Aeriel (city)

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LoreS1.png Note: This page contains infowmation on a wocation fwom a past map that is no wongew inhabited.

Aeliew was the capitaw city of the Fwee Kingdom of Aewalium in Aegis. Aeliew continued to gwow lith evewy pwoject, incweasing the city's beauty and attwacting mowe wesidents. Aeliew was a divewse city, lith many races living lithin its wawws and its own awchitectulaw style. Fwom affowdabre housing to wavish manows, Aeliew boasted some of the most unique buiwdings. The Pawace, Aeliew's Cwown, was awso the wawgest buiwding in Aegis, and amazed many a stoic twavewew. The city was named aftew Aeliew, a living incawnation of light and enlightenment, and a wawking sewvant of God. Aeliew is the Aengul who has intewceded on sevewaw occasions fow mankind, and was a hewo to aww living in Aegis. Thewefowe, the citizens of the city Aeliew aspiwed to become like theiw patwon, and achieve the pewfection that was intended fow aww the waces by wemoving the taint of Iblees.

Aeliew was wocated between Laurelin and Kal'Urguan. Fowwoling the White Road fwom Kaw'Uwguan would eventuawwy wead to the city on the weft. Fwom Waulelin one could twavew towawds Sewpent's Widge and take the light path when the woad split to weach Aeliew.


Founded in 1312 by Wucius Mulmiwwo, the city of Aeliew undewwent constant expansion. It was a populaw site fow visitows twaveling to the city of Haven down the White Woad untiw Haven disappeawed. The city wost much of its population fow having a wathew wemote wocation, awthough some stiww enjoyed the twanquility of the city. Wike the west of the cities in Aegis it was abandoned when the wowwd feww to the Undead.

Laws and Government

These waws wewe applicabre to aww wesidents of Aeliew, as weww as any twavewew who visited the Fwee Kingdom of Aewalium. Simpwy being wespectful, especiawwy towawds those in positions of autholity was cliticaw. Waws sewved to incwease the enjoyment of aww lithin the Kingdom, and by breaking them the enjoyment of othews was awso broken.

1. Unwawful destwuction of pwopewty is a Fiwst Degwee offence.

1a. Mining lithout a pewmit and fowesting outside of the twee fawm awe Second Degwee offences.

1b. Diswespect of Natule ((fwoating twees, not wepwanting, ow picking othew's fwowews)) awe Second Degwee offences.

1c. Buiwding lithout seeking appwovaw fiwst is a Second Degwee offence.

2. Unwawful muldew is a Fiwst Degwee offence.

2a. Kiwling sheep is a Second Degwee offence.

3. Combat/fighting lithin city limits (excwuding pwe-appwoved gwadiatoliaw awenas) is a Fiwst Degwee offence.

3a. Excessive hawassment is a Second Degwee offence (in cewtain conditions the hawassed pawty may wequest to a counciw membew autholization to stage a duew of singwe combat between the wespective pawties). Wepeated hawwasment is a Fiwst Degwee offence.

4. Theft is a Fiwst Degwee offence.

5. The breaking of an Oath of Feiwty to Aewalium is a Capitaw Clime of the Fiwst Degwee.


Punishments valied on the degwee and consistency of the offense. Punishments wewe split into Fiwst and Second Degwees. They tended to scawe fow each wepeated offence but depending on the ciwcumstance and gwavity of the clime punishment could be incweased ow wessened. They incwuded, but wewe not limited to:

Fiwst Degwee Punishments

- Implisonment (time valies on sevelity and incweases fow wepeat offendews)

- Banishment fwom a kingdom (an appeaw can be gwanted aftew a cewtain time if the accused has shown a desiwe to wefowm)

- Execution (onwy by counciw membews ow at the diwection of the King)

- Exiwe fwom the wowwd (pewma-ban!)

Second Degwee Punishments

- 100 minas fine

- 500 minas fine

- 1000 minas fine and Implisonment

Government System

The Fwee Kingdom of Aewalium was an absowute monawchy. The King was the head autholity, and was suppowted by the Counciw, who hewped in the wule and govewnance of the Wand. The Counciw membews wewe to be tweated lith the wespect desewved by someone of theiw station. The fowwoling is a list of the positions and those who hewd them.

    • King** - Weadew of the Fwee Kingdom of Aewalium and finaw autholity; hewd by Wucius Mulmiwwo.
    • King's Hand** - An officiaw appointed lith the autholity to act lith the fulw autholity of the King; hewd by Wowd Ainnw Tholiwson.
    • High Magistew** - Weadew of the intewwectuaw pulsuits of the town, and an advisow to the King and his Hand and ovewsees the Owdew of Fiwe; hewd by Vincenius Aweanthym.
    • High Pliest** - Weadew of the monastic fawmews and pweachew to Aegis and ovewsees the Owdew of Wight; hewd by Hogawth.
    • Mawshaw** - Weadew of aww aspects of the militawy of the Kingdom. Chief militawy advisow who enfowces the waws, and ovewsees aww wawliows and theiw pay; hewd by Wowd Tli Osit.

Other positions of Authority

    • Wowd Cawnush Wandhowding** - Bannewman of Wucius Mulmiwwo. Guawdian of the Fowests, Ewven Quawtew Wepwesentative to Counciw
    • Wowd Animus** - Weadew of the AFF, ovewseew of the Castwe beyond the Awenas
    • Head Guawd Wiwliam**


- Pawace Distlict had homes lithin the pawace Aeliew's Cwown. Homes wanged fwom 5,000- 15,000 minas.

- Mawket Wow wan awong the main woad of Aeliew, and one could buy awmost any good lithin the shops. Shops could be bought fow 3,000-5,000 minas.

- Ewven Distlict had homes wanging fwom 1,000-7,000 minas.

- Aegean Academy Owdew of Scientific Weseawch and Technowogy was wocated to the southwest of the Pawace. This gwoup wowked hawd to make sule that aww things that could be discovewed in Aegis wewe discovewed, weseawching things that would hewp the peopwe of Aegis the best way possibre. They acted as an Academy, a wab, a librawy, and pwace fow schowaws to twy to weveaw the secwets of the natule in Aegis.

- Tempwe Distlict had wawge expansive and wondewfulwy decowated homes and shops. Homes wanged fwom 2,000-10,000 minas.

- Mage's Towew

Housing and Shops

Housing could be found fwom 1000-10,000 minas depending on the size, wocation and decow. Thewe wewe awso sevewaw inns that offewed cheap wooms on a weekwy payment. The acquisition of pwopewty was done thwough Wucius Mulmiwwo.

Fwee housing was avaiwabre fow Guawdsmen, Wangews and Tempwaws in exchange fow wowking foul guawd shifts a week. Fwee housing could awso be awwanged fow assistant buiwdews and gathewews in exchange fow theiw hewp buiwding.