Princedom of Fenn

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The Princedom of Fenn
Fenn Tundrak Banner.png
The Sigil of the Tundrak Bloodline
Capital: Tahu'lareh
Languages: Common
Religion: The Wyrvunic Contract
Government: Hereditary absolute monarchy
The Grand Prince: Akkar I Tundrak
The Grand Princess: Vacant
Grand Steward: Velatha Sylric
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The Princedom of Fenn, more commonly referred to as Fenn or the Princedom, is the home of the Elven subrace the Mali’Fenn and is one of the most powerful and long-lasting racial nations within the realm. The current capital of the Princedom, Tahu’lareh, is positioned in the eastern mountain range of Arcas. The government within the Princedom is an absolute hereditary Monarchy, the head of the state known as the Grand Prince. The title has always been held by the Tundrak bloodline, the founding family of the Princedom. The Grand Prince has a group of advisors that are apart of the other major bloodlines, dealing with things such as housing, religious ceremonies, and diplomacy. They are known as the Grand Council.

The military plays a major part in the holding of trials and enforcing laws, the army is known as the Ivae’fenn centralizing much of the careers in Fenn. The head of the Ivae’fenn, was known as the Grand Marshall and had a place on the Grand Council. However, that role has been absorbed by the Grand Prince as of the Akkar Proclamation. Another major role in Princedom life is the Idhren’tirn, the priests of the Wyvrunic Contract. The head of the group is known as the Arch Vigilant (or Tahu’naeri) and holds sacrifices and rituals in name of Wyrvun.

In most situations, Fenn prefers to remain neutral on the world stage. However, due to the strong military within the nation, Fenn possesses powerful defensive and offensive capabilities and only attacks when provoked. The Princedom maintains positive relations with its neighbors the Kingdom of Norland and the Under-Realm of Urguan amongst others.

The forum thread can be found here.


The Princedom of Fenn has been lost and reforged a few times, always brought together by the Tundrak bloodline. The earliest records still intact show the founding of the Princedom in the land of Anthos.


Records lost to time.

The Fringe

Records lost to time.


Records lost in the travel from Vailor to Axios.


Records lost to time.


Records lost in the many wars of Atlas.


Founded the city of Tahu’Lareh (High Rock in Elven) upon reaching Arcas.

In 1715 the Princedom took part in the War of Two Emperors joining the Holy Orenian Empire and its allies and vassal-states who were lead by Joseph I, Holy Orenian Emperor. The Princedom held onto the fight until 1719, and lost only lives as a result of the war and its refusal to admit defeat.

In 1727, The Grand Prince Aelthos ordered the Ivae’Fenn to march on the Spider Elves caves as they were constantly attacking the Princedom. The Ivae’Fenn under Marshal Aesilonth then approached the borders of the Cultists but realised that they were in Llyrian territory. After a few denouncements and missives, the council of Llyria accepted the terms but then decided not to give the land and instead offer some minas. While Llyria was doing all that, early on 1728, Aelthos signed a defensive pact with the leader of the High Elves. Grand Prince Aelthos then rallied all his troops and summoned his allies. The war against Llyria started on 1728, with Fenn, Urguan, Haelunor, Aegrothond and some other minor factions marching together to purge the Llyrian dark mages and cultists. After two years of constant raids on Llyrian lands, the Llyrian council decided to simply pay 40,000 minas as tribute for the hostilities to cease. Grand Prince Aelthos, not wanting to continue as the Llyrian put minimum to non-ressistance, accepted the tribute and marched home on 1730.

In 1733, Grand Prince Aelthos and the High Chieftain of Irrinor Lyemar started the construction of the railway between Irrinor and Fenn. A year later, in 1734, the railway was finished.

In 1735 Grand Prince Aelthos temporarily leaves the throne to his son Aldred but takes it back in 1741. Over the course of 1735-1741 several people of the Princedom of Fenn are expelled and Aldred is given the nickname "The Mad Grand Prince".

In 1742 Grand Prince Aelthos relinquishes the throne and his son Akkar Tundrak takes hold.

