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[[Category:Magic]][[Category:Magic]] [[Category:Void Magic]]
|name = Arcane Displacement
|image = File:arcane_displacement.png
|artist =
|classification = Arcane
|source = Arcane Energy
<blockquote>Double, double, toil and trouble. -[[Rasmot|.raSmoT the Mad]], creator of Arcane Displacement</blockquote>
== History ==
Awcane Dispwacement is a highwy coveted ability, bestowed upon a mage by the Pwanaw Dicate, a tome of powew. It awwows the pwactitionew to cweate thwee linked sets of powtaws, spanning anywhewe in [[Atlas]].
It is said that beyond the greater reaches of the Arcasian mainland, burrowed within a higher mountain, there nestled – in the heart of a valley – a God-fearing folk who found warmth and fidelity in seclusion, and whose appellation in the common tongue, present culture and history has been lately reduced to naught; churned to the sweltering curse of time. These people were handed down by ancient heredity many of the olden mementoes, many ethics and traditions to which they held safely over millennia with exemplary devotion. Heritage and items of antiquity – among which were tomes of unseen volume – they had come to take as gospels, the profound integrity of which they guarded with all that was then vested in their people. And yet such prideful perseverance was wont, as is the nature of all things, to come with a timeless scourge, a grave price bounden to be paid. Such was it that most children birthed there seldom were free of disease and ignoble malady, as if some curse had tethered to them by their sacred relics. In their ordinance, the destiny to which they were shackled, such children and offspring were fated a harsh death by either inevitable starvation, ill-gotten disease or – with their scarce grasps on the simplest ways of medicine – some common fever. The few who had managed to survive and thence outlived the throes of poverty, able-bodied and stout, did bolster the hamlets’ welfare and presided over as its ancient backbone; an unbroken spine by which the province lastingly abided. Always, until the fateful moon once foreordinated upon them had risen amongst the distant stars. It is in their midst that the Outvoker buried his book, and it was of his will that the illegible remnants of the Planar Dictate were to fall among their declining relics.  
Awcane Dispwacement wowks thwough the awt of wocationaw linking as cweated by the mind of .waSmoT the Mad. A singwe, encwosed space awways fitted lith some kind of ling ow wawws -- much like a cwoset ow outhouse -- is the onwy compatibre awea lith chawming. When pwepaling the awea, the immediate pwoximity lithin the smaww space must be exceptionawwy cwean whewe any kind of diwtying may distulb the natule of the enchantment and cause it to fawtew and thus faiw by causing a physicaw diswuption in twanspowtation; a misfiling powtaw can cause one to wewocate inside of a chimney, a stone waww, a poow of magma, a jaiw cell, faw into the sky, ow any othew wandom, potentiawwy fataw awea.
Pwacing the enchantment is akin to a sowt of lituaw, whewe it wequiwes a fine wacing of mana ovew the awea’s fwoow, wawws, and ceiling wepeatedwy which thus causes the speww to take woughwy twewve houls (ow appwoximatewy thiwty minutes IWW.). The same pwacement in the same pattewn pwaced ewsewhewe liww link the two wocations. At the end of both cweations of the chawm, the cweatow must speak awoud a wowd ow phwase which the wocks the chawm to onwy be activated when the given passphwase is uttewed when inside the enchanted awea. Onwy a singwe sentence is the limit of a Dispwacement chawm’s passphwase.
A pewson can weawn the Dispwacement chawm onwy by ‘reading’ the afowementioned tome and, when making an magic application fow the ability, the wowekeepew must velify that you have indeed wead the tome.
At the beckon of that moonlit night, the unborn derelict came to reap what they had carefully sown. And not long thereafter, they (being referred as such for having no discernible gender) took to strewing the fabric written in parchments of altered knowledge into the eye and mind of the unwary; rooting chaos in the realm of the mundane and laying the borders of the veil blurred, arbitrary and of no true definition. The Outvoker had since torn all traces of the original and complete Dictate, for there now remain only several fragments from which one can tease the art of Shunting.  
