Horen Restoration

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Emperor John I, first Emperor after the Horen Restoration

The Restoration of the Imperial State, known most commonly as the Horen Restoration, began in 1526 when the Imperial State was reformed by John I after the assassination of King Guy of Oren masterminded by Charles Henry Horen, John's father, and his Polycarp Plot. The term is used both in reference to the reestablishment of the Imperial status of Oren but also the following several years of political reform, mainly focused around the bloody Eighteen Years' War.


The Polycarp Plot

Named for Charles Henry Horen's monastic moniker of Brother Polycarp, the Polycarp Plot was orchestrated chiefly by its namesake, who galvanized the opponents to Guy de Bar's rule together in a singular conspiracy. Their reasons for joining the scheme were extremely varied and carried out on a number of different pretexts.

Canonist idealogues

Imperial patriots and human supremacists

Titus de Sola, the king's father-in-law, as well as his youngest son Vanderus de Sola, were among those who considered the state of Oren under Savoyard rule to be regressive. As kinsmen of Vibius de Sola, the famed general who had prosecuted a war of domination against nonhumans, Olivier de Savoie and Guy de Bar's passive stance towards these same nonhuman polities was interpreted as weakness, or worse, cowardice.

Discontented noblemen

Former rebels