In 1749 Grand Prince Akkar passes Akkar Proclamation of 1749 Which disbanded unnecessary guilds, placed the ivae'fenn directly under the Grand Prince, ordered a reconstruction of the city, and lastly clearly stated that the Princedom of Fenn shall prefer neutrality within Elven politics and refrain from entangling itself in alliances and defensive pacts unless absolutely necessary.


The Princedom consists of mainly mali'fenn and as their name suggests they have a natural affinity for the cold tundras of the many continents the mortal races have resided in. Their cities often resemble a fortress, reflecting on their militaristic, isolationist nature.

  • Atlas
  • Arcas


The Princedom is a Hereditary absolute monarchy with the Grand Council primarily being the legislative body of the Princedom of Fenn. This council is presided over by the Prince and the positions on the council are often given to members of the Ah'Laureh Talonnii'an.

Grand Prince - Akkar Tundrak

Tahu’naeri/Arch Vigilant - Datura Sylric

Grand Steward - Velatha Sylric

Grand Architect -

High Emissary -

Grand Chancellor -

Grand Treasurer -

Grand Exchequer -

Grand Marshal - N/A

Chosen Families

The Ah’laureh Talonnii’an (Lit.: Chosen Families) are effectively the noble houses of the Princedom who all trace their lineage to the first Mali'fenn who passed through Lomal's World Altar. Traditionally, and for the centuries since the collapse of Elcihi’thilln, the Mali’fenn have been led by these few families, those that had once held the top managerial positions of the original laboratory. This tradition has continued within the Princedom, with the families controlling most of the power of the Princedom between them. These bloodlines each have a duty to fulfil and failure to follow through with this duty has caused problems for not only the bloodline but the Princedom itself. Their forms have now been changed to Common.

Thuln’diraar or the Tundrak Bloodline

Diraar’onn or the Drakon Bloodline

Ante’mordu or the Atmorice Bloodline

Sil’siimah or the Sylric Bloodline

Tathvir Bloodline

Annungilben Bloodline


The Mali'fenn are a solitary people, focused on the perpetuation of the self-realized benevolence brought about with the belief of their total purity. Housing is provided pre-furnished, with comfortable and on occasional rather lavish decoration. Their right to free speech is not impeded, as the Mali'fenn tend to hold a trusting attitude for their leaders, being allowed to voice opinions without fear. Aesthetically, the Mali'fenn take great pride in their appearance. This often leads to the use of excessive jewellery and the showing-off of tattoos depicting deities and houses. Their clothing is body-conforming, more often than not with shorter sleeves. For those who choose to wear armour, it is forged to the highest quality and shaped into ornate, though still practical, styles.


brief description of the economy in this particular realm


While once the Mali'fenn were ruled over by the Grand Council, who maintained a noticible degree of authority, and the Prince. Today, the Prince is the absolute ruler of his people, while lawmaking is reserved for the Grand Council, who usually do so with the support of the people and not without the signature of the Prince. The Mali'fenn are a very close knit group, lead primarily by a few long-lasting families. The Snow Elves are a fairly isolationist people. Education and equality are the main priority of the Princedom. Gender and race do not come into any factors inside the Citadel and Princedom cities as all citizens are protected by the laws. It's clear to see the Mali'Fenn military activity inside the citadel itself. Men and women join the military and may start training at the age of 15 to become an officer and enter battle by the age of fifty. People living in the Princedom live comfortably in properly sized rooms and are able to take on jobs from fisher to soldier. Snow Elves and the citizens trust the government to guide them but are allowed to freely speak out of or against it. The Grand Council listens to the citizens and makes laws or change some depending on what they see is best for the citizen. Democracy is looked down upon as they see it as a majority of the people disregarding a minority, therefore complaints are given to the council directly and they will act on it. Decorating your body is a common thing in their society. Tattoos depicting Houses, families or the Fenn God Wyrvun are a common sight. The Mali'Fenn like to wear more constraining clothing, usually with shorter sleeves. Ornate armour made from expensive materials is very common for Snow Elves, as they want to enjoy everything that life has to offer. The community in the Citadel is very close together. Asking the Council for materials or tools is not unheard of- in fact it's encouraged. The citizens of the Citadel like to take care of each other because, at many times in the history of the Princedom, the only people who backed them up were each other. Despite the clear existence of an organized religion, the Mali'fenn do not care what religion outsiders or citizens practice, so long as it does not harm anyone around them.

