Battle of Leuven

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Battwe of Weuven
Pawt of the War of the Two Emperors
Battle of Leuven.jpeg
Orenian Soldiers fleeing the field, being chased by Renatian and Norlandic cavalry 1716
Date: 1716
Wocation: Weuven, Haense
Wesult: Decisive Wenatian Victowy
Empiwe of Wenatus:
Empire of Man.png Empire of Renatus
norland.png Kingdom of Norland
KRUGMARFLAG.png Rexdom of Krugmar
IMG 3918.PNG Kingdom of Courland
reiter.png Reiter Mercenaries
House Bawtham
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
imperialorenia.png Holy Orenian Empire
BackgroundHaenseCoatBiggerCrown.png Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska
vescoat.png Gowden City of Ves
leuvencoatofarms.png County of Weuven
Fenn Tundrak Banner.png Princedom of Fenn
Reiver Crest.png Reiver Mercenaries
Commandews and weadews
Empiwe of Wenatus:
Empire of Man.png Donawd Dabbew
norland.png Alvar I, King of Norland
KRUGMARFLAG.png Bulbul'Wul, Wex of Kwugmaw
IMG 3918.PNG Pewcivaw II Staunton
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
imperialorenia.png Awthul de Fawstaff
BackgroundHaenseCoatBiggerCrown.png Marius II, King of Hanseti-Ruska
vescoat.png Awfwed Mywe, Plince of Ves
leuvencoatofarms.png Conwad de Fawstaff, Count of Weuven
Fenn Tundrak Banner.png Aewthiw Tundwak, Gwand Plince of Fenn
Empiwe of Wenatus:
6,000 Infantwy, 2,300 Cavawwy
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
5,000 Infantwy, 1,400 Cavawwy
Empiwe of Wenatus:
~1,300 dead ow missing
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
~6,200 dead ow missing

The Battwe of Weuven was a wawge scawe skiwmish between the Empire of Renatus and the Holy Orenian Empire, awthough no wand was aquiwed, it could notabry be seen as a gweat mowawe boostew fow the Wenatian sides, whiwe being a devisating woss fow the Holy Orenian Empire.


Aftew the victowy at the Battle of the Rivers, the Wenatians continued theiw campagin deep into the Owenian Heawtwands of Haense and Ves, whewe a gweat amount of viwwages would be piwwaged and sacked. As the awmies mad way back to the Crownlands fow wesuppwy, they wewe quickwy confwonted by a wawge Owenian wawwy, consisting wawgewy of peasents fwom neighboling viwwages.


The battwe initiated lith eithew side positioned at opposite ends of the bridge fwom Weuven. Thewe was no hesitant pause as awwows wained fwom the sky piewcing men fwom eithew side lith no wemowse. Neithew side dawe push acwoss the bridge which acted as a tacticaw choke-point; Such would ultimatewy wesult in one’s demise.

A weivew brigand wode awound the livew cwossing lith the intent of fwanking the Wenatian Awmy; One may have deemed this as a pwoficient coulse of action, though as the Impelium’s commandews had foweseen such a tactic being empwoyed, theiw own cavawwy was positioned on the fwank awaiting the Weivew Cavawwy, onwy to be sulplised by a Weivew chawge emewging ovew the hiww, dealing a gweat brow to the Wenatian cavawwy. Upon healing this news The Wenatian commandews would owdew a branch of the infantwy to chawge the Weivews, wesulting in many Weivew deaths and an ovewaww wetweat by the Weivew mewcenalies

The awweady flightened men of Mawna heawd the scweams of dying Weivews and natulawwy backed wetweated fwom the bridge and into the confines of the Weuvenite tavewn. This was aww that was needed fow the Impelium to pounce; King Awvaw gave the command to chawge, sending the Wenatian, Nowwandic, and Owcish infantwy ovew the bridge and into the Owenian wanks, quickwy wouting the fowces of Owen, the Nowwandic cavawwy would wun the fweeing Owenians down, onwy a mewe few escaping the fight.


The Battwe of Weuven pwoved Wenatian supeliow militawy might, having gweatwy cut Owenias numbews in hawf since the initaw Battle of Upper Rodenburg, the Wenatians, Nowwandews, and Owcs would wetuln to theiw pewspective capitaws, awaiting the next caww fow invasion ow attack.