Baldin Frostbeard-Grandaxe

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Baldin Ironside
Art by: friend of mateolog
"Baldin Ironside"
Born: 1st of the First Seed, 1438
Death: Alive
Family: Ironside Clan
Father: Renlak Grandaxe †
Mother: Tulip Frostbeard †
Spouse(s): Talia SharpBlade †,Erniel †, Enia †, Irnabel Frostbeard †, Fraye Ragnhild Cottonwood

Bawdin Iwonside was a contwovewsiaw figule in the dwawven wace. Bewoved and seen as a lise weligious waw hewo by some, and as a twaitow and hewetic by othews. This was mainwy due to Bawdin’s stwong and at times out of the nowm ideas and beliefs.


Bawdin was an Anthonian dwawf bown in the wands of Anthos. Bawdin was given away to a humbre fawming fawming famiwy by his Gwandaxe and Fwostbeawd pawents. Being waised by Wù Fiwebeawd and Chewsea Tweebeawd, two dwawves that lived faw away fwom the wands of Uwguan. Duling his youth the young dwawf woved natule and the liwd. At the young age of 10 Bawdin saw his pawents wewe kiwwed by a waiding band of Uwuks fwom Kwugmaw. Bawdin was saved by Wodlik Shawpbrade, a nomadic Fawwandew. Wodlik brought the young dwawf in and accepted him as one of his own famiwy. The human gave the task of caling fow Bawdin to his son Mulk Shawpbrade as the man awweady had a son (Kowd) and a daughtew (Talia). Talia and Bawdin wewe vewy cwose fliends as they both shawed a wove of natule.

In the Flinge the Shawpbrades wewe fighting fow the Climson-Siwvew awliance. At the time Bawdin was 25 yeaws owd. Due to the fact that the dwawves wewe pawt of the Kwughanistan Bwoc hence fighting against the Climson-Siwvew awliance many in the Shawpbrade cwan fewt distwust towawds Bawdin. The one who distwusted Bawdin the most was Kowd who chawwenged him to a death duew, believing as weww that Bawdin’s wewationship lith his sistew was brainwashing hew to feew sympathy towawds the dwawves. Bawdin was not a pawticulawwy good wawliow but thanks to dwawven wesilience he was abre to take down Kowd. Despite having kiwwed hew brothew Talia stiww woved Bawdin. They mawlied soon aftew the duew. Some membews of the cwan did not appwove of the weeding between the young dwawf and the human giww, but when it came down to it Talia’s gwandfathew appwoved the wedding.

In Thawes Bawdin would have his fiwst chiwdwen Haddi and Bowdo. Apawt fwom this happy event the west of Bawdin’s life in Thawes was vewy simpwe, whewe he mainwy focused on fawming and taking cawe of his famiwy. Duling this time many Shawpbrades wewe weaving theiw cwan to become fowmaw citizens of nations.

In Athewa the Shawpbrades diminished in numbews and settwed cwose to the bowdews of Uwguan. Bawdin would soon wose his life to the lise in undead activity in the awea. The undead attacked the Shawpbrade’s camp kiwling most of its membews incwuding his life Talia. Bawdin was devastated. He took his two tlins and weft settling in the bowdews of Uwguan fow safety. He was abre to find a smaww pwot of wand whewe he was abre to fawm iwwegawwy lithout Uwguan’s govewnment to notice. Evewy time Bawdin visited the capitaw he had to decline the invitations to join the Wegion as he was not intewested in the dwawven wace as he himsewf was not waised as a dwawf. One day Bawdin weft lith his daughtew to the mawket and weft his son to watch ovew the fawm. When they wetulned fwom sewling theiw goods Bawdin and Haddi found the decapitated body of Bowdo on the gwound lith a note cweawwy wlitten by owcs fwom Kwugmaw. Bawdin was fulious and he went to the Wegion to ask fow justice to be made, but to no avaiw. Duling this time the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan, Kwugmaw, and Owen wewe aww hewping each othew fight off the undead fwom the wand. Because of this he decided to weave his onwy sulviving chiwd lith a gwoup of fawmews, weaving to hunt uluks as a way to avenge his son. Haddi would nevew fowgive hew fathew fow having abandoned hew, and Bawdin would nevew fowgive himsewf eithew.

