The Crown of Amaethea, colloquially and originally known as Elvenesse (Ancient Elven: Marmali'nor), is the eminent realm of Elves upon the continent of Almaris. It is situated upon the temperate western peninsula known as the Arm of Malin in the political region of The Hinterlands. The heartland of the nation is held within the enclosing ring of the Orocarne Range: a natural defensive encirclement of mountains that protect the capital city Caras y Tennallar. Further west is the forest of Dorthonion and the Village of Oswin.
Modelling itself as a united realm for all descendants of Malin and a spiritual successor state to the ancient Holy Princedom of Malinor, Amaethea is a beacon of unification to all elven kind. The nation is a direct successor to the Principality of Aegrothond. The nation was founded in Almaris by former High Prince Fëanor Sylvaeri to signify the union of Aegrothond and the Matriarchy of Siramenor as a single entity. Following his abdication and retirement, Evar'tir Oranor rose to power as High Prince, and reigned for 56 years (22-78 SA), overseeing a slew of domestic and foreign changes. Upon his abdication, Kosher Daesmon ascended to the newly titled position of Prince Royarch. Kosher Daesmon resigned after fifteen years of reigning in favor of his son, Acanthus Daesmon, who was educated from birth for the position and guided by a council of elders and scholars from a unique background. It was during the reign of Acanthus that Malin'or was once again dissolved with Acathus reclaiming the title of High Prince once more. High Prince Acanthus Daesmon officially abdicated the throne of the 14th of The First Seed in 111 S.A. He was succeeded by High Princess Idril Sylvaeri, who reclaimed the former Sylvaeri seat of power through her ascension as stated by the will of Acanthus Daesmon.
The Crown of Amaethea adheres to a system of direct succession, appointed by the High Prince or Princess. The current ruling dynasty is the House of Sylvaeri.
The Council
The High Prince/Princess's Council consists of the lord commander of the royal army, the lord exarch, the Head-Steward, the commander of the AFL, the Deputy-Steward, and a handful of advisory positions. The only person who may appoint or dismiss members of the Council of the High Prince or High Princess is themself.
The Glaiveguard is the national army of Elvenesse. The Glaiveguard is lead by the Lord Commander and overseen by the High Princess. The first person to hold the position of lord commander was, Araum Calithil. After the resignation of Lord Araum from the position of Lord Commander, Elliphas Daesmon stepped up to the position after the ascension of his brother Kosher Daesmon to the position of Lord Exarch. Elliphas stayed as Lord Commander for a bit over a decade, then resigning in favor of Ventys Vuln'miruel, who still resides in the position to this day.
Noble Rankings
- Royality
- High Princess - The Ruler of Amaethea with authority over everything within the realm.
- Prince-Heir - The Heir of Amaethea, next in line for the throne.
- Prince - A Titular or Landed title often given to former prince-royarch’s in order to rank them for their service.
- High-Nobility
- Taur/Tauria - The leader of the Nobility, the Taur is the highest noble rank possible to achieve, only bestowed upon the most capable and loyal members of the nobility. Often there is only one or two Taurs at a given time.
- Thaendir/Thaendira - The Thaendir are loyal members of the nobility who have proven their worth to the crown and recognised by the Prince-Royarch
- Low-Nobility
- Rívalt/Rívaltina - Rívalt’s are highly trusted members of the nobility that have an extensive history of service and loyalty to the crown.
- Malfin/Malfinia - The Malfin are members of the nobility who have proven their worth to the crown by aiding in wars, diplomacy, internal affairs, etc
- Indir/Indiria - The rank of Indir is given to Recognize/Established Families within Amaethea and is considered to be the lowest level of nobility.
Among all of the Amaethaen nobility, there are two types of expectations, working expectations, and social expectations.
Social Expectations: Social expectations are those placed upon the nobility and are guidelines of how to act in public and private. A peer should be humble, benevolent, selfless, and try their best to lead society. A noble should not hold their rank over the head of the normal malin as it is deemed to be a shameful act. A noble may use their title if it would lead to a better result, that being saving a life or aiding the growth of Amaethea. However, these situations should be far and few between at worst and never occur at best.
