Andrik III of Haense

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Andrew III
King of Hanseti-Ruska
Reign: 12th of Malin's Welcome, 1719 - Present
Coronation: Not coronated
Predecessor: Marius II
Successor: N/A
Palatine of the Realm: Lord Georg Alimar (1719-1720)
Lord Lerald Vyronov (1720-Present)
Born: 8th of Amber Cold, 1710
Prikaz Palace, Reza, Haense
House: Barbanov
Father: Marius II
Mother: Klaudia of Vasiland

Andrik Lothar Barbanov, (8th of The Amber Cold, 1710 -Present) is the current King of Hanseti-Ruska as the oldest living son to Marius II of Haense and Klaudia of Vasiland he was made Grand-Prince of Kusoarev at his birth and after the assassination of his father he was elevated to King in 1719. Only nine years old.

Early Life

Andrik Lothar Barbanov was born to King Marius and Klaudia of Vasiland in the Prikaz Palace in Reza in the year of 1710. Technically the secondborn son of King Marius however as his older brother Petyr had died in infancy he was named Grand Prince of Kusoraev and heir at his birth . Growing up in Reza the young prince was known for his gregarious and rather reckless attitude. Causing havoc for his guards as he'd often be found climbing out through windows, climbing up trees and causing general mischief around the town.

A Royal Painting of Andrik as Grand Prince of Kusoarev, circa 1718

The Prince would often be forced by his father and guardians to study, sitting down for hours against his will to learn history, math, New Marian, geography, falconry and other skills. However Andrik was often commended for having an astute mind but due to his general playfulness and issues with concentration would only show this if he was bribed with sweets or the promise of playing. He was assumed to be left handed as he'd often swap between both hands when writing or practicing swordplay, however due to the nature of the superstitious nature of Highlanders he was forced to learn how to use the right hand primarily.


Andrik's reign began after his father was murdered in the courtyard of the Prikaz by Hektor Barrow, a disgruntled bastardborn Barbanov who had served the court of Haense and under King Marius directly. Andrik ascended the throne shortly after but due to his young age he was put into regency under his uncle and Lord-Palatine Prince Georg Stannimar. Taking the regal name of Andrew the third in common tounge.

War of the Two Emperors

During the early years of Andrik's reign the inherited War of the Two Emperors raged on, his uncle Georg tried to withdraw Haeseni forces from the war effort but the Empire of Renatus continued their march towards Reza, leaving Haense and their Reiver mercenaries. The now heavily outnumbered Haeseni troops marched out to meet the Renatian forces marching from Haelun'or and culminated in the battle which culminated in the Battle of the Silversea and the Battle of the Koengswald. Both being Renatian victories. During the war effort his regent Georg and uncle Godfric were both captured by Renatian forces and brought to Helena where they were executed. The Palatine-Aspirant and Lord-Speaker Lerald, Count of Graiswald assumed the role of regent and was made Lord-Palatine.

Character and personality =

As a child, Andrik was seen as a very gregarious and playful boy. Not having any issues talking to people and would often play with the other noble children. Quickly making plenty of friends around Reza. However, the boy would have a fiery temper and often take reckless decisions. He also had a hard time concentrating and when forced to study would often wander off in thought. His tutors having to bribe him to keep him focused. The boy did, however, show an early prowess in combat. Learning how to fight with a sword from the age of eight.

After the death of his father, Marius II of Haense the now king's temper would be more apparent as even as a child he'd hold vigorous speeches regarding the Haeseni war effort in the inherited War of the Two Emperors that the realm was in the midst of.

Titles, Styles and Honors

Titles and Styles

  • 8th of Amber Cold, 1710 - 12th of Malin's Welcome: His Royal Highness The Grand-Prince of Kusoraev
  • 12th of Malin's Welcome, 1719 - Present: His Majesty The King of Hanseti-Ruska