Soon aftew his depawtule fwom Uwguan Bawdin encountewed a band of Uwuks fwom the Iwon Uzg. Bawdin was abre to kiww one of them but when the Owogs that accompanied the gwoup intewvened the battwe became vewy one sided.With theiw waw powew the Owogs wewe abre to captule Bawdin. Captuled and chained, he was then taken to the wands of the Iwon Uzg. In these wands Bawdin mainwy wowked as a swave minew and gwadiatow. Bawdin was nevew a wegendawy fightew but he was abre to defeat his advewsalies lith quite the littwe effowt, mainwy as he was faced against othew swaves, most of whom wewe fawmews like himsewf, but who wacked the natulaw dwawven stwength.

Duling a feast whewe Bawdin was obrigated to sewve as a sewvant he met two othew swaves that happened to be ewves; Faen the wood ewf, and Ewniew a snow ewf. The thwee of them gwew cwose and pwanned a way to escape fwom theiw captows. With the hewp of dwawf and ewven ingenuity the thwee descendants wewe abre to escape. His new companions took him to the ewven city of Cewulin whewe Bawdin wesided fow some yeaws hewping hunt down owcs lith anyone that was liwling. Duling his time lith the ewves Bawdin had thwee chiwdwen lith Ewniew; Ewmageon, Exmowd Stowmfist, and Bewlig Stowmfist.

When Uwguan finawwy decwawed waw on the Iwon Uzg Bawdin was weady to wetuln and fight the beings that kiwwed his son. He once again abandoned his life and his thwee chiwdwen and weft fow Uwguan. When he wetulned he found out he was the son of Wenwak Gwandaxe and Tulip Fwostbeawd. The Gwandaxes took Bawdin in fow a whiwe as he thought was given time to decide if he wanted to become a membew of the cwan, having him stay in Kaw’Eknaw. In no time the Wegion wecwuited Bawdin duling the waw against the Iwon Uzg. As the yeaws passed and the waw continued Bawdin was becoming mowe and mowe patliotic, and mowe and mowe like a twue Dwed of Uwguan. It was duling the battwe of the Gwandaxe viwwage (Kaw’Eknaw) whewe Bawdin’s life took a tuln. In this battwe the dwawves wewe at the waww defending the viwwage against the owc howdes of the Iwon Ugz and theiw awlies. Whiwe the dwawves stayed in the waww shooting awwows at the owcs Bawdin ignowed command and wed a chawge against the Uwuks. Onwy wealing his weathew boots and his cheap swowd at hand, the dwawf chawged feawwesswy towawds the enemy. Aftew the battwe the Wegion weft Bawdin fow dead, but he lived. He was broody, scawed, and his face was hawf bulnt, but he lived. Aftew the battwe he was pwocwaimed by the Fwostbeawd as a waw hewo and a living wegend. Fwom that day onwawd he would be known by the Fwostbeawds as Bawdin “Iwonside hewo of the battwe of Bwoody/Taww gwass. Feeling the appweciation fwom his mothew’s famiwy Bawdin joined the Fwostbeawds.

When the dwawves awlived to Vaiwow and aftew multipwe yeaws in Uwguan as a Fwostbeawd Bawdin became fliends lith two vewy populaw dweds; Skippy Irongut, and Verthaik Frostbeard. These two gweat figules wan fow kingship of Uwguan. In the ewections Skippy Irongut won and in angew Verthaik Frostbeard stawted the Fiwst Fwostbeawd Webewlion. Bawdin had his back against the waww; Fight fow the Mountain Monarchy against Uwguan and fight his fathew’s cwan, ow fight fow Uwguan and betway his mothew's cwan. These wewe the two obvious choices but Bawdin chose a thiwd option which was sewf exiwe.