A few terms to keep in mind:

Thill’al - The belief of the Mali’fenn that they have achieved thill’al, or complete purity, has given them an attitude of sympathetic benevolence. They had become perfection itself and needed no validation of it. Therefore, while not outwardly cold to outsiders like their cousins, they would be far less likely to fall to impurity, and for their children to show the signs of it. Their governmental policy is made to reflect this, with open entry and citizenship but the highest leadership positions almost always being taken by those of Fenn. Anti racism and general discrimination laws are in place to protect all the citizens of the Princedom, with punishment for committing such terrible crimes can range from a fine up to banishment.

Chul o’tilru - The saying chul o’tilru, or “to serve as a must”, comes from Aelthos’ legendary meeting with Wyrvun far past Anthos’ Wall. For they are the chosen of Wyrvun, in return for their great boons they must serve the Aengul. It is the cultural understanding that all Mali’fenn must serve the Mali’fenn people as a whole, and Wyrvun, typically through military service. The concept is an acknowledgment of the Snow Elves’ existence as a militaristic society in which all Mali’fenn are expected to engage in soldiering and be proficient in its practice.

Wyrvun I’ayla - Wyrvun I’ayla, or “Wyrvun is good”, is the now-traditional cultural goodbye of the Mali’fenn. It represents a complete faith in their patron, and in the knowledge, they will continue to live well. It is also often used as a war cry by the Ivae’fenn and Wyrvunic worshippers as a whole.

Elcihi’fenn - The city of snow, this is meant to mirror the Elcihi’thilln which they once inhabited. The Princedom always lives within a single, centralized city, their only other settlements being farming colonies. Central to their cities are often great temples to Wyrvun containing vast libraries. The cities of Fenn are built of marble and stone, with many areas decorated with lapis in reference to the chilling thanhium ore.


No art of note is known to have been created in Fenn as of 1700.


The Mali'fenn lack any leisurely literature of note, as the vast majority of their works consist of those created for the purposes of documentation, education, and propaganda. Their means by which to articulate is very fluid, self-described as being "well-versed". The authors of the codexes detailing family history are of the heads of the houses themselves while bloodline archives are held by the Justiciars.

One-piece of snow elven literature is a poem by the name of "My Lover: He Wanders The Tundra" by Katrina Atmorice. A poem that has become a classic and is often performed by drunk mali'fenn.


No music of note is known to have been created in Fenn as of 1700.


The Wyrvunic Contract

Whilst not originally religious, they bound their fate to Wyrvun, thus both saving them and giving themselves away as a race. They worship him not as an Aengul, but as a god, with six other Aenguls making up what is called “Wyrvun and his Six”. While only Wyrvun is considered a god, the others are widely respected by the Snow Elves overall. Once again, though, their principle of thill’al means that they care not what religions are practiced within their lands, so long as it is not detrimental to themselves. The religion is under a government body known as the Faith of the Seven. The Faith is directed by a High Priest/Priestess, which is a position within the Grand Council. In the Faith of Wyrvun’fiyem, there are six sects that dedicate their position in the temples to pray to the Aenguls, the seventh sect being the faith itself.

Fenn’ikur The Fenn’ikur, or “Wrought of Ice”, are those revered figures of the Snow Elves’ history that would in other cultures be considered paragons or saints. They are those that have contributed to the race at a higher level than others, and are considered, Mali’fenn or not, to be “of the ice”, and as such raised to the level of the Snow Elves. The title is earned through significant service and importance to either the Snow Elves as a whole, or to Wyrvun, able to be earned through both secular and religious means.

