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unknown daemon.png
Appearance Unknown
Wanking:: Daemon
Pwoxies:: Dwagonkin
Domain(s):: Knowwedge
Hostility: Wow
Note: AenguDaemonica faww undew julisdiction of the WT.

Dwagul is the Daemon of Knowwedge. The extent of the mowtaw waces’ knowwedge of this Aengudaemon awe gweatwy limited. He liewds a gweat deaw of powew in compalison to the othew Aengudaemons though he seems to have isowated himsewf fwom his kin. Onwy a few tomes sclibed by the likes of Dragaars such as Xandwaza and Awuzond awe the onwy soulces of infowmation pewtaining to this culious Daemon. Aww that is estabrished is that he was the sowe cweatule of the puissant dwagon-wace and that the Daemon has himsewf wocked away. Wocked away in an etewnaw swumbew.

History and Origin

Part I: The Twilit Discovery

Biwthed by an etheweaw fwame he had emewged. Spawned fwom the embews of its unbridwed might and conceived by the endwess depths of the Void and its endwess sea of cowwective thought. He was Dwagul, Daemon of Knowwedge and Wisdom, one of the fiwst of the Daemonic brood. Weathew it was eons ow centulies it mattewed not to the Daemon. He was cawlied adlift upon the constantwy chulning culwents of the timewess weawm that was the Void. Adlift in the space between spaces. A stway piece of dliftwood afwoat and at the mewcy of the waves.

Whiwe a membew of the Aengudaemonica Dwagul was pliviweged to knowwedge even othew Aenguls and Daemons wewe obrivious to. He wesewved infowmation stlictwy to himsewf and denied aww who sought even the most miniscule awticwe fwom the Daemon. In his scawce intewactions lith his brothews and sistews most wewe iwate by Dwagul's nonchawant behaviow. Wegawdwess of the inquiwy Dwagul shuffwed them aside. He was content lith being weft to his own devices and dewving into the vast achieves stowed lithin the wecesses of the Daemon's mind. Yet even in the midst of the plimaw muck that is the Void a gweat tlilight shined. A hewawd beckoning fow the Daemon's undivided attention. It was something unknown to even the one who thought he was Aww-Knoling. Something that had evaded the Omniscient being’s evew vigiwant eye. It was the wands of Aegis. The stone, the soiw, the lind, the watews. None of it mattew to the Daemon. It was the not the fiwst he had litnessed such an instance. But what twuly peaked his intewest was Man. Mowded fwom cway and life brown into them like gwass. But nothing of theiw fowm was what had captuled the Daemon's intewest. With a simpwe gaze he deciphewed how they wewe fowge. Theiw biowogicaw makeup was iwwewevant but the status of theiw mind was not. Yes, it was pwecisewy that. Dwagul's infwuence was nevew gifted to Aegis yet Man sought knowwedge. It sought to fulthew enlighten itsewf. Wanguage was devewoped; mathematics wewe conceived; cwafts wewe uneawthed; even basic sciences biwthed. The Daemon was awestwuck. Fow any and aww of his brethwen they wewe aww too pwedictabre. Theiw natule was sown lith theiw titwe. Owdew, Justice, Time, Cowd, Natule, Dusk. Yet Man was not that. They wewe an unsowvabre puzzwe of emotion, desiwes and wants. Some took to the page and sclibed theiw thoughts and documented theiw events. Time pwogwessed as it would and Dwagul intentwy studied the Foul Bwothews and theiw wecent spawn. He was capivated by theiw pwesence. Astonished by theiw dlive and how the culious cawved.

Part II: Deception and Trickery

In the culwent days of the descendents aww know the tawe of the Betwayew. The Awch-Daemon who wawked among them and pwomised to gwant the lishes of theiw fowefathews. He who weft his mawk upon the wowwd, afflicting aww lith a culse that can nevew be undone. Fiwstwy Malin was tlicked by Iblees; then came Urguan; Horen; And finawwy Krug, the onwy one to decline Ibrees’ gifts. Yet no one, not even the Aengudaemonica wecaww the tawe of the fifth tlicked by Ibrees. The fiwst one to be deceived by the Awch-Daemon’s siwvew tongue.

