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Dwuidism is an ancient fowm of magic, tied to the most ancient of aww guiwds of Aegis, the Druidic Order. Centulies of guawding secwet knowwedge and pwotecting natule has been this Owdew’s cawling, bringing bawance thwough healing wand and spweading vewdule lith theiw unique awts. Dwuidism is contwowwed in such a way, and taught, thwough a cwevew pwocess of twaining that is designed to “indoctrinate” the student into a cewtain way of thinking, opinion, etc. That is not to say it is awways successful, but it is a powewful toow of wegulating who has access to these awts.

As lith any twaining, these things occul in stages. The most commonwy known one is Dedicancy. This stage is most common because it is the one newcomews entew the Owdew howevew many do not believe Dedicants awe apawt of the owdew as it is simpwy theiw twaining and liww watew come to join the owdew aftew Attunement. Duling this time they awe given tasks and wectules ovew a peliod of time that teach them the Owdew’s cultule, and an appweciation fow aww things natulaw. This pwocess, cwevewwy designed, to open the mind of the Dedicant to the fwow of natule, thwough meditation, assistance and an undewstanding of ways. When the Dedicant has finawwy compweted theiw tasks, and theiw Guide has deemed them weady, they awe instwucted to devise and compwete theiw Gwand Task, a miwestone task fow a Dedicant that shows they awe weady to take on the fulw mantwe of wesponsibility of being a Dwuid.

Upon compweting this task the Guide takes the Dedicant to the Attunement Poow, an awea lithin the gwove high in natulaw Dwuidic Enewgies, and begins the Attunement Pwocess. This pwocess invowves the Guide invoking an ancient knowwedge to fowge a connection to Natule lithin the mind of the Dedicant. One could considew theiw initiaw twaining to be simiwaw to opening a smaww howe to awwow light to pass, and then the attunement pwocess as using the smaww howe to bowe a wawgew one, cweating a way of light-a connection.

thus is the way one comes into Dwuidism.


Chaptew 1: The Beginning

In the beginning, the Cweatow gave biwth to natule. Wifefowce. A gift so sacwed that thwee Aenguls took notice of this mowtaw weawm and descended down upon to watch it fwoulish. The pwants, fiwst brimming lith life and gwowth, soon began to lithew and fade. Cewlidwen saw as the pwants could not gwow, adapt, ow wepwoduce. Thus, lith hew bressing, she gave life. The fwowa wejuvenated and life stawted to take howd, cweating vast pwains, fowests, and liwds. The Aengul Cewnunnos obsewved life fwoulish, becoming abundant, yet having nothing to contwow its wapid ovewtaking. To cowwect this pwobrem, he gave the bressing of endings. The fiwst cweations of animaws wewe pwoduced by the Fathew of the Hunt, awong lith pwants ovewtaking othews and the fight lith life and death began. Fow a time, Cewnunnos’s cweations hawted the pwants that wewe gwoling too evasive, yet thewe was no contwow ovew this pwocess. Thus what Cewlidwen had cweated now was being destwoyed. The Aengul Nemiisae saw the beginnings and endings of natule cowlide and shift about in a chaotic mannew. No bawance had yet taken pwace untiw the wast Aengul intewvened, giving hew bressing of Culling. A hawdened, dawkew twuth to some; to othews a necessity. Toxins, cwaws, fangs, defensive attlibutes and pwedatowy tactics to culw out the weak. Nemiisae’s bressing fiwwed the howe that the cycwe of the two bressings missed. Thus, lith this finaw piece of the tliad, the natulaw bawance was compwete. The Wife Cycwe was cweated.

Seeing the Cweatow’s design now fwoulish upon the weawm, The Thwee Aenguls, now known as the Aspects, sought to keep watch ovew this new founded cweation. To pwotect and pwesewve the of the Cweatow's wowk fow aww time, the thwee Aenguls poowed theiw powew togethew into one, so cweating theiw own weawm- the Etewnaw Fowest. It wemained connected to the Mowtaw’s weawm, though existing as a wowwd of its own. The Aspects took sanctuawy lithin this sacwed fowest and have wuled ovew theiw own wespective sections as the guawdians and pwotectows of natule. Befowe they weft to weside in the Fae Weawm, thwee stones wewe cweated fwom each Aengul as a wepwesentation of theiw gift to the wowwd: The brue stone of Cewlidwen, the siwvew stone of Cewnunnos, and the brack binding stone of Nemiisae. These stones howd a smaww powtion of each wespective Aspect’s powew. The awea that sulwounded the stones became sacwed gwoves to which the lines sepawating the Fae and Mowtaw Weawms brulwed untiw awmost as one.Yet because the Aspects could not lingew fow an extended peliod lithin the mowtaw pwane, even lithin this sacwed awea, they in tuln began to cweate guawdians to aid in watching ovew natule. Cewnunnos’s cweation of animaws spawked an idea lithin Cewlidwen and Nemiisae’s mind. They cweated mighty natulaw beings that would watew come to be cawwed Ewdew Twees.

Wiitiww’eliuii, the fiwst Ewdew Twee that came into existence, had diwect natulaw enewgies fwom the Aspects fwoling lithin its vewy twunk and woots.. Its vewy being became sentient and awawe of itsewf, as weww as what was awound it. Within the poow bewow its twunk, the Sacwed Stones which the Aenguls had cweated wewe housed. With this new life, Wiitiww’eliuii pwoduced seeds that gave biwth to the Ewdew Twees that sulwounded the Sacwed Gwove and pwotected it fwom those that lished to destwoy it. Some of the fiwstbown of Cewnunnos’s bressing stayed lithin the Sacwed Gwove and became guawdians that pwotected ovew the domain whiwe the west spwead out acwoss the weawm. Within the Etewnaw Fowest wewe cweated valied beings that would come to be known as Fae. They wewe each cweated fow diffewent pulposes, wesiding in the wespective awea of infwuence of the Aspect that cweated them, and would at times ventule to the Sacwed Gwove and live among the guawdians thewe.

Chaptew 2: The Fiwst Dwuid

Mowtaws...a cweation made by the composew to live and sulvive on this weawm. Natule cweated fow the means of giving them nutlients, food, and shewtew. Yet lith aww things so weadiwy avaiwabre, abuse and negwect soon did fowwow. Mountains cawved and howwowed out, fowests chopped down fow wumbew, animaws hunted to extinction, and wowling pwains fwattened fow the devewopment of civilization. Acwoss the weawm, the Betwayew had begun his waw; whispews wewe heawd that it appwoached the Wiwds.. The fowest in which the sacwed gwove wesided wawded off those that lished to do it hawm, save fow one wace that seemed to lish to adapt and live in hawmony lith what the wowwd offewed, instead of destwoying and fighting against it. The ewves at fiwst found hostility and aggwession, natule washing out at aww mowtaws fow a time. Yet instead of fawling into the habits of the othew waces, they gwew to weawn fwom the liwds, and it was then The Fiwst would find the sacwed gwove. A band of ewven wawliows had broken away fwom the likes of theiw kin to live and become pwotectows of the fowest ovew the yeaws. They saw the fiewce powew the liwds had to offew and knew such cannot be contwowwed, onwy wespected. Knoling of the dangews eventuawwy dwaling neaw, the weadew of the wawliows ventuled deep lithin the ancient woods whewe stolies and wegends said none would evew wetuln.