For a more in-depth analysis, view the The Idhren'tirn and the Wyvrunic Contract


The Snow Elven nation, the Princedom of Fenn, has its origins in the Constitutional, Hereditary, Representative Monarchy formed in Frostfall under the House of Tundrak, in Anthos. However, a period of in-fighting among the Grand Council and rebellions against Tundrak authority led to the gradual stripping away of the Grand Council's powers, eventually leading to the Absolute Hereditary Monarchy that the Mali'fenn maintain to this day. The common laws that are in place within the Princedom of Fenn in the modern era are made up by the Grand Council with the blessing of the populace of Fenn, and with the signature of the Grand Prince- the absolute monarch of the Princedom of Fenn. The laws in the Princedom and her cities are very progressive and free-thinking. Prejudice is illegal and in its worst forms could end up with execution.

Punishments in the Princedom of Fenn can be very harsh from an outsider's perspective. Snow Elves see their laws as sacred, therefore encroaching on the laws is a direct disrespect to the Crown, the Princedom, and her citizens. For non-citizens of the Princedom, breaking any law could cause the instant execution without trial by the proper military personnel within the city at that point. Citizens of the Princedom are granted the right to a fair trial by a member of the Grand Council, that usually being the High Chancellor whose job is to oversee and manage the daily life of the Princedom's citizens.


Snow Elves are isolationist and the Princedom follows this by keeping to itself in global matters and only lending a hand to close to allies.

Fringe:War against Alras for the brutal murder of Grand Prince Tundrak II by Alrasian guards. The Princedom of Fenn demanded, 10,000 minas, 10 crates (blocks) of iron, and the heads of "Seraph" and all other guards responsible for the murder.

1445-1453: The Ithrun War. In Oren, House Silverblade and House Tarus prepared to rebel against Oren. The goal was to have House Tarus become the ruling family with the support of nearly half of the Kingdom. When the rebellion finally declared war the Grand Kingdom of Urguan reluctantly joined in support of it after being convinced by House Silverblade. The Princedom joined in support of Urguan. Battles the Princedom took part in:

1590-1595: The Coalition War, a major conflict between the Holy Orenian Empire and most of the world's other nations. The Princedom joined the coalition against the Empire.

1667-????: The Vaeyl Wars. A series of battles fought in the southern reaches of Atlas, between the fiercely xenophobic Vaeyl Order and Descendant Realms. The Princedom stood by its fellow Descendant Realms.

1715 - 1719:The War of Two Emperors joining the Holy Orenian Empire as an ally. Battles the Princedom took part in:

  • Horen's Welcome 1715, Battle of Upper Rodenburg a Victory and the fabled Fennic Flank in the skirmish. Led by Aelthos and Vyrion Tundrak.
  • Sun's Smile 1715, Battle of Lower Rodenbourg a loss in the skirmish. Led by Aelthir Tundrak, Grand Prince of Fenn at the time.
  • Grand Harvest 1716, Siege of Helena a loss as an attacker. Led by Aelthos Tundrak and Aelthir Tundrak II, Grand Prince of Fenn at the time.
  • Amber Cold 1716, Battle of the Rivers a loss in the battle. Led by Aelthir Tundrak, Grand Prince of Fenn.
  • Deep Cold 1716, Battle of Leuven a loss in the battle. Led by Aelthir Tundrak, Grand Prince of Fenn.
  • 1716, Battle of Nordengrad a loss in the battle. Led by Aelthir Tundrak, Grand Prince of Fenn.

1728-????: The war against Llyria started on 1728, with Fenn, Urguan, Haelunor, Aegrothond and some other minor factions marching together to purge the Llyrian dark mages and cultists. The Ivae’Fenn under Marshal Aesilonth then approached the borders of the Cultists but realised that they were in Llyrian territory.

1735-????: The War of Ironwood begins with The Forest Realm of Irrinor declaring war against Haelun'or. The Princedom joins its close ally, The Forest Realm of Irrinor.

Random Tidbits

  • The Mali'fenn rarely get along with the other subraces of Mali, which has lead to their extremely isolationist culture, and reserved personalities.