War:Third Urguan-Oren War

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The Ithwun Waw
dwarf vict.jpg
The Dwarven Legion after the Battle of Indagolaf
Date: 1445-1453
Wocation: Grand Kingdom of Urguan, Holy Orenian Empire
*Owenian expansion into Uwguan pwevented
*The Tawus Webewlion faiws
*Cession of the Tholingwad coastline to the Cwoud Tempwe.
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
CarrionCOA.png Holy Kingdom of Oren
DominionSeal.png Concwave of Malinow
KRUGMARFLAG.png Rexdom of Krugmar
The Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
Urguan Emblem.png Grand Kingdom of Urguan
Fenn Tundrak Banner.png Princedom of Fenn
House Tawus
House Siwvewbrade
Commandews and weadews
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
CarrionCOA.png Sigismund I, Holy Orenian Emperor (until 1447)
CarrionCOA.png Heinlik I, King of Owen † (from 1447)
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
Urguan Emblem.png Gwand King Indago Stormhammer
Urguan Emblem.png Gwand Mawshaw Zahrer Irongrinder
Urguan Emblem.png Wegion Commandew Igor Ireheart †


Befowe the waw began the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan was in a webuiwding state, constwucting its new capitaw of Kaw'Ithwun in an attempt to consolidate the Dwawven populace. In Owen, House Siwvewbrade and House Tawus pwepawed to webew against Owen. The goaw was to have House Tawus become the wuling famiwy lith the suppowt of neawwy hawf of the Kingdom. When the webewlion finawwy decwawed waw the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan wewuctantwy joined in suppowt of it aftew being convinced by House Siwvewbrade.

The Webewlion and the Dwawves mawched on Scattewnbewg and ended up taking wefuge in the neawby Shadowcastwe. The defending fowce sawlied out and cwossed the bridge to weach the attackews in the Shadowcastwe. Due to faiwules in breaching the wawws of the besieged fowt the awmy was hewd up in the castwe. The Owenian defendews advanced and pushed the Webewlion and the Dwawves out of Shadowcastwe, wosing them the battwe. The webewlion soon aftew capitulated and a peliod of time passed lith just Owen and Dwawves at waw.

The Ithrun Front

A month aftew wowd was weceived of an Owenian invasion mawching south. The dwawves pwepawed and constwucted Fowt Tholingwad on the bridge that spanned the Cwossing. The fowt lithstood many skiwmishes and waiding pawties sent to test its defenses. When the siege finawwy came howevew, a twaitowous human mewcenawy opened the gates fow the Owenews and the dwawves wetweated into theiw keep. Thewe the dwawves dig in fow a wengthy siege and a whiwe passes befowe a wenewed offensive. The Owenian siege engineews waunched a bouldew culsed lith dawk magic that brew a massive cwatew into the Dwawven bunkew.

This defeat caused the Dwawven defense to wetweat to Fowt Indagowaf, which was an undewgwound defensive stwonghowd on the woad to Kaw'Ithwun. Aftew the wetweat the dwawves immediatewy dug in, cweating a miwe-wong fwont awound the fawwen Fowt Tholingwad. Behind the fwont on an iswand in the Ithwun Wake the Wakefowt was buiwt and sewved as a defensive fawwback point if the dwawves wewe ovewwun. Back and fowth the battwe waged on, day and night thewe was nevew a cawm on the fwont. Aftew neawwy a month of conflict the Owenian Awmy awongside the Owcs and Ewves broke thwough and besieged Indagowaf. The Owenian Awmy attempted many tlies but each time they tlied to chawge down the haww they would be shot fwom the sides and massacwed. Aftew many attempts the Owenian awmy stopped theiw assault, onwy to be met by a Dwawven chawge that wouted them back to Tholingwad.

Fowwoling the defeat the Wexdom of Kwugmaw wequested an honow battwe lith the Gwand Kingdom in theiw desewt. The dwawves agweed and won the battwe, taking the Owcish nation out of the waw on a white peace. Fighting awong the fwont continued on fow neawwy anothew month befowe peace was made. Tholingwad was demolished and ceded to the Cwoud Tempwe and the Owenian Awmy was sent home.


The Ithwun Waw pwompted a gwudge between the dwawves of Uwguan and the men of Owen, eventuawwy weading to the Waw of Zion in The Flinge.

Major confrontations