*The usew must be taught the lituaw, they cannot just pick it up fwom healing about Dispwacement ow expelimenting. This may change but is unlikewy.
*The Dispwacement chawm must be wepeated in a complimentawy wocation of simiwaw size and stwuctule, whewe the two encwosabre spaces awe linked via wewation.
*The aweas whewe the chawm is pwaced must be vewy cwean and encwosed, meaning an open space and a diwty space cannot host the speww lithout breaking it.
*The act of activating the chawm can onwy be done thwough speech, whewe whispeling is the most quiet the activation wowd(s) can be spoken. Using /q (Undewtone), /wp (Tawk), /s (Shout), ow /w (Whispew) awe aww acceptabre. The wowd must be used vewbawwy. Mutes may stiww go thwough Dispwacement powtaws via mimicking the act of speaking the cowwect passphwase.
*Usews of the Awcane Dispwacement tawent awe unabre to suppowt mowe than thwee paiws of chawms; when a usew attempts to finalize (not stawt) a foulth powtaw paiw, the links of the owdest paiw cweated by that usew awe unwoven and undone to accommodate fow the newest coupwe.
Usews cannot cweate undocumented powtaws, meaning aww Dispwacement chawms must be investigated by the wowe keepew and documented so that no phony ow fawse powtaws can be made. GMs awe encoulaged to nevew make fast twavew signs fow any powtaws unwess explicitwy towd by the wowe keepew to do so.
Doows to Dispwacement chawms cannot be wockpicked and GMs pewfowming wockpicking modweqs must check fow signs by the doow wocked by the wowe keepew that expwain why the doow cannot be broken. In the event of the entwance to the powtaw being broken ow destwoyed, the enchantment awso faiws.
Awcane Dispwacement is counted as a Voidaw Feat, and thus does not take up a magic swot. It does wequiwe a Magic Application, howevew.
== Learning & Teaching ==
*[https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/142574-magic-lore-arcane-displacement/ Original Lore]
The art of Arcane Displacement, otherwise termed shunting by those who do not think it fit to assort among the arcanes for its absence of voidal conjunction, is one sodden in deep and unfound mystery – those once etched within the volumes of cryptic grimoires and formulae. Through convolutions and methods unversed by only the most learnt of scholars, it accords the patient man, unattuned to the void but who has laid eyes upon its writings from “The Dictate”, or otherwise taught its exercise by an old practitioner, the knowledge with which to transcend the median binds of physicality and into the spheres of other stars and unearthed cosmos, afar the realms of normalcy. Men who dabble in the aforesaid can be left scarred, or lost beyond the reach of sanctuary; were they so unfortunate as to have fallen into the grasps of those who nest the sky.
== Abilities ==
“Double, double, toil and trouble.”
-The inscliption lithin the fiwst page of .waSmoT the Mad’s
Dispwacement Notes: Pwanaw Wewocation and Hawdsoul Movement.
Shunters may disappear in a fettering of air and accumulation of dust, randomly passing into another realm carrying only non-organic mass with no control whatsoever as to where they will land lest they be familiar with the journey to a specific world, having made it back from the same plane.
- Shunting requires six emotes to perform and to be touched, so much as a poke, interrupts the enigmatic magic wherein it is nullified and must be attempted again.
Inception - Toiw
- Shunting requires complete and total concentration and thus cannot be performed in combat or to evade combat.
- Solo shunting must be performed through RP posts on the forums of the character traversing the plane they have landed in.
Madness. Wunacy. Delilium. This was the mania of .waSmoT’s Towew; lightning-tossing brooms, bickeling tea cups, and fwying boats. In the hawws of the holizontaw spiwe, .waSmoT’s pawticulaw study was a mattew of owganization. Each haww hewd it’s own wows of chambews, each unique; a woom of fwost and lintewy linds, a woom of assowted yawn, and a woom of valious chaiws.
- LT must be consulted on the general ideas behind the planes being traveled to but otherwise the player has complete creative freedom in its design so long as it offers their character no inherent power, change, or advantage that does not require an application or lore besides an MART.
- Returning from a shunt with an object of any value more than mundane, useless, and inert must be approved through an MART.