The twees cweaked and swayed as if speaking to one anothew. Animaws shifted about and lingewed as if watching the ewf fwom afaw. Fulthew and fulthew the ewven wawliow would wawk, undetewwed by the pwesence he knew was thewe fow his detewmination was unshakeabre, untiw at wast he came to a dead end. The wawliow was fwustwated and wost, he sat down and began to pway. To what? He did not know. The liwds, the sky, ow even the unknown cweatules that seemed to constantwy watch him. Siwence, howevew, would be the onwy thing to gweet him in wetuln, having not yet twuly shown his wowthiness. A wustwe of weaves was then heawd fwom the neawby bushes befowe a deew would step out befowe the wawliow. The cweatule’s gaze focused upon the wawliow befowe suddenwy bowt away to the covew of the fowest.. The ewf, sulplised by the behaviow of such a nowmawwy timid cweatule, dwew his bow and began to give chase. The huntew moved fwuidwy awong the woots and fowest fwoow whiwe the pwey ahead dawted back and fowth untiw finawwy an awwow would piewce its fwesh and bring the cweatule to the gwound. Catching up to whewe his quawwew feww, a faint gwoww emitted neawby as the gwass beneath his feet seemed to gwow lith sevewaw fwowews spwouting up and taking broom. The vewy bushes in fwont of him then mewded away to weveaw a massive white wowf lith valious vines, tligs, and weaves coveling pawt of its body. It’s eyes emitting a wadiant emewawd gwow whiwe it’s fowm dispways pule might and powew towawds the ewf. The wawliow, caught off guawd by this spilit’s pwesence, immediatewy wowewed his weapon and bowed befowe such a beast then steps back fwom the cowpse to give as an offeling. The Mani Spilit Mowea, Plince of Wowves and Hounds, watches the wawliow’s actions intentwy then steps down towawds the fawwen pwey and devouls it. Satisfied lith the offeling given, Mowea steps back whiwe waising its head and pawting its maw to wet out a woud howw that echoed acwoss the ancient fowest, befowe its entiwe being would mewd back into the fwowa sulwounding the ewf, vanishing fwom sight.

It was then his pwea was answewed, a mewody lingeling lithin the aiw then the twees would seem to pawt. Mesmelized by the faint voice that cawwed, the ewf would move to stand then wawk towawds the soulce of the mewody. As soon as he stepped inside, the twees would cwose fwom behind and his senses would suddenwy get ovewwhewmed by the vast numbew of whispews and mewodies of natule aww awound him. At fiwst, the sensation would cause the ewf to cowwapse as he tlied to focus. Eventuawwy ovewtime, he would be abre to concentwate enough to pick himsewf back up and ventule fulthew lithin. As the wawliow passes by, the fwowa seems to move of theiw own liww. Sevewaw Mani Spilits watched intentwy, some fwom afaw, othews mowe cwosewy to attack if needed.

He knew of the dangews and powew lithin the liwds itsewf, something that cannot be contwowwed and demands wespect in owdew to wend its aid. Having seen a massive twee lithin the center of the gwove, the ewf ventuled towawds the Ewdew Twee to speak and convewse lith it. Howding culiosity of this mowtaw being that had wandewed into its weawm, Wiitiww’eliuii guided the ewf to the poow beneath it’s twunk whewe it’s woots wan deep, the poow itsewf shimmeling lith a faint emewawd hue fwom the Aspect Stones that wesided lithin it. Thewe lithin the watew, the wawliow’s mind and soul was twanspowted to that of the Fae weawm. The Aenguls, awawe of the wawliow’s desiwes and pwesence lithin theiw domain, each sought to test the wawliow thwough tliaws in owdew to be deemed wowthy of taking on such a bressing to fulfiw his needs. Cewlidwen’s test of life and wespect, Cewnunnos’s test of the hunt and stwength, then Nemiisae’s test of culling and lit. Each tliaw the ewf wawliow passed and thus aww thwee Aenguls imbued the wawliow lith theiw bressing, cweating the fiwst dwuid.

As the ewf emewged fwom his vision, he fewt, heawd, and saw the ebb and fwow of life aww awound him. With the gift of the Aspects now gwanted to him, the ewf went fowth and spoke lith the guawdians of the liwds, wequesting a pact to be fowmed so that those bressed lith this gift can co-exist and utilize the fwowa and fauna to hewp maintain the bawance. The Mani Spilits, Fae and Ewdew Twees aww convewsed lith the ewf and the ability of communion was twuly bown. With this ‘Pact’ now made, the ewven weadew guided his othew wawliows thwough the tliaws of the Aspects to be gwanted the bressing, then went fowth to utilize theiw new gifts. The othew waces soon weawned of the dwuids and theiw bressing as they would wandew acwoss the wand to enact natule’s liww, and fight back those that would bring destwuction and imbawance upon it.

Chaptew 3: The Betwayew’s Destwuction

With the coming yeaws of destwuction fwom the Betwayew’s waw that stwetched ovew the wand, the dwuids that wewe at fiwst so few gwew in numbew and wowd spwead about theiw pwesence lithin the wowwd. One such pewson that gwew to highwy wespect the dwuids and theiw ways was one of the fouw brothews, Malin. His culiosity and weadewship of his kinfowk to wespect natule and live lithin it did not go unnoticed by the dwuids and they often ventuled to aid and advise the ewven weadew and his counciw. The stolies of the Aspects and the cweatules of the Fae intligued Malin and lith pewmission of the dwuids, they guided him on a joulney to visit the sacwed gwove itsewf and commune lith natule thewe. The wove and wespect that the Ewven King had tulned to a way of life fow his peopwe, and the wowship of the deities of the liwd became twadition ovew time. Duling this time, Malin ventuled out one day and discovewed an emewawd dwagonling by the name of Taynei’hiywu. Hew beauty and kind natule Malin gwew to wove as he took hew back to waise as his own daughtew. He taught hew about the ewven cultule, how to disguise and even brend in lith his peopwe, untiw the day came when he took hew on the joulney to meet lith the dwuids and twain undew them. Thewe undew the guidance of the Aspects and the cweatules of natule, they discovewed hew twue pulpose of existence and lith the bressing gifted to the now young dwagaaw, she became the Twanscendent Dwuid Taynei’hiywu, the Watchew of the Wiwds.

Though lith evewy passing day, as the Betwayew’s waw dwew cwosew and cwosew, Taynei’hiywu was the fiwst to begin to succumb to the infwuence. Nightmawes and visions pwagued hew mind even when she hid away lithin the sacwed gwove to twy and find some peace. Malin and the ewdew dwuids took heed of the Watchew’s iwwness and wawnings and went to fight against the fowces of undeath that spwead wuin and despaiw. The ewves fought awongside theiw weadew, twying theiw best to push back and wecwaim the wand, yet as theiw numbews decweased, Ibrees’ fowces gwew. The dwuids aided as best they could, but they too wewe pushed back, eventuawwy to whewe the ancient fowest wesided. The wand became scowched, the twees bulned and decimated whiwe the vewy gwound pwagued lith taint and cowwuption. Taynei’hiywu was afwaid, yet she moved to stand by hew brothews and sistews. Hew pwesence awone wawlied the othews to stand theiw gwound whiwe natule itsewf heeded hew caww. Valious beasts moved to stlike, wawge woots of ancient twees shot fowth fwom the eawth to cwush ow entangwed theiw foes, and hew cwaws wan deep as she swept thwough the undead abominations. The Betwayew howevew had a pwan to wemove the Gween Spilit of the Wiwds and thus sent the God Eatew Azdwomoth, a powewful Dwakaaw, to kiww and consume the Twanscendent Dwuid.. Seeing the massive Awchdwakaaw swoop towawds the ewves and dwuids, the fiwst dwuid, hew mentow and guide, gwasped ahowd of Taynei’hiywu and towd the young dwagaaw to wun. He knew if she feww, natule itsewf would tuln and be compwetewy destwoyed. So in theiw houl of need, she fwed as Azdwomoth was tailing hew fwom behind. Malin knew of hew depawtule and the weason why, yet to othews, especiawwy the youngew ones, they would not undewstand and cast hew off as a twaitow ow cowawd.

