House de Rouen

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House Ashford de Rouen
Lupus ferox sicut sol
VeletzCOA.png League of Veletz
sarkozic.png Duchy of Adria (Formerly)
imperialorenia.png Holy Orenian Empire (Formerly)
Parent House:
SavoyCoatOfArms.png House Ashford de Bar
Marquis of Drusco
Count of Metina
Baron of Blackwald
Lord of Rouen
Lord of Barrows Crossing
Founder: Joachim Ashes
Ethnicity: Druscan

"House de Rouen" redirects here. For the House of de Savoie, see House House de Savoie.

"May a golden sun rise, and bathe humanity in an age as golden, and may such a sun never set." - Edmond de Rouen

The House of Ashford de Rouen was first established in


  • A distant descendant of Guy de Bar, Joachim Ashes, would go on to found the house


  • Joachim Ashes fights in the Sedan Rebellion against the Holy Orenian Empire on the side of the Sedan rebels.
  • Joachim Ashes is squired to Sir Owyn de Joannes and is consequently knighted and given the epithet of 'Cranial Knight' due to his preference for execution by beheading.
  • Joachim Ashes enlists in the Metinan Company as a mercenary. Joachim fights in the Tenth Nordling War.
  • Joachim Ashes is legitimized by Tylos I of the Church of Canon and is thusly referred to as Joachim de Rouen. It is said he was legitimized due to his service in the Tenth Nordling War as well as his rescue of Cardinal Pelagius from Orcish marauders.


Ashford of Rouen traces its lineage as far back as Guy, King of Oren. The first with the namesake of Rouen was the bastard of Luciensburg, Joachim. Joachim Ashes was raised within the Principality of Sedan under the tutelage of his father, Antonio. Serving as a squire during the Sedan Rebellion had forged the protege into a warrior with cunning and bold tendencies; something dynastic members of the house are still known to display. After the defeat of Robert’s Folly, he would retreat alongside the remnants of Savoyard-Arentania forces to the South; in which Joachim resided within Luciensburg and later went on to construct the Lordship of Rouen. Thereon, Baron of Blackwald went onto serve many foreign contracts and in which he acquired a disdainful reputation. He later returned to his home of Blackwald, a bloodied but legitimized bastard. It was soon after that Joachim fell ill, and left the unfruitful barony to his teenage son, Edmond. Edmond left the castle empty for several years as he served as a Field Marshal of the Sedan army. Shortly later, without proper care, the castle fell to ruin, and Edmond, along with a small band of Blackwald levyman, roamed the Urguani countryside as mercenaries. Only a few years after abandoning the castle, Edmond and his men were signed by the Prince Olivier I of Savoy, who he had been tutored under for several years. Edmond served as Marshal for the Savoyard forces and played a major role in the conflicts leading up to the Aster Revolution. Once he assisted in deposing Emperor Philip II, Edmond went on to assist his close friend and confidant, Leufroy de Savoie, in an attempted coup on the young Prince’s claim for the Principality of Savoy.

After the coup was put down, and Oren fell into turmoil, Edmond committed himself to the Orenian Prince Frederick Charles. In the Prince's personal county of Mardon, Edmond raised an entourage of troops and later used his leadership tactics to help Frederick Charles overthrow the Empire in the Brothers’ War. He was soon appointed Lord Commander of the Kingsguard and knighted for his service and loyalty during the war. House Ashford de Rouen then migrated to the Commonwealth of Petra, where Edmond was granted the fort of Barrow’s Crossing. He settled in Petra, and married the daughter of his old companion, Leufroy. She gave birth to two sons, named Lucien Edmond, and Ferdinand Leufroy. Edmond would serve in countless conflicts as he aged before passing away and leaving his styles to his eldest son, Lucien.