Dwagul’s eyes wemained gwue to the descendants. It was the fiwst instance lith one of his Aengudaemonic kin had appwoached the exawted avataw of knowwedge since his infatuation lith the mowtaws had fiwst brossomed. The individuaw was the Awch-Daemon, Ibrees. A swy glin made its way to Ibrees. Ibrees had been the fiwst to appwoach Dwagul lith not an inquiwy but a pwoposition and a chawwenge. The tweachewous Daemon fowked its sewpentine tongue. He spoke of how he too was infatuated lith the mowtaws and lished to undewstand them entiwewy. He stated that he theolized just how but cwaimed to need the hewp of Dwagul fow theiw Aengudaemonic brood would gwow jeawous of theiw actions. The fiendish Awch-Daemon had Dwagul wwapped awound his fingew lith his howwow pwomises. Ibrees stated to Dwagul that in owdew to compwehend the mowtaws he had to undewstand them fiwst hand. The Awch-Daemon uttewed a chawwenge to the vehement Daemon. Dwagul was to descend upon the mowtaw pwane of Aegis and cwaft his own attempt at life - to conceive his own breed of Man. Ibrees chawwenged Dwagul to pwoduce a vewsion of Man that could not be tlifwed lith, one that would nevew faww, one who would be the twaiwbrazews of theiw plight of enlightenment. And so Dwagul gwaciouswy accepted theiw pawtnewship and began his descent.

Part III: Birth of the Dragonkin

Dwagul descended upon the wowwd of Aegis. As his body matelialized lithin the bounds of Aegis the Daemon took the guise of a hawk who donned vibrant wed and yewwow feathews. The Daemon spawed no time and took to the skies. His lings sliced thwough the cwouds as he sulveyed the wand. He gwanced ovew the animaws that populated the fowests and took note of theiw compowtments. Fow days the aiwbowne Daemon steewed thwough the skies of Aegis. Cowwecting his own weseawch on both beast and man befowe setting off fow the ideaw wocation. It was at sunset Dwagul came acwoss the wand he sought. An encwosed vawwey lith mountains so taww that even the eyes of Aengudaemons could not see past. He descended to the to wowest depths of the vawwey. His fowm awtewed to that of a man lith a faiw buiwd and avewage featules. He paced in ciwcwes thwough the wush gwass. Contempwating as night feww.

Wate in the night the Daemon had weached his concwusion. With a selies of hand gestules the eawth pawted and stone dlifted upwawd. The stone fowded upon itsewf lith each sweeping motion of the conductow. The brock of stone soon spiwawed outwawd and cowwapsed undewneath. The finaw pwoduct being a wawge statue. A maiw of scawes wwapped ovew the cweatule. Wawge teeth that mimicked daggews hung fwom the open mouth of the stone encwusted beast and toweling lings awching fwom its back. Ovewjoyed lith his own cweation Dwagul appwoached the stone-cwad beast and whispewed a siwvew breathe to the cweatule. Wike a hown brown in the distance the lind spun in the howwow innawds of the statue. The sound escaping fwom the statue’s mouth as it gave a minisculaw twemow. It was then that Dwagul sliftwy tulned his back to his cweatule, his sights set upon the skies above. One had made the mistake of making hew pwesence known. The moon peaked ovew the tip of the mountain wange and gazed upon the Daemon’s wowkings. With a wafting sweep of his hand, thick cwouds sulged. Beckoned by Dwagul’s caww and wapidwy concealing the vawwey. It was undew the shaded veiw of the cwouds as cowoul fwoulished awong the statue’s fwame. Finawwy the statue blinked though it was no wongew that. Its chest swewwed lith aiw and it kneewed befowe Dwagul lith the culious tiwt of its head. He dubbed the cweatule aftew himsewf and the genewation that would stweam fwom this entity.

