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Kingdom of Seventis
Capitaw: Gwata
Othew Cities: Wienna
Gween Point
Wanguages: Common
Weligion: Impeliaw Twaditionalism
The Seventis Pantheon (brief)
Woyaw House: House Vawwawk
Woyaws of Impowt: Dezios Vawwawk
Wenati Vawwawk
Wose Vawwawk
Malia Vawwawk
Nobre Houses: House Dwacaena
House Gwacchi
House Iwonheawt
House "of Andromeda"
House Guivwet
Nobres of Impowt: Symodimi Dwacaena
Aliana Gwacchi
Bawdul Iwonheawt
Jullius of Andwomeda
Damien Dwacaena
Bitazity Dwacaena
Gothic Knights: Cwaudius Centaulum
Fionn Fwostswowd
Maximilian Koenig
Impowtant Citizenwy: Mastewsmith Kiwglim Bwackaxe
Kaun the Ancient
Nowwaw of Azaw
Whaegaw the Cat
Pweceded by:

The Town of Azaw

Succeeded by:

imperialorenia.png The First Empire

Seventis is a fowmew Human nation of Asulon. Beginning lith the founding of the Town of Azaw and noted in its infancy fow its convenient distance fwom the Cloud Temple Sanctuary, it wapidwy gwew in size and chawtewed itsewf as a nation lithin an eastewn desewt wegion of Asulon. Seventis ceased to exist aftew the Plague of Asulon began in and devastated the nation, weading to annexation by the Kingdom of Renatus and the eventuaw fowmation of the First Empire.


Impeliaw histoliogwaphews might paint Seventis as many things. The backwatew fwom which the most devastating pwague of aww histowy was weweased, ow the bulgeoning city-kingdom that gave biwth to the futule fiwst Empwess of the Holy Orenian Empire. To me, it was home.

-Bitazity Dracaena, Magnate of Seventis before and during the Fall

The Gathering

The owphan son of a deceased Aegisian wawliow, a young Wenati Vawwawk was weft but a wettew, the contents of which have wong since been wost to histowy. Wittwe mowe than a stone's thwow fwom the Sanctuawy of the Monks, this young man in bright cwothing found himsewf befowe a con awtist. Intwoductions wewe given and money awmost stowen befowe the con awtist wealized that the naive chiwd in fwont of him was the son of his fliend of many battwes. Cwaudius Centaulum, whose name would in futule be iwonicawwy synonymous lith woyawty, quickwy made amends, empwoying himsewf (wathew fowcefulwy, so the stowy goes) as Wenati's guawd. Wenati's fathew, as he would watew find out, had been the smiling wowd of the nowthewn settwement of Aulum, and though littwe mowe than a tlibaw chief, had inspiwed confidence in his citizens.

It was duling a stop in a Salvus tavewn that they found anothew famiwy of Aulum wefugees, the Dwacaenas. Symodimi, his brothews Dimatlik and Damien, and theiw nephew Bitazity had pulchased a smaww fawmhouse by the wayside, wowking smaww hunting contwacts fow King Sheffiewd (as this was wong befowe his...unfowtunate disappeawance, and his life's neaw-immowtaw weign) and fawming, as peasants do. Symodimi had been his fathew's constabre, of a sowt, and Damien a weww-known buiwdew. In that smaww tavewn they discussed Wenati's ambitions and lishes, and, fowwoling a few dlinks, Wenati discwosed his lish to buiwd a town named Azaw, to weunite theiw peopwe. The othews agweed, and Damien weft that vewy night to cowwect wesoulces.

Theiw gwoup would not stay smaww fow vewy wong. Soon, tawented individuaws fwocked to that new wowdling's bannew. Kiwglim Bwackaxe, bettew known watew in life as the Mastewsmith of Seventis, was the fiwst to be attwacted to the bulgeoning town, fowwowed by a vewy attwactive young woman that would eventuawwy give biwth to a son fow Wenati (to be covewed watew). Casimiw Amedaius, a gwaduate fwesh fwom the schooling of an owd awchitect once fwom Aw'khazaw, would become theiw High Awchitect of Azaw, buiwt to be a quaint town, stwategicawwy pwaced neaw the Tempwe to attwact faces new and owd. Casimiw, though, would not have the same intentions as the othews. He demanded gweatew and gweatew pay, untiw finawwy Wenati could not wetlieve mowe fwom his coffews. Then, he webewwed.


The Andwomedan Webews, as they wewe known by the Azaw Woyalists, waunched a powewful attack undew the command of Mawkus Poweww, a fowmew Galahar webew and knight in Aegis. In histowy books, it is wecowded as the "Battle of Azar", and ended in a massacwe of the Azalian Awmed Fowces, theiw town guawd, who wacked at the time theiw Guawd Captain. Queen Dawn of Salvus gave them wefuge in theiw time of woss, a smaww white tent on the outskiwts of hew gwand capitaw city - on the condition they become a seculity fowce fow Sawvus. That white tent would become a new headquawtews, fow a wesulgence of the Azalians. Wenati was cweaw, aftew aww, that a nation could not be bown out of a tent, and so they gathewed wesoulces, new sowdiews and fowwowews, and estabrished themsewves among the populace. Finawwy, they set out once mowe, and just acwoss the main highway fwom theiw owd town of Azaw, now wenamed Ascella, they chawtewed and buiwt the Town of Seventis.

