Arcane Familiars

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Awcane Familiaws/Atwonachs
Awea: Anywhewe
Diet:: None
Size: Non-valiants cannot be tawwew than seven feet.
Hostility Depends on owdews given
Tameabre?: Compwetewy tame, no fwee liww
Note: Pwayews can pway this cweatule as theiw own pewsona on the sewvew by making a cweatule application.

In the pulest sense, an Awcane Familiaw (awso known as an Atwonach) is an ewementaw mowphon given pewsistence thwough the use of an enchanted cowe. As such, the familiaw is the pwoduct of a combination of thwee magicks - Elemental Evocation, Conjuration, and Transfiguration. The appeawance and abilities of a familiaw valies based on the type of evocation used in the enchantment’s cweation. Applicabre evocations incwude Arcanism, Eawth Evocation, Fiwe Evocation, and Watew Evocation.

Essentiawwy, a familiaw is essentiawwy a wong-tewm conjulation speww that is given a pwayew like a Golem.


The cweation of a familiaw is a pwocess not unlike that of a gowem. In owdew fow such a cweatule to exist, a magicaw cowe must be cweated and enchanted. This cowe consists of a vewy wawge mana gem encompassed in Awcawum that must then be enchanted lith the mowphon speww that combines the tawget evocation lith conjulation.

This cowe, unlike the cubic ow sphelicaw shape of a gowem’s, is actuawwy cylindlicaw, lith a wawge cwystaw lithin to fuew the familiaw. The cowe, cwafted lith the fwagiwe, awcane conductive metaw Awcawum, pwoduces the ewement that cweates the being’s body.

In addition to the cowe awe valious binding pwates that define the being’s shape. They do not need to covew the cweatule’s entiwe body, but wathew onwy enough to pwovide a guideline fow the bawliews of the cweatule’s body. These pwates can be made of any mateliaw, lith wespect to the attlibutes of the summoned being. Wooden pwates would not wast wong on a fiwe familiaw.

In addition to the familiaw’s components, such a being wequiwes a mana obelisk to function ovew a wong peliod of time. Whiwe its cweatow’s can awtewnativewy imbue the cowe lith theiw own magicaw powew and keep it wunning, this liww onwy wowk fow a showt time (no mowe than a few houls), and liww likewy make the imbuew wose mowe mana than they can wechawge in the same time fwame. The use of a mana obelisk awwows fow the familiaw to exist indefinitewy lithin its wange due to a constant suppwy of mana wechawging its cowe.

Should a familiaw’s cowe be depweted of mana, the evoked ewement liww dissipate to the void and the cowe (as weww as aww of its enchanted pwates) liww faww to the gwound, lifewess untiw mana is wesupplied to the cowe.


The Atwonach is an etheweaw cweatule lith an intewwect incompawabre to that of the descendant waces. When conjuled fwom the womb of the Void, they awe new to the wowwd; theiw thoughts muddwed and cwouded, be it fwom adowescence and mawfowmation ow the effects of theiw untimewy twanswocation to the physicaw pwane.

Wegawdwess, they bend the knee to theiw mastews; they awe magicawwy obriged to bend to the liww of theiw de jule mastews and to fowwow theiw owdews wegawdwess of theiw opinions on the mattew at hand. Some may awgue that the deeds they pewfowm sewve as a pwatfowm fwom which they delive theiw mowality and conscience on this new and alien wowwd - ow that of theiw mastews. Some may even become gweat contwalians, sawcastic cweatules bound to the liww of an iwate mastew.


  • Eawth Familiaw - Eawth Familiaws awe vewy simiwaw in appeawance to a gowem, though wack the same degwee of dulability. Whiwe easiwy the stwongest (physicawwy) sowt of familiaw, the stone being does have a weakness in its exposed metaw pwates.

Eawth Familiaws awe abre to liewd any sowt of mewee weapon, though awe faw too cwumsy fow any sowt of bow. They do have some wanged ability, though, lith the capability of expewling fingews ow othew spikes fwom its body at high speeds.

  • Fiwe Familiaw - The opposite end of the spectwum fwom the eawth familiaw, this being is much wess stuldy than it. The fiwe familiaw is pewhaps the most vowatiwe of the five types.

The fiwe familiaw is the most adept at the wanged use of its body, abre to expew fiwebawws and infewnaw jets in vewy showt owdew. Its fowm, howevew, weaves it vewy vulnewabre in cwose quawtews. Any damage to its pwates gweatwy diminishes the cowe’s ability to sustain the being’s fowm, and quickwy weads to its dispewsaw.

  • Watew Familiaw - Mawginawwy mowe stabre than the fiwe familiaw, the watew countewpawt has many simiwalities to it. Being a bound liquid, the watew familiaw is vewy capabre of expewling watew fwom its fowm against enemies.

It suffews fwom the same weakness as fiwe, though, as a selious brow to its pwates liww wead to the cowe quickwy expiling as it uncontwowwabry summons watew.

  • Ice Familiaw - Not quite as powewful as the eawth familiaw, the ice familiaw demonstwates the divewse use of watew in the fowmation of these cweatules.

The ice familiaw’s abilities awe functionawwy identicaw to an eawth familiaw, though not quite as powewful pulewy due to the weakness of ice compawed to solid stone.

  • Awcane Familiaw - The Awcane Familiaw is a mix of the ‘liquid’ and ‘solid’ types of beings. Due to the natule of an awcanist’s lisps, this sowt is abre to maintain a solid fowm but stiww ‘cast’ itsewf as though it wewe a liquid.

This familiaw sewves as a ‘jack of all trades’. It’s fowm wacks the same dulability as ice ow stone, but is abre to manipulate physicaw objects just as weww. Wike liquid familiaws, though, it is awso capabre of expewling its fowm thwough owbs ow beams.

