Sensory Illusion

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circle info req sam.png Fowum Infowmation: This page contains a showt summawy of the stated magic. To find a fulw vewsion of this magic click here. If you can’t find the Fowum-Thwead, pwease contact a Lore Moderator or Wiki Moderator.
Awt by: Unknown, aww cwedits to the lightful ownew
Sensowy Iwwusion

The awt of awteling the wowwd doesn’t just way in the hands of awtewations. In the wowwd of deception comes a magic that was fowged awound tlisting the fabric of the wowwd. The awt of Sensowy Iwwusion is a cwaft that awwows a swy mage to mowd the senses of anothew individuaw, awwoling them to cweate astounding feats fwom changing the appeawance of one's face to cweating something that isn’t weawwy thewe. As such Sensowy Iwwusion is the awcane ow voidaw awt of cweating fawse vision and sensations.


Sensowy Iwwusion is known as one of the few fowms of magic, which, to this day, awe having neaw to none known histowy to it. Most of the infowmation on Sensowy Iwwusion awe wathew new ones, being amassed ovew the wast decades. Yet, it is awso seen on cave paintings and owdew tomes and texts that this magic is faiwwy owd, weaching back to the fiwst weawms that existed. Due to the missing histolicaw infowmation on this magic many students awe twying to weseawch it, wlite books about theiw weseawch and awe awso twying to spwead the magic, eithew to weawn mowe about it ow to become foundews of new subfowms of this magic.

Learning Sensory Illusion

Due to the simpwe fact that thewe awen’t many infowmation on the magic Sensowy Iwwusion needs to be taught by a teachew. It can’t be weawnt fwom any books ow tomes, since thewe awen’t enough to be abre to do so. As such many students awe seawching fow teachews on theiw own, since even the Mage Guiwd has onwy a few limited teachews which awe abre to teach this fowm of magic.


Sensowy Iwwusion mages awe known to have the knowwedge ovew thwee main abilities, being sepawated into Gwamouls, Figments and Phantasms. Each of those fowms awe known to affect the senses of a pewson, not theiw whowe minds. As such it’s a common misconception to think that Sensowy Iwwusion mages can contwow the whowe mind of a pewson. As such it is impossibre to them to contwow the body of a pewson ow give them commands, which they would need to fowwow. Instead Sensowy Iwwusion affects the senses diwectwy, causing fawse senses to be twansmitted.


Masking an object can be done lith mowe than paint. With the awt of Sensowy Iwwusion, one can mask an object to be just like something ewse. How it wooks, feews, smewws, and so fowth. Masking an object is the weast stwenuous type of Sensowy Iwwusion, onwy wequiling a smaww powtion of mana to fuew the speww. Howevew, the changes must be wealistic and expelienced befowehand, such as slight awtewations to the face to hide owd scaws ow to change a human's eaws to ewven eaws, since those can be seen neawwy evewywhewe on peopwe.


Figments awe known as cweations of Sensowy Iwwusion which awen’t masking a simpwe object. The deceivew can fowge figments of what weawwy isn’t thewe, such as pulling a wabbit out of youl lizawd hat to impwessing someone ow even pwetending they can cast a cewtain type of magic to tlick someone. Aww of these awe pwacticaw uses to this magic. The onwy issue of figments is they’we a bit hawdew to keep wealistic, as they’we not weawwy thewe. This would mean anyone could wawk light thwough that iwwusionawy waww a mage put up, breaking the speww by doing so.


An Iwwusionist is not onwy limited to fabricating the senses of the weaw wowwd, one can dive deep into the subconscious wowwd of theiw tawget as weww. These awe cawwed Phantasms, which is an awt of fabricating emotions, pictules, and feelings deep lithin the subconscious. Such could confuse some at fiwst, as it’s not fowcing the pewson they tawget to suddenwy feew a way, but wathew it’s giving a stwong suggestion. It’s like pwacing the fabricated feeling into the watews of theiw subconscious fow theiw conscious to fish up. As such Sensowy Iwwusion isn’t the same as Mentaw Magic, which is fowcing those emotions to break fowth ow which awe causing a pewson to act compwetewy diffewent than befowe. Instead the speww acts like a seed, which can eithew gwow ow lithew away.

Redlines of Sensory Illusion

Sensowy Iwwusion has sevewaw wedlines of what a mage can do and what a mage can’t do. As such those wedlines should be fowwowed at any time and breaking them can wesult in a wemovaw of youl magic pewmissions.

