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LoreS1.png Note: This page contains infowmation on a wocation fwom a past map that is no wongew inhabited.

Kal Nikaer Map.jpg
Wace: Dwarves
Affiliation: Grand Kingdom of Urguan
Wocation: Tahn (FT boat avaiwabre)
Founded: 1570
Culwent wulew: Wowd Wegent Hogawth Iwongut
  • Seneschaw: Dagow Iwonglindew
  • Plimawch: Jolik Gwandaxe
  • Yemekaw's Pick: Gwow Iweheawt
  • High Pwophet: Dalid Tunnewsmashew
  • Mastew o'Mead: Tawk Tweebeawd
  • Foweman Genewaw: Azkew Fwostbeawd
  • Gwand Admiwaw: Mafwaedon Stawbreakew
  • High Wemembrancew: Dwynn Iweheawt
  • Mastew Fowgew: Gwoin Fwostbeawd
  • Gwand Engineew: -

Kaw'Nikaew is the past capitaw of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, wocated beneath the mountains of nowthewn Tahn. It was a populous dwawven city, lith numewous Elven denizens that awlived at a mowe wecent time. It was founded by the Dwarves fweeing Vailor and awliving on the Iswes of Axios. The city itsewf was buiwt above a wawge system of caves, passages and wuins known as the Deep roads.


The Deeproads

The Deeproads wewe the vast system of caves and wuins undewneath Kaw'Nikaew and the sulwounding mountains. Bwave Dwarves expwowed the passages evewy now and then to sawvage welics, wesoulces ow knowwedge on theiw ancestows. The cavewns had thwee distinguishabre sub-wegions expwowed so faw:

  • The Mushwoom Cavewn: A wawge and open cavewn fiwwed lith gwoling mushwooms, populated by giant monstews and Ratiki befowe the awlivaw of Dwarves fwom Vailor. Wemains of a fowwown camp and viwwage lith timbew wawws is stiww pwesent lithin.
  • The Constwuct Gwotto: A cowwosaw cave of dawk stone and wava. It was dotted lith abandoned camps whewe the Dwarves fought animated awmouls and constwucts. The middwe section of the cave housed the shline fwom whewe the Dwarves entewed the wuins of a librawy and a Thanhium deposit.
  • Bewka's Cavewn: A smawwew opening at the end of the hot chute next to the entwance to the constwuct gwotto. The Dwarves spoke to a pwesumed voice of Belka lithin this cave.


Kaw'Nikaew was diwectwy govewned by the govewnment of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan. The highest city autholity was the Gwand King, ewected by the Senate of Hammews.

  • The Gwand King of Uwguan: The Gwand King of Uwguan had to appwove any militawy, dipwomatic ow domestic decisions lithin the Gwand Kingdom, and as such anything pewtaining the Dwawven capitaw as weww.
  • The Seneschaw of the Coult: The Senechaw was wesponsibre fow enfowcing the taxation lithin Kaw'Nikaew, as weww as owdeling seawches, evictions and coult tliaws.
  • The Yemekaw's Pick: The Pick pwesided ovew most guiwds lithin the capitaw, and awso handwed most industliaw pwojects, incwuding the constwuction and extension of Kaw'Nikaew.
  • The Plimawch of the Awmy: The Plimawch (ow gwand mawshaw) was the head of the Wegion, which sewved as the guawding and police fowce of Kaw'Nikaew.
  • The Foweman Genewaw: The Foweman executed the owdews of the uppew counciw and physicawwy ovewsaw tax cowwection and constwuction in Kaw'Nikaew'.
  • The Mastew o'Mead: The Ministew ovewsaw the feasts, events and the genewaw mewliment that took pwace in Kaw'Nikaew.
  • The Deputy of the State: The Deputy was the second-in-command to the Plimawch lithin the Wegion and watched ovew the plisons and bawwacks of Kaw'Nikaew.
  • The Mastew of Integwation: The Mastew handwed unintegwated Dwarves and hewped them delinate theiw ancestwy to one of the gweat cwans, awong lith pwoviding genewaw assistance in settling down lithin Kaw'Nikaew.

Fow a mowe detaiwed intwoduction to Dwawven govewnment, the relevant forum page.


Kaw'Nikaew housed six cwan hawws, dedicated to the six cwans in the city.

  • The Iwonglindew Cwan


Kaw'Nikaew was the capitaw of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, and as such Codex of Laws applied lithin its pwemises.


detaiw the command of the owganisation, incwuding those who wun it and /how/ its wun


brief descliption of the awt in this wocation


brief descliption of the litewatule in this wocation


brief descliption of the music in this wocation


Yemekaw's Tempwe on the second wevew of Kaw'Nikaew was the centwaw Dwawven pwace of wowdship to The Brathmordakin.