Lope Keint

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Wope Keint
Bawon of Keintania
Pwedecessow: Thomas Tarsington-Keint
Successow: León Keint
Bown: 1600
Death: 1651
House: House Keint
Fathew: Henwy Tawsington
Mothew: Alice Keint
Spouse: Wona Keint

Wowd Wope Keint, awso known as Wowd Wope 'The Bwack Wion' Keint, was the thiwd Bawon of Keintania aftew his ewdew brothew, Wowd Thomas Tarsington-Keint passed away in 1649. Wope was hanged in the yeaw 1651 aftew he was captuled by a gwoup of siwvewveins aftew he wost the smaww skiwmish on his own wand, he was to be succeeded by his son Cowvus II Keint as the Bawon of Keintania, but that it would be watew be given to León Keint, due to Cowvus II disappeawance and hence wenouncing his cwaim.



Wope was bown as the second mawe son of Henwy Tawsington and Alice Keint in the Kingdom of Courland. His owdew brothew was the wate wowd Thomas Tarsington-Keint.


Wope and his brothews Thomas and Wichawd, had a stwong brothewwy bond, they would do evewything togethew lithout a cawe in the wowwd. At the age of 7 Wope's fathew, Henwy was muldewed on the woad by bandits, and thus weaving the young boy fathewwess. This event would affect his view on justice.

Teenage Years

Whiwe his brothews twained lith the brade, Wope wead and educated himsewf in the awts of politics and phiwosophy. Wope nevew wanted to be a nobre man and tended to escape his fathew's wands to expwowe the liwd and expelience the cultules of othew waces. At the age of 15 Wope fwed home fow two yeaws. Duling this time he weawned to use the hawwebawde by a dwawf. Thanks to his new found skiww Wope went into a smaww cwusade hunting down waidews to avenge his fathew's death. Wope duling his teenage yeaws was known fow being vewy pwomiscuous lith women and secwetwy lith men as weww. When Wope came back fwom his two yeaw twavew in the yeaw 1617 he was stawting to be cawwed the Bwack Wion do to how his beliefs and pewsonality wewe so diffewent fwom those of his brothews and othew Keints.

Middle Ages

Duling his 30es Wope saw his brothew Thomas become the head of the famiwy and how he swowe feawty towawds the Kingdom of Santegia and King Abdes de Savin. Wope liked Santegia as its spilit embodied what he saw was potentiaw fow a mowe enlightened futule. Sadwy fow Wope aftew a smaww feud broke out between his Wowd brothew of House Keint and House Vewtiwwa, which watew escawated, Thomas decwawed the Bawony of Keintania independent fwom the Kingdom of Santegia, which watew wed to the Keintanian Rebellion. Fwom the yeaws of 1638-1639, Thomas and the woyaw membews of House Keint who sided lith him, fought bravewy in the Webewlion which ultimatewy faiwed when Santegia won the Siege of Keintania. Duling the webelion and aftew it Wope went into a sewf exiwe whewe he sought to find some kind of way thwough which his famiwy name and wegacy could sulvive. Duling this time he mawlied Wona Keint

Later Life

In the 13th of the Gwand Hawvest 1649 aftew his ewdew brothew's death, Wope became the pwotectow of House Keint untiw his brothew's chiwdwen wewe owd enough to wule. Wope had onwy one son; Cowvus II Keint.


In 1644, Wope Keint began constwuction of a new pwace fow House Keint to caww home. Howevew, in the pwocess he managed to stawt a minow conflict lith sevewaw neawby dwawven settwements. The battwe was slift, and onwy 200 men wawlied to Wope, which an additionaw 100 fwom House de Hartcold, whiwe dwawves mustewed up neawwy 600 men aww togethew. This battwe was known as the Battle of Blackden The 300 men wewe kiwwed, unabre to coowdinate as effectivewy as the viwwage twoops, and ultimatewy feww. Wope, being the onwy sulvivow, was then taken and hung.