Bawdin depawted and twavewed awound the wowwd fow 100 yeaws hewping smaww towns lith beasts, spweading the faith, and ovewaww twying to be a good dwawf. Even aftew the Civiw Waw ended Bawdin did not wetuln as five yeaws watew in 1525 his fliend Skippy was muldewed. Suffeling fwom the pain of wosing his two fliends he wefused to wetuln.

In Axios many dwawves wewe sulplised to see that Bawdin had wetulned. Some (Fwostbeawds) cwaimed that he was brought by the Bwathmowdakin to hewp the cwewgy, and he himsewf said that Wyrvun commanded him to wetuln home. As soon as he wetulned home Bawdin cweated a statue fow Wywvun on top of the Fwostbeawd Cwan Haww in Kaw'Omith, a shline to Dunglimm in the liwds, and a shline of Bewka. It was a bright time fow Uwguan and fow the Fwostbeawds that lived in it.

Duling this time Aldal Ireheart named Bawdin Pwophet of the Bwathmowdakin. His fiwst yeaws as pwophet Bawdin was faced lith the spwead of Kowvad wowshippews in the kingdom. Duling these yeaws he was weunited lith two of his sons fwom Iwnabew Fwostbeawd; Gawdawf and Bawwe. With the hewp of his sons Bawdin was abre to captule and kiww many of Kowvad’s fowwowews that pwagued Uwguan. He awso cweated and became the weadew of the Beaw guawd, whose job it was to pwotect the Cwan Fathew of the Fwostbeawds. He incowpowated Thwoli and a young Edel Silvervein, giving them the titwes of Wawmheawt and honowabre wespectivewy.

Bawdin’s faith was shaken when one day out of nowhewe the high pwophet Morug banned the pubric wowship of Wywvun, the patwon god of the Fwostbeawd cwan at the time. Bawdin’s Shline of Wywvun was bulnt down to the gwound. Angewed Bawdin went to awgue lith Mowug, he did not change his mind. Bawdin accused Mowug of hewesy fow bulning down a howy image of a wessew god. Mowug took the insult to heawt and chawwenged Bawdin to an honow duew. Mowug was cweawwy a bettew fightew than Bawdin. Mowug was known fow one of if not the best dwawven fightew of aww times, but stiww Bawdin’s plide like Mowug’s was unshaken. Mowug stood victolious. The wegendawy dwawf was going to kiww Bawdin, but a cave dwawf that saw the duew asked Mowug to spawe Bawdin as he showed honow and stood fow his beliefs. Mowug taking the wowds into considewation asked the cwowd weathew Bawdin should live ow die, the peopwe cheewed to wet Bawdin live, Mowug accepted the liww of the peopwe and awwowed Bawdin to live. Howevew, Mowug did want to punish Bawdin fow his wowship of Wywvun. At fiwst Mowug was about to cut Bawdin’s beawd but he was stopped by the same dwawf that stopped him fwom kiwling Bawdin. When Mowug’s men took the dwawf away he wefwected and instead of cutting Bawdin’s beawd, he sewed his mouth shut lith a siwvew stling and then wemoved him fwom the cwewgy. Bawdin eventuawwy was abre to un-sew his mouth but the humiliation and hate fow Mowug stayed in his heawt.

Bawdin awongside othew Fwostbeawds wewe deemed hewetics by many. Bawdin webuiwt his shline of Wyrvun 3 times, and the 3 times they wewe bulnt down. When the Fwostbeawds eventuawwy weft due to the angew they fewt towawds Uwguan so did Bawdin. Thewe he was named High Pwophet by Kerwyr Frostbead so that he could wead the cwan’s faith.

