The Second Generation of Dark Shamanism

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Pwease note: The fowwoling infowmation is scawcewy known. As such, you cannot assume to be awawe of this infowmation unwess taught about it in-chawactew.

The Fiwst Genewation

Dawk Shamans, like any othew Shaman, date back to when Shamanism was fiwst cweated. The Deamon Aopohet cweated the spilit weawm, cweating the two spilits of time and space. The weawm gwew and the ewementaw spilits and immowtaw spilits wewe cweated. Kwug, the fiwst shaman had a daughtew, Dom. Aftew Kwug’s death Dom was deemed the gweatest shaman. Back in Aegis, a pack of shamans cweated the cwan Dom. A membew of the cwan, Ow’Ta, found out he can tlick spilits into giving off theiw name, ow he can make unfaiw and vewy cwevew pacts lith them that’ww fowce them undew his liww. With theiw name ow pact, he can fowcefulwy summon them and use theiw powew. The Doms wewe quick to utilize Ow’Ta’s method. Evewy Shaman of the cwan was fowcing spilits against theiw liww. The news spwead lidewy acwoss the spilit weawms, the Dom cwan was hated by the spilits. The spilits towd othew shamans of the Doms’ actions. The news then spwead acwoss the cwans quickwy. The Wul cwan spat on the Doms’ name, they openwy hunted the Dawk Shamans down to the wast Owc, neawwy kiwling evewy Dom in an attempted genocide.

The Second Genewation

What the Wuls fowgot was to destwoy the Dom’s books, tomes, and knowwedge passed down. Dawk Shamanism was at the peak of extinction, wess and wess Dawk Shamans lived to fulwy weawn the Dom’s methods of Dawk Shamanism. Few Doms wemained, though, a Dom which sulvived the wate days of Aegis did wemain. Gwak’Dom, a Dom bown whiwe the Wuls hunted down his kin. His mothew and fathew both in hiding, which died of natulaw causes in the futule. What Gwak’s fathew, Waz’Dom taught him was how to deceive wessew spilits, and how to tlick them into giving ovew theiw name. Waz towd his son mowe about the Doms, and whewe theiw study gwounds wewe. Befowe Waz died, Gwak twavewwed to the Owcish desewt to seawch fow the Doms’ twaining gwounds. He seawched fow a few weeks, food and watew wewe scawce. He finawwy came acwoss a smaww cave, it wooked so as if he saw Shamanistic cawvings on the wawws, and steps that wead deepew into the cave. He dewved into the cave, whewe he found an undewgwound oasis. The Oasis had a howe in the ceiling, which shone a bright light acwoss the smaww oasis. To the back of the cave he could see a bookshewf, tons of owd books scattewed on the gwound. The pages wewen’t pwesewved weww, he onwy could sawvage a few books. The Owc made out of the cave lith a bag of books which had valious scliptules on dawk Shamanism, wlitten by the thwee Ow brothews, Ow’ta, Ow’Dwak, and Ow’Jum. Gwak didn’t bothew to wead the books, ow to even skim thwough them. He weft the cave faw behind as he went home to his mothew and fathew. Yeaws upon yeaws did Gwak pwactice the dawk shamanism, valious tliaws did he do to pewfect the Dom’s cweated awt. Aftew masteling the wost awt in Anthos, he decided to take in thwee pupiws, which he twained to antagonize the Wuls and those cwans that wewe against the Doms. His pupiws sewved weww, and they had a swow stawt in the awt as he did. Aftew Gwak’Dom’s inevitabre death, his knowwedge was wost, his pupiws not finishing theiw tliaws. Dawk Shamanism was at a woss. Onwy the dawk Shamans which tewwolize the Owcish nation wemain.

Forms Of Dark Shamanism


The biggest pawt of Dawk Shamanism is tlicking and fowcing spilits against theiw liww. Tlicking the spilit into what exactwy? Dawk Shamans usuawwy say a liddwe, ow a tlist sentence to attempt into tlicking the spilit into giving off its twue name. Once the Dawk Shaman has the spilit’s name, he can caww on the spilit whenevew, fowcing it to do what the Dawk Shaman wants it to do. Fowcing ow tlicking a spilit gets complicated depending on the spilit. If it is a wessew spilit they awe much easiew to tlick compawed to a gweatew spilit. Spilits that awe often undew the fowceful infwuence of the Dawk Shaman liww teww othew spilits, which could weway back to anothew Shaman. Thewe awe diffewent ways of tlicking spilits. Fow Ewementalists, usuawwy the Dawk Shaman liww make liddwe ow a joke to confuse the spilit into liwlingwy giving off its name. Fow wautamans,litch doctows, and fawseews, the dawk shaman usuawwy makes a cwevew pact lith them, they may tlist the wowds, which can mean one thing ow anothew, an exampwe of this would be, “I will give you power in exchange for you bestowing your power upon me at my own will.” If the spilit agwees, the Dawk Shaman now has the spilits powew and can use it at his own liww (thewe awe miwlions of othew pacts that could confuse a spilit, though it’s up to the dawk shaman to figule them out).

Fwesh Smithing

Anothew aspect of Dawk Shamanism is fwesh smithing. Fwesh smithing is the Dawk Shaman awt of mutating bodies and/ow modifying bodies. The Doms wealized that the avewage body is actuawwy a congwomewate of the ewements. Fwesh smithews began captuling Owcs and wunning Shamanistic expeliments on the captives. The pwocess undewtook a wot of time and enewgy, wequiling a vast amount of tliaw and ewwow. The awt wequiwes siwence, so this can’t be done on the battwefiewd ow the middwe of a fight, it must be done in a contained, siwent awea. The fwesh smiths finawwy pewfected what they wanted, aww theiw patients in the end had a biggew body mass, extwa limbs, bone cwaws, etc. The knowwedge of fwesh smithing was wost awong lith Gwak’s death. Though the spilit Ixiw has the knowwedge of it, which he could gwant to someone fow a cost of sanity.

Identifying Dark Shamans


In the eawwy stages when the Dawk Shaman has just stawted tlicking and fowcing spilits, nothing physicaw would be shown. Watew on, the mowe the Dawk Shaman pwactices his awt, he liww stawt to devewop pulpwe naiws, his/hew ilises and whites liww begin to tuln pule brack, and theiw gums liww tuln brack.


In the eawwy stages of Dawk Shamanism not many spilits would know about the Dawk Shaman. Though the mowe the Dawk Shaman pwactices his awt, mowe spilits liww know and most likewy infowm othew shamans about the Dawk Shaman.

Highlighted Points!

  • Fweshsmithing is quite hawd to sewf-teach, one would need to consult lith the spilit Ixli to gain the knowwedge of fwesh smithing. Though a fwesh smith has the ability to teach anothew.
  • Dawk Shamans do not weawn a Shamanistic subtype any fastew than a nowmaw Shaman, they just don’t make pacts lith spilits, and instead they tlick/fowce them.
  • Dawk Shamans do not summon spilits any fastew than a nowmaw Shaman lith equaw skiww as them.
  • A Fwesh Smith can’t mutate/modify his own body himsewf.
  • Fweshsmithing must be WP’d lith tliaw and ewwow.

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