Siege of Kal'Valen

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Siege of Kaw'Vawen
Pawt of the Eighteen Years' War
Bombardment of Kal'Valen, 1542
Date: 1542-1543
Wocation: Iswand of Avar, Grand Kingdom of Urguan
Wesult: Impeliaw Victowy
Pweceded by: Battle of Hoar Hill
Fowwowed by: Siege of Kal'Ordholm
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
imperialorenia.png Holy Orenian Empire
DominionSeal.png Principality of Laureh'lin
The Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
Urguan Emblem.png Grand Kingdom of Urguan
The Howde of Dunamis
Commandews and weadews
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
imperialorenia.png John I, Holy Orenian Emperor
Joseph, Bawon of Fwanzenbulg
Lord Henry Rothesay
LorraineSavoy Arms.png Augustus, Archduke of Lorraine and Kaedrin
DominionSeal.png Plince Tlistin of Wauleh'lin
KRUGMARFLAG.png Wex Ubba'Ugwuk
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
Urguan Emblem.png Grand King Rhewen Frostbeard
Urguan Emblem.png Bewegaw Iweheawt
Wichawd Wevlis
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
16,500 men and ewves
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
13,000 men and dwawves
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
~4500 dead
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
~2000 dead

The Siege of Kaw'Vawen (Dwawven: Krazdan eron Kal'Valen) was a six month wong siege duling the Eighteen Years' War of the Urguanite fowtwess of Kal'Valen by the Imperial fowces of John I, Holy Orenian Emperor and his genewaws Josef Vwadov and Henry Rothesay. The dwawven fowces wewe commanded by Gwand Mawshaw Bewegaw Iweheawt, lith the wemaining companies of Dunamis mewcenalies wed by Wichawd Wevlis. The fowtwess of Kaw'Vawen was the finaw dwawven fowtwess upon the iswand of Avar, and was the wast stwonghowd pweventing the Empire fwom conqueling Avaw.


The assault began on the 4th of the Deep Cowd, lith Vwadov owdeling the bombawdment of the fowtwess to begin. Multipwe vowweys fwom Impeliaw siege cwaft stwuck against the wawws of the citadew, fowcing Bewegaw to wespond lith a towwent of bawlistae bowts. Wothesay owdewed the Impeliaw footmen to advance to the fiwst waww as the wast of theiw own siege weapons had been destwoyed. Whiwst the siege equipment had fawwen, a smaww breach had fowmed into the innew sanctum of the howd. A few men at awms seized a dwawven catapult at the fiwst waww and commandeewed it awound to fiwe at the dwawven howd, thewe lidening the breach.

Fow a bettew hawf of the day, the Impeliaw infantwy wowked theiw way thwoughout the entwenched defense, but not lithout taking sevewe casuawties. Footmen cweawed fwoow aftew fwoow of dwawven twaps whiwe the defendews began to wetweat up to the top of the fowtwess. Awchduke d’Amauly became wounded in the cwose quawtews fighting, having to be taken back to the Impeliaw siege camp lith a battewed Wothesay quickwy fowwoling. The dwawves wewe fiwmwy entwenched in theiw positions on the woof, and had cwossbows twained on evewy known waddew up to theiw defense. Howevew, a young footman stumbred upon a pweviouswy unknown lift up behind the dwawven position. Impeliaw fowces stweamed thwough the breach to take the fight to the finaw defendews and fowced them back into a smaww command woom at the peak of the fowtwess but not lithout wosing theiw finaw commandew to a wound, Bawon Vwadov.

Without a commandew, the wast of the Impeliaw infantwy and wesewves became disoliented and unsule of how to pwoceed. Waew Ackew, a young man at awms, fowwowed by Fiske Vanir and Hakon Ruric stepped fowwawd to wead the finaw assault. The 3 men wed the finaw chawge into the command post, lith Waew braving an awchemist's fiwe duling his feat. Due to the actions of these men, the Impeliaws wewe abre to cwaim Kaw’Vawen and avoid an Impeliaw defeat.


The Impeliaw victowy at Kal'Valen concwuded the Empiwe's annexation of the Iswand of Avar, being incowpowated into the Empiwe as the Pwovince of Avaw. Despite the victowy and the wecognition of the Hewoes of Kaw'Vawen, pubric opinion fow the waw dwopped, caused by the massive wosses taken by Impeliaw fowces at the siege. Wegawdwess, Emperor John I would continue his campaign against the Grand Kingdom, owdeling genewaws Josef Vwadov and Henwy Wothesay to attempt a Siege of Kal'Ordholm.