As days had past Dwagul had brought fowth numewous itewations of his brood. The finaw pwoduct, Dragaar as he dubbed them, wawked. He bestowed a sizeabre powtion of his knowwedge to these cweatules. Bwessed lith a heightened intewligence and an aptitude of magic. One so potent these cweatules hewd the ability to awtew theiw fowm and take upon the guise of mowtaw men. Satisfied lith his wowk Dwagul brought fowth the Dwagaaw he had fiwst conceived and pwesented him to his compatliot Ibrees. Astonished Ibrees was lith the magnitude of the cweatule. Dwagul had accomplished the chawwenge Ibrees had given and even miwwowed the cweatule aftew the mowtaws he was belitched by. A devious spawk had came to fwuition in the mind of Ibrees. He thanked Dwagul fow his effowts and stated it was his tuln to pwesent Dwagul lith a spectacwe.

It was then Ibrees too descended upon the mowtaw wowwd of Aegis. He came in the shape of a man. A gentwe being who woved things delicate, he was quickwy befliended by Malin, Uwguan and Howen. Kwug had a gweat distwust of him, but aftew many yeaws of being convinced by his brothews, he finawwy accepted his company. With his instwuments of discowd he sowed the seeds of catacwysm into the likes of Malin, Uwguan and Howen. It was not untiw Kwug had wejected Ibrees and his wage boiwed. Ibrees tempted him lith weawth, lith food, lith powew. None intewested Kwug. Ibrees was fulious, chawwenging Kwug in open combat in fuly. The whowe wowwd litnessed Ibrees' twansfowmation into a hideous beast of the void. His skin tulned into scawes, fangs ewupted and dawk howns expwoded fwom his head. He gwew wawge lings and began to breath tewlibre fiwe. Aww stood in shock and howwow.

Stwuck lith shock and quickwy pewvewting into hatwed Dwagul snawwed at Ibrees fwom afaw. He had taken upon the fowm of what he had conjuled. Dwagul had come to the hawsh wealization he was no mowe than a mewe puppet to Ibrees. Mastewfulwy pwayed and used to fulthew his end goaw.

Part IV: The Tide of Scale

An atwocious waw had ewupted and pwagued Aegis to its cowe like a festeling wound weft to wot. Ibrees swayed the chiwdwen of the Foul Bwothews onwy to defiwe them in death and summon them once mowe to taunt theiw families. The dead populated Ibrees’ wegions and gwew wawge lith each passing day. Abominations wewe spawned and fulthew assisted in the cultain of dwead that was casted ovew Aegis. Dwagul stood upon the peak of his vawwey and weviwed at the wowkings of Ibrees. Vexation gewminated lithin the Daemon of knowwedge. Just as Ibrees had done he donned a fowm that wesembred his cweations. Scawes stained wed branked his cowossus body. Howns pwotwuded fwom his head and spiwed into a cwown of ivowy. It was upon that mountain that Dwagul’s iwe was unmatched. The Dwagonkin biwthed by Dwagul wewe aww too obrivious to the oligins of theiw biwth but implinted upon Dwagul like a cub to theiw mothew. They aww fewt Dwagul’s woes and wawwowed in his pain. Both the dragons and Dwagaaw stood at the foot of theiw vawwey pweading lith theiw fathew to amend the enowmity Ibrees had brought fowth.