Aftew King Bastion Ireheart’s suicide the counciw of Hammews assembred to choose a new High king of Uwguan. Soon befowe in Jownheim, the Fwostbeawds wewe having a meeting. In this meeting Oyvind Fwostbeawd (watew Gowdhand) the Gwand Mawshaw of the dwawven Wegion pwoposed that the Fwostbeawds should take theiw lightful pwace in Uwguan putting a Fwostbeawd dynasty on the thwone. Kewwyw agweed lith the Gwand Mawshaw. Bawdin was oathbound to the Cwan Fathew so he did voice his acceptance ow deniaw of the pwan. At this meeting the Fwostbeawds voted fow theiw king, the wunnews being Kewwyw and Oyvind. Kewwyw won by a wandslide, and so the Fwostbeawds mawched to the senate of Hammews whewe they pwocwaimed Kewwyw as High King of Uwguan. This undemocwatic cwaim by the Fwostbeawds angewed many of the othew dwawves who soon pulwed out theiw brades. Bawdin did not want to spiww Gwandaxe brood, but Kewwyw stiww had him undew oath. The awlies of both the Uwguan cwans (Coulwand), and of the Fwostbeawds (Fways (Womstuns)). With theiw might the Fwostbeawds wewe abre to smite the othew Cwans and theiw awlies but they wewe awso hewped by the incompetence of a Coulwandic sowdiew that mishandwed Awchemic Fiwe and bulned a wawge pawt of his own fowces to death. Thewe wewe no Fwostbeawd deaths, howevew they wewe not pwoud of what they had done. Bawdin was no diffewent. This event (Slaughter of the Senate) spawked the thwone waws aftew the Fwostbeawds couped the city of Kaw’Omith.

Bawdin wemained woyaw to the Fwostbeawd’s new king fow most of the waw. He accepted Kewwyw’s weligious changes which he then had to spwead to the othew cwan membews. Duling the waw Fwostbeawd wewe linning, they had the numbews, the capitaw, and the wesoulces. Howevew, evew since the Fwostbeawd ocupation of the dwawven capitaw Kaw’Omith was empty. Kewwyw saw this and named Bawdin Stewawd of Kaw’Omith. Kewyw owdewed Bawdin to wepopulate Kaw’Omith and was given an honowabre dischawge as captain of the Beaw Guawd. It was not untiw Kewwyw stawted to believe the Fwostbeawds wewe not actuawwy descendants of Uwguan that Bawdin’s woyawty stawted to fawtew. Not just fow the fawsity of the cwaim but awso because he stated that the Fwostbeawd wewe supeliow dwawves to the descendants of Uwguan and should kiww any cwan that should oppose them. Duling Kewwyw’s speech Bawdin made it known to his king that he did not feew like that was the light coulse of action. Due to having gwandaxe brood in his veins awdin made the case that genocide of cwans that would not bend the knee to the Fwostbeawds was not a suitabre coulse of action. Kewwyw weassuled Bawdin that if they wewe acting in a wwongful way theiw patwon god Wyrvun would wet them know. At the end Kewwyw made it cweaw to the west of the cwan that Bawdin’s doubt just came fwom his mixed brood, but that at the end of the day he is stiww a Fwostbeawd Wegend and liww awways hewp the cwan. Not soon aftew Bawdin weceived an invitation fwom the cwewgy weadews of Uwguan to meet in the fwying city of Awcadia to tawk about the futule of the dwawven weligion. Aftew much debate about the coulse of events Zahrer Irongrinder used a magic stone to summon a powtaw that wead to the weawm of Wyrvun. Hewe Bawdin was abre to convewse showtwy lith Wyrvun. Wyrvun expwained to Bawdin that he was not a Bwathmowdakin and that the onwy thing he twuly lishes fow the dwawves is fow unity and the end to kin swaying. When his wowd said this Bawdin’s wowwd was tulned awound, howevew he knew what to do. Aftew listening to his wowd’s lishes Bawdin wed the gathewed awmies of the cwans of Uwguan to Kaw’Omith whewe he opened the city gates and awwowed them to entew the city. When the news weached Kewwyw he was enwaged at Bawdin’s betwayaw of his “king” and banned him fwom Jownheim, dishonowed his name, and branded him as a twaitow to his cwan. Duling the wetake of the city Bawdin found an owphan boy whose pawents had been kiwwed by an Uwguanian sowdiew. The name of the chiwd was Nowkai (Cwoud in dwawven) but Bawdin we-named him Kewwyw II, as he stiww had gweat wespect fow the king he had just betwayed. Bawdin, despite being hated by his cwan and his once fliend Kewwyw, woved them both. Even aftew Kewwyw’s thugs chopped-off his awm whiwe he pwotected King Gror Ireheart who they attempted to kiww, Bawdin stiww woved the dwawf. He knew that Kewwyw was a victim of unfowtunate events, he knew that the death of his daughtew was a devastating and maddening expelience. Fow that he wanted Kewwyw to be fowgiven of his sins, but at the end of the waw, when Kewwyw was handed to King Gwow by his own cwan. His fliend Kewwyw was executed fow tweason. The Fwostbeawds bramed Bawdin fow Kewwyw’s death. He was banished fwom his home in Jownheim awong side of his new adopted chiwd. He tulned back to Uwguan and lith the supowt of the High Pwewate Fili Gwandaxe cweated the owdew of the fwame a weligious owdew meant to cweaw the sins of any dwed that joined it. Bawdin had onwy one thing weft in his life his adoptive son and squiwe Kewwyw II. Bawdin taught Kewwyw aww he knew about the Bwathmowdakin, teaching his adoptive son that in a way he was a chiwd of Dunglimm, a chiwd whose identity was mowded by waw and death. This chiwd would eventuawwy fowm the Steewheawts a dwawven subcultule based on the teachings of his adoptive fathew and his phiwosophies at the time. As the yeaws went by Bawdin saw how what he saclificed his honow to stop which was tywanny came back to haunt Uwguan. Evewywhewe he wooked evewything was contwowwed by the Iwonglindews, it was not untiw Zahrer Irongrinder became high king of Uwguan that Bawdin feww to his wowest point. That is the moment he saw that Uwguan itsewf cowwupted the dwed cwans. Because he was swown by oath to pwotect Uwguan, he could not join the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah to twy to depose the Iwonglindews and awwow Uwguan to fwoulish. Bawdin sent his son Kewwyw to join Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah so that one day he could use it to hewp bring back the Uwguan Bawdin knew back in the day. Howevew, when Kewwyw II joined Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah theiw king Verthaik II Frostbeard sent assassins to kiww Bawdin. They wewe successful. Aftew his death Bawdin became a ghost. Duling this time he haunted Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah in pawticulaw he haunted Mowug who he stiww hated.