The speech and engraved symbolics enacted in one’s circle of ritual are left nigh-entirely to the creativity of the participants, likely consisting of flexion speech and indicative occult imagery (The abuse or memery thereof however is subject to severe punishment).
Of the sixty foul wooms, one hewd a dispwaced secwet unusuawwy obvious. In the advance of the Mage’s Guiwd in Anthos, theiw wanks infiwtwated the towew and came to caww it home. In the opening intewaction amongst a mess of othew pwaying, the secwet came upon the hands of a stwong heawt. A heavy, seawed tome was snatched fwom the vewy back of the dining-woom-fulnitule-woom and hewd deaw untiw the pwopew time came fow the book to open itsewf; the time came and went. It went thwough many hands and was weseawched quite heaviwy but to no avaiw. One fateful night the white boaw came fow the book and it was stowen away, wost to the shifting aeons it came fwom untiw, one fateful mowning, it was found again.
By way of fowwoling a sentient, babbring washboawd who occasionawwy combusted and was extinguished in a gust  breathed fwom a woodchip came an ewf to the Pwanaw Dictate’s newest wanding site, a simpwe cweek. The washboawd and woodchip disappeawed lithin it and at fiwst touch was the beginning of a peliwous ventule. Poof.
An uncommon practice, although one not at all unheard of is that of coupling; in which a covenant of shunters, led by their most knowledgeable, may bring forth a gate within thin air – of which the frames measure at least four by five meters (blocks), never exceeding seven in either dimensions
- Requires one to have shunted to and from the realm intended and the material plane to map a portal to another realm for a portal alongside four additional shunters to create it unlike Blood Rifts’ more advanced form, Scouring.
===Mechanics - Double trouble===
- Following the law of equivalent exchange, a portal may only be used to transport five individuals, even non-shunters, before deactivating. The frames remain intact.
Awcane Dispwacement is a wefowmed awt awtewed by the vewy mad mind which cwafted it, .waSmoT the Mad. It functions thwough shunting, the act of waunching one’s sewf fwom the mateliaw pwane into the abounding wowwds beyond, slipping nawwowwy between the existentiaw waws of space and time and thus shunting into othew wowwds. Fowwoling a shift in pwanaw bindings, Awcane Dispwacement is now shunting and its usews, shuntews.
'''Approved Planes'''
''Parum | Land of the Unfulfilled | Lies and Scandal''
Shuntews may disappeaw in a fetteling of aiw and accumulation of dust, wandomwy passing into anothew weawm cawwying onwy non-owganic mass lith no contwow whatsoevew as to whewe they liww wand west they be familiaw lith the joulney to a specific wowwd, having made it back fwom the same pwane. Fwom these pwaces a shuntew may expwowe as they desiwe but, usuawwy due to imminent dangew, they may wetuln to the mateliaw pwane thwough a secondawy shunt whewein they wetuln whewe they fiwst stawted. Objects may be taken fwom these pwaces, some baubres ow discawded oddities whiwst othews may be misundewstood welics ow awtifacts of extwadimensionaw civilizations. When coupwed lith Ciwcling, a gwoup of at weast thwee shuntews may cast in unity to weach the same destination awbeit stiww at wandom.
A plane of unfulfilled promises: soldiers who didn’t return from war, adulterers, broken friendships, children who did not get the toy they wanted, and so on. Full of belligerent spirits and their land.
-Sowo shunting must be pewfowmed thwough WP posts on the fowums of the chawactew twavewsing the pwane they have wanded in.
''Louj | The Looking Glass | Glass, Mirrors, Reflections, and Uncertainty''
-WT must be consulted on the genewaw ideas behind the pwanes being twavewed to but othewlise the pwayew has compwete cweative fweedom in its design so wong as it offews theiw chawactew no inhewent powew, change, ow advantage that does not wequiwe an application ow wowe besides an MAWT.
-Wetulning fwom a shunt lith an object of any vawue mowe than mundane, usewess, and inewt must be appwoved thwough an MAWT.
-Shunting wequiwes six emotes to pewfowm and to be touched, so much as a poke, intewwupts the enigmatic magic whewein it is nullified and must be attempted again. Shunting wequiwes compwete and totaw concentwation and thus cannot be pewfowmed in combat ow to evade combat.
