shot, taking two to three actions to cast. It can cancel out arcane spells scaling by each tier, but anything other than that will fall to the same system as Warding. It can be shot as a transparent bolt or be used as a close range pulsation on an area.

How they function:

These spell(s) create a clump, or net of mana that will hit a spell or magic head on. Once so, the programmed ward or abjuration, having its mana given the knowledge of the spell/magic in question, will try to entwine with the spell and become one with it with as much mana as required, and by doing so—the spell gets confused, knowing naught what to do—the spell gets sent back to the void, weakened, or manipulated. This is generally done by having a greater amount of clumped mana than the other spell, meaning that some spells might be enough to tear through wards and abjuration like a hit knife through butter. As stated previously, to ward or abjure something, the caster will require fairly good knowledge, if not very in-depth knowledge of the magic. This only works on Voidal Magic though, lest new situations and abilities unfold themselves.

As the alterationist becomes more knowledgeable and progress in Warding/Abjuration, the user will be able to weaken and cancel out magics of a higher spell capacity. This tool is useful, especially with dampening a perhaps fatal spell. Yet, there is always more to learn.

Reflective Wards/Abjurations

Enter the reflective side of things. Similar to how standard wards and abjurations entwine with the spell, this effectively does the same - but instead of sending it back to nothingness or weakening the spell, it will seek to override the spell's mana and send it elsewhere. Doing this will have the caster temporarily take control of the spell's active mana, having the victim spell's cost eat at their mana and leaving only enough time to divert the spell, actually hitting spells back will be highly unlikely - as one needs to account for the amount of mana it takes to override and hijack.

Example of Abjuration:

Jim looks at Bob as he manifests a arcane energy, curling in his own hand; once he does so - transparent energies manifest (or it can be an aura color, up to the caster) within his palm.

As the arcane bolt flies, Jim pushes his hand outward, sending out an auric pulsation that causes the bolt to shimmer and dissipate; becoming nothingness.

Example of Warding:

Veric issues a low sigh as he outstretches his hand, arcane sparks coiling about his fingers.

The sparks lurch outward, licking the air in front of the mage; the sparks appear to distort now, becoming naught but transparent energies.

Veric furrows a brow, the energies continue to churn and shift - allowing faint wisps to pervade its form - reaching about in front of him.

The energies take the shape of a disc, briefly shivering with blue arcane; the ward was done.


No ward or abjuration is perfect.

A ward/abjuration can not protect from all magics.

You are not immune to your own wards/abjuration.

One must understand the core mechanics of an arcane magic to ward or abjure.

Cannot ward/abjure any magic other than arcane unless specific lore states otherwise.

Arcane Magic Transfiguration · Voidal Translocation · Void Shifting
Elemental Evocation · Conjuration
Sensory Illusion ·
Deity Magic Shamanism · Druidism · Paladinism · Seers · Malchediael's Templars · Heralds of Azdromoth
Dark Magic Fjarriauga · Necromancy · Pale Bloodmagic · Mysticism · Naztherak
Artificery Atronach Forging · Golemancy
Other Kani · Housemagery · Bardmancy