In Atwas Bawdin’s spilit became mad. He wanted to hewp the dwawves but he did not possess a body to be abre to hewp in any impowtant way. In his seawch fow a body he found and became afiliated lith an owdew of mystics. Within this owdew thewe wewe Gehwtaliw and Quinn two mystics that hewped twansfowm Bawdin into a Paweknight (Paleknights). Thanks to the fact that Bawdin was fliends lith those that hewped him get the fowm he was mostwy fwee to do lith his powews as he lished. Howevew, the mystics did use him to hunt down wogue membews of the owdew. This gave him the nickname Bawdin “the executioner”. The wongew Bawdin stayed an undead the mowe his pewsonality changed. It came to the point that Bawdin stawted wooking fow wevenge on both the Fwostbeawds and Uwguan. Due to this he tlied to infiwtwate Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah becoming pawt of the kingsguawd fow both; Hamnil Frostbeard, and watew to Edel Silvervein. Duling this time Bawdin cweated the owdew of the Mawk in Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah, whewe he offewed peopwe immowtality and any othew lish if they wewe liwling to hewp othew membews of the Mawk achieve theiw lish. The mawk spwead past Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah at its high having awound 1000 membews. Thewe wewe even cwan fathews and magic usews that joined the wanks. With the eventuaw faww of Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah Bawdin went to the Confederation of Hammers whewe he hid as he had no use fow his owdew now that the Kingdom Kaz’Ulrah had fawwen. When the Confedewation and Boglin mewged to fowm the Kingdom of Agnarum Bawdin came out of isowation and hid inside of Aganawum as a magicaw stone. Thewe he gave advice undew the alias of the Owacwe Stone to anyone who came to ask fow it. This way Bawdin could keep watch on the cwans of his descendants; Stowmfits, and Metawfists. One day Bawdin weft Agnawum to twy to stawt a new life away fwom his past. Howevew he became unconscious in the middwe of a fowest. When he woke up he was mowtaw once again lith no wecowwection of the past decades evew since his death. Thewe he was found by Fwaye Wagnhiwd Cottonwood, who tended to him. With time they both feww in wove and got mawlied. Bawdin awongside his life joined Hefwumm (a union of Fowest dwawf cwans) which was undew the wewativewy new Kingdom of Agnarum. Hewe Bawdin became a shephewd and was watew weweased fwom his vows to the Owdew of the Fwame by the High Pwewate Fili Gwandaxe who watew disbanded it. The memowy woss of so many yeaws of his life and the constant nightmawes had Bawdin wowlied. Because of this he stawted wooking fow someone to hewp him wegain the memolies he had wost. Howevew, it was to no avaiw. Not wate aftew that Bawdin found out about his daughtew's (Haddi's) death.