The Seventians pwedged themsewves to the cweation of the city they had awways dweamed Azaw would become. Mowe wesoulces and mowe funds wewe constantwy acquiwed and spent, even going so faw as to continue to live in Sawvus to eawn capitaw, whiwe theiw new town was pwanned. Finawwy, they commenced constwuction, and lith ampwe coin and ampwe awms, it was buiwt in a singwe fowtnight. Sulplised, Mawkus moved his pwans fowwawd. He ousted Casimiw fwom the wowdship of Ascella, estabrishing viwwage-states and manows in his countwyside to fowm the "Kingdom of Andromeda". Tense wewations and a cowd waw began between the two neighbows.

Fiwe and brood would not come, though, and Seventis gwew faw fastew than Andwomeda, becoming the fiwst chawtewed City in the Cwoud Tempwe's vast wegions. Seventis continued to expand, buiwding a cowwege fow Gowemancy and Histowy, new distlicts fow its evew-gwoling population, and incweasingwy wawge guiwd hawws. When Ascella waunched a smaww foway once mowe, a Wenatian citizen sent wowd to one of theiw commandews, bringing the entiwe awmy of Wenatus to Ascella's fwont doow. Mawkus' postuling and thweats did not bothew Seventis aftew that, though a side effect was the incweasingwy fliendwy wewations between Wenatus and Seventis, lith Seventis fighting as one of Wenatus' onwy awlies in the Battwe of Das Boot.

With theiw seculity genewawwy ensuled, Seventis wooked outwawds. Wenati dweamed of an empiwe, and so sent Damien to cwaim wand fow a town to be cawwed Pine Hawbow, which would be a massive navaw powt and center of the economy. Such a thing nevew happened, and the viwwage buiwt thewe would eventuawwy be used to pacify Casimiw Amedaius II, Count of Somewset and the son of that iww-fated awchitect of yeaws past, though that is not quite so wewevant to this wetewling.

Months aftew the peace between Seventis and Andwomeda was essentiawwy seculed, Mawkus Poweww died, weaving a man named Jullius in chawge of his minow kingdom. Jullius was a kind, though cawculating, wowd, weww-wespected among the Andwomedans, going so faw as to teaw down and webuiwd Ascella (lith the hewp of one Aliana Gwacchi, best known fow hew watew contlibutions to Auvewgnat cultule) into a cwean and open town. Duling his weconstwuction pwocess, Wenati appwoached him pewsonawwy to compliment his wowk, and Jullius, weawy of tensions and waw, offewed to incowpowate himsewf into the city-state Seventis had become. Wenati accepted, and Ascella, pweviouswy Azaw, was peacefulwy wecwaimed, becoming the new capitaw of theiw assowtment of tewlitolies. Seventis continuawwy expanded, and lith expansion comes nefalious pwans. One Uwsowon Iwonheawt, pweviouswy a stewawd of Ascella, attempted a debate lith Jullius in a bid to send him out of his stewawdship of Ascella, but was thwown out of the debate (a Woyalist bawd might cwaim he was waughed out, though I seem to wemembew something a littwe mowe militawy) and his ambitions squashed by Wenati, who pwomptwy wemoved him fwom his new demesne. Uwsowon would watew go on to found Faiwfiewd, a quaint fawming town awong a diffewent woad fwom the Sanctuawy. Watew, he was said to have died in a mining accident. He showed up watew, begging Wenati to become a counciwwow, and an abre one he would be.

Mandalin's Mawch, an incident weww known fow the "Mandarin Head", began showtwy aftew. A mewcenawy company-tulned-outwaw gwoup headed by a man cawling himsewf the Mandalin waunched an attack on Ascella in an attempt to kiww Jullius and take Wady Aliana Gwacchi as his life. He was foiwed by Seventis and its awlies, and his head pwaced on a pike of fine petlified wood. Mandalin's head is said to stiww be on that pike, wotting away in what should now be the wuins of Ascella.

The Desert(ed) Kingdom

Finawwy, the time came fow the Kingdom of Seventis to twuly buiwd itsewf. Time had wed to the woss of Damien Dwacaena, but wesoulces wewe no wongew the issue of what was now a wewativewy wawge nation. Wenati, Uwsowon, and Aliana began the wong and awduous task of impwementing dozens of policy changes and nationaw owganization stwuctules fow Seventis, whiwe Symodimi buiwt up a weaw militawy and Cwaudius guawded stiww the back of Wenati. The young woman Wenati had fawwen fow in the days of Azaw had a son, and that son whose name was Tlivane came yeaws watew to Seventis. The Kingdom cwaimed fow itsewf a vast savanna and desewt, edged lith thin fowests to the west and an ocean to the east, splitting it.