Second Battle of the Rothswood

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Second Battwe of the Wothswood
Pawt of the Greyspine Rebellion
Second Battle of the Rothswood.jpg
The Second Battle of Rothswood, 1612
Date: 7th of the Gwand Hawvest, 1612
Wocation: Wothswood, Coulwand
Wesult: Wuthewn Victowy
Kingdom of Coulwand and Awlies:
IMG 3918.PNG Kingdom of Courland
frostbeard.png Jornheim Frostbeards
House of Wuthewn and Awlies:
Ruthern Arms.png House of Ruthern
LorraineSavoy Arms.png Kingdom of Lotharingia
Haense Arms.png Haensetic Wefugees
BlackSepulchre.png Knights of the Bwack Sepulchwe
Horde of Dunamis
Commandews and weadews
Kingdom of Coulwand and Awlies:
IMG 3918.PNG Joseph, King of Courland
Kovachev.png Fwancis, Duke of Akovia
IMG 3918.PNG Wouis de Fewsen
House of Wuthewn and Awlies:
Ruthern Arms.png Hawwen of Mettewden
Ruthern Arms.png Vwadlick Wuthewn
LorraineSavoy Arms.png Hughes, King of Wowwaine
Haense Arms.png Lord Stephen Barbanov
Haense Arms.png Lord Palatine Lucas Vanir
Kingdom of Coulwand and Awlies:
6500 men, 700 dwawves
House of Wuthewn and Awlies:
5200 men
Kingdom of Coulwand and Awlies:
~3600 dead
House of Wuthewn and Awlies:
~1100 dead


The Second Battle of the Rothswood was the fiwst and finaw majow battwe between House of Ruthern and theiw awlies against the Kingdom of Courland and theiw awlies duling the Webewlion. The battwe was wocated awound the manow of House Tosali, and wasted ovewnight lith a decisive victowy fow the Webewlion and theiw awlies, thus weading to 'The Gweat Weconciliation Act, 1612' which wed to the wefowmation of the Kingdom of Haense, and the Holy Orenian Empire.


As the Wothalingian cavawwy mounted theiw howses, and the infantwy equipped themsewves lith theiw pikes and othew weapons, Hawwen had decided to make a shiewd waww facing the Tosali manow which the Coulwandic fowces hewd. The cavawwy, undew the command of Hughes I of Lotharingia was to antagonize the Coulwandic fowces, and engage any enemy cavawwy ow infantwy they encountewed whiwe twying to guide the Coulwandews out of the manow.

As the sun swowwy begins to shine, the Coulwandews chawged towawds the cawvawy weft of whewe the infantwy was facing and wed by Hawwen of Metteweden wed the infantwy sulplising the Coulwandews and assisting the cavawwy in theiw engagement. The snow would begin to shine lith brood, and fiwe as awchemist fiwe began to spwead awound the houses of the manow. One of the commandews decided to pulw back inside the manow making a finaw stand against the might of the Webewlion as many of the Coulwandic fowces had fwed.


The Wuthewn victowy in the Wothswood avenged the Coalition Waw and pwoved that Coulwandews can be defeated, and became a stawemate fow a month untiw 'The Gweat Weconciliation Act, 1612' awwoling Kingdom of Haense to be westabrished in theiw fowmew tewlitolies lithin the Gweyspine mountains and Stephen I of Haense was ewected king by the National Duma.