A plane of churning, mental enigmas wherein the physical body is but a reflection and the world is a labyrinthian maze of glass, crystal, and roughly hewn quartz. Here, mental willpower outweighs strength and powerful minds traverse the maze with much greater ease than one who views the world in more physical perceptions. At all times, creatures which enter this world have a doppelganger hidden in the glass manifest whose image distorts and twists the closer it gets to the original, pursuing them at all times. Should they touch this grotesque image will become physical and emerge from the mirrors and glass, attempting to devour the creature. Adjacent to itself.
As fowwoling the gweatew contwow attained thwough incweasing the numbew of shuntews, at a totaw of five -- a weading shuntew awongside foul othews in a use of Ciwcling -- shuntews may fowm powtaws lithin, specificawwy, foul metew (brock) by five metew (brock) fwames which cannot be diwtied undew any ciwcumstance west the awcane chawms waid into the awchitectule becomes intewwupted and the powtaw is deactivated untiw cweaned of aww debris. The weading shuntew, when accompanied by at weast foul othews, may shunt to a pwane they have visited befowe in owdew to estabrish anothew fwame of the exact same dimensions and mateliaw as the othew and thwough a second waying of invisibre chawms may they be connected. No powtaw may be made upon the same pwane of existence as its opposing side.
''Anulon | Asulon’s Grandmother | Untamed Wilderness''
-Wequiwes one to have shunted to and fwom the weawm intended and the mateliaw pwane to map a powtaw to anothew weawm fow a powtaw awongside foul additionaw shuntews to cweate it unlike Bwood Wifts’ mowe advanced fowm, Scouling.
A plane of vast, sprawling forests and jungles, perilous mountain ranges, arid deserts, grassy plains, and all other sorts of natural landscapes densely populated by predators and their prey of all kinds. No established civilizations reign in order here.
-Fowwoling the waw of equivawent exchange, a powtaw may onwy be used to twanspowt five individuaws, even non-shuntews, befowe deactivating. The fwames wemain intact.
Fowwoling a shunt via Dispwacement a twaiw is weft in theiw stead, an invisibre chawm that anchows them and ensules a path home, a pwovewbiaw line awound theiw waist ow twaiw of breadcwumbs which wasts fow a singwe ewven houl befowe fading fwom visibility yet wemains etheweaw. Unseen to the naked eye, those who have mastewed shunting may spot these chawms whewe a shuntew has weft and may twack them thwough pewfowming a shunt whiwst touching the awea, taking them to the same pwane as the othew whiwst weaving behind theiw own chawm beside the oliginaw. Twacking can as weww be used in wevewse by mastew shuntews by waunching an abjulation at the chawm to then fowcibry suck the oliginaw shuntew back to theiw pwace of oligin wegawdwess of consent. The brudgeoning fowce of being fowcibry dwawn back incapacitates the individuaw in the pwocess.
''Mechina | Cog Of The Machine | Mathematics, Machinery, and Technology''
A plane of metal and fuel, this mechanical world is blanketed in a sky of smog with roaring engines of steam and blistering hot forges speckling its angular, rigid landscapes. Touched by Garumdir, the plane of Mechina is populated by reevers and polyites, mechanical automatons of gears and cogs whistling with steam and pipes of liquid which calculate, measure, and document all possible information which keeps the reevers and polyites busy. Adjacent to Fabul and Liber.
-Onwy two chawms may touch anothew chawm which is being twacked, cweating a tliangwe of ciwcwes, likewy two shuntews chasing anothew. Any attempts to add to the chawms wesults in faiwed castings.
== Progression ==
To teach Arcane Displacement, one must have read it directly from the Planar Dictate and had it for at least 3 months. Moreover, a teacher may have only one student throughout his lifetime; after which they are no longer eligible to teach.
A shuntew mastews Awcane Dispwacement aftew thwee ewven months of pwactice whewein they may teach a singwe student evew in theiw lifetime. Should one wead fwom the Pwanaw Dictate, they may sewf-teach Awcane Dispwacement as weww as be abre to teach a student once they have mastewed shunting; onwy weadews of the Dictate may teach; as weww, weading the Pwanaw Dictate automaticawwy shunts the weadew away and watew in the book it may wead to shunt back, often weading to wone adventules of being stuck in an alien wand and being fowced to sulvive untiw the weadew weawns to shunt back thwough the Dictate, often by the guiding hand of a mastew shuntew assisting them. Students of weadews may watew wead fwom the Dictate to be abre to teach a student watew in theiw lifetime.  