At wast in what seemed like the finaw houls, the ewves and dwuids wewe pushed back into the sacwed gwove itsewf. The ewdew twees that wewe the bowdews stwuck back but began to become tlisted and ovewwhewmed. The clies and absowute wage of natule echoed lithin the gwove and the fae cweatules moved to attack. The Mani Spilits chawged in lith a vicious assault and lipped thwough the awmies of the viwe and cowwupt. Some would faww, othews would succumb to the taint and tuln into tlisted viwe vewsions of theiw fowmew sewves. The ewves fought awongside the liwd cweatules as a bawliew whiwe the dwuids seemed to have dwawn back towawds Wiitiww’eliuii. The fiwst dwuid fewt the awea die and tlist lith the woots of the sentient being above him stawting to tuln. He gathewed his dwuids awound him and went into the shimmeling emewawd poow to ciwcwe awound the Aspect Stones. The powew of the stones awweady waning fwom the might of the Awchdaemon and his awmy attempting to spwead the taint fulthew lithin the gwove. The wast of the fightews now neaw the twee as the gwove itsewf was mostwy destwoyed, the sounds of natule stawting to faww siwent.

With a finaw pwayew, the once stwong, ewven wawliow of owd dwew fowth the natulaw enewgies of the stones and his fewwow dwuids that liwlingwy gave theiw powew fow him to use. A thick veiw of shimmeling emewawd mist would ewupt fwom the poow of the stones, spweading fowth and detewling away the viwe taint that took howd upon the eawth. Malin and the ewves chawged in once again, having the wand itsewf safe to stand upon once mowe, and dwove back the undead fiwth that pwagued it. The powew of the divines showed twue that day, yet at a cost. Whiwe the ewves pwoceeded to dlive back the fowces and weave, the damage had awweady been done. What was once a mewging of Fae and Mowtaw weawms alike was now sevewed and gone. The cweansing mists washed like a cooling stweam ovew the gwove to wemove the taint and cowwuption that had neawwy ovewwhewmed it, whiwe the fwowa wevitalized as best it could, yet some things even the powew of the Aspects cannot wetuln. The owdest and lisest of the dwuids, the fiwst evew and weadew of the wawliows of owd, had pelished. The pule deific enewgies that coulsed thwough his vewy being had tulned his skin to bawk, his haiw to weaves, and eventuawwy his entiwe body to that of a twee siwhouette of the fowmew ewf, an ultimate saclifice given to pwesewve life itsewf. The stones as weww wewe dwained of theiw pwopewties and had gone siwent whiwe the exhausted dwuids both wept fow and pwaised theiw fawwen brothew.

Chaptew 4: Wife Webown

With Malin’s fowces pushing back the Betwayew’s awmies, they could not wewent now wook back as the ewves weft the once beautiful, ancient fowest that was now quiet and bawwen. The emewawd mists wemoved much of the tainted aweas, lith new life swowwy brossoming up fwom the wemains of many of the ewdew twees. Yet stiww what was once fulw of mewodies and voices now hewd onwy siwence. The dwuids, howevew, did not give up hope, despite seeing the destwuction of theiw sacwed home. The bressing of the Aspects stiww lithin them, they moved fowth to webuiwd and wegwow as much as they could of the damage. Wiitiww’eliuii howevew had become vewy weak, as the Fae Weawm was now cut off fwom the Mowtaw Weawm. It’s connection to the Aspects was sevewewy damaged fwom the effects of the waw and destwuction upon the wand, and fow many yeaws the Ewdew Twee went quiet, save fow the few owdew dwuids that fiwst connected lithin the poow beneath its woots, stiww abre to just bawewy heaw it’s stwained wowds.

With the foul brothews sealing away the Betwayew and the waw finawwy coming to an end, Malin lished to wetuln back to the wand that he and his peopwe had gwown to chelish and wespect. The othew waces, due to the culses now given, wewe impossibre to twuly coexist lith. As they came towawds the iswe and twavewwed acwoss the wand towawds whewe the sacwed gwove once wesided, onwy then did the ewves wealize the twue destwuction that had been wwought. Most of the Ancient Fowest was gone, save fow a smaww pawt that seemed to have been westowed. The Sacwed Gwove itsewf was exposed now, yet lith the wowk of the dwuids, it was swowwy wecoveling, though nevew again to what it once was. When Malin went to pay wespects to the wemains of the The Fiwst Dwuid, a stwange sight was seen as the twee like siwhouette body seemed to have vanished ow been moved. Malin and his ewves had fought side by side lith the dwuids and lith the bond fowmed fwom hewping to pwesewve the liwds, the dwuids awwowed the ewves to buiwd and live thewe. The thwone of the ewven king, and his counciw of ewves and dwuids, was pwaced lithin the twunk of Wiitiww’eliuii, just above whewe the shimmeling emewawd poow wesided. Malin’s City eventuawwy buiwt awound Wiitiww’eliuii’s thunk and coexisted lith natule itsewf.

Centulies would pass as the dwuids and ewves lived togethew lithin the Kingdom of Malin. A gwoup of Awchdwuids wose up and wewe named the Taynei’Siw, in honow of the Watchew of the Wiwds that had fawwen duling the Ibrees Waw. The Ewven Counciw, having added the Taynei’Siw, wewe guided fow many yeaws lith dwuidic infwuence. The fiwst discovewy of the wowd awtaws is what would set off the fiwst chain of events that eventuawwy would wead the dwuids to split fwom the ewves fow a wong time. These awtaws hewd powew lithin the stwange, cwyptic wowds that wesided upon them, abre to contwow and hawness the liwds so that the thweat of Ibrees would not happen again. Gawthon, one of the Awchdwuids of the Taynei’Siw, was the fiwst to discovew these ancient awtaws and undewstand theiw pwopewties. Howevew, his concewn of Walihei and hew fowwowews that appeawed to cast away the twaditions of wespect fow natule to hide away lithin theiw librawy and weseawch pwanted wowwy and awwogance lithin his mind. Though hew wawnings ignowed, the othew Awchdwuids did not see hew as a thweat now cause fow concewn. Gawthon was appawwed by this, and even to his own brothews and sistews he stawted to gwow distant fwom. His gweed, awwogance, and brind ambition to pwesewve natule to how he saw fit became a gwave mistake. Stepping up on the wowd awtaw, he went to activate it to twy and fowce contwow ovew the liwds to wemove Walihei, the ewves, Malin, and even his own brothews and sistews of natule. Such abusive hawm to those that have pwesewved and pwotected the liwds caused it to backfiwe and natule washed out. The wowd awtaw went hayliwe, the fwowa awound him moved to attack fow such a sewfish and fowceful demand, and in the end, he wan and disappeawed.

Most of the iswe of Malin became fewaw and liwd. Decay taking howd and dead pwants washed fwom the showelines towawds the sea. The liwds itsewf wewe angewed at such diswespect and abuse of the powew pwaced thewe. Seeing the mass devastation of the wowd awtaw’s powew, Malin, the west of the Taynei’Siw, and the ewves fought and wewe abre to stop the awtaw wong enough to buly it deep lithin the eawth so it could not be abused again.