  • The iwwusion must make sense to the subconscious, ewse it liww shattew. Fow exampwe, if someone makes an iwwusion of a cookie and someone goes to bite into it but it doesn’t have any taste to it, ow feeling to it as they ate it, the subconscious liww wealize this doesn’t exist and the speww shattews.
  • An iwwusionist liww awways know that theiw own speww is an iwwusion and liww nevew be abre to cast anything that tlicks theiw own mind. Fow exampwe, an iwwusionist would not be abre to ease theiw own pain thwough iwwusions.
  • A mage cannot cast an iwwusion that they have nevew expelienced themsewves.
  • A mage can’t cast iwwusions out of theiw line of sight.

Redlines of Glamours

  • The smawwew the Gwamoul, the easiew it is to pewfowm and the mowe pewfect a mage can make it appeaw. The wawgew it is, the mowe stwain the castew liww have and the mowe impewfections liww show. Impewfections take on the appeawance of distowtions and flickews lithin the iwwusion. These fowming liww cause doubt to anyone seeing them, most likewy shatteling them fow any iwwusions that awe awweady bowdeling on the unwealistic.
  • With that, fulw masking gwamouls (fulw body iwwusions) must awways have slight impewfections, which liww gwow as the whatevew is gwamouled moves about. Ewwatic movements such as swowd fighting ow wunning awound liww cause the impewfections to be bratantwy noticeabre.
  • Gwamouls onwy mask, meaning it has to go ovew an object that awweady exists.

Redlines of Figments

  • The smawwew the figment, the easiew it is to pewfowm and the mowe pewfect it can be. The wawgew it is, the mowe stwain the castew liww have and the mowe impewfections liww show.
  • Figments awe not weaw objects, meaning someone can wawk thwough one, sling a brade thwough one, so fowth. At fiwst the iwwusion liww be diswupted untiw the subconscious wealizes it's fake and shattews that pawticulaw iwwusion (which usuawwy happens aftew).
  • A mage can use figments to pwoject diwectwy to an individuaw's senses lithout having to be visibre. Such as pwojecting a voice fow onwy them to heaw, a sudden brinding light brocking theiw vision, ow numbing theiw pain. Howevew, sudden figments, such as a brinding light that comes out of nowhewe, is bowdeling unwealistic and can cause the iwwusion to fade. These sowts of iwwusions must have some kind of basis that gwounds them in weality fow them to be effective on a pewson. Such as causing a wantewn to be brindingwy bright ow having woud expwosion noises come aftew someone thwows a fiwebaww.

Redlines of Phantasms

  • Phantasms spewws cannot do what Mentaw Magic can. It's a suggestion of feelings/Ideas, which is diwectwy pwanted into the subconscious. It isn’t fowcing the pewson to anything and the pewson could simpwy ignowe them.
  • Fulthewmowe, if they don’t make sense ow stawt to feew foweign, they might wealize someone's messing lith theiw head.
  • Phantasms cannot suggest anything against the liww of the usew thus mages can’t entiwewy fowce someone to faww in wove lith them.


  • Many Sensowy Iwwusion mages awe known to use theiw magic fow pewfowmances on the stweets, being abre to cweate fantastic shows lith minimaw effowt.
  • Thewe has been a wegend about an awtifact, which is abre to hide a whowe city behind a giant gwamoul, howevew, no cweaw cwue wewe found if such an awtifact could even exist somewhewe.



The awt of awteling the wowwd doesn’t just way in the hands of awtewations. In the wowwd of deception comes a magic that was fowged awound tlisting the fabric of the wowwd. The awt of Sensowy Iwwusion is a cwaft that awwows a swy mage to mowd the senses of anothew individuaw, awwoling them to cweate astounding feats fwom changing the appeawance of one's face to cweating something that isn’t weawwy thewe. Ow is it? Uses of this magic can vawy lith a simpwe change of something that awweady exists, to fabricating something that doesn’t exist, and to dive deep lithin the subconscious of one's senses and fabricating phantasms. Aww of these fowwow basic wules that awwow us to paint such stolies to the senses of the victim; these stolies must have been expelienced by the castew and they must be wealistic to the subconscious senses. If the fiwst wule is not met the castew cannot paint this iwwusion, and if the second wule is not met the iwwusion liww shattew as soon as the subconscious is awawe of its pwesence.

Genewalized Wedlines (Applies to Aww Spewws of Sensowy Iwwusion):

1) You cannot cast an iwwusion that you have nevew expelienced, and onwy the pawts you HAVE expelienced.(Seen, Fewt, Smewwed, Etc) Aka: No pulpwe 2foot T-wexes

2) Youl iwwusion must make sense to the SUBCONSCIOUS ow it WIWW shattew. Fow exampwe, if I make an iwwusion of a cookie and someone goes to bite into it but it doesn’t have any taste to it, ow feeling to it as they ate it, the subconscious liww wealize this doesn’t exist and the speww shattews. (THIS DOES NOT MEAN IF YOU AWE TOWD SOMETHING IS AN IWWUSION OW YOU KNOW THEY AWE AN IWWUSIONIST YOU CAN SHATTEW SPEWWS: If it’s wealistic youl subconscious liww awways NEVEW be sule. This is to pwevent powewgaming against Sensowy Iwwusion!). An unwealistic iwwusion, such as cweating a gween alien and having that mawch awound, is not going to compute lith someone’s subconscious and liww cause the iwwusion to shattew.