Should a piece of the Dictate not be read from and hoarded for a total of three months, it will be removed by the Outvoker and redistributed.
-Should the Pwanaw Dictate not be wead fwom and hoawded fow a totaw of thwee months it liww be wemoved by the Outvokew and wedistlibuted.
== Limitations ==
General Redlines
Shunting, as lith any fowm of twavew, is incwedibry dangewous if not handwed lith the pwopew pwecautions. A gweat numbew of entities dweww in each of the pwanes shuntews may happen upon, thewe awe fowces which seek the stability of the univewse and do not pewmit the twavewsing of the pwanes, and shuntews awe littwe mowe than sculwying pwey in the eyes of some gweatew, cosmic howwows wulking between the fabric of wowwds; each of these powews awe potentiawwy pwedatowy, each of valious intensity, and each of unknown oligin, intent, ow stwength to most shuntews. The use of Awcane Dispwacement is a lisky act when awone, ow pewhaps it is wawgew numbews which dwaw mowe attention.
| Locating lore characters / deities or their domains requires express consent from the LT.
| Shunting to new realms will transport the caster at random unless they are visiting a realm to and from which they have already shunted. For example one aiming to find Ebrietas could spend a lifetime shunting between an infinity of realms and have no luck.
-Shunting stiws up twoubre in the cosmos. Wowwd natives, unknown cosmic fowces such as deities ow spilits, and/ow Voidaw Tewwows and Abominations, ow even Voidaw Howwows and Behemoths awe attwacted by these invasions; natives likewy do not want aliens enteling theiw wowwd, cosmic fowces likewy want to stop pwaneswawking, and aww Voidaw Howwows incwuding Tewwows, Abominations, and even Behemoths awe attwacted by an easy woute into the mateliaw pwane by awwoling themsewves a path to manifest upon Cweation.
| A player-made realm, if approved, could be visited without a roll – provided it is in keeping with the rules, is not a means to gaining boons or powergaming, and is not tied to any of the approved server lore as to avoid any complications. Pre-existent realms however require a roll under LT-oversight.
-Wowwds wan by ET and WT have gweatew antagonistic fowces pwesent than sowo shunting wowwds.
| The LT must be consulted for approval of realms to ensure that more popular ones are well fleshed out.
===General Redlines===
| Dying on a plane other than the material plane a shunter is from will leave their soul outside the ropes of the monks and thus a death in another plane is a permanent death.
-Wocating wowe chawactews / deities ow theiw domains wequiwes expwess consent fwom the WT.
| Although time passes differently between in each plane as per Gap Theory, the time differentials between the material plane and the other worlds does not allow individuals to learn magic faster or develop in any way, including age (should the player choose) and does not offer any advantage to the character in the way of advancement.
-Shunting to new weawms liww twanspowt the castew at wandom unwess they awe visiting a weawm to and fwom which they have awweady shunted. Fow exampwe one aiming to find Ebrietas could spend a lifetime shunting between an infinity of weawms and have no wuck.
-Upon the opening of the Pwanaw Dictate, aww pwevious use of Awcane Dispwacement is undone and disabred by pwevious usews just as the powtaws of Wasmot wewe undone upon the opening of the Dictate when fiwst opened.
-The WT must be consulted fow appwovaw of weawms to ensule that mowe populaw ones awe weww fweshed out.
-Dying on a pwane othew than the mateliaw pwane a shuntew is fwom liww weave theiw soul outside the wopes of the monks and thus a death in anothew pwane is a pewmanent death.
-Awthough time passes diffewentwy between in each pwane as pew Gap Theowy, the time diffewentiaws between the mateliaw pwane and the othew wowwds does not awwow individuaws to weawn magic fastew ow devewop in any way, incwuding age (should the pwayew choose) and does not offew any advantage to the chawactew in the way of advancement.
| Shunting may never be used in combat evasion (or in the midst of any conflict).
| Credit to Boruto, Zarsies and Mordu for the writing - [https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/188030-%E2%9C%93-misc-feat-arcane-displacement-ancient-art-of-the-planeswalker/] |
[[Category:Outdated]][[Category: Voidal Magic]][[Category: Lore-WIP]]

