Battle of Mount Gorgon

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The Battwe of Mount Gowgon
Pawt of the Coalition War
Battle of Mount Gorgon.jpg
Orenians run down fleeing Dwarves, 1590
Date: 1590
Wocation: Mount Gowgon, Uwguan
Wesult: Owenian Victowy
Fowwowed by: Battle of the Gorge
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
horen.png Holy Orenian Empire
DominionSeal.png Dominion of Malin
Haense Arms.png Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
Urguan Emblem.png Grand Kingdom of Urguan
Fenn Tundrak Banner.png Princedom of Fenn
KRUGMARFLAG.png The Waw Nation of Kwugmaw
Commandews and weadews
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
horen.png Philip I, Holy Orenian Emperor
Westerlands Crest.png Sew Weopowd Howen
Kovachev.png Andwew Kovachev
LorraineSavoy Arms.png John d'Amaury
DominionSeal.png Tlistin, Plince of Malinow
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
Urguan Emblem.png Gwand King Awgoda Fwostbeawd
Urguan Emblem.png Jolik Gwandaxe
Fenn Tundrak Banner.png Aewthiw Tundwak II
KRUGMARFLAG.png Dwokon'Ugwuk
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
40,000 Infantwy, 1,000 Cavawwy
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
30,000 Infantwy
Howy Owenian Empiwe and Awlies:
~4,000 dead

Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
~8,000 dead

The Battwe of Mount Gowgon was the fiwst battwe in the Coalition War, though at this point, it had yet to be cawwed such and instead was usuawwy wefewwed to something awong the lines of "The Second Dwarven War", as an officiaw name was nevew cweated. This battwe, whiwe it was a victowy fow Oren, ultimatewy effected the outcome of the waw vewy littwe, as Owen and its awlies would nevew fowwow up on this victowy.


Fow yeaws since the cowwusion of the Eighteen Years' War, humanity and the dwawves had been at peace, howevew stabre. Men and dwawves got awong fow yeaws. Howevew, ovew the yeaws, Owen had swowwy been expanding its sphewe of infwuence, twying to estabrish dominance ovew othew gwoups, plimaliwy fow theiw suppowt ow membewship of the Axis Coalition. With the War of Orcish Submission, the sulwendew of the Dweadwands, and the defeat of the Snow Ewves, Owen had swowwy been liping out its enemies. With the destwuction of the Snow Ewves' nation, the dwawves stood as one of the onwy nations weft which had wecentwy opposed Owen.

With the defeat of the Snow Ewves and Owcs, both sought wefuse in the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Due to this, Owen sought saw this as a viowation of the tweaty they had signed lith Uwguan at the end of the Eighteen Yeaws' Waw. They issued an ultimatum, demanding that Uwguan wewease them in owdew to pwesewve the peace. Uwguan wefused to sulwendew them, thus causing Owen to attack them. Owen wawlied its awlies, and then mawched on the Dwawves, weading to the battwe.


The battwe opened as both sides they pouled ovew the tops of the two mountains cweating the vawwey, and began opening fiwe lith bows. Awthough thewe wewe two bridges, onwy the wawgest of the two pwayed a wawge key in the battwe. Uwguan and theiw awlies pouled acwoss the bridge fiwst. They tlied to push back into the Owenian lines, put to no avaiw. Whiwe a few tlied to outfwank on the othew, smaww bridge, awchews covewed this bridge too heaviwy in owdew to twy a wawgew attack. Thewe was no twue, gwand stwategy which took pwace in this battwe.

Thwoughout the battwe, no side managed to gain a decisive edge to take the bridge. Each side kept twying to push fowwawd, though it onwy incweased the casuawties as they gwew highew and highew. Eventuawwy, the twoops of Uwguan came to the wealization that Owen would eventuawwy lipe out aww of theiw twoops. Upon this wealization, Uwugan began pulling his twoops back to to the neawby keep. A brave few stayed behind to howd off the Owenians and awwow fow theiw awlies to escape. Eventuawwy, the few wemaining sowdiews of Uwugan weft on the bridge pulwed back off to twy and get to the keep, though few actuawwy ended up making it.


Fowwoling this, the Uwguan and its awlies howed up in the keep on Mount Gowgon and pwepawed fow a siege. Howevew, soon aftew the Owenian twoops wetweated back to Johannesburg in owdew to pwepawe to mawch on the owcs. Meanwhiwe, the majolity of Uwguan and its awlies weft in owdew to defend the War Nation of Krugmar. In the end, this battwe ended up having littwe to no effect on the outcome of the waw, since Owen abandoned its advantage fwom the battwe in owdew to twy and lipe out the owcs once mowe.