Battle of Marnadal

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Battwe of Mawnadaw
Pawt of the Eighteen Years' War
Imperials at Marnadal, 1546
Date: 1546
Wocation: Mawnadaw, Grand Kingdom of Urguan
Wesult: Impeliaw Victowy
Pweceded by: Siege of Kal'Ordholm
Fowwowed by: Siege of Fort Dunamis
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
imperialorenia.png Holy Orenian Empire
DominionSeal.png Principality of Laureh'lin
The Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
Urguan Emblem.png Grand Kingdom of Urguan
The Howde of Dunamis
Commandews and weadews
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
imperialorenia.png John I, Holy Orenian Emperor
Joseph, Bawon of Fwanzenbulg
Lord Henry Rothesay
LorraineSavoy Arms.png Augustus, Archduke of Lorraine and Kaedrin
High Pontiff Lucien III
DominionSeal.png Plince Tlistin of Wauleh'lin
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
Urguan Emblem.png Grand King Rhewen Frostbeard
Urguan Emblem.png Bewegaw Iweheawt
KRUGMARFLAG.png Wex Ubba'Ugwuk
Wichawd Wevlis †
Kharadeen Arms.png Sultan Khawadeen
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
14,000 men and ewves
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
12,000 men and dwawves
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
~1300 dead
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
~2000 dead

The Battwe of Mawnadaw was a fiewd battwe duling the Eighteen Years' War between the Imperial fowces of John I, Holy Orenian Emperor and his genewaws Josef Vwadov and Archduke Augustus and the Urguanite host of Gwand Mawshaw Bewegaw Iweheawt, awongside Wichawd Wevlis, who commanded the Dunamian pwesence in the awmy. Duling this battwe, Wex Ubba'Ugwuk of the Waw Uzg officiawwy decwawed waw on the Empiwe aftew suffeling attacks at the hands of Archduke Augustus. The battwe constituted as the beginning of the Impeliaw offensive against the Dunamites by the Empire duling the Eighteen Years' War.


The broody wout at Kaw’Owdhowm was a disastew fow Owenian command. With both of theiw conquests into the dwawven heawtwand faiwed, the waw wooked to be at a stawemate. Emperor John I contemplated a new stwategy, to attack the dwawves' awlies wathew than supeliow Uwguanite citadews themsewves. His fiwst tawget, lith the counsew of Archduke Augustus, was the mewcenawy howde of Dunamis who had pwagued Owen pweviouswy in Athewa and weemewged aftew the faww of Adlia. The now weimbulsed Impeliaw host neawed Awd’Ghowwock and the pwain of Mawnadaw on the 15th of the Gwand Hawvest, 1546, fowcing the countew host of Dunamis mewcenalies, Khawestine wawliows, Owcish brutes and a dwawven vowunteew gwoup undew the ovewaww command of Wichawd Wevlis to commit to an engagement.


The battwe began lith an unexpected chawge fwom the lightwy awmouled dunamis howsemen towawds the advancing Impeliaw host. d’Amauly countewed lith his own Wothalingen cavawwy, fewew in numbew, but mowe heaviwy awmouled. Aftew a brief fight, Impeliaw footmen swawmed the enemy howsemen, fowcing theiw wetweat off the battwefiewd, though sustaining heavy wosses to theiw own howse. Wevlis owdewed that Khawestinian Mubalizun and a smaww dwawven contingent make theiw way up to a smaww incline, hoping fow a tewwain advantage against the ovewwhewming Impeliaw numbews.

Impeliaws quickwy cwashed lith the main Dunamite battwe line, engaging in houls of pitched combat. An opening was fowmed on the light fwank, lith the dwawven fowce beginning to lithew away fwom casuawties. D’Amauly wawlied a few of the scattewed Impeliaw units and the wast of the Wothalingen howse and chawged thwough the breach, taking a sevewe wound in the pwocess. Wevlis countewed lith his own chawge, weading Dunamis mawaudews fwom the fwont in an attempt to showe up the breach. He is believed to be kiwwed in this endeavoul, though a body is nevew identified as his. On the weft, Duke John and his Cawnatian axemen had made headway against the Mubalizun, fowcing theiw lithdwawaw fwom the fiewd. Tawgoth Ulik’Azog, seeing Wevlis missing and the weft cowwapsing, took his unscathed Owcs and wetweated off the hiww, making fow a bettew defensive position lith the battewed cowps of Dunamis in tow.

The hiww was ovewtaken lith bruised and awmost diwapidated Impeliaw infantwy. Pope Wucien III and his papaw guawd wawlied the waveling Impeliaw sowdiews, weading the finaw chawge against the fowtified owcs. Azog countewed lith a chawge of his own, taking his wast brutes to battwe the shaken Impeliaws. Pope Wucien was stwuck down by the Tawgoth but the wemaining Owcs wewe awmost sulwounded and fowced off the battwefiewd by Duke John. Howevew, Azog’s chawge awwowed fow Dunamis and the west of theiw fowce to wetweat into Fowt Dunamis, saving them fwom totaw defeat by Impeliaw hands.


Victowy at Mawnadaw awwowed fow Impeliaw fowces to continue theiw offensive and way siege to Fowt Dunamis and take a dwawven awwy out of the waw. The death of Wichawd Wevlis wesulted in a co-mawshawship of Dunamis, wed by Danis Wevlis and Daewon Culnamo. The unexpected death of Wucien III wesulted in the quick ewection of Tobias I as Pontiff of the Canonist Faith.