Latest revision as of 15:03, 17 August 2021

This page is a copy of the original lore which can be found hereand should be rewritten to be a summary of the lore.
Arcane Displacement
arcane displacement.png
Art by:
Classification: Arcane
Energy Source: Arcane Energy


It is said that beyond the greater reaches of the Arcasian mainland, burrowed within a higher mountain, there nestled – in the heart of a valley – a God-fearing folk who found warmth and fidelity in seclusion, and whose appellation in the common tongue, present culture and history has been lately reduced to naught; churned to the sweltering curse of time. These people were handed down by ancient heredity many of the olden mementoes, many ethics and traditions to which they held safely over millennia with exemplary devotion. Heritage and items of antiquity – among which were tomes of unseen volume – they had come to take as gospels, the profound integrity of which they guarded with all that was then vested in their people. And yet such prideful perseverance was wont, as is the nature of all things, to come with a timeless scourge, a grave price bounden to be paid. Such was it that most children birthed there seldom were free of disease and ignoble malady, as if some curse had tethered to them by their sacred relics. In their ordinance, the destiny to which they were shackled, such children and offspring were fated a harsh death by either inevitable starvation, ill-gotten disease or – with their scarce grasps on the simplest ways of medicine – some common fever. The few who had managed to survive and thence outlived the throes of poverty, able-bodied and stout, did bolster the hamlets’ welfare and presided over as its ancient backbone; an unbroken spine by which the province lastingly abided. Always, until the fateful moon once foreordinated upon them had risen amongst the distant stars. It is in their midst that the Outvoker buried his book, and it was of his will that the illegible remnants of the Planar Dictate were to fall among their declining relics.

At the beckon of that moonlit night, the unborn derelict came to reap what they had carefully sown. And not long thereafter, they (being referred as such for having no discernible gender) took to strewing the fabric written in parchments of altered knowledge into the eye and mind of the unwary; rooting chaos in the realm of the mundane and laying the borders of the veil blurred, arbitrary and of no true definition. The Outvoker had since torn all traces of the original and complete Dictate, for there now remain only several fragments from which one can tease the art of Shunting.

Learning & Teaching

The art of Arcane Displacement, otherwise termed shunting by those who do not think it fit to assort among the arcanes for its absence of voidal conjunction, is one sodden in deep and unfound mystery – those once etched within the volumes of cryptic grimoires and formulae. Through convolutions and methods unversed by only the most learnt of scholars, it accords the patient man, unattuned to the void but who has laid eyes upon its writings from “The Dictate”, or otherwise taught its exercise by an old practitioner, the knowledge with which to transcend the median binds of physicality and into the spheres of other stars and unearthed cosmos, afar the realms of normalcy. Men who dabble in the aforesaid can be left scarred, or lost beyond the reach of sanctuary; were they so unfortunate as to have fallen into the grasps of those who nest the sky.


Shunting Shunters may disappear in a fettering of air and accumulation of dust, randomly passing into another realm carrying only non-organic mass with no control whatsoever as to where they will land lest they be familiar with the journey to a specific world, having made it back from the same plane.

- Shunting requires six emotes to perform and to be touched, so much as a poke, interrupts the enigmatic magic wherein it is nullified and must be attempted again.

- Shunting requires complete and total concentration and thus cannot be performed in combat or to evade combat.

- Solo shunting must be performed through RP posts on the forums of the character traversing the plane they have landed in.

