Ehrendil Taliame'onn

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Ehrendil Taliame'onn
Shirtless King of Vikela
Current Chief of Taliame'onn
Basic Information
Born: 8th of the Snow’s Maiden, 1772 FA
Race: Wood Elf
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Golden (augmented), Blue (Natural)
House: Astrea
Clan: Taliame'onn
Titles: 'The Shield' (former), Chief, 'The Shirtless King'
Military Service
elf sigil.png Elvenesse
Years of service: SA 7 - 20
Rank: Oathblade
Unit: Royal Knight
Diplomatic Service
Duchy of Elysium COA.png Kingdom of Elysium
Years of service: SA 60 - 70
Rank: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Western Relations, Diplomat to The Vale
Treaties Negotiated:
  • Treaty of the Minotaur [1]
  • Treaty of the Fox and Dragon [2]
Military Service
Duchy of Elysium COA.png Kingdom of Elysium
Years of service: SA 72 - 80
Unit: The Crown Commander

Early Life

Formative Years

Ehrendil Yerdiyl was born to two unknown Mali'ame in a small settlement just before the migration to Almaris. Not much is known about his birth parents as he never knew them, and the parents he did know were bartenders by trade. At a young age he began working at the bar, and consequentially, he became skilled at bartending. When Ehrendil turned twenty his mother gave him a flower crown and bid him farewell from the village he had migrated to on Almaris, and he head to the the Wood Elven capital - Amaethea.

Arrival to Elvenesse

Upon arrival to Elvenesse Ehrendil immediately fell under the employ of one Aerilith Oakenarrow the proprietor of the bar there, after expressing his expertise in brewing and serving alcoholic beverages. At the same time, the flower crown he bore gained the interest of one Briar Taliame'onn, who was in the process of rebuilding the seed in the stead of her chief. That same day, as fate would have it, he also met Rylleah ap Tahorran - who would become important later. It was not long before Ehrendil had joined the Taliame'onn, being a perfect fit as he enjoyed artistry and loathed fighting in any kind of way. While he conducted his trials for the Taliame'onn, love blossomed between himself and Rylleah, and they became lovers. Ehrendil quickly became one of the more prominent and well known Taliame'onn due to his antics around the city, for better or worse. Things were heating up as the Taliame'onn rerose into the public sphere and in doing so, had garnered some unwanted attention.

The Taliame'onn tribe, along with Rylleah, were sitting at the campfire one fateful day when a certain 'ame accosted them, calling them derogatory remarks and saying that they were useless. Ehrendil, despite having little training in the ways of fighting at this time, approached that 'ame and challenged him to an honor duel. This challenged gathered a lot of attention and nearly twenty bystanders watched on as this confrontations heated to the point of violence, as it was a rare spectacle in Elvenesse at the time. It turned out that 'ame Ehrendil challenged was one of the best fighters in the city - and Ehrendil was beaten horribly - only garnering three strikes on his opponent while his opponent got twenty or more. He was carried back to his seed home with his family, battered, defeated, and unable to really move on his own.

Fate had other plans for Ehrendil, as one Belestram Sylvaeri had noticed Ehrendil's fiery spirit (and he had even bet mina on him winning during the fight) and followed the family back to their home where he approached Ehrendil with a proposition. To come speak with him once Ehrendil had healed. Ehrendil did so and in doing so, accidently found himself being inducted into the elite royal guard of the Sylvaeri, known as the Oathblades. Things quickly sped up for the young Taliame'onn, he gathered his friend and mentor (and eventually adopted father) - Emanaf Delseran - to teach him how to fight and spent many years practicing his own version of fighting that used unpredictable movements to gain an advantage over his opponent. As well as learning to use strange weapons - one of which would become the staple of his, the lead pipe. His fiery spirit burst aflame and he set a new goal for himself, to become the Shield of his city.

He eventually met Onas Vuln'miruel and a rivalry began to form, Ehrendil had received his first loss to Onas in a sparring match. Shortly after that event, Belestram announced there would be a new Oathblade, and it was none other than Onas. Ehrendil, Onas and Rylleah (who was still Ehrendil's lover) were formed into the next generation of Oathblades and became a team, to be sent on missions by the former High Prince for the good of the people.




love life



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Family Relations

Name Relation to Ehrendil Status Marriage Notes
Solus Taliame'onn Adopted Daughter at Age 30 Alive Wed to Valyris Eldest Child
Hui Adopted Daughter at Age 40 Dead Unwed Adopted by Rylleah
Emandriel Born to Tahlia ap Tahorran at age 51 Dead Wed to Aerith Maelstorm N/A
Raell Taliame'onn Born as a bastard in his 60's Alive Unwed Mother Unknown
Kaev Born to Leika De Astrea in his 90's Dead? Unwed Disowned from the family
Larissa Taliame'onn De Astrea Born to Leika De Astrea in his 90's Alive Unwed Twin to Kaev
Medea Taliame'onn De Astrea Adopted in his 110's Alive Unwed N/A
Tahlia ap Tahorran First wife, Married at 51 Dead Wed One biological child together, Divorced at 54
Leika De Astrea Second wife, Married in his 80's Alive Wed Current Wife
Emanaf Delseran Adopted Father Alive Unwed N/A
Briar Taliame'onn Adopted Mother Dead Unwed Functioned as mother and Seed Chief
La'io Taliame'onn Seed Brother Alive Wed to Rylleah ap Tahorran N/A
Rylleah ap Tahorran Seed Sister Alive Wed to La'io Taliame'onn N/A
Mèlawen Taliame'onn Adopted Sister Alive Wed to Kosher Daesmon Previous Chief of Taliame'onn
Amaesil Vuln'miruel Adopted Brother Alive? Wed Former Blood Brother in Oathblades