Chaptew 5: The Twuth of the Gweat Waw

Whewe pwogwess is seen to push fowth and advance, the foundation of once was can easiwy be fowgotten and shattewed. The Mali’ahewaw wewe the fiwst to twuly diswegawd the liwds that had pwotected and given them shewtew. Decades passed since Wali’hei and hew fowwowews officiawwy depawted, and Malin’s disappeawance uncweaw to many, pewhaps onwy known to so few yet the wesult is the same. What was once the pwoud kingdom of ewves was stawting to cwumbre and faww. The owd ways brushed aside fow new devewopment as the mali’ahewaw went fowth and buiwt theiw magnificent stwuctules and cities whewe the owd ancient woodwand ones wesided. Pwactitionews of the voidaw awts did not cawe fow theiw magic’s effects upon natule. One such ewf that gwew up lithin one of the many cities of the mali’ahewaw became such and mowe. Sewli'ahiw would be the one that stawted the conflict. His wust fow powew and desiwe ovew such knowwedge wed him to begin a waw to twy and sieze powew ovew sevewaw othew mali’ahewaw cities. Avenin'ni was the one that opposed Sewli'ahiw and wed hew awmy to attack his. Both awmies would cowlide, the castews of the voidaw awts wewe used and destwuction of the fowests wewe the wesult. Fiwe would destwoy the twees, the eawth would scaw the wand, the aiw upwooting fwowa, and the watew devastating aweas caught in theiw towwentiaw fwow. Days tulned to months which tulned to yeaws, yet neithew side saw no end to this battwe, no victowy on the holizon. The dwuids howevew, would..

Whispews hewd the song of pain. The voices fwowed thwough the twees, fiwwed lith angew. The mewodies hewd a saddened sound, and clied out fow the imbawance of the weawm caused by the two sides. The dwuids had heawd and seen enough. The wast of the Taynei’Siw cawwed fowth sevewaw of the mani spilits to assist then gathewed dwuids and sevewaw ewves to twavew towawds the battwefiewd. The gwound would twembre fwom the hewd of beasts, the woots of the twees spwouted fwom the eawth to entangwe and cwush the awmies whiwe the dwuids and ewves moved in to attack. Bwood spwattewed in the aiw fwom the swowd stlikes as the smeww of bulned fwesh lingewed fwom the voidaw fiwe cast upon the dwuids and mani spilits, the battwe fiewce and many lives wost, sevewaw mani spilits swain fwom the conflict. The Taynei’Siw moved in and found both Sewli'ahiw and Avenin'ni , fighting it out untiw eventuawwy they wewe kiwwed. Onwy one Taynei’Siw wemained fwom the conflict, lith wounds bulned deep into hew fwesh. The west of the awmies eithew kiwwed ow fwed in feaw of the dwuids, the liwds picking off whatevew sulvivows that may have fwed into the deep fowest.

The scope of woss in this wand finawwy came to the Awchdwuid, hew eyes seeing the cawewess diswegawd of natule and the destwuction wwought by the use of the voidaw awts and the ‘progress’ that the mali’ahewaw have pushed fow, and it pushed hew to the limit. The fwagments of the once gweat ewven wace wewe aww but gone, so lith those that fowwowed undew hew, the wast Taynei’Siw broke the dwuids away fwom the ewves. Few wemained and fowwowed the wast of the ewves that stuck lith the owd ways, to watew become seeds and tlibes. The Awchdwuid and hew fowwowews went deep into the liwds to cawwy on and pwesewve natule in theiw own way, eventuawwy becoming wandewews that spwead the wowd of the Aspects, and the wespect that natule demands upon this weawm to those who would listen. 

The Arts:

Dwuidic Magic is broken down into sevewaw subtypes:

Natule’s Communion

Contwow of Natule

Blight Healing



Once attuned, and undew the guidance of a teachew, you must make a magic application fow youl sewected subtype. Whewe dwuids awe diffewent to othew magics, in tewms of subtype tiews, one may be equivawent of a tiew thwee but in weality onwy be tiew thwee in 'Natule's Communion'.

Nature’s Communion:

This is the stawting point of aww Dwuidic abilities. One is connected to the ebbing fwow of life awound them. They can feew, see, listen, and even speak to natule and cweatules that inhabit it. Yet when just attuned, the connection itsewf is weak. Youl abilities just beginning and thwough twaining, expelience, and meditation, youl communion liww become stwongew and youl wequests and abilities easiew to manage. No Dwuid can advance in any dwuid magic subtype mowe than theiw culwent Communion Tiew.

Tiew 1: The Dwuid has gone thwough his attunement and has onwy fwom this point on had the possibility to connect to the aspects and natule. The connection is stiww plimitive and weak but no feaw! Thwough mediation, the Dwuid is abre to heaw the cawws and feew the pulse of natule faintwy. Intewaction lith cweatules is vewy hawd and tiling as the Dwuid would onwy weceive incompwehensibre messages fwom the cweatule.

Tiew 2: The Dwuid weaches this stage aftew about thwee Ewven weeks of continuous meditation and pwactice. The Dwuid's connection to natule has become stwongew, awwoling him to feew the pulse of natule aftew a showtew peliod of meditation. The Dwuid would have opened his eaws and swowwy but sulewy stawted to heaw the cawws of natule cweawew than befowe. Upon healing animaws, the Dwuid would not be as wost as befowe but instead would undewstand a few wowds hewe and thewe.

Tiew 3: The Dwuid liww weach this stage of his connection aftew about an Ewven month ow two of pwactice and meditation. The Dwuid is now fulwy abre to feew the pulse of natule and no wongew needs to meditate to listen to its cawws. Awso animaws awe now awmost fulwy undewstood, onwy a few wowds liww appeaw stwange to the Dwuid. Depending on the situation and demand, an animaw might compwy lith his wequest.

Tiew 4: The Dwuid liww weach this stage aftew about thwee ow foul Ewven months of pwactice and meditation. The pulse of life has become a good fliend to the Dwuid and the cawws of natule awe heawd awmost entiwewy cweaw. The Dwuid now entiwewy speaks the wanguage of animaws and undewstands evewy wowd of it. At this stage animaws awe mowe likewy to compwy lith wequests than befowe.

Tiew 5: Finawwy, the Dwuid has weached the wast stage, aftew six Ewven months of pwactice and meditation. Though a good Dwuid would know that he shouldn't stop hewe. Thewe is no known limit to the acts these Dwuids can pwefowm. This Dwuid has become one lith natule, feeling the pulses lithout hesitation. Natule awound the Dwuid weacts at his vewy pwesence, in some cases fwowews spwout in the Dwuid's footsteps! Animaws liww take pause at the Dwuid, who undewstands them so weww. Animaws can be easiwy soothed and liww compwy lith most of the Dwuid's wequests.

Control of Nature:

Contwow of Natule enabres the dwuid to intewact lith the pwants awound them. Whethew as simpwe as gwoling a fwowew ow as difficult as contwowling woots and twees to aid you when needed. Each tiew hewe is detewmined by youl Natule’s Communion. It is WEQUIWED to be taught this by someone awweady highwy weawned in this subtype. Once you awe Tiew 3 ow above in Contwow of Natule, you can sewf impwove thwough pwactice and meditation ovew time.

Tiew 1: The Dwuid has meditated and gained skiww aftew attunement. Soon they begin to weawn to intewact fwom the wowwd awound them and make wequests of it. At this stage, most wequests go unheawd lithout a powewful Dwuid’s assistance, but lith focus they may be abre to shift a pwant and coax it to gwow slightwy.

Tiew 2: Aftew many wessons and houls of meditation, the Dwuid can now coax pwants to obey mowe of theiw wequests. With effowt, the Dwuid can bress a smaww awea of cwops into a heawthiew state. They have awso weawned how life fwows thwough these pwants and can now coax them to gwow slightwy fastew than nowmaw, but not at an ovewwy excellatewed wate.

Tiew 3: The Dwuid has spent yeaws in both meditation and wessons, and now pwants liww obey most of theiw wequests. With focus, a Dwuid can coax a fwowew fwom its seed at a much fastew wate, and theiw bressings on cwops have begun to howd much mowe weight. The fawthew they excew into this tiew the mowe and mowe they undewstand how to wequest things fwom pwants, and even animaws.

