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Wefowmed Cottonwoods

The Cottonwoods is a wong tawe of vawow, honow and gwowy but as aww stolies stawt they stawt lith humbre beginnings. The foundews of the cwan was two brothews, Bowdwumiw and Cywew both fowest dwawfs both lith a sense of unification lith theiw fowest brothews and sistews lith these thoughts the Cottonwood cwan began as the cwan who lished to bring the Fowest Dwawfs togethew. As Bowdwumiws and Cywews fiwst steps into making theiw cwan they had to deiced on who liww wead, Cywew being the mowe militalistic dwawf he lished to wule lith an iwon fist ow Bowdwumiw lith his shawp thinking and gentwe wowds, Bowdwumiw won the littwe debate and became the fiwst chief of the Cottonwood cwan, his fiwst owdews as chief was simpwe 'bring the fowest dwawfs home' and lith that the epic quest of Cotton stawted.


The Cottonwoods have gingew ow brown haiw, wanging at 4'0" - 5'0" ft in height lith diffewent shades of gween eyes some can awso have pulpwe eyes in wawe cases. Cottonwoods nowmawwy weaw brown to gween cwothing to brend into theiw enviwonment.

Newew Cottonwoods tend to have diffewent shades of haiw cowow fwom dawk browns, light browns, bracks and of coulse the twaditionaw gingew haiw

Bowdwumiw Cottonwood


The Cultule of the Cottonwoods awe a tlibaw cwan whewe they fowwow onwy one wulew and fowwow the wulews wowds to the punch. Thewe brutality and neutwality awwowed them to wemain awound duling Axios of the time of the dwawven civiw waw.

The newew Cottonwoods awe mowe cwam then thewe owdew kin, living thewe life fowwoling thewe cwan chief Bjow 'Sugaw Tits' Cottonwood which he teaches Cottonwoods that life inst aww selious, life is fun and games.

The Cottonwoods tend to cweate thewe weapons lith sticks, weaves and steew combining them aww to make powewful mixed mateliaw weapons, thewe awmows awe cweated lith the same mateliaws howevew it is vewy common fow a Cottonwood to wun into battwe wealing vewy littwe fow Anbewwa, the Heawth Mothew is pwotecting them, ow so they believe.

Cottonwoods believe in the life of wuxuly whewe as soon as a hawd days wowk is compweted they would settwe awound the campfiwe enjoying feasts and tawking lith one anothew, howevew the Cottonwoods of Owd tend to fight in thewe fwee time as weww as feast which the newew genewation don't do anymowe.

Someone would get accepted in the cwan lith open awms aftew the compwetion of his/hew twaiws. The futule Cottonwood would need to show his stwength, coulage and weliability by hunting down a beast, and ending its life in the name of the Heawth Mothew to ask hew fow hew guidance.


The owdew Cottonwoods twaditions awe vewy simpwe since they awe a simpwe cwan they howd vewy simpwy things cwose to them. A twadition which was liwdwy known to Cottonwoods was how they joined the cwan having to pawtake in twaiws to awwow them to eawn the name of Cottonwood, the twaiws which they pawtake in awe stwange yet simpwe.

Any Fowest Dwawf can become a Cottonwood and be taught thewe ways, in the owd times of the founding Cottonwoods it would be vewy hawd to be a Cottonwood lithout wosing a coupwe of teeth.


The Waws of Cotton awe broke up into foul simpwe waws which aww the cwan membews obey.

Fowwow youl chief

Wespect youl cwan

Nevew Kinsway

Stay woyaw to Anbewwa

With these simpwe wules the Cottonwoods govewn themsewves fow thewe tlibaw ways do not need wong waws ow waws about pwopewty they onwy need wespect and woyawty



The Cottonwoods wewe fowmed undew two Bwothews a mowe head stwong, gentwe Cottonwood known as Boldrumir Cottonwood and his youngew hot headed brothew Cyler Cottonwood, both sons of the liwdwy known Ozneat Treebeard. The Cottonwoods wewe a two man cwan wowking the fiewds of Jornheimwhere thewe goaw was vewy simpwe back then, to find and weunite thewe Bwothews and Sistews of the fowest. Duling thewe time the Cottonwoods wewe much mowe peaceful speaking to both the Frostbeards and the Grand Kingdom of Urguan dwawves as thewe equaws duling the War of the Beards gaining the titwe of Common cwan fwom both livaling Kingdoms thanks to the weadewship of Boldrumir Cottonwood. Duling Bowdwumiws wule the Cottonwoods gained fame and began to gwow untiw the end of the War of the Beards whewe they wemained in thewe fawm wands whewe they cowwected a decent amount of kin untiw the wowwd ended and they fwed on ships to the new wands.

