Inny Yuln'aher

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Inny Yuln'aher
Inny poses with an issue of "The Depths of Magical Artistry", the first book on Bardmancy.
Race: Mali'ker
Born: 1 S.A.
Father: Arakor Yuln'aher
Mother: Mini Yuln'aher

Inny Yuln'Aher (A.K.A. "Lady Luna", "the Bard Queen", or "The Innster") is the founder of the Vailu Valmiran Bard's College, a teacher of Bardmancy, and the inventor of String Casting.

Life and career

Early Life

Inny Yuln'aher was born in autumn of 1 S.A. in a roaming caravan of Velulites somewhere on the continent of Almaris. Her father, Arakor Yuln'aher, was a clan leader, and both him and her mother were proficient in a broad range of arts. Inny and her older sister, Kini, learned song, dance, painting and writing from both their parents, continuing a long line of artistic interest that was a major component in Velulite culture.

In her childhood, Inny mainly dabbled with jewelry making and drink peddling. Her stage fright and introversion meant she frequently opted to stay within her family's cart to avoid the constant influx of visitors and show-goers coming by. It was after her first years of learning Bardmancy (originally called Bardic Manipulation in Velulite culture) that she found her passion for the "Four Arts" her ancestors studied. Inny took 28 years to master Bardmancy, more than double the time an artist usually takes.

Around 60 S.A., her father Arakor Yuln'aher was instructed by the spirits in a vision from Luara where he saw the Mali'ker united under her light as a single group. To carry these instruction out, Inny and Kini left the caravan to meet all the cultures of the world, as well as share their poeple's.


Beginning under the Waystone Tavern in the outskirts Urguan, Inny took in wanderers and curious artists with the goal of introducing them to her family's magical traditions. It's then both her and Kini taught Av'lenniel and Roylan Grant Sirame, the first generation of Bardmancers in Almaris. Both Av'lenniel and Roylan were paramount for grounding the magic within The Vale of Nevaehlen, sharing the non-voidal studies with the druids.

Despite planning to expand her influence, Inny was stopped by the aledged death of Rylanor Goldhand, the owner of the tavern she was teaching in. That, alongside the Eastern war between Urguan and the Holy Orenian Empire, brought her to flee towards the West with her sister.

The Bard's College

Alongside Kini, Inny founded the Vailu Valmiran Bard's College around 65 S.A. to further spread the practice of Bardmancy and to promote all forms of culture and art. In 68 S.A. the Yuln'aher sisters purchased an abandoned tavern in Elvenesse, where Inny was appointed the college's Headmistress. She both taught in the college and worked on the local tavern, buying a book shop in town after a few years. The college was initially a rather reserved institution, keeping lessons exclusive for enrolled students and only opening up its doors for casual meetups and public competitions.

During her stay in Elvenesse Inny wrote "The Depths of Magical Artistry", the first educational paper on Bardmancy and the result of her lifetime of study. This helped further establish her institution as the main source of artistic teachings at the time. In 79 S.A. Inny opened a second location in Nor'Asath, ten years after her debut in Elvenesse, and it served as the college's main base of operations for nearly half a century.

At Kini's prompting, the caravan from both sister's youth was revived as another, roaming location for the Vailu Valmiran. It was situated outside Celia'nor in 88 S.A. and in 120 S.A. it then moved to Karosgrad. Shortly after the caravan's opening, Bardmancy lessons were made open for the public.

Personality and views

Inny is above all passionate about her avocation. Her highest priority is the success of her students, and the success of the college has been the result of her tireless effort and personal sacrifice. Her demeanor can make it seem difficult to sincerely impress her but she is always eager to be dazzled.

She has an outspoken personality and is known to push her students to their limit at every opportunity. Her interest in researching the occult, and vocal questioning of customs has brought controversy within the dark elven community. Inny had frequent public debates, kept a troubled relationship with Nor'Asath's Shamans, and was in more than one occasion accused of sympathizing with dark magics and dark creatures - allegations she denies.

In her personal life, Inny is a Spiritist and an accomplished martial artist. Her research on Kani lead her to develop a new casting technique for Bardmancy she called 'String Casting', which allows for quick and consecutive manipulation of mana around a caster.