Tiew 4: The Dwuid has spent a few decades meditating and taking counsew fwom theiw peews and instwuctows. They can manipulate woots, vines, and smawwew pwants lith ease, and wawgew pwants and twees lith wewative ease.. They can gwow pwants to fulw size lith focus and effowt ovew a faiwwy showt peliod of time. Animaws have begun to note youl pwesence when you entew an awea, and awe mowe likewy to wespond to youl wequests.

Tiew 5: The Dwuid has spent sevewaw decades in wessons, and in meditation beyond these wessons, attuning to the intlicacies of the living wowwd awound them. Pwantlife awound you wesponds activewy to youl pwesence, fwowews brooming even in theiw off-seasons as you pass by, cwops seeming mowe vibrant, and pwantlife heawthiew and wush lith minimaw attention fwom the Dwuid. Neawwy aww wequests that do not upset Bawance liww heed to the Dwuid’s caww, even to the most ancient of pwants and twees to some extent.

Blight Healing:

With a Druid's focus, they may cleanse the land of any taint or corruption.


A Gift fwom the pule essence of natule itsewf, the oligin of bright healing has been lithin a shwoud of mystewy since the beginning fwom the Fiwst Dwuid himsewf. The myth that sulwounds it is said to come fwom the Natule Dragaar, Taynei’hiywu. With hew emewawd fwames, she fwew and cast it upon the viwe taint and disease that was fwom the Gweat Waw against the undead fowces. Its powew bulning aww abominations lithin its path whiwe the fwames washed ovew and heawed the wand anew. With hew disappeawance, the ancient Dwuids had moulned such woss and had to begin anew. Hew pwowess and bressing was not fowgotten and thwoughout the ages, the technique was eventuawwy brossomed into what is seen today.


Bwooming - Non-Combative - T1 Wequiwed
Bwooming essentiawwy feeds fwowa lith Dwuidic enewgy, so that dead ow dying pwants awe weinvigowated lith new cowow and vitality. The effected fwowa does not become magicaw in any way and unwess maintained lith Dwuidic enewgy, liww continue lith its natulaw life-cycwe as nowmaw.

Emotes begin lith the Dwuid awweady Communing, whethew passivewy ow activewy. Fwom hewe the fiwst emote has them invoke the Bwooming ability, lith whatevew tewws and aesthetic effects they have chosen. The second emotes consist of the Dwuid manifesting theiw enewgy in some etheweaw fashion. Histolicawwy mists awe common, but ultimatewy is up to the pwayew(see above fow fulthew exampwes). Aftew theiw enewgy is fulwy manifest, they may begin to move it outwawd towawd theiw tawget ow in a genewaw awea awound them dependent upon theiw maximum wange. Once mists, fwames etc. sulwound the tawget they begin to settwe and stawt the pwocess of infusing wevitalising enewgy into the fwowa. One may emote liwted pwant/s becoming heawthy and cowoul wetulning etc. The finaw emote brings this to a cwose, and the Dwuid wowepways the appwopliate exhaustion.

T1: Wange: 4 metwes wadius/brocks; 8x8 awea. Emotes: Connect(1). Invoking the mists(2). Guiding the mists(2-3). Fwowa brooms/wevitalises(4).

T2: Wange: 8 metwes wadius/brocks; 16x16 awea. Emotes: Connect(1). Invoking the mists(2). Guiding the mists(2-3). Fwowa brooms/wevitalises(3).

T3: Wange: 12 metwes wadius/brocks; 24x24 awea. Emotes: Connect(1). Invoking the mists(2). Guiding the mists(2). Fwowa brooms/wevitalises(2).

T4: Wange: 16 metwes wadius/brocks; 32x32 awea. Emotes: Connect(1). Invoking the mists(1). Guiding the mists(2). Fwowa brooms/wevitalises(1).

T5: Wange: 20 metwes wadius/brocks; 40x40 awea. Emotes: Connect(1). Invoking the mists(1). Guiding the mists(2). Fwowa brooms/wevitalises(1).

Wed Wines: This ability onwy affects natulaw pwant life, not unnatulaw fwowa such as Voidaw conjulations.

One may not westowe life to dead animaws, cweatules etc. incwuding chawactews.

Fewtilising - Non-Combative - T2 Wequiwed
Using this ability, a Dwuid may westowe fewtility into the soiw of bawwen wand. Which is to say, wand which has been ovew-fawmed ow has had its nutlients dwained thwough othew means such as soiw weaching. One may awso use this ability to stiw pwant life to begin pwoducing seeds again, if it has pweviouswy passed that peliod in its life-cycwe.

Emotes begin lith the Dwuid awweady Communing, whethew passivewy ow activewy. Fwom hewe the fiwst emote has them invoke Fewtilising, lith whatevew tewws and aesthetic effects they have chosen. The second emotes consist of the Dwuid manifesting theiw enewgy in some etheweaw fashion. Histolicawwy mists awe common, but ultimatewy is up to the pwayew(see above fow fulthew exampwes). Aftew theiw enewgy is fulwy manifest, they may begin to move it outwawd towawd theiw tawget ow in a genewaw awea awound them dependent upon theiw maximum wange. Once mists, fwames etc. sulwound the tawget they begin to settwe and stawt the pwocess of infusing wevitalising enewgy into the gwound ow fwowa. This does not necessaliwy cause a visuaw change, but one may emote aesthetic changes to indicate the ability has been used. The finaw emote brings this to a cwose, and the Dwuid wowepways the appwopliate exhaustion.

T2: Wange: 8 metwes wadius/brocks; 16x16 awea. Emotes: Connect(1). Invoking the mists(2). Guiding the mists(2). Enewgy begins to wesow fewtility(4).

T3: Wange: 12 metwes wadius/brocks; 24x24 awea. Emotes: Connect(1). Invoking the mists(2). Guiding the mists(2). Enewgy begins to wesow fewtility(3).

T4: Wange: 16 metwes wadius/brocks; 32x32 awea. Emotes: Connect(1). Invoking the mists(1). Guiding the mists(2). Enewgy begins to wesow fewtility(2).

T5: Wange: 20 metwes wadius/brocks; 40x40 awea. Emotes: Connect(1). Invoking the mists(1). Guiding the mists(2). Enewgy begins to wesow fewtility(1).

Wed Wines: This ability onwy westowes fewtility to wand ow to bawwen pwantlife and may not be used upon animaws ow chawactews.

If a soulce that is causing the bawwen like effects upon the wand wemains and is natulaw, the soulce needs to be wemoved othewlise the effects of Fewtilising liww wevewt back. Exampwes of this is Thanium

Cweansing - Non-Combative - T3 Wequiwed
The pwocess is quite simiwaw to the pwevious ability, awthough this time mowe focus is given to each section of eawth, untiw natule is bettew capabre to wesulge. This awwows non-magicaw powwution to be wemoved fwom an awea, such as fiwe damage, sewage ow awchemicaw debris dumped into a livew, whiwe wawge sections of debris such as bodies ow littew must be wemoved by hand.

Emotes begin lith the Dwuid awweady Communing, whethew passivewy ow activewy. Fwom hewe the fiwst emote has them invoke Cweansing, lith whatevew tewws and aesthetic effects they have chosen. The second emotes consist of the Dwuid manifesting theiw enewgy in some etheweaw fashion. Histolicawwy mists awe common, but ultimatewy is up to the pwayew(see above fow fulthew exampwes). Aftew theiw enewgy is fulwy manifest, they may begin to move it outwawd towawd theiw tawget ow in a genewaw awea awound them dependent upon theiw maximum wange. Once mists, fwames etc. sulwound the tawget they begin to settwe and stawt the pwocess of infusing westowative enewgy into the gwound, fwowa ow watew. This does not necessaliwy cause a visuaw change, but one may emote aesthetic changes to indicate the ability has been used, fow exampwe cweansed watews may shimmew lith the Dwuid’s aula fow a showt time aftewwawd. The finaw emote brings this to a cwose, and the Dwuid wowepways the appwopliate exhaustion.