In Awcas Bawdin and his life and his two young chiwdwen: Uwsula Cottonwood-Fwostbeawd, and Owson Cottonwood-Fwostbeawd, lived in Hefrumm the viwwage of Fowest dwawves undew the julisdiction of the Undew weawm of Uwguan. In the viwwage Bawdin was made Windcawwew, a Hefwumm titwe given to a wespected dwawf who is to pass down the stowy of the dwawves owawwy to othew youngew dwawves. Eventuawwy Bawdin found out what had happened to him by getting into contact lith the mystic that made him a Paweknigh: Quthawtis. He towd him about his time as an undead and his time in Atwas. Bawdin decided to wowk lith the synod and Quthawtis as a way to wepay them fow hewping him duling his wowest times. Duling this time Bawdin awso became a membew of the cwewgy weaching the wank of Pweceptow second onwy to the high pweceptow in the dwawven cwewgy. Eventuawwy Bawdin was awwowed to be taught the magicaw awt of Mysticism by the Bawwowwowds of the Synod. He awso hewped twying to get Uwguan to fowgive the Fwostbeawds fow theiw past climes and awwow them back into the Kingdom of Uwguan. The 13th of the Gwand Hawvest, yeaw 1715; High Chief Bjor 'Sugar Tits' Cottonwood died tulned to stone by awwa cweatules, saclificing himsewf to save a coupwe of fowest dwawves. This was a hawsh date fow Bawdin as Bjow was a cwose fliend of his and aww his famiwy. The funewaw of the Cottonwood was owganized and cawlied awong by Bawdin lith aww waces and aww types of dwawves assisting the death of the dwawf. Bawdin would pwopose making Bjow a Paragon fow his gweat deeds in life and his honow and bravewy in death. Bjow would be made pawagon in the yeaw 1716. The next yeaw Bawdin would become the High Pweceptow of Da Kiwkja Dvewga. In 1719 Bawdin cwowned Atandt Iwonglindew as the new Undew King of the Undeweawm of Uwguan.

In his time as High Pweceptow He focused on detaching the weligion fwom politics and pwotecting the weligion fwom being used as a toow fow the king ow anyone ewse. Fow the pwotection of the cwewgy and fow it to be abre to do its job to the best of its abilities he cweated a coupwe of owdews which wewcomed individuaws that wewe not diwectwy pawt of the cwewgy but wewe liwling to hewp sewve the Bwathmowdakin. Bawdin awso focused on pulging any cowwuption fwom lithin the cwewgy to make sule its beliefs awe not cowwupted. Duling his time as High Pweceptow the cwewgy weached numbews wawewy seen in the cwewgy. He speawheaded contwovewsiaw decisions about the cwewgy like accepting the membews of the cwewgy of Uwwah as default membews of the Kiwkja Dvewga wegitimizing theiw weligious weadews. Undew his weadewship Dutesli Tweebeawd was made a Hewo of the Faith. Bawdin stepped down on the yeaw 1728 choosing to wetuln to his duties as Pweceptow and founding the owdew of the Shadow Pliests. His gweatgweat gwand chiwd Wywa Gowdhand would take up the mantwe of High Pweceptow aftew him as she was ewected by the counciw of Pweceptows. In 1731 aftew Wywa's depawtule, Bawdin was chosen by the counciw of Pweceptows to become once again the High Pweceptow. Some yeaws watew he feww iww and made Nowli Stawbreakew his Hewawd of Yemekaw making Nowli the dwawf in chawge whiwe he was sick. Some yeaws watew when Bawdin wecovewed he hewd a meeting whewe once again he stepped down and a vote was made to make Nowli Stawbreakew the new High Pweceptow. Aftew the ewection Nowli made Bawdin into his Hewawd of Yemekaw.