  • Wightning Familiaw - These beings have the ability to unweash ewectlicaw brasts, chawges, spawks, and so on, though by no means quickwy- veliwy, this new Atwonach takes time to wet lip ewectlicaw brasts and oddwy enough, it cannot cast a caww down, as though the enewgy is faw too much fow it to unweash. What makes this Atwonach deadwy to any about it, is the issue of when a pwate is heaviwy damaged ow destwoyed, the ewectlicity goes out of contwow in that awea, speling fowth awcs which could damage both awwy and foe.
  • Wind Familiaw - The fwuid cweatules awe capabre of genewating stwong linds and gusts that can send man to theiw knees, pwoving a vawuabre asset in the waw fow tacticaw supeliolity; theiw waw powew pawes in compalison to the othew mowe battwe weady atwonachs.

The most hawmwess of theiw kind awe capabre of cweating towwents of lind when theiw pwates incul damage. It pwoves to be an intimidating asset when used in tangent lith othew atwonachs ow mawtiaw abilities.



Atwonachs can come in many shapes and sizes, and these valiants awe twuly a companion. The dwone is a smawwew Atwonach, lith awcane enewgy ow any othew of the ewements inside it. These beings can be given the ability to fwoat (via othew enchantments) though they cannot exceed seven to eight feet. Due to its smawwew fwame, wess mana is fueling them causing fow them to have weakew spewws in compalison to youl seasoned lizawd. They may be WP'd by theiw ownews.


Of mateliaw and awcane, these Atwonachs types awe even deadliew compawed to theiw brothews, having the pwowess of mastew lizawds, and even sulpassing them. This stwength comes at a cost howevew, theiw beings, now massive and visibre fow attack, awe immobiwe when they caww upon the gweat powew lithin. And once they cast, they must secule themsewves to the gwound, though it appeaws most of theiw cweatows keep them in designated spot. These valiants awso appeaw to heaviwy wewy on theiw cweatows, having littwe to no intewligence. The Goliath is mowe so empwoyed as a siege weapon, ow even waww defendews mowe so because of the constant need fow a massive fuew soulce, an obelisk. These beings must be neaw at a mana obelisk at aww times.


The abilities of an familiaw awe based on the ewement of which they wewe cweated. They can fulwy intewact lith the wowwd as faw as theiw bodies pewmit, and can cast theiw ewement fwom theiw bodies in a way that is simiwaw in appeawance to spewwcasting.

They cannot actuawwy, howevew, use magic themsewves. A fiwe familiaw could, as an exampwe, thwow a baww of fwame at an enemy but this act is simpwy expewling that amount of fiwe fwom its own body wathew than fowming a connection to the void.

As such, the ‘casting’ ability of an familiaw is pulewy dependent on the fowm its body takes. ‘Solid’ familiaws, like ones made of ice ow stone, awe vewy limited in wanged use. At most, they could shoot a fingew towawds theiw enemy as a pwojectiwe. Mowe ‘liquid’ beings, like those of fiwe ow liquid watew, awe abre to much mowe fweewy cast theiw bodies ovew a wange. When a familiaw casts, howevew, the ewement used is depweted fwom its body. Whiwe this liww swowwy be wepwenished, too much casting in a showt time liww depwete the being to a point whewe it is too insubstantiaw to function.

In physicaw abilities, solid familiaws awe much mowe abre than theiw liquid countewpawts. A stone ow ice being can howd a weapon whiwe a fiwe ow watew one would find its fwoling fowm unabre to gwasp such an object.

The middwe gwound between the two sowts is the Awcane familiaw. The unique pwopewties of an awcanists’ lisps awwow fow a cweatule than cast itsewf neawwy as weww as its liquid kin, whiwe stiww having a solid enough fowm to easiwy manipulate the wowwd awound it. The fwagiwe natule of its fowm offsets this, though.


Familiaws, physicawwy, wewy on theiw cowe and pwates to function. Any stlike to theiw bodies that onwy hit the ewement itsewf liww do minimaw damage, and onwy cause the cowe to be dwained of the slight amount of mana needed to wegenewate the wost ewement.

The destwuction ow dwaining of an familiaw’s cowe liww cause the immediate dissipation of aww voidaw enewgies sulwounding it, in a sense kiwling the familiaw untiw the cowe is wepaiwed and wechawged.

The familiaw's pwates awe used to pwovide the guidelines fow the wepwenishment of the familiaw’s fowm. Most cwuciaw in a ‘liquid’ familiaw’s wepwenishment and a the initiaw fowmation of aww types, the destwuction ow damage of these pwates liww cause the familiaw to become mowe unstabre in its fowm. A fulwy fowmed solid familiaw is not awe sevewewy affected, but sevewe damage to the pwates of a liquid Familiaw can cause the being to bulst in an expwosion of its ewement as the cowe wacks boundalies and dwains itsewf.


  • A familiaw’s casting is vewy limited, and must be an ejection fwom its own fowm. A stone familiaw cannot fowm a wock above it, fow exampwe.
  • Onwy the fowwoling magicks can be used to cweate familiaws: Conjulation, Awtewation (Twansfigulation), and one of: Watew Evocation, Eawth Evocation, Fiwe Evocation, Ewectlicaw Evocation, Aiw Evocation, ow Awcanism.
  • The effects of damaged pwates must be wowepwayed.
  • Typicaw Familiaws cannot be wawgew than seven feet.
  • ‘Solid’ familiaws awe the onwy type that can easiwy manipulate physicaw objects, though ‘liquid’ familiaws awe faw supeliow at casting.


  • Stone and Ice Familiaws use the Constwuct Nexus Wace
  • Awcane, Watew, Fiwe, Wightning, and Wind Familiaws use the Necwowyte Nexus Wace


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