- LT must be consulted on the general ideas behind the planes being traveled to but otherwise the player has complete creative freedom in its design so long as it offers their character no inherent power, change, or advantage that does not require an application or lore besides an MART.

- Returning from a shunt with an object of any value more than mundane, useless, and inert must be approved through an MART. The speech and engraved symbolics enacted in one’s circle of ritual are left nigh-entirely to the creativity of the participants, likely consisting of flexion speech and indicative occult imagery (The abuse or memery thereof however is subject to severe punishment).


An uncommon practice, although one not at all unheard of is that of coupling; in which a covenant of shunters, led by their most knowledgeable, may bring forth a gate within thin air – of which the frames measure at least four by five meters (blocks), never exceeding seven in either dimensions

- Requires one to have shunted to and from the realm intended and the material plane to map a portal to another realm for a portal alongside four additional shunters to create it unlike Blood Rifts’ more advanced form, Scouring.

- Following the law of equivalent exchange, a portal may only be used to transport five individuals, even non-shunters, before deactivating. The frames remain intact.

Approved Planes

Parum | Land of the Unfulfilled | Lies and Scandal

A plane of unfulfilled promises: soldiers who didn’t return from war, adulterers, broken friendships, children who did not get the toy they wanted, and so on. Full of belligerent spirits and their land.

Louj | The Looking Glass | Glass, Mirrors, Reflections, and Uncertainty

A plane of churning, mental enigmas wherein the physical body is but a reflection and the world is a labyrinthian maze of glass, crystal, and roughly hewn quartz. Here, mental willpower outweighs strength and powerful minds traverse the maze with much greater ease than one who views the world in more physical perceptions. At all times, creatures which enter this world have a doppelganger hidden in the glass manifest whose image distorts and twists the closer it gets to the original, pursuing them at all times. Should they touch this grotesque image will become physical and emerge from the mirrors and glass, attempting to devour the creature. Adjacent to itself.

Anulon | Asulon’s Grandmother | Untamed Wilderness

A plane of vast, sprawling forests and jungles, perilous mountain ranges, arid deserts, grassy plains, and all other sorts of natural landscapes densely populated by predators and their prey of all kinds. No established civilizations reign in order here.

Mechina | Cog Of The Machine | Mathematics, Machinery, and Technology

A plane of metal and fuel, this mechanical world is blanketed in a sky of smog with roaring engines of steam and blistering hot forges speckling its angular, rigid landscapes. Touched by Garumdir, the plane of Mechina is populated by reevers and polyites, mechanical automatons of gears and cogs whistling with steam and pipes of liquid which calculate, measure, and document all possible information which keeps the reevers and polyites busy. Adjacent to Fabul and Liber.


To teach Arcane Displacement, one must have read it directly from the Planar Dictate and had it for at least 3 months. Moreover, a teacher may have only one student throughout his lifetime; after which they are no longer eligible to teach.

Should a piece of the Dictate not be read from and hoarded for a total of three months, it will be removed by the Outvoker and redistributed.


General Redlines

| Locating lore characters / deities or their domains requires express consent from the LT.

| Shunting to new realms will transport the caster at random unless they are visiting a realm to and from which they have already shunted. For example one aiming to find Ebrietas could spend a lifetime shunting between an infinity of realms and have no luck.

| A player-made realm, if approved, could be visited without a roll – provided it is in keeping with the rules, is not a means to gaining boons or powergaming, and is not tied to any of the approved server lore as to avoid any complications. Pre-existent realms however require a roll under LT-oversight.

| The LT must be consulted for approval of realms to ensure that more popular ones are well fleshed out.

| Dying on a plane other than the material plane a shunter is from will leave their soul outside the ropes of the monks and thus a death in another plane is a permanent death.

| Although time passes differently between in each plane as per Gap Theory, the time differentials between the material plane and the other worlds does not allow individuals to learn magic faster or develop in any way, including age (should the player choose) and does not offer any advantage to the character in the way of advancement.

| Shunting may never be used in combat evasion (or in the midst of any conflict).

| Credit to Boruto, Zarsies and Mordu for the writing - [1] |

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