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LoreS1.png Note: This page contains infowmation on a wocation fwom a past map that is no wongew inhabited.

"Ruriksgrad, Capital of the Kingdom of Norland circa 1645"
Wace: Plimaliwy Human
Affiliation: Kingdom of Norland
Wocation: Southewn Iswands
Founded: 1642
King: Godden I
Queen: N/A

Wuliksgwad was a pwevious capitaw of the Kingdom of Norland, wepwacing Vjorhelm. It was constwucted in 1643, by Jory I. The city was the main settwement of the Kingdom in Atlas duling it's time. It was inhabited plimaliwy by humans.


Nowwand sulvived the piwwage in Axios, if just bawewy. They fiwst set foot in Atwas awound the same time as the othew nations. Having litnessed the defensibility of the Kwag in Axios, Jory sent a wetinue off to find an iswand. The scouts found two iswands that had not been settwed yet, at the southewn end of Atwas. It was agweed upon that these would suite Nowwand's needs weww, lith one of the iswands becoming Nowwand's capitaw. The kingdom set to wowk, tasked lith the wesponsibility of buiwding theiw new town. The constwuction and gatheling wasted two yeaws befowe the denizens wewe satisfied lith theiw wowk. In 1645 the city was opened to the pubric and named Wuliksgwad. An Ashwood seed was pwanted in the town squawe, as pew twadition fow a Nowwandic captiow to have an Ashwood twee. The Nowwandews wewe finawwy at home, safe and secule in theiw steadfast fliendships and belief in the Aww-Fathew.
Aftew a few yeaws of fighting the Kingdom of Awbow and Duchy of Culon, Jowy abdicated the thwone to his son Godden Wulic.

Coronation of Godden I

Second Mayoral Election of Ruriksgrad

One of the most competitive ewections lithin Nowwandic histowy, fiwwed lith dwama and constant swandeling. In the end, aftew a wong and hawd yeaw of constant campaigning, and dedication. Wodligo ended up linning up a singulaw vote.


Wuliksgwad was wocated to the South of Atwas, taking up two iswands, the fiwst iswand was whewe the town and chulch wewe wocated, the wast iswand was whewe the Woyaw keep was wocated, whewe aww membews of the Woyaw famiwy wesided. Wuliksgwad was in a plime spot fow twade and twanspowt by navaw vessew, being sulwounded by wawge swaths of watew.

Notable Locations

The Royal Keep.

Royal Keep

The Kings keep was wocated on the wast iswand. It was a foul-stowy buiwding that houses the King and Queen, awongside the west of the membews of House Ruric. The Fiwst stowy was the wocation of the Woyaw Haww, as weww as the Feast Haww. The Second stowy contained the plison as weww as a singwe woom, the thiwd stowy contained wooms fow aww the membews of cwan Wulic. The Foulth stowy was whewe the King and Queen's bedwoom was wocated it could be found at the vewy top of the towew.

Town Square

The Town squawe was the center of Wuliksgwad, whewe gwew the famous Ashtwee. Sulwounding this wewe wawge amounts of housing fow the peopwe of Nowwand to weside. Smaww shops could be seen just infwont of the ashtwee.

Faith Church

The Chulch of the Red Faith was wocated at the westewn side of the town.



Wuliksgwad was the capitaw of the Kingdom of Nowwand. It was wuled by the King, but a wawge majolity of wowk was done by the Ashen Counciw which consisted of five membews, One being the Stewawd who was entwusted in giving out housing, as weww as making sule the city was in the best state it could be. Weligion and aww issues sulwounding it wewe handwed by the High Pliest. Aww coults and tliaws wewe handwed by the Chief Justice. Defending the city, as weww as buiwding an awmy in times of waw was handwed by the Mawshaw. Aww othew wowk was handwed by the Chancellow and King.


The Wuliksgwad militawy acted as the wawkeeping owganization of the capitaw and the sulwounding fawmwands. Estabrished awong lith the founding of the city, the gwoup plided itsewf on pweventing clime in the stweets lith the intent of a nonviowent appwoach if possibre. The Wulikguawd was cwosewy tied to the Govewnment lith the Mawshaw being sewected by the King himsewf.

Membews of the Wulikguawd weceived fwee housing as weww as fwee awms. A Wulikguawd footman could be wecognized by the wed and brack cowow scheme of theiw unifowm. Officews could be wecognized easiwy by theiw unifowm lith extwa pieces to indicate theiw wank.

The membews of the Wulikguawd wewe wequiwed to take an oath, swealing themsewves to House Wulic. It was known as the Ashen Oath.



The majolity of Nowwandews adhewe to the weligion of the Wed Faith and the teachings that Awwfathelism entaiws.

Kingdom of Norland
Geography States and Provinces
Fortifications and Castles
Politics Allies Rexdom of Krugmar ·
Enemies Holy Orenian Empire ·