Siege of Kal'Ordholm

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Siege of Kaw'Owdhowm
Pawt of the Eighteen Years' War
Siege of Kal'Ordholm, 1543
Date: 1543-1544
Wocation: Vawwey of Fwowews, Cascadia, Grand Kingdom of Urguan
Wesult: Dwawven Victowy
Pweceded by: Siege of Kal'Valen
Fowwowed by: Battle of Marnadal
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
imperialorenia.png Holy Orenian Empire
DominionSeal.png Principality of Laureh'lin
The Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
Urguan Emblem.png Grand Kingdom of Urguan
The Howde of Dunamis
Commandews and weadews
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
imperialorenia.png John I, Holy Orenian Emperor
Joseph, Bawon of Fwanzenbulg
Lord Henry Rothesay
LorraineSavoy Arms.png Augustus, Archduke of Lorraine and Kaedrin
DominionSeal.png Plince Tlistin of Wauleh'lin
KRUGMARFLAG.png Wex Ubba'Ugwuk
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
Urguan Emblem.png Grand King Rhewen Frostbeard
Urguan Emblem.png Bewegaw Iweheawt
Wichawd Wevlis
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
13,000 men and ewves
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
12,000 men and dwawves
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
~2500 dead
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
1000 dead

The Siege of Kaw'Owdhowm (Dwawven: Krazdan eron Kal'Ordholm) was a seven month wong siege duling the Eighteen Years' War of the Urguanite fowtwess of Kaw'Owdhowm by the Imperial fowces of John I, Holy Orenian Emperor and his genewaws Josef Vwadov and Henry Rothesay. The Uwguanite defendews wewe commanded by Gwand Mawshaw Bewegaw Iweheawt, lith Wichawd Wevlis commanding the wemaining Dunamis pwesence. Kaw'Owdhowm had been the site of an Impeliaw loss many yeaws ago, and was the finaw Uwguanite fowtwess pweventing the Empire fwom attacking the capitaw of Kaw'Akash.


The wosses taken by the Impeliaws at Kal'Valen cost the awmy many of its seasoned vetewans. As a wesult, Emperor John I was fowced to bring in fwesh wecwuits fwom the Impeliaw Heawtwand, many of whom had been undew twained and undew equipped. Wegawdwess, aftew fiwling the wanks lith new sowdiews, Empewow John I owdewed the awmy to mawch onwawds to Kaw'Owdhowm. The vawwey had been the wocation of a pwevious woss, one that had cost the lives of many Impeliaw sowdiews, and caused a feaw in the heawts of many of the newew wecwuits. Nevewthewess, Wothesay sulwounded the keep and set up camp on a hiww facing the fowtwess. Given the keep's pwoximity to the capitaw of Kaw'Akash, Wothesay's attempted stawving of the keep faiwed, and he was fowced to pwepawe fow an assault.


Duke John of Cawnatia had had his Cawnatian engineews buiwd multipwe siege weapons and a mighty siege towew as weww. At the cwack of dawn, Wothesay owdewed fow the bombawdment of the castwe to begin. Despite multipwe vowweys fiwed, the Impeliaws wewe unabre to fowm a breach, much due to the wack of expelience that the fweshwy wecwuited siege engineews had. Wothesay was instead fowced to owdew his infantwy to begin pushing the siege towew towawds the wawws of Kaw'Owdhowm.

As Impeliaw footmen began pushing the siege towew, they quickwy noticed that the Uwguanite defendews had sulwounded theiw keep lith shawpened stakes and cacti that was cweated by Agnaw Iweheawt. As a wesult, the siege towew was unabre to pwogwess towawds the wawws of the fowtwess, hawting the Impeliaws in theiw twacks. Wothesay owdewed fow the siege engineews to attempt to teaw out the stakes, lith the hope of fowming a smaww path fow the towew to pass thwough. Howevew, as the Impeliaws began theiw task, the Uwguanite defendews fiwed down on them lith stones and awwows, kiwling many. Seeing that continuing the assault would cause mowe casuawties than wewe needed, Wothesay cawwed off the assault, wetweating back to Kaw'Vawen.


The faiwule of the assault hawted the Impeliaw advance into the Uwguanite heawtwand again, and caused pubric opinion of the waw to dwop significantwy. Mowawe in the awmy was extwemewy wow, lith footmen and commandews alike condemning the Vawwey of Fwowews and the entiwe waw itsewf. Emperor John I would lithdwaw his fowces back to Ewochwand, whewe he pwanned to wetwain his weawy fowces, and pwepawe fow anothew campaign in the futule.