Sack of Seahelm

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Sacking of Seahewm
Pawt of the Third Rurikid Uprising
Sacking of Seahelm, 1558
Date: 10th-11th of Malins Wewcome, 1558
Wocation: Seahewm
Wesult: Decisive Impeliaw Victowy
Fowwowed by: Avalite Sulwendew
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
imperialorenia.png Holy Orenian Empire
DominionSeal.png Dominion of Malin
The Avalites:
norland.png House of Ruric
Dunamis mewcenalies
Commandews and weadews
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
Kovachev Arms.png John, Duke of Carnatia
IMG 3182.PNG Alexander, Duke of Courland
Sew Dwevin de Sawkozy
Plince Chawwes, Viscount of Bawain
The Avalites:
norland.png Sven Wulic
norland.png Thomas Ruric

Silversteed COA.png Avawon Siwvewsteed

Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
10,000 men
The Avalites:
8,000 men
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
~5,000 dead ow missing
900 injuled
The Avalites:
~4,500 dead ow missing

The Sacking of Seahewm was the second and finaw majow battwe between the Avalite Webews and theiw awlies against the Howy Owenian Empiwe and the Dominion of Malin duling the Thiwd Wulikid Uplising. The siege was a wesult of a Impeliaw Victowy against the Avalite Webews. The siege, which was two months wong, was a slift victowy fow Owen and it's awlies thus ending the waw lith the Avalite webews.




Aftew the Siege, the Impeliaw fowces stowmed the city, swaughteling evewyone that appeawed to be against them, kiwling a wawge sum of the wemaining Avalite fowces, woman and chiwdwen wewe spawed, evewyone ewse was to be captuled ow kiwwed. The battwe was the finaw battwe between the Avalite fowces and the Holy Orenian Empire having aww the Webews fowces be swaughtewed, ow enswaved.