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Imperial City of Providence
Capital city
The cool summer breeze over the Imperial City of Providence, 1796
Nicknames: Providence, Oren
Country: Oren
Founded: Founded in 1796 when the descendants first arrived on Almaris. The construction was overseen by Her Imperial Majesty, Anne I.
Emperor: Joseph II
Governing Body: Imperial Administration, Ministry of the Interior
Lord Mayor: Doctor Desmond Morgryn
City Clerk: Annabelle Kelmenour
Population: 100,000
Previous Capital: Helena
Language(s): Common, Botch Raevir, High Imperial

Providence serves as the capital of The Holy Orenian Empire. Founded in 1796, it's equal in size to Johannesburg & boasts one of the largest populations in Almaris. The city can be founded sitting atop a hill on the Empire's eastern borders.



Providence is built upon a hill, overlooking the ocean & a nearby river. The location was picked for its strategic positioning & it's accessibility to the water. Surrounding the city are small patches of trees that provide lumber for the city. Beyond that is a mix of mountainous terrain & open plains.

Historical Events

The Raids of 1796-Present

Since Providence's creation, the city has been plagued by bandits & raiders known as Ferrymen. They started small, robbing & killing folks traveling between the eastern fleet & the capital city. During 1797 & 1798, the road warriors became bored with small robberies & moved onto attacking the main city. The Imperial State Army & The Ferrymen engaged in a great many skirmishes during this time. One significant raid during 1798, during which five Ferrymen entered Providence and killed approximately fourteen ISA officers, led to changes within the city defenses after it was found that The Ferrymen were able to exploit the short walls to be able to scale over them to flee from Imperial reinforcements.

Coming into the year 1799, changes continued to be made to the cities defenses as more Ferrymen attacked & showed the ISA critical weaknesses in their designs. These alterations proved their worth as stray raiders were cut down by Imperial Soldiers. Around this time, other bandits took advantage of The Ferrymen weakening the city & they decided to attack. These new waves of bandits however proved to be futile against the imperial forces. As the year came to a close, the Ferrymen returned to attack the city. In a skirmish on the outskirts of the city, the imperial soldiers once against met their makers. Not all was in vain as foolishly, a Ferrymen charged into a gatehouse to find himself surrounded & slaughtered. Even with the imperial forces still losing this engagement with The Ferrymen, it showed an improvement in Orenian ranks.

The frequency of imperial trainings increased & eventually more imperial wins started pouring in. Notably, in 1800 a stray Ferryman was captured by an imperial patrol. The Ferryman was sent to prison & as suspected, a large Ferryman company raided Providence in an attempt to reclaim their shackled comrade. The raiders were outnumbered by imperial & beaten back out of Oren. No imperial casualties were taken.

The Elections of 1797

The first mayoral election in Providence occurred on the 12th of Godfrey's Triumph, 1797 with four candidates; Doctor Desmond Morgryn, Sir Henry Marshal, Ciprian de la Baltas & Kinsrell Commandore. During this time citizens could vote in two ways, mailing in their ballot or going to the town hall to vote in person. As the elections drew to a close, suspicion was raised as some of the votes were cast in the name of deceased individuals. To the discretion of the Providence Magistrate; George Galbraith, the ballots were nulled. A new voting session was scheduled on the 21st of Tobias' Bounty which implemented the new rules of citizens may only vote in person.

Throughout the day the elections remained closely tied. When the results of the election were announced in the tavern by Victor Halcourt later that night, the election turned out to be a tie with Doctor Morgryn & Mister de la Baltas both having forty-eight thousand votes. With both of the candidates in agreement, a coin toss was had. The best out of five tosses would be elected. Baltas chose heads & Morgryn by default was given tails. The coin flipped by Mister Halcourt landed on the tails side three times in a row, proclaimed Doctor Desmond Morgryn as the first mayor of Providence.

After the election, many questions of legality were sparked about the coin flip deciding if the election was fair enough. Cases were made & summited to the supreme court. [1] The cases of the coin flip were soon dismissed & in its place new investigations upon the elections were opened up on the legality of the residential status of the voters.[2] Currently neither of the investigations has changed the outcome of the election.

Following the mayoral election was the alderman election which took place a month later. With a little over a dozen people running, only seven would make it onto the city assembly. The rules for this election were the same as the mayoral ones, that is you may only vote in person. The voting process ran throughout the entire month of the Sun's Smile & the results were announced on the 23rd. The results are as follows.

  • O'ROURKE-ELENDIL, Azariah - 57 votes.
  • NAPIER, Theodore - 47 votes.
  • HALCOURT, Leonard - 47 votes.
  • FENRIE, Fiyem - 47 votes.
  • BARROW, Vladislav - 44 votes.
  • ERUTHOS, Joseph - 44 votes.
  • O'ROURKE-ELENDIL, Patrick - 43 votes.


The Lord Mayor

Similar to Helena, The Lord Mayor is a publicly held office that is elected upon public vote. The Lord Mayor has a cabinet of advisors known as aldermen. The Lord Mayor is allowed to appoint a deputy mayor to serve under them for their term. When a term is completed, the mayor has the option of running for re-election.

City Aldermen

The job of a city alderman is to advise The Lord Mayor along with creating, reforming & removing local law. Just like the mayoral office, the offices of the alderman are publicly appointed by the citizens of Providence. There are seven alderman seats which make up The City Assembly. For the first assembly meeting of a new term, the mayor leads the session however, during that session a speaker is appointed who leads future meetings of the assembly. The speaker has the right to appoint a deputy speaker for times when they are absent.

City Clerk

The City Clerk is nominated by the Lord Mayor & approved by the City Assembly. The City Clerk is in charge of the Providence clerk team, whose job is to sell city properties, collect city taxes & evict criminal properties. The Clerk Team is made up of ten people, The City Clerk, The Deputy City Clerk & eight clerks. Clerks are also sometimes referred to as stewards.

Notable Figures of Providence



Notable Buildings

  • The Imperial Palace of Augustine, the home of the royal House of Novellen along with many other noble houses.
  • La Fleur Theatre, a large theatre named after Bianca La Fleur, a famous playwright. The theatre features a state of the art light system.
  • Providence Cathedral, one of the largest canonist cathedrals to ever exist.