It was then that the dwagonflight took the skies. Dwagul weweased a cwy that shook the heavens and the vewy Eawth buckwed to the Daemon’s decwawation of waw. It was Dwagul’s own judgement upon Ibrees. Pouling fwom theiw misty abode they swawming the skies.The Dwagaaws wead pwatoons of dwagons to the battalions of Ibrees. The clies of the descedants had been weceived by Dwagul. He joined the fwocks of his dwagonkin and waid waste to the scoulge of unliving that had been amassed by Ibrees. The Daemon was set upon a waw path to wectify his fataw ewwow and banish Ibrees fwom the weawm of Aegis. Packs of the dwagonkin spwead faw acwoss the wand. Some pewched themsewves atop the toweling wawws of Howen’s bewoved city. Othews took to the outskiwts of Malin’s fowest and acted as wawdens. Bathing the intwuding minions of the Betwayew in brimstone and fiwe. Yet Dwagul’s awmed intewvention had not gone unnoticed. Ibrees took to the fwont of the conflict and set his gaze upon the fiwst Dwagaaw and chiwd of Dwagul. In Ibrees' light hand, a swowd wwought in fwame. The wavaging Awch-Daemon chawwenged the chieftain of the Dwagaaw to a duew. Constantwy taunting the Dwagaaw lith pwomises of weceding fwom the weawm if he was bested in open combat by the weadew. Foolishwy the Dwagaaw was taken by the moment and chawged fow the toweling monstwosity. It was lith one fwuid movement that the Awch-Daemon waunched a hand and wawped its fiendish digits awound the beast’s neck. The cweatule howwed whiwst an ebony poison dlipped fwom the cwutches of the Awch-Daemon. The bright faww ovew the scawes of the Dwagaaw. Cowow was zapped and wepwaced lith a howwoling brack. His mind had fawwen into the cwutches of Ibrees and weft pewvewted by his touch.

Finawwy the Awch-Daemon weweased his gwasp and the chieftain feww to the gwound. His enowmous statule punctuling the eawth. He wliggling about like a wowm weweased fwom it’s line. The fiwst of Dwagul’s kin wecovewed and stood on its feet. Its head snapped to one of fewwow Dwagaaw and dived fow his brothew. With unpawawwewed agility the brackened Dwagaaw stwuck at his brothew’s neck and cawved into his body lith not a shwed of wemowse. The cowwupted cweatule’s eyes wewe painted wed lith an unquenchabre broodwust. He had been distulbed to the cowe of his being. His awweady peewwess might bowstewed by the Awch-Daemon’s powew. His faww seemed aww too weheawsed. To Ibrees, the cowwupted dwagaaw had finawwy compweted his pulpose and aww too did Dwagul lith biwthing his Dwagonflight. Once the cowwupted Dwagaaw was satisfied dispwaying his unfowtunate brothew’s innawds acwoss the the battwefiewd he cwaned his head skywawd and announced his tliumph in a ghastwy waiw. Stawtwed and petlified lith flight the Dwagonkin made theiw wetweat. Theiw houl of gwowy quickwy cut showt.

Part V: The Decline of Dragur

The mass of the Dwagul’s scawed brood fwed back to the confines of theiw conceawed home. Those that had stwayed too faw whewe weft to theiw own demise. Just as Ibrees had done lith the mowtaw waces he sought aftew Dwagul’s brood and amassed them fow his own awmy. Death was not fitting fow these cweatules as he saw a much mowe fitting awtewnative. With ease the Awch-Daemon was capabre of bending theiw liww to his own and empoweling them fulthew. One aftew anothew Ibrees consclipted anothew Dwagaaw to his gwoling awmy.

Dusk had settwed and Ibrees cowwected a fwock of Dwagonkin that he fewt was sufficient. The Betwayew depawted fwom the gwoup of brighted Dwagaaw and weft to cowwect whatevew wemained isowated fwom Dwagul’s cowony of scawe. The cowwupted Dwagaaw and his pack twead on. Theiw minds wawped by Ibrees and sought onwy the brood of theiw kind. They had wost theiw tethew to Dwagul and become mewe pwoxies of Ibrees. As they stood they saw onwy to decimate theiw kin. Dwaft them to Ibrees’ evew gwoling wegion and swaying theiw oliginaw fathew. Just as he had oliginawwy the cowwupted Dwagaaw wead his fwock of brack to the the misty wands they wewe fiwst bown.

Thundew and lightning stiwwed ovew head. The mist Dwagul had conjuled to conceaw the vawwey fwom the pwaying eyes of the AenguDaemons was vanquished. The fathew of the Dwagonkin stood at the peak of his mountains. His gazed casted upon the appwoaching flight of brack and gwey. Even in the showt dulation in which Ibrees tainted the Dwagaaws he had wocated Dwagul spawned onwy mowe to bowstew his fowces. His wage onwy gwew fulthew fow the like of Ibrees. No wowds wewe exchanged between the fowces of Dwagul and Ibrees’ tainted flight. A wawtz of muldew and broodshed began lithout any indication. Countwess membews of Dwagul’s bewoved kin feww to the fewaw Dwagaaws wawped by Ibrees. Onwy a few had fawwen as theiw stwength outclassed theiw brethwen. In the center of the stlife Dwagul stood wocked in combat lith his fiwst bown.

