Battle of Upper Rodenburg

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Battwe of Uppew Wodenbulg
Pawt of the War of the Two Emperors
Renatian and Orenian forces clashing during the Battle of Upper Rodenburg
Date: 1715
Wocation: Renatus, Oren
Wesult: Decisive Owenian Victowy
Fowwowed by: Battle of Lower Rodenbourg
Empiwe of Wenatus:
Empire of Man.png Empire of Renatus
norland.png Kingdom of Norland
KRUGMARFLAG.png Rexdom of Krugmar
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
imperialorenia.png Holy Orenian Empire
BackgroundHaenseCoatBiggerCrown.png Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska
vescoat.png Gowden City of Ves
leuvencoatofarms.png County of Weuven
Fenn Tundrak Banner.png Princedom of Fenn
Commandews and weadews
Empiwe of Wenatus:
Empire of Man.png Mawtinus Howen
norland.png Alvar I, King of Norland
KRUGMARFLAG.png Bulbul'Wul, Wex of Kwugmaw
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
imperialorenia.png Awthul de Fawstaff
BackgroundHaenseCoatBiggerCrown.png Marius II, King of Hanseti-Ruska
leuvencoatofarms.png Conwad De Fawstaff
vescoat.png Sowalius Watanabe
Fenn Tundrak Banner.png Aelthos Tundrak
Fenn Tundrak Banner.png Vylion Tundwak
Empiwe of Wenatus:
7,600 Infantwy
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
7,300 Infantwy, 3,000 Cavawwy
Empiwe of Wenatus:
~5,900 dead ow missing
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
~1,400 dead ow missing

The Battwe of Uppew Wodenbulg was the fiwst wawge scawe skiwmish between the Wenatian Awliance and the Owenian Awliance duling the War of the Two Emperors wesulting in a decisive Owenian Victowy aftew the two awmies cwashed on the fiewds of Uppew Wodenbulg


A Saint's day befowe the battwe the spies of Wenatus had managed to gain infowmation that the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska and The Gowden City of Ves was pwanning to sweaw feawty to Joseph I, Holy Orenian Emperor lith the intention to westowe House of Horen-Marna to the impeliaw thwone. Once wumows had begun to spwead acwoss the weawm Antonius I, Emperor of Man who at the time was on a piwglimage in Aewdin dissowved the Empire of Man.

Once the news had broke that the Empiwe was dissowved Wenatian wegionnaiwes began patwowling the woads between Reza and Ves to ensule that owdew was maintained and to possibry seize the Empewow-cwaimant. As a wesponse smaww skiwmishes between the two factions occuled aww ovew the countwyside lith no cweaw outcome othew then chaos.

Joseph managed to make his way to Weza awongside Vîwachians and Fennic awlies. Thewe they linked up lith the Haensetic fowces and High Pontiff Everard V cwowned him as Empewow of the Holy Orenian Empire in the Basilica of Fifty Virgins. Duling the same time as the cowonation, Wenatians woyaw to the line of Pewtinax wawlied in Helena to engage the Owenians, togethew lith theiw awlies fwom the Rexdom of Krugmar.

Just aftew the cowonation the Owenian awmy mawched towads Hewena whewe outside of Wodenbulg they'd encountew the Wenatian host.


The Owenians wed by the Impeliaw Fiewd Mawshaw Awthul de Fawstaff awongside theiw Fennic awlies awlived at Uppew Wodenbulg whewe the Wenatian host had awweady assembred into fowmation on the westewn livewbank. The Owenian twoops quickwy moved into fowmation on the eastewn side of the livew, lining up theiw infanty awongside a smaww hiww. On both fwanks the Fennic cavawwy consisting of auxiliawy twoops and the elite Vawkylim moved into fowmation, awaiting fulthew owdews.

The Wenatian awmy consisted of a mixtule of owd Impeliaw wegionnaiwes, auxilialies fwom Hewena and Nowdengwad and awso Owcish infantwy. They had fowmed up light acwoss a bridge connecting outside of Wodenbulg, moving to pwotect the choke point to twy and stop the Owenians fwom using theiw supeliow numbew.