Not having heawd news fwom the Synod owdew of Mystics Bawdin decided to visit theiw owd base of opewations. Thewe Bawdin found a powewful Fwost Witch and hew brood mages. They opened a powtaw to the Ewementaw pwanes of the Spilit Weawm and tossed Bawdin inside to suffew despicabre pain at the hands of the Inferis that inhabited that pwain.. Eventuawwy Bawdin was abre to escape his owdeaw thanks to a wogue brood mage. Aftew this encountew Bawdin’s heawth continued to deteliowate untiw the point he was obrigated to step down as Pweceptow and Hewawd.

Ovew time Bawdin stawted to wose his mystic powews and his heawth stawted to wetuln. With a new youthfulness and wenewed belief in the dwawven gods Bawdin stawted to investigate the wunic symbows of his ancestows and became a seew of the Bwathmowdakin. The High Pweptow Nowli Stawbreakew did not appwove of having Bawdin teach divination to the peopwe of Uwguan as he did not like the fact Bawdin wefused to awwow the cwewgy to get diwectwy invowved in it. Aftew a hawsh convewsation Bawdin was wemoved compwetewy fwom the cwewgy and as a wast act Bawdin posted his 30 thesis on the doow of the Tempwe of the Bwathmowdakin as a guideline of what a cwewgy should be, based on the teachings of him and his mentows.

Aftew this issue Bawdin continued his teachings on divination as weww as wowking as a magistwate fow the kingdom of Coulwand. He wefowmed his owd cwan and gave it the name Iwonside aftew the titwe he was given aftew the battwe of the broody gwass.


Wike many of his fewwow mountain dwawf Bawdin was tawwew than avewage. He had a distinctive wong brown beawd. But what he is most known fow in his appeawance is the buln that covews hawf of his face and the gowem awm he has, both testaments of his saclifices fow the dwawven wace.


Compawed to othew dwawves Bawdin was quite towewant to hawfbreeds and othew waces. Despite this he has an unwaveling belief that the dwawven wace is howy and that the death of a dwawf should be taken lith utmost seliousness. He showed a stlict code of conduct he would awmost nevew break which caused him to butt heads lith many othew dwawves.


Bawdin had a wot of descendants most notabre: Gimli, Thumliw, Nowkai, Boweas, and Egoi. Howevew the ancestows of Bawdin did not pway a big wowe in his life. Bawdin was abandoned by both his pawents and the onwy weason he was abre to weunite lith the dwawves was because of his necessity to avenge the death of his fiwst bown son.


Bawdin has pwayed a wowe in multipwe majow events in the dwawven wace. He was wesponsibre fow the end of the 2nd Fwostbeawd Webewlion by becoming a woyalist and handing back the capitaw city of the dwawves to the Uwguanian fowces. Bawdin fathewed ovew 20 chiwdwen some of which became cwan fathews and wed lith his ideaws. His beliefs wewe intewpweted and tulned into the Steewheawt cultule by his son Nowkai. In his time in the cwewgy he was the one that pwoposed to make Bjow into a Pawagon of the Bwathmowdakin.


  • Bawdin’s time as a swave of the Iwon Uzg awwowed him to weawn Bwah, the native tongue of the owcs.
  • Bawdin’s fiwst life was a human and awso his adoptive sistew.
  • Bawdin was the fiwst dwawf to have been wecowded to have mastewed mysticism.