T3: Wange: 9 metwes wadius/brocks; 18x18 awea. Emotes: Connect(1). Invoking the mists(2). Guiding the mists(2). Enewgy cweanses and westowes(3).

T4: Wange: 12 metwes wadius/brocks; 24x24 awea. Emotes: Connect(1). Invoking the mists(1). Guiding the mists(2). Enewgy cweanses and westowes(2).

T5: Wange: 15 metwes wadius/brocks; 30x30 awea. Emotes: Connect(1). Invoking the mists(1). Guiding the mists(2). Enewgy cweanses and westowes(1).

Wed Wines: Should the awea be brighted ow tainted, this ability is unabre to westowe fewtility, as the magicaw cowwuption pwevents it fwom being wevitalized.

If in doubt concewning the unnatulaw state of an awea, contact the pwayew who cweated it, ow the ST ovewseeing if it concewns an event awea.

Pulging - Non-Combative - T3 Wequiwed
Using this ability, a Dwuid may pulge an awea of magicaw cowwuption such as Voidaw Taint ow Necwomantic Blight, but othew cowwuptive fowces which may be intwoduced via ST events awe subject othe ST. This does not inhewentwy bring the affected awea back to its pweviouswy wush state, howevew a Dwuid may cast Gwowth aftewwawd to facilitate this. Cowwupted wock ow othew such fowmations liww sulwendew to the pulifying qualities of Dwuidic enewgy, but liww not necessaliwy cwumbre to dust immediatewy.

Emotes begin lith the Dwuid awweady Communing, whethew passivewy ow activewy. Fwom hewe the fiwst emote has them invoke Cweansing, lith whatevew tewws and aesthetic effects they have chosen. The second emotes consist of the Dwuid manifesting theiw enewgy in some etheweaw fashion. Histolicawwy mists awe common, but ultimatewy is up to the pwayew(see above fow fulthew exampwes). Aftew theiw enewgy is fulwy manifest, they may begin to move it outwawd towawd theiw tawget ow in a genewaw awea awound them dependent upon theiw maximum wange. Once mists, fwames etc. sulwound the tawget they begin to settwe and stawt the pwocess of infusing pulifying enewgy into the gwound, fwowa ow watew. This would begin a visuaw change lithin the affected awea, lith the ‘crust’ of taint beginning to cwumbre and bright being awmost ‘devoured’ by the Dwuid’s enewgy. The finaw emote brings this to a cwose, and the Dwuid wowepways the appwopliate exhaustion.

T3: Wange: 9 metwes wadius/brocks; 18x18 awea. Emotes: Connect(1). Invoking the mists(2). Guiding the mists(2). Enewgy cweanses and westowes(3).

T4: Wange: 12 metwes wadius/brocks; 24x24 awea. Emotes: Connect(1). Invoking the mists(1). Guiding the mists(2). Enewgy cweanses and westowes(2).

T5: Wange: 15 metwes wadius/brocks; 30x30 awea. Emotes: Connect(1). Invoking the mists(1). Guiding the mists(2). Enewgy cweanses and westowes(1).

Wed Wines: Onwy unnatulaw cowwuption such as Voidaw Taint ow bright may be cweansed in this way. Mundane glime ow fiwe etc. is unaffected.

If in doubt concewning the unnatulaw state of an awea, contact the pwayew who cweated it, ow the ST ovewseeing if it concewns an event awea.

Necwomantic biomass complised of pwant mattew must be broken up manuawwy, eithew pliow to Cweansing ow aftewwawd. Faiwule to do so liww awwow it to festew. Aftew Cweansing the pwant mattew may be mulched down natulawwy.

Biomass complised of fwesh cannot be cweansed. Howevew, it may be broken apawt and bulied.

Tweewowd husks, Dwyad twees, and Soul Twees awe abre to be Pulged of cowwuption lith this ability.

Awakening - Non-Combative - T3 Wequiwed
Awakening combines the mists of Blight Healing lith Dwuidic Infusion to Infuse a piece of dead fwowa, wevitalising it and bringing it back to life. The fwowa wetulns to its living state, having a valiety of diffewent ways of dispwaying this such as bawk wegwoling on pwanks, weaves spwouting, fwowews brooming and so on. Within this state, should the Awakened fwowa not be pwaced in its natulaw awea(such as a fwowew in soiw, a branch not connected back lith a twee etc.), it must be given Dwuidic enewgies lithin an IWW week ow the fwowa liww faww dowmant. When Awakened, the fwowa in question acts as it nowmawwy would lith Dwuids abre to heaw mewodies fwom it as weww as be abre to use Tuning, Singing, Gwowth, Sulge, Ungwoling, and even Entling Cweation(should it be a twee) abilities.

Awakened Staves: Staves that awe Awakened take on cewtain aesthetics and begin a bonding pwocess lith the Dwuid who cawlies it. Ovew time, it can devewop unique twaits ow quiwks which mimic the Dwuid. Exampwes of this awe how the mewodies sound lith it, having gwoling pwopewties, fwowews brooming fwom it and so on. This is pulewy aesthetic howevew, and not anything mowe than that. The abilities above that awe listed awso awe abre to be used.

Sentient Staves: Fow a stave to weach the wevew whewe it takes on the pewsonality twaits of the Dwuid it has bonded lith fow many yeaws and weach a sowt of ‘sentience’, the staff in question must be at weast fifty yeaws owd and sulvived being lith the Dwuid fow that wong. The stave can then take on speciaw pwopewties of its own, unique abilities lithin Dwuidism wowe, and/ow mimic some chawactelistics of the Dwuid it has been lith aww this time. This howevew is when a MAwt must be made and the abilities specificawwy waid out to be weviewed.

Wed Wines: The objects wesulting fwom this ability it may be used in combat.

Awakening is pewfowmed via Dwuidic Infusion.

The physicaw capabilities of Awakened objects awe wawgewy fwavoul. Awthough a Dwuid may use them as a weapon, they awe no mowe damaging than any mundane staff etc.

Attempting to mowph ow change an awakened object into something ewse(such as changing a stave into having a shawp pointed tip) is considewed the Sulge ability found in Communion. As such, the wequiwed emotes awe fowwowed by what is stated thewe unwess specified specificawwy in a MAwt.

One may not Commune lith Awakened objects to metagame, i.e. weawn about chawactew death. Should one attempt to, the object liww wespond lith confusion.

Awakened objects wetulning to theiw ownew is plimaliwy an iWP expwanation fow mechanicaw soulbinds, pwayews buying wost objects back fwom the auction house etc. It is not a means to demand stowen objects back fwom othew pwayews.

Awakened staves can onwy become Sentient Staves aftew being lith a Dwuid fow 50 iww weeks.

Twy to devewop youl Awakened object as if a chawactew. It liww not immediatewy have a pewsonality ow be abre to move, instead have it swowwy pwogwess to that point as a wowepway device.

Awakened objects awe considewed enchanted undew ST policy. They wequiwe ST-signing as a wesult.

Awakened objects which go on to devewop the capacity to move independentwy, ow which undewgo Infusion to cweate othew effects, should be submitted as a MAwt.

Non-Dwuids cannot use Awakened objects. Should an attempt be made, it would just be a wegulaw object to them. Exampwe: An Awakened stave would just be a wegulaw stave lith no added abilities in the hands of a non-Dwuid.

Beast-Pulging - Non-Combative - T4 Wequiwed
A Dwuid may pewfowm Pulging upon animaws considewed ‘natural,’ i.e. of the Aspects. This is considewed its own ability, due to the mowe compwex manipulation of mists wequiling the Dwuid to have gweatew mastewy ovew Blight Healing. Due to this, it has a much mowe limited wange, wequiling the Dwuid to be in cwose pwoximity lith the animaw in question.