Working Expectations: Working expectations are those placed on the nobility, a noble is expected to be an active member within Amaethea either aiding in an official or unofficial capacity. It is expected that every peer holds at least one job if not multiple members of their family.
Dress: The style of dress for each family will vary, depending on if the family has a traditional dress style. If the family has a traditional dress style then they shall be expected to abide by it. If the family does not have a traditional style of clothing it is recommended they dress in elven style clothing that is woven with green, gold, and, a beige-ish-red.
Laurier's Council: The Laurier’s Council is for the peers of Amaethea, headed by the Taurs and overseen by the Prince-Royarch, Princess-Consort, and Prince-Heir. The purpose of the Council is to aid the crown in making decisions, getting the opinions of the peers, or aiding in edicts or decrees.
Marrage: Marriage among the nobility is a time of joy and celebration, the standard for this type of marriage is to be married by the Prince-Royarch, a member of the Royal Family, a member of the wild faith, or Taur with the royal family in attendance. In a marriage like this, there are three steps, prep, ceremony and after party.
Ennobling Process
Once a family has proven themself to be outstanding members of their society they will be called before the Prince-Royarch, during such an occasion they will be offered the lowest rank of nobility, Indir/Indira, and have their family gain recognized/established status, and asked to swear an oath of fealty in exchange. Such a time is not only a joy for the family but the Crown as well. In order for a family to climb the ranks of nobility, they must prove through their action as to why they should. Families that put in the time, effort, and dedication will rise in the ranks of nobility. Well, the invser will happen to those that falter in their loyalty, duties or dedication.
Established Families
In order to be considered an Established Family once must meet a few requirements. The First requirement is to have a familial culture, something to make the family different from everyone else. The Second requirement is to have a history of service to the crown in an official or unofficial capacity. This can be done with service to the military, stewardy, tavern work, building, acting as a druid to the crown, etc. The Third requirement is the submission of an official petition to the crown though contacting a steward so they may log your petition.
Notable Families
Many families throughout Amaethea's history have been deemed as notable and influential. Some of the families are the following.
Sylvaeri: The Sylvaeri family are the historical dynasty of Amaethea, dating back to the days of Aegrothond, where they were the founding family. Prince Fëanor Sylvaeri, the second Sea Prince of Aegrothond, is the figure who brought popularity to their family, who is still the head of the house until this day. On the 14th of The First Seed in 111 S.A., Idril Sylvaeri was crowned High Princess of Amaethea after Acanthus Daesmon's abdication.
Daesmons The Daesmons were a family that rose to power through strength and combat excellence during a depression of Amaethean history. Starting with the Third Prince, Kosher Daesmon, their family ruled for around thirty five years, ending with his son Acanthus Daesmon, the Fourth Prince. Former mercenaries turned politicians, their rule was marked by rise in militant behavior and a decline in tradition and culture. Kosher had made his way up the ranks through marital prowess and a chain of events that gained him infamy, especially among the mali'imperi in particular. Largely forgotten by design, the remains of this family lay scattered and forgotten amongst many circles, with their names being akin to insults as they fell from relevance.
The Crown of Amaethea has a large majority of Wood Elves with a minority of Humans, High Elves, and Elves.
The Crown of Amaethea follows the Wild Faith, however, a level of religious autonomy is permitted and encouraged.
The Wild Faith is a faith about the natural order of life with a special focus on the balance. The two main figures of the Wild Faith are The Mother and The Father, these two figures are the Ying and Yang of the faith. "Where the Mother embodies life, the Father is death. Where the Mother embodies growth, the Father is the hunt. Where the Mother represents the gentleness of femininity, the Father is the strength and firm hand of men." Within the religion itself also exist the druids who are keepers of the balance.
The Crown of Amaethea is located south-west of the Idol's Garden in the western hemisphere of Almaris, with the capital city, Caras y Tennallar, situated on the end of the Arm of Malin. The city itself is within a heavily dense forest and borders the sea allowing for easy travel by boat.