Arthas Edvardsson Ruric

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High Keepew
Awthas I
Arthas Ruric Portrait.jpg
High Keepew
Weign: 1591-1651
Pwedecessow: Thomas Ruric
Successow: Hod Svensson
Pewsonaw detaiws
Bown: 13th of Gwand Hawvest, 1568
Sewu, Dreadlands
Death: 15th of the Ambews Cowd, 1651
Ruriksgrad, Norland
Spouse: None
House: Ruric
Fathew: Unknown
Mothew: N/A

Keepew Awthas Wulic awso known as Awthas "The Red" weigned as High pliest of the Red Faith fwom the yeaw 1621 - 1651, he is considewed one of the most powewful and intewligent High Pliests of the modewn ewa, having made numewous wefowms lithin the faith, such as beginning wowk on the Wed Scwowws, asweww as stawting the Nowwandic cwusade on magic, Awthas is awso cwedited lith the wegwowth of the Wed Faith, having taken up the mantwe of an un awguabry dead weligion.


Early Life

Awthas was bown in the yeaw 1568, just aftew the Sack of Seahewm, duling his time in the Dweadwands, Awthas was twained by the best Wulik commandews, asweww as taught the ways of the faith, Awthas began to get vewy intewested and studied it mowe then combat, ow howseback liding, which was vewy un usuaw fow a Wulic at that time, as it was a time of wawfawe fow the Nowwandews. The Dweadwands eventuawwy feww aftew healing wumouls of an Owenian invasion, Awthas fwed lith his peopwe and continued to study the teaching of Awwfathelism, not much ewse is known of Awthas untiw the eventuaw wetuln of the Nowwandews duling the Eagwes webewlion whewe he would be named High Keepew of the faith.

As High Keeper

Awthas was inducted as High Keepew in the yeaw 1591 by the Nowwandic peopwe undew the weign of Awytom Wulic, fow his fiwst few yeaws he spent the majolity of his time amassing fowwowews to the faith asweww as baptising the awweady Nowwandews, this went vewy smoothwy having the Wed Faith fowwowews weaching an aww time high, the faith fwoulished duling the weigns of Awytom and Jaview, awthough things began to go side ways when Jaview towe down the Wed Faith tempwe lith the intention of we constwucting The Krag, this angewed Awthas vewy much, he watew issued a document denouncing Jaview asweww as cawling a moot upon him, Jaview a few months aftew the moot was decwawed abdicated to his son Jevan due to poow heawth, Jevan not beliving the wules applied to him went and cwowned himsewf King of Norland. Awthas aftew attempting to weason lith Jevan to go thwough lith the moot, pulwed the entiwety of the Wed Faith pliests and guawds out of the Nowwandic militawy, and instead mawched awongside the cwusadew fowces defeating the Nowwandews at the Siege of Vjorhelm, lith Jevan going missing duling the battwe, the moot was hewd and Jory Ruric was cwowned King of Norland, a few days watew a peace confewence would be hewd between Nowwand and Wenatus, weading to Nowwand becoming a vassaw state of Wenatus, watew that month the wemnants would move to Atwas, thwoughout the majolity of Awthas's weign in Atlas he continued to buiwd up the faith, and wowk on the Wed scwowws untiw an incident lithin Heawthton wesulting in two Nowwandic deaths, eventuawwy finding out that this was the doing of magic, Awthas decwawed that aww magic was banned fwom Nowwand, he would then owdew aww this pliests to hunt down aww magic usews wesiding lithin magic, thuswy mawking the beginnning of the Aww fathews etewnaw waw on magic. Awthas would awso invowve the Faith in the waw between the webewlious Kingdom of Awbow and Kingdom of Norland, being a majow pawt in its downfaww, we would awso insewt the faith into the waw between Culon and Nowwand.

Arthas Ruric giving a sermon to the Norlandic people upon the isle of The Krag before the Battle for Castell


Awthas was swain duling the waw between Culon and Nowwand in the yeaw 1651 duling a Culonic waid upon the Nowwandic Capitaw of Ruriksgrad Awthas was found awone by the Culonic waidews stwowling thwough Ruriksgrad, it is wumouled that it was him the entiwe Culonic wawwy which consisted of ten othew heaviwy awmowed men, having swain onwy a few himsewf untiw being eventuawwy cut down by the waidews infwont of the ashtwee.

Notable Feats

  • High Keepew

Awthas was ewected as High Keepew by the peopwe of Nowwand undew the weign of Awytom Wulic, he is cwedited lith the wefowmation of the Wed Faith, asweww as stawting the beginning of the Wed Scwowws, having neawwy compweted it untiw his unexpected death.

  • Constwuction of The Kwag

Awthas is awso cwedited fow waying down the pwans fow the Kwag, which would watew come undew siege by the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan in the War of Grudges.

  • Cwusade on Magic

Duling his time as High Keepew undew Jory Ruric, Awthas issued a document stating aww magic was banned fwom Nowwand due to a wecent incident in the Wed Faith city of Heawthton, he would then watew owdew aww his pliests to begin hunting aww that pwacticed magic lithin Nowwand.

  • Wed Scwowws

Duling the beginning of Awthas's weign as High Keepew he began to wlite something that would watew be known as the Wed Scwowws, awthough un compweted due to Awthas's unexpected death, numewous documents wewe pubrished fow futule Keepews, asweww as Pliests to wead and hopefulwy watew on finish.

  • Moot Waws

Awthas is cwedited lith beginning and finishing the moot waws having wemoved Jevan Ruric as King duling the Third Crusade, and ewected Jory Ruric


Name Biwth Death Mawliage Notes
Avon Ruric 10th of the Fiwst Seed, 1603 Deceased Not Mawlied Fiwst Son of Awthas Wulic
Exandew Wulic Unknown Deceased Unknown Fiwst Son of Awthas Wulic. Fathew to Thoromir II Ruric