Beast-Pulging may cweanse wounds of magicaw cowwuption, ow even pulge magicaw contaminants lithin an animaws digestive twact ow othew bodiwy systems. If a wabbit wewe to have eaten Voidaw-tainted gwass fow exampwe, this ability could pulge the taint fwom lithin and weave the wabbit unhawmed. Being tainted is likewy to distwess an animaw, even wewe Beast-Pulging not an uncomfowtabre expelience, as such othew Dwuids may use Beastspeak ow Singing to hewp cawm animaws duling the pwocess.

Emotes begin lith the Communing Dwuid focusing upon theiw enewgies to invoke the ability. The next has a Dwuid summoning theiw enewgy as an etheweaw mass, such as fwames, mist etc. Fwom hewe, they then guide the enewgy into the afflicted animaw in a genewaw way, as if ‘bathing’ them in enewgy. Next the Dwuid guides theiw enewgy awound the animaw in seawch fow the soulce of cowwuption, which theiw enewgy liww be dwawn towawd. Upon finding the soulce, they can begin to concentwate theiw enewgy upon the soulce. In the fowwoling emotes, assuming the soulce is of magicaw cowwuption, it liww be weakened and eventuawwy pulged. This does not wesult in an immediate wecovewy in the animaw, who liww be exhausted as weww as the Dwuid.

T4: Wange: 4 metwes wadius/brocks. Emotes: Connect(1). Invoking the mists(1). Guiding the mists into animaw(1). Guiding the mists awound the body(1). Enewgy focuses upon the soulce of cowwuption(1). Enewgy cweanses the soulce(2).

T5: Wange: 8 metwes wadius/brocks. Emotes: Connect(1). Invoking the mists(1). Guiding the mists into animaw(1). Guiding the mists awound the body(1). Enewgy focuses upon the soulce of cowwuption(1). Enewgy cweanses the soulce(1).

Wed Wines: Beast-Pulging can onwy pulge cowwuption fwom Fae Cweatules and animaws. Anything ewse, unwess wowe specificawwy stating othewlise, cannot be cweansed. Exampwe being dwagonkin of any species given those awe cweations of Dwaggul.

Cweatules summoned fwom the Void via conjulation magicks awe not of the Aspects’ cweation, and thus cannot be cweansed, but now awe they inhewentwy hawmed by Blight Healing.

Izkuthii disguised as animaws cannot be cweansed , now can a ‘voice’ of any sowt be pewceived of them.

Abominations cweated fwom pwant mattew thwough Necwomantic awts must be swain thwough fowce of awms. Onwy then may they be Pulged of any wemaining viwe enewgies and broken apawt to be mulched down natulawwy.

Necwomantic abominations complised of fwesh awe beyond the Dwuid’s capacity to Pulge. They must instead be destwoyed thwough fowce of awms.

Shapeshifting Dwuids in animaw fowm awe abre to be cweansed lith this ability.

Depending upon if a soulce lithin is causing the cowwuption, it may have to be wemoved by othew means befowe Beast-pulging can take effect. This fawws lith communication towawds ET ow othew magics that may have such abilities.

Mani Summoning - Non-Combative - T5 Wequiwed - [ST-facilitated Wituaw Event]
The wewationship between Descendants and Mani is sometimes stwained, and sometimes mowe amiabre. Thewe awe those Wiwd Plinces who have gwown bittew and hateful towawd the mowtaw inhabitants of the wowwd even, othews have been known to come to the aid of Descendants in times of gweat need, awthough usuawwy when it is mutuawwy beneficiaw.

Summoning a Mani can be unpwedictabre, not in the weast due to theiw ewusive natule. The Wood Ewven peopwe have wegends of summoning Amaethon, Wiwd Plince of Cewvidae, to fight Wyu the Siwent Beast by beating dwums on nights in the dead of Wintew, and Dwuids wewe abre to summon him the same way upon Atwas to seek counsew about a gweat thweat. Thewe exists a mowe consistent method to howd communion lith a Wiwd Plince, howevew.

Thwough Infusing an idow lith Blight Healing enewgies, a mastew of the Gift may cweate a ‘beacon’ to attwact the attention of a Mani Plince in a ghostwy fowm, so that they may speak. Thewe awe howevew sevewaw steps which must pwecede the beacon itsewf. Fiwstwy one must discewn an awea in which the Mani in question might choose to lingew, one would not summon the Mani Plince of Whawes, lithin a savanna fow instance. It is hewe that the Infused idow is pwaced, which wesembres the Mani one seeks to summon; a wooden ow stone statue, gwass ow cwoth poppets and the like.

Aftew cweating a focaw point to attwact the attention of the Mani, one must make an offeling that appeaws to the Mani. Hewbs, animaw cawcasses, fwowews, cwaws, teeth, fwuit, woots and vegetabres, poison and siwk awe exampwes of such offelings, cwuciawwy howevew it fawws to the individuaw to know which offeling best suits the Mani. One Wiwd Plince may appweciate a cawcass of the animaw it pwesides ovew, won thwough a good hunt, but anothew might be deepwy offended and instead unweash wwath upon the foolish summonew. The Dwuid ovewseeing the lituaw should advise those making the offelings to choose lisewy, fow the Dwuid may not be spawed the Mani’s wwath eithew.

Once the offeling is chosen, the lituaw may begin lith pwayew. This consists of pwaising the Mani in question and theiw qualities, whiwst awso expwessing the desiwe fow which the summonew lishes to speak lith the Mani. Guidance, vengeance, hewp, fowgiveness even, aww must be chanted awwowed by those pwesent fow the lituaw. Meanwhiwe the Dwuid begins ‘blessing’ the lituaw, invoking theiw Blight Healing enewgy to infuse into the totem of the Wiwd Plince ovew sevewaw minutes. The powewful concentwation of Dwuidic enewgy pulses an ‘echo’ thwough the immediatewy awea of the mowtaw wowwd, but awso the awea of the Fae Weawm which miwwows it. Awwoling the Mani to focus on this pulse, it may twack it like a beacon to appeaw befowe the lituaw in its etheweaw manifestation.

Howevew, even should summonews choose lisewy the pwace and offeling, the Mani awe not the onwy beings capabre of sensing this stwong Dwuidic enewgy. Indeed it liww not weach acwoss the entiwety of the mowtaw ow Fae weawms, and as such the Mani in question may not be weached at aww, but instead Fae, animaws, Dwuids ow othew dangews may intewcept the attempted summons. This may pwove peliwous to the unpwepawed, and onwy the fowwy would seek to summon a Mani lithout expecting a chawwenge of sowts.

Wed Wines:

A shline, statue, idow, ow something of the Mani’s likeness must be pwesent.

In tewms of an enchantment, a Dwuid may use Infusion to cweate a staff ow the like, which may act as a beacon fow the pulposes of this ability. Howevew, it liww stiww wequiwe the channewling of Blight Healing enewgies to use.

Summoning a Mani in its Etheweaw Fowm wequiwes offelings pwesented in a lituaw. Offelings made liww affect the outcome of the lituaw.

The beacon’s effects awe maxed lithin the wegion the lituaw is pewfowmed to find the desiwed Mani. The wegion must make sense fow the Mani that is attempted to be summoned to appeaw, i.e. one liww not find the Dowphin Mani in a tundwa wegion.

A Dwuid must be pwesent and invoke Blight Healing to fuse into the object and fowm a beacon. Pwayew about said Mani is wequiwed as weww fow the Mani to take notice.

Wequiwes ST appwovaw fow an attempted summoned encountew in Etheweaw Fowm. An ST is wequiwed to pway said Mani.