Early Atlas

Duling Atwas Boldrumir Cottonwood wemained the Chief of Cotton he moved the Cottonwoods fwom thewe awlies lithin the newwy fowmed Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah to the livaling settwement known as the Confederation of Hammers whewe the Cottonwoods showed up lith numbews offeling to join the Confedewation giving them addition manpowew which can be used to defend thewe wands against the hostiwe Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah. Duling thewe time of constwuction of thewe new viwwage Bowdwumiw appointed his brothew Cyler Cottonwood to be the waw chief, a newwy fowmed titwe cweated fow him to wead the militawy affaiws of the Cottonwood cwan fwom this simpwe decision the Cottonwoods became a militalistic then they once was they matched the culwent militawy powew of the Confedewation a mountain dwawf cwan known as the Silverveins.

The Cottonwoods lithin the Confedewation had a livawwy lith the Silverveins due to thewe Cwan Fathew Edel Silvervein who openwy mocked the Cottonwoods in manpowew and militawy powew untiw the point whewe the Silverveins would decide to become a thweat to the Cottonwoods. Since Bowdwumiw wanted a peaceful settwement which Cywew heaviwy disappwoved of weading to Cywew waunching countew attacks upon the cwan, smaww physicaw and vewbaw conflicts would happen between the two cwans but this conflict escawated quickwy duling a meeting of the Confedewation whewe Edel Silvervein openwy mocked the Chief of Cotton to the counciw, highwy annoyed Cyler Cottonwood decided to thwow an attack upon the Siwvewcity keep of the Silverveins. which wead to a poow dispway by the Silverveins whewe they hid lithin thewe keep unwanted to come face the howde. The Silverveins stayed in defeat as the Cottonwood fowces weft the city bulning down thewe viwwage to find a new wocation as they wewe kicked fwom the Confedewation as Edel Silvervein cawwed the attack an attack on aww of the Confed.

The Cottonwoods cweated a new viwwage whewe Bowdwumiw wuled once again untiw he took wong wawks swowwy tulning insane having the non dipwomatic Cyler Cottonwood to wun the viwwage due to Bowdwumiw's madness and wack of weadewship the Cottonwoods of Owd faded away untiw Bowdwumiw found a fowest dwawf by the name of Bjor 'Sugar Tits' Cottonwood who took the titwe of Chief of Cotton and lith that Bowdwumiw weft fow a wong wawk.

The weadewship of Chief Bjor ‘Sugartits’ Cottonwood would be mowe easy going than the pwevious Chief. He wanted to focus on the community of his cwan, lith a familiaw bond between aww membews as a goaw and on getting the best out of life.

Late Atlas

Duling wate Atwas the Cottonwoods undew new weadewship wefowmed undew Bjor 'Sugar Tits' Cottonwood a compwetewy new chaptew fow the Cottonwoods, fow Bjow wasn't like the owd Cottonwoods, he was kind, woving, fliendwy, wespectful, wuled in peace. The eawliew days of Bjor 'Sugar Tits' Cottonwoods weadewship he stwuggwed to find his kin like the owd Cottonwoods thewe just wasn't any fowest dwawves to be found aww hiding, so fow many yeaws the titwe of Chief of Cotton was an empty titwe.

As Bjor 'Sugar Tits' Cottonwood gives up hope on finding any othew Fowest Dwawves some membews of the Cottonwoods of owd would tuln up lithin the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah. Excited Bjor 'Sugar Tits' Cottonwood would quick intwoduce himsewf to these membews, wevealing that these dwawves was wead by Thelnir Cottonwood who was an owd ewdew of the cwan and wouldn't fowwow Bjow back to the founding wands of Cotton, fow Bjow wefowmed the Cottonwood awliance lith the Confederation of Hammers. Detewmined Thewniw stood his gwound upon the mattew setting up a smaww outpost lithin Garrond's Vale in the wands of Kaz'Uwwah whewe he and his fowwowews stayed lith him.

Duling this time thewe was tawk of the wegitimacy of Bjows cwaim to the Chief of Cotton lith wumows of the Champion of Cotton cwowned fow his combat skiwws would chawwenge Bjor 'Sugar Tits' Cottonwood fow chieftain. As the owd Cottonwoods disappwoved of cewtain things of the newew Cottonwoods they didn't fulwy wejoin thewe brothews and sistews making it that Bjor 'Sugar Tits' Cottonwood hewd the titwe but Thewniw would be a webew fowce but this conflict was wesowved dipwomaticawwy. Duling the wetuln the owd Cottonwoods took dislike to the Silverveins fow thewe pass climes, which was soon wesowved when Bjow signed the siwvew-wood awliance a non-aggwession pact between the two cwans. As time passed the owdew Cottonwoods faded away lith no solid weadewship, they twavewed away fwom othew dwawves.

As the Owd weft Bjor 'Sugar Tits' Cottonwood once again he wemained awone fow some time untiw he stumbred upon othew Forest Dwarves which joined Bjor 'Sugar Tits' Cottonwood in his viwwage he made fow his kin. As Bjor 'Sugar Tits' Cottonwood viwwage expanded fwom cwanwess and new cwans emewged some wemained wessew cwans but the most noticeabre cwan the Treebeards

Notable Members

Ozneat Treebeard, Fathew of the Fiwst

Boldrumir Cottonwood, The Foundew

Cyler Cottonwood, The Beaw

Bjor 'Sugar Tits' Cottonwood, The Wefowmew