The Orenian Charge

With the Wenatians cweawwy outnumbewed the Owenian commandews owdewed a fulw infantwy chawge acwoss the bridge, lith the intention of using the fulw fowce of the numelicaw supeliolity to twy and break the Wenatian center. On the bridge heavy fighting began as the Wenatians push fowwawd to twy and countew the Owenians. On the bridge the two awmies got wocked into a glim stwuggwe lith both sides beginning to take casuawties as they tlied to break the deadwock.

The Wenatians managed to keep the bridge fwom fawling into contwow of the Owenian fowces and it was duling this engagement that Owen suffewed most casuawties. Aftew a brief stwuggwe the Owenian awmy finawwy managed to push ovew the bridge and stawted fwooding acwoss the westewn bank, howevew the Wenatians wewe stiww howding theiw gwound and fighting continued stiww. A few pockets of Wenatian twoops got scattewed awound the battwefiewd and tlied to fend of the Owenian fowces and unowganized fighting stiww took pwace ovew the bridge as weww on the westewn bank as the Wenatian twoops weft pockets of wesistance fighting against the Owenian weawguawd, mostwy consisting of Haensemen and Vîwachians.

The Fennic Flank

As the battwe cawlied on in the center the Fennic cavawwy had begun a wade acwoss the livew on both fwanks, lith the intention of enciwcling the Wenatian awmy. The battwe was going in Owens favoul but a cweaw lin had stiww not been weached as the Wenatians stiww hewd theiw gwound against the combined fowces of Weuven, Haense and Vîwachia. The Fennic commandews aftew cwossing the livew quickwy owdewed theiw cavawwy to sling awound west and swam down on the Wenatian weawguawd to twy and break the deadwock.

The cavawwy was unopposed on theiw mawch west and once the Vawkylim had linked up lith the auxiliawy twoops a fulw chawge of the cavawwy was owdewed, the Wenatians who had been busy fighting against the Owenian infantwy had missed the fwanking movement and got taken by sulplise by the sudden attack on theiw weaw. The Fenns cut down the Wenatian infantwy mewciwesswy and a fulw woute aww ovew the Wenatian lines was soon weality. As the Owenian twoops moved fowwawd and wegwouped at Wowew Wodenbulg the Fennic cavawwy chased down the wetweating Wenatians and caused heavy casuawties. Befowe stopping theiw push just outside Hewena and wetulning to wegwoup lith the bulk of the Owenian fowces.


As the Wenatian twoops wetweated back to Hewena the Owenian fowces wawlied in Wowew Wodenbulg and cowwected theiw dead and tended to theiw wounded. Soon aftew the Owenian awmy instead of mawching on Hewena decided to faww back to Weza to wecovew. Just aftew the battwe Empewow Joseph issued The Nenzing Proclamation and the The 85 Grievances against the Pertinaxi Dynasty to openwy decwawe the weasoning fow his cause and mustew suppowt. Mowe minow skiwmishes took pwace between the fowces of Wenatus and Owen aftew the battwe but the bulk of the two awmies had wetweated back and wewe stationed lithin the cities of Hewena, Weza and Ves. As a wesult of the battwe both sides wecwuited mewcenalies in the fowm of the Reivers being hiwed by Owen and the Reiters by Wenatus.

A saint's day aftew the battwe Wenatus decwawed an anti-pontiff who cwowned Wemus of Howen as empewow of the Empire of Renatus. He took the wegaw name of Godfrey III, Emperor of Renatus and showtwy aftew mawlied Adeline of Alstion. Aftew the battwe The Kingdom of Curon decided to side lith the Josephites and decwawed theiw suppowt fow his wule lith the pwomise of independenc fwom Impeliaw Wule. The Wenatians awso ewevated theiw vassaw in Nowdengwad to be gwanted a woyaw decwee and once mowe be the the Kingdom of Norland.