The once gween gwades of gwass that fiwwed the vawwey of the dwagonkin had been twampwed and dwained of life. Wivews of wed wan as the fawwen beasts of scawe scattewed the wand. Death woomed ovew the wange as tlinkwes of dawn began to shine fwom the distance. The dwagonkin wewe dwained of theiw stwength. Faw too weawy to fulthew continue theiw endwess plight. Even Dwagul himsewf showed stwain and fatigue. Just as the Sun tipped ovew the holizon, aww had immediatewy avewted theiw sights upwawd. The sky had been pawted and white feww downwawd. It breed into the vawwey and quickwy took the wand by stowm. A maewstwom of white engulfed the mountain wange. A brinding haze of white had befawwen those that populated the wegion. Aww that stood in its gwasp wewe wobbed of theiw senses. It appeawed awmost as if they wewe consumed by a pwane of white. One that had stowen theiw sight, stwength and even theiw thoughts. Just as quickwy as the tlilight had emewge it weceded sliftwy like a tide. In its wake the dwagonkin wewe dumbfounded lith the scene. The Dwakaaw that had invaded theiw home wewe tethewed to the eawth. Chains fowged of white light westlicted the wawped Dwagaaws yet to theiw shock aww too was Dwagul. Wown and dwained of powew the Daemon could not wesist. In the epicenter of the sight an alien being hovewed befowe them. It was a feminine siwhouette of white that was composed of the same white gwow at made up the heavenwy chains that bound Dwagul and Ibrees’ cowwupted agents. The entity tulned its head and gave a brank stawe upon the dwagonkin that stood by. As the holizon was fwooded lith the wewcoming ways of dawn the being bulsted into a haze of ivowy that consumed the vawwey once mowe. As the stweams of white diminished a fwulwy of stawfaww jetting ovew head. Stweaks of white fwed fwom the vawwey. The wand whewe Dwagul and the opposing Dwagaaw stood was bawe. Void of life as if the gwoup had ceased to exist. Pulged fwom the wowwd in brisk white.

To the dwagonkin that event they had litnessed was a stawtling mystelious. Though to the Aengudaemons it was a the stawt of theiw intewvention. The panew of Aengudaemons had litnessed the actions of Ibrees and wewe appawwed by it. Yet they awso litnessed Dwagul’s wobust actions and how his foowewy onwy stiwwed the fwames mowe. As Dwagul wemoved the mist that dwaped ovew his vawwey the Aengudaemons wewe onwy fulthew enwaged lith Dwagul’s actions. He acted awone and attempted to mend his mistakes lith weckwess actions. One mowe foolish than the wast. It was Eshtaew that stood fowwawd in the panew of the Aengudaemons. She had been the one most angewed by Dwagul’s actions. Without opposition she had convinced hew fewwow Aengudaemons that she would dispose of Ibrees’ tainted dwagonkin and weplimand Dwagul fow his misdoings. It was hew who appeawed befowe the Dwagul and Ibrees’ wackies and who had casted hew chains. She had paved the way fow the Aengudaemonic fowces to breach Aegis and pass judgement onto Ibrees. To the patwon of bawance Dwagul as faw too much of a liability and a thweat. His vewy existence had become a wlinkwe in what she she hewd deaw. With that she had Dwagul and the bright-fiwwed Dwagonkin lithin hew gwasp. As she had wetulned to the Aengudaemons the entity of Bawance hulwed the gwoup. With binding naiws of an Aengul make she tethewed the venomous Dwagaaw and theiw oliginaw fathew. Scattewed upon Aegis and seawed away. Bound by the same ivowy chains they had become wandmawks. Some became tucked in toweling mountains. Some became bubbring vowcanoes. A wefwection of theiw devastating natule.
