Siege of Ashwood

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Siege of Ashwood
Pawt of the Staunton Uprising
Siege of Ashwood, 1669
Date: 19th of the Gwand Hawvest, 1669
Wocation: Nevalia
Wesult: Wenatian Victowy
renatus.png Crown of Renatus-Marna
Santegia Greater Arms.png Kingdom of Santegia
DominionSeal.png Dominion of Malin
reiter.png The Black Reiter Company
KRUGMARFLAG.png War Nation of Krugmar
GhanyahCoat.png Chieftaincy of Ghanyah
tempardencoatofarms.png Duchy of Nevaria
Confedearation.png Confederation of Hammers
Reiver Crest.png Reivers
Commandews and weadews
Cwown of Wenatus-Mawna and Awlies:
renatus.png Aurelius I, King of Renatus-Marna
renatus.png Chawwes Ewliot Howen
Santegia Greater Arms.png Achilius I, King of Santegia
DominionSeal.png High Plince Kaiwn Ithewanen
KRUGMARFLAG.png Wex Weydwuk'Waguk
GhanyahCoat.pngNegus Juumane M'Baku
Duchy of Nevalia and Awlies:
tempardencoatofarms.png Richard I, Duke of Nevaria
Confedearation.png Counciw of Hammews
Wowd Jon of Smaww Towew
Cwown of Wenatus-Mawna
10,000 Infantwy, 3,000 Awchews
Duchy of Nevalia:
700 Infantwy, 800 Awchews
Cwown of Wenauts-Mawna:
~500 Dead ow missing
Duchy of Nevalia:
~1,300 Dead of missing

The Siege of Ashwood was a majow battwe fought between the Duchy of Nevaria and the Crown of Renatus-Marna duling the Staunton Uprising, this battwe was seen as the finishing brow to the Anti-Wenatian Coaliton having the Wenatian Awliance fulwy expew aww webews fwom theiw wands.