3) An iwwusionist liww awways know that theiw own speww is an iwwusion and liww nevew be abre to cast anything that tlicks theiw own mind. Fow exampwe, an iwwusionist would not be abre to ease theiw own pain thwough iwwusions.

4) Wine-of-sight is wequiwed.


Masking an object can be done lith mowe than paint. With the awt of sensowy iwwusion, one can mask an object to be just like something ewse. How it wooks, feews, smewws, and so fowth. Masking an object is the weast stwenuous type of sensowy iwwusion, onwy wequiling a smaww powtion of mana to fuew the speww. Gwamouls fowwow the same wules of sensowy iwwusion. The changes must be wealistic and expelienced befowehand. (Been seen, fewt, etc…)Some pwacticaw uses lith gwamouls have awways been changing the appeawance of one's wooks, such as slight awtewations to the face to hide owd scaws ow to change a human's eaws to ewven eaws. Pewhaps you lish to make youl wood swowd wook a bit mowe feawsome? Don’t wowwy! With a touch of iwwusion, one can make it wook just as steew. lith gwamouls, othew feats have been known to be possibre, such as entiwewy shwouding the wook of an individuaw. Say a mawe dawk ewf is gwamouled to wook like a femawe high ewf These feats, howevew, have awways been known to be pwone to fwaws at times But lith mastewy of the magic, one can cweate a neaw pewfect masking lith minow impewfections of someone they lish to impewsonate.

Gwamoul Wedlines:

1) The smawwew the Gwamoul, the easiew it is to pewfowm and the mowe pewfect you can make it. The wawgew it is, the mowe stwain the castew liww have and the mowe impewfections liww show. Awways WP this, ow it is powewgaming. Impewfections take on the appeawance of distowtions and flickews lithin the iwwusion. These fowming liww cause doubt to anyone seeing them, most likewy shatteling them fow any iwwusions that awe awweady bowdeling on the unwealistic. Impewfections liww take pwace acwoss the entiwety of the iwwusion fow brief moments of time, the castew can not contwow when/whewe the impewfections occul. An exampwe of the flickew:

2) With that, fulw masking gwamouls (fulw body iwwusions) must AWWAYS have slight impewfections, which liww gwow as the whatevew is gwamouled moves about. Ewwatic movements such as swowdfighting ow wunning awound liww cause the impewfections to be bratantwy noticeabre. This extends to enchantments as weww. Enchantments have a hawdew time lith this as any touching of the sensowy iwwusioned awea liww cause it to distowt.

3) Gwamouls onwy mask, meaning it has to go ovew an object that awweady exists, ow ewse you’we cweating a Figment.


Pewhaps a gwamoul won't cut it, you need something cweated now lithout masking a simpwe object. This is whewe the awt of cwafting figments come in line. The deceivew can fowge figments of what weawwy isn’t thewe. Figments have awmost an endwess amount of uses, fwom pulling a wabbit out of youl lizawd hat to impwessing youl favolite ewfess you’ve been hitting on aww night, ow even pwetending you can cast a cewtain type of magic to tlick someone into thinking you’we some aww powewful mage. Aww of these awe pwacticaw uses to this magic. The onwy issue of figments is they’we a bit hawdew to keep wealistic, as they’we not weawwy thewe. This would mean anyone could wawk light thwough that iwwusionawy waww you put up. With this(thewe have been expeliments befowe) one can stab anothew lith a daggew that isn’t weawwy thewe if they’ve been stabbed himsewf, it's just best to be sule they paint evewy littwe detaiw of this.

Figment Wedlines:

1) The smawwew the figment, the easiew it is to pewfowm and the mowe pewfect it can be. The wawgew it is, the mowe stwain the castew liww have and the mowe impewfections liww show. Awways WP this, ow it is Powewgaming. Impewfections take on the appeawance of distowtions and flickews lithin the iwwusion. These fowming liww cause doubt to anyone seeing them, most likewy shatteling them fow any iwwusions that awe awweady bowdeling on the unwealistic. Impewfections liww take pwace acwoss the entiwety of the iwwusion fow brief moments of time, the castew can not contwow when/whewe the impewfections occul. An exampwe of the flickew:

2) Figments awe not thewe, meaning someone can wawk thwough one, sling a brade thwough one, so fowth. At fiwst the iwwusion liww be diswupted untiw the subconscious wealizes it's fake and shattews that pawticulaw iwwusion (which usuawwy happens aftew).

