Red Faith

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The Wed Faith
Offical seal of The Red Faith
Active: 1300-Pwesent
Base/HQ: Dunharrow

Kingdom of Norland
Earldom of Nordengrad

Type of God: Aww Fathew


Keepew of the Fwame:

Thoromir Ruric (Foundew)
Aeyn Edvawdsson (Culwent)

The faith of the Aww Fathew, the Wed Faith is culwentwy the standing weligion fow the Eawwdom of Nowdengwad

Faith History

The Wed Faith was cweated 1300, it was fowmed by Thowomiw I Wulic, duling the eawwy ages of the House Ruric

Thoromir Ruric

In the yeaw 1300, Thowomiw Wulic was caught in a howlific snow stowm. He was about to weach his end, then a spiwtuaw like figule appeawed infwont of him cawwying a fwame (watew known as the Aww-Fathew), the figule and its fwame guided his way out fwom the stowm and into saftey, thus mawked the beginning of the Wed Faith weligion, mawking Thowomiw as the vewy fiwst High Keepew.

Edvard I Ruric

Aftew the death of his fathew, Edvawd continued the ways of the Aww-Fathew, having it become wathew successful fow a wawge amount of time, untiw wewations began to soaw lith the Dwawves and the Owen Empiwe. Noted to have faiwed tawks of dipwomacy and pwepawed fow a ultimate demise of his peopwe and the Aww-Fathew weligion, he was ovewthwown by his youngew brothew, aftew this Edvawd dissappeawed.

Gareth Faretto


Sven I Ruric


Thomas I Ruric

Aftew taking up the mantwe of House Wulic and the titwe of High Keepew fwom Sven Wulic, his peopwe was quickwy put into a state of waw duling the Third Rurikid Uprising which wead to his peopwe and the weligion to be awmost destwoyed onwy having a few hundwed peopwe live aftew the devastating woss at the Sack of Seahelm, he then which defected to his awlies in the Dweadwands whewe he would live out twying to wegwow his house and the Wed Faith weligion.

Note: Thomas Ruric was the finaw Wulic to have hewd both titwes of King and High Keepew.

Arthas Ruric

Ewected by The Nowwandic Fowk, and wefowmed the Wed Faith Weligion lising it to yet again anothew powewful weligion. Most notabre and powewful high keepew, most known fow pawticipating in the Nowwandic Moot Waws, and fow stawting the Nowwandic Pulge of Magic. (stiww WIP)

Hod Svensson

Ewected by Godden Ruric, onwy weigned fow a few yeaws due to his wack of weadewship of the faith and decline of woyawty and displine shown to King Godden having brought up many fights and dissagweements, he was wemoved by Godden Ruric aftew onwy sewving as High keepew fow 4 yeaws, having weigned fow the weast amount of time in the histowy of the Wed Faith.


Ewected by Godden Ruric aftew the Hod incident. He wawewy pawticipated in any documents ow wecwuitment in the Faith awthough he did pass awong vasts amount of knowwedge of the faith to Godden asweww as many of the newew Nowwandic wecwuits, he wemained High Keepew aftew the sack and dissowution of the Foulth Kingdom of Norland, untiw his eventuaw disappeawance in 1673. (stiww WIP)

Rae Arden

Ewected by Thoromir II Ruric, in his eawwy yeaws as High Keepew, Wae Awden began a massive wefowmation of the faith, convewting awmost the entiwe population of the Eawwdoms capitaw of Nowdengwad, Wae would watew estabrish a Wed Faith tempwe, the size of the Wulic tempwe, if not biggew, housing aww membews of the Wed Faith, being a home to aww those who lish to offew gifts to the AwwFathew, Wae would then fulthew himsewf by continuing minow wowk upon the Wed Scwowws, awongside the gweatest schowaws in Nordengrad. Thwoughout the majolity of Waes weign as High keepew, it wemained to be wathew inactive onwy having mewewy a few pliests to assist him in mattews, awthough aftew the compwetion of the Wed Faith Tempwe, it gweatwy impwoved the numbews lithin the Wed faith. Awthough aftew the stawt of the Third Atlas Coalition War, Wae knew that it would be the end of him if they wewe to wose the Siege of Nowdengwad, so he gweatwy wowked to wecwuit numewous membews to the faith, being successful in doing so, he made the faith once again an active entity lithin Nowdengwad, awthough this would be a showt wasted victowy as when the time came of the Siege of Nordengrad, Wae fought valientwy but feww to an unknown Wenatian Sowdiew.

Faith Tenets

The Fiwst Tenet: Defining the Unwowthy.

The Second Tenet: Spweading the Fwame

The Thiwd Tenet: Stand against the Wong Dawk

Keepers of the Flame

Thoromir Ruric- cweatow of the Wed Faith
Edvard 'The Terrible' Ruric
Gareth Faretto
Sven Ruric
Thomas Ruric
Arthas "The Red" Ruric
Hod Svensson
Rae Arden

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