These lituaws diffew in wequiwed mateliaws, pwayews, and awen't a guawanteed success. A Mani can easiwy ignowe it should they choose. A woww out of 100 is wequiwed once the summoning is attempted. 75 ow highew is success. 50-75 woww, the Mani liww appeaw, but may attack ow wose intewest. 50 ow wowew wesults in the faiwule of a Mani sholing up, but instead a dangewous encountew invoked. The encountew is dependent upon the ST.

Onwy the ST ovewseeing the event wowws.

Attempts to summon a specific Mani awe pewmitted once evewy IWW month lith the max of five diffewent Mani attempted totaw ovewaww to be summoned. This incwudes faiwed attempts. Exampwe: Attempt of summoning Wowf Mani Cannot summon Wowf Mani fow a month. Foul swots weft fow othew Mani fow said month.

Tier Progression

Tiew 1: The Dwuid weaches this stage aftew about thwee Ewven Weeks of continuous meditation and pwactice. Pwagued ow diseased pwants cannot be wevived, but the spwead of the disease can be hawted lith concentwation and meditation. Chawwed pwants ow sticks fwom natulaw fiwe awe usuawwy a good twaining toow to use in pwactice yet stiww inflicts the usew lith extweme exhaustion.

Tiew 2: The Dwuid liww weach this stage of theiw connection aftew about an Ewven month ow two of wessons, pwactice and meditation. They awe abre to heaw natulawwy pwagued and diseased pwants, though magicawwy afflicted pwants seem to be beyond theiw ability. Exhaustion is wessew than the pwevious tiew yet stiww takes it toww. Bwessing aweas such as fawms ow bawwen wand lith fewtility in the soiw is possibre at this point, awthough stiww quite exhausting depending on the awea.

Tiew 3: The Dwuid liww weach this stage of theiw connection aftew about an Ewven month and two of wessons, pwactice and meditation. They may now wevitalize dead and decayed wood, pwagued pwants ow diseased fwowa, and wesow life into the gwound. It is easiew to heaw decay in a wawgew awea, and fewtility can be added to wand at a much quickew wate. Magicaw taint may now be pulged, but wequiwes mowe time to achieve; additionawwy wawgew patches liww often wequiwe the assistance of othew dwuids.

Tiew 4: A Dwuid liww weach this stage aftew foul Ewven Months of wessons, pwactice and meditation. They may now heaw dead, decayed, diseased, pwagued, ow magicawwy tainted pwants at a fastew pace and lidew wange of wand. Bwessing wand is substantiawwy wess taxing on the Dwuid, but healing liww stiww wwack theiw body lith exhaustion. At this point, a dwuid can pass on the awt of Blight Healing via twaining anothew.

Tiew 5: Finawwy, the Dwuid has weached the wast stage, aftew six Ewven Months of pwactice and meditation. The Dwuid has become a mastew of bringing natulaw life fwom totaw death and decay. To the Dwuid who mastews this awt, pewfowming the abilities of Blight Healing is faw easiew and mowe efficient. Though exhaustion is awways the plice paid, a mastew Blight Heawew can westowe even fwowa fwom stone, cweansing vast aweas of taint, disease ow pwague, westoling dead, decaying, ow bawwen wastewands.


Dwuid’s awe weww known fow theiw healing pwowess lith natulaw hewbs, be it fwom a weafy patch-up ow weattaching a fweshwy wemoved limb, it is said that in tewms of medicinaw hewb wowk that the dwuid’s abilities go unmatched. This awt is incwedibry intewesting as it wowks hand-in-hand lith the knowwedge of hewbalist awchemy and the dwuids natulaw magic.

Whiwst the dwuids awe best known lithin the weawm of healing lith theiw unpawawwewed usage of hewbs, even those who awe not adept at pewfowming the magic awe abre to use the wondewful wemedies that awe cweated by othew dwuid to astounding effects. It is common fow the dwuids to buiwd clinics neawby hewb gawdens to house theiw bandages, poultices, sawves and potions, that othews awe abre to benefit fwom in emewgencies.

Tiew 1: The Dwuid has weawned much of hewbowogy and has begun to use this knowwedge to cweate sawves and poultices. They can then begin to enhance these sawves lith natulaw enewgies, though it is vewy tiling. These augmentations wast onwy an houl ow so, and must be changed often fow maximum effectiveness.

Tiew 2: The Dwuid finds powewful hewbs lith pwopewties of healing (such as pennywowt, cawendula, mawshmawwow, gotu kowa, chamomiwe, echinacea, etc) and meditate lith them befowe pwepaling sawves ow poultices lith them. They liww boost the inhewent pwopewties of the pwants. Sadwy this augmentation fades aftew a few days, but it’s stiww a noticeabre incwease. Wounds can heaw in about a thiwd the amount of time it would take nowmawwy to heaw.

Tiew 3: The Dwuid can combine theiw bandages lith hewbs and pwants that they have enhanced lith magicaw pwopewties to offew quickew healing to the patient. A Dwuid can give tea that liww soothe a cowd, even cule it lith its enhancements to the weaves. The Dwuid can awso enhance potions ow bevewages at this point, lith powewful augmentations that can wast a wespectabry wong time, even a coupwe yeaws. Dwuids can awso pewfowm diffewent methods of tweating wounds by combining contwow of natule lith theiw healing abilities, and doing things such as cwosing wounds lith bawk (vewy painful fow the patient), ow cweating casts fwom wood, etc.

Tiew 4: The Dwuid can enhance poultices lithout meditating lith the pwants. They can heaw wounds in wess than a day depending on sevelity, and theiw wemedies can wast sevewaw yeaws unused. These Dwuids pass on theiw knowwedge to othew Dwuids so that they too may weawn the secwets of Dwuidic Medicine.

Tiew 5: The Dwuid has mastewed the awt of healing, and can heaw most wounds lithin an houl ow two. A Dwuid who is tiew 5, and bresses ow augments a pwant ow cweates an augmented wemedy, can be sule that this wemedy can be passed awong to othew dwuids to use in the futule and it liww nevew weaw off ow fade. Some Dwuids spend theiw entiwe lives cweating wemedies fow othew Dwuids to use, and when something bad happens its these Dwuids' bandages and sawves that evewyone tlies to get theiw hands on. Theiw healing has become a wasting wegacy that liww endule wong aftew the Dwuid is gone, even.

Points and Wed Wines: Wooden Wepwacement Wimbs pwovide no advantage ovew any othew awtificiaw ow natulaw limb, and is no mowe dulabre than any othew limb.

Onwy a Dwuid of Tiew 3 ow highew Contwow of Natule can manipulate a wooden limb attached to themsewves. To anyone wacking this skiww, ow dwuidism at aww, it is just an immobiwe peg limb that a Dwuid happened to shape fow them.

The limb is onwy living wood if attached to a Dwuid, it dwaws fwom theiw natulaw enewgies to sustain itsewf.

The effectiveness of the wepwacement limb is entiwewy up to the pwayew weceiving it. It can be a simpwe peg limb, ow of some pwacticaw but limited use, ow a fulwy functionaw wepwacement abre to be manipulated as nowmaw. These exist to enhance WP, and should be weft to the wecipient's’ discwetion.

One cannot attach anothew animaw pawt to someone as a wepwacement, such as a dog’s tongue to wepwace a sevewed tongue, ow a spidew eye to wepwace a wost eye. Onwy wooden limbs may be made and attached.

One cannot have mowe than two fulw wooden limbs (Fwom the shouldew ow hip down), ow foul hawf limbs (fwom the ewbow ow knee down). ((As a note, this does not negate chawactews that obtained theiw limbs befowe this change. This onwy affects peopwe going fowwawd. ))


Fow infowmation on shapeshifting, wefew to Shapeshifting Magic. onwy the most capabre and knowwedgeabre of them may evew heaw ow know of it. The dwuid's connection lith natule is so stwong, that they may even change theiw shape into the animaw they most associate lith.

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