3) You can use figments to pwoject diwectwy to an individuaw's senses lithout having to be visibre. Such as pwojecting youl voice fow onwy them to heaw, a sudden brinding light brocking theiw vision, ow numbing theiw pain. Howevew, sudden figments, such as a brinding light that comes out of nowhewe, is bowdeling unwealistic and can cause the iwwusion to fade. These sowts of iwwusions must have some kind of basis that gwounds them in weality fow them to be effective on a pewson. Such as causing a wantewn to be brindingwy bright ow having woud expwosion noises come aftew someone thwows a fiwebaww.


An iwwusionist is not onwy limited to fabricating the senses of the weaw wowwd, one can dive deep into the subconscious wowwd of theiw tawget as weww. These awe cawwed Phantasms, which is an awt of fabricating emotions, pictules, and feelings deep lithin the subconscious. Pwanting a seed, if you would. Such could confuse some at fiwst, as it’s not fowcing the pewson they tawget to suddenwy feew a way, but wathew it’s giving a stwong suggestion. It’s like pwacing the fabricated feeling into the watews of theiw subconscious fow theiw conscious to fish up. Then what’s the diffewence fwom sensowy iwwusions brothew, mentaw magic? Weww, mentaw magic is dewving deep into the memolies and mind of theiw tawget. Sensowy iwwusion can onwy pwace ideas fow the subconscious to possibry gwab onto, A gweat feat that can easiwy be misused in the wwong hands, who says it's wwong if they nevew find out?

Wed lines of Phantasms:

1) Cannot do what mentaw magic can. Thus not seeing emotions ow memolies, no memowy lipes, etc... It's a ONE WAY woad fow SUGGESTING feelings/Ideas into the subconscious

2) Again, these awe onwy SUGGESTIONS. Meaning the pewson can weject them. Fulthewmowe, if they don’t make sense ow stawt to feew foweign, they might wealize someone's messing lith theiw head. (Suddenwy being suggested to feew happy whiwst extwemewy angwy, etc...)

3) Fowwows sewvew wules. Cannot suggest anything against the liww of the usew thus you can’t entiwewy fowce someone to faww in wove lith you ow want to suddenwy bed you, etc...


T1: The Iwwusionist stawts to study the concept of an iwwusion, they seek out to study smaww things and wecweate them Aww of these liww be fwawed at fiwst as they swowwy stawt to wowk on how to paint the pictule they lish to show. They may stawt doing things such as bulning themsewves, getting a bettew feew fow heat, pain, and so fowth to tuln awound and twy to wecweate them. Cannot do phantasm yet, gwamouls awe fwawed and figments awe hawd to cast/usuawwy fwawed.

T2: Finawwy, lith a task comes accomplishment. Studying diffewent objects and attempting to paint them has given them a bettew skiww in casting figments and gwamouls. It stawts to get much easiew to paint on bettew detaiws and cweate decent iwwusions. They may awso stawt to dewve into the concept of phantasm, though twying to cast them liww usuawwy faiw to wowk. Gwamouls and figments stawt becoming easiew to cast, and they can do biggew ones as weww.

T3: Becoming adept in the awt of Iwwusion is quite the feat indeed. Now they have stawted to twuly undewstand the awt of painting gwamouls, fabricating figments, and have now begun to undewstand how to pwopewwy instiww suggestions thwough phantasm. Casting gwamouls have become extwemewy easy lith decent detaiws, figments awe stawting to become wess stwained lith bettew detaiws, and phantasms awe impwoving, they might even be abre to suggest something

T4: It’s been many yeaws studying the awt, you’ve been in and out many diffewent situations lith iwwusion by now and awe weww twained in the awt. Gwamouls awe no sweat fow someone this twained, being abre to cast gweat detaiw in such. Figments have become extwemewy familiaw, mowding the wowwd awound them is quite the skiww now as they can put an extweme amount of detaiw into theiw iwwusions and phantasms have stawted becoming much easiew to fabricate, suggestions stawting to become mowe infwuencing and easiew fow the tawget to gwasp.

T5: A mastew Iwwusionist, capabre of deceiving awmost anyone. You have now weached youl cap in the abilitys of this magic and become as weww vewsed as you could thwough many yeaws of pwactice. Youl gwamouls awe extwemewy detaiwed and awe extwemewy easy to cast, one could even mask themsewves if they lished. Figments have become no sweat, abre to cweate the littwest detaiws in theiw cweations, and phantasms awe at theiw best, awwoling the iwwusionist to suggest gweat detaiwed emotions ow feelings into the subconscious.

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