The men and women of Blackwald are skilled hunters and foragers who have a strong connection to the mountains that surrounded them. These practices are also used by House Ashford de Rouen, which has a rich history of self-sufficiency and relies significantly on agriculture to sustain themselves. They are well-equipped to traverse rugged terrain and extreme weather conditions with comfort due to their time living in the highlands. At the core of House Ashford de Rouen's pride is their military tradition, with generations of Blackwald men serving as knights and soldiers. The family is reputable for their history of distinguished warriors and accomplished tacticians. Despite their martial reputation, House Ashford de Rouen is also a family that places great emphasis on education and knowledge. Members of the family have a strong interest in the history of ancient strategy, and tactics. This intellectual curiosity extends to other fields of work, with House Ashford de Rouen also known for their fine smithing.

Genealogy The lineage of Ashford de Rouen is reputable for their history of distinguished warriors and accomplished tacticians. The lineage of Joachim endures to this day, with descendants of his bloodline inheriting dominant traits of fair skin and green eyes, while possessing black or brown hair. This is a common trait of House Ashford de Bar.

Family Keepsakes

Blaidd Aur.png
Blaidd Aur

The Blaidd Aur (Common: Golden Wolf) is a dagger with an octagonal hand-guard that has been traditionally utilized by the knights of House de Rouen to jab gaps in their enemies plate armor to devastating effect. The dagger's blade itself is created from a high-quality black ferrum steel honed to a razor's edge. Uniquely designed, the blade itself is capable of piercing chainmail armor, and the handle is carved out of Sedanian goat horn, which gives it a distinctive polished bony handle padded with soft leather. To receive the Blaidd Aur is a symbol of the coming of age for the heir of House de Rouen, and is always bestowed upon the recipient's tenth birthday. It is considered to be one of the definitive symbols of the chivalry of the Barons of Blackwald.

The Mitts of Edmond de Rouen

These gauntlets are wrought of black ferrum and were crafted to guard the lords of House de Rouen in the harshest of battles. However, time has taken a toll on these humble iron mitts, and now they bear the marks of rust and decay. Despite this, the integrity of the armor holds up into the present day despite its decayed appearance, and is a symbol of Edmond de Rouen's strength and resilience. Considered by some to be one of the most skilled swordsmen of his era, Erdmond Ashford de Rouen is said to have carried these mitts into every major battle of his life from the Siege of Southbridge to the Battle of Valfleur. Studded with antique rubies carefully inlaid upon the knuckles of the gauntleted fingers, they are a symbol of the lofty ambitions of each patriarch of House de Rouen. Said to represent the integrity of their house, these studded gemstones act as more weight to blows inflicted by the wielder, the studs rounded and jagged to touch.


Blackwald Battle Standard

Patriarchs of de Rouen

Name Portrait Birth
Death Coat of Arms Title(s)
Joachim I
Joachim Ashford de Rouen
Joachim2.png 1803, Sedan

Son of Antonio de Bar

Lillian Barbanov

Edmond Leonard, Robert Guy, Adrian Tobias

1835 ✝ de rouen.png Baron of Blackwald
Lord of Rouen
Edmond I
Edmond Leonard Ashford de Rouen
EdmonddeRouenOld.png 1819, Blackwald

Son of Joachim de Rouen

Régina Élisabette

Lucien Edmond, Ferdinand Leufroy, Osmond Ashes

1914 ✝ de rouen.png Baron of Blackwald
Lord of Barrows Crossing
Lucien I
Lucien Edmond Ashford de Rouen
LuciendeRouen2.jpg 1879, Petra

Son of Edmond de Rouen

Adelheid Jrent

Baldwin Aimery, Olivier Roland, Renee Narcissa

1929 ✝ RouenCOA.png Marquis of Drusco
Count of Metina
Baron of Blackwald
Baldwin I
Baldwin Aimery Ashford de Rouen
BaldwinDeRouenPortrait.png 1909, Adria

Son of Lucien de Rouen

Yvonne d'Amaury

Edmond Guiscard, Lucia Herleva, Richold Humbert

1934 ✝ RouenCOA.png Marquis of Drusco
Count of Metina
Baron of Blackwald
Edmond II
Edmond Guiscard Ashford de Rouen
EdmondGuiscard.jpg 1927, Castle Vitré

Son of Baldwin de Rouen

Vivienne Novellen Alive RouenCOA.png Marquis of Drusco
Count of Metina
Baron of Blackwald
Baron of Mondville
Lord of Vitré