War:Almaris Coalition War

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Almaris Coalition War


Date: 82 S.A - Present
Place: Grand Kingdom of Urguan, Rexdom of Krugmar,
Haelun'or, Grand Duchy of Balian,
Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, Kingdom of Oren
Kingdom of Norland, Kingdom of Elysium
Result: Ongoing
The United Sovereign States of Almaris:
Rexdom Of Krugmar Flag.png Iron'Uzg
FrederickNovellen.png Kingdom of Oren
helf.png Enclave of Fi’halen
norland.png Kingdom of Norland
(82 S.A. - 84 S.A.)
VanAert.png Blackvale Vrijkorps
(84 S.A. - 84 S.A.)
daelandcoa.png Clandom of Vistulia
(from 84 S.A.)
Duchy of Elysium COA.png Kingdom of Elysium
(from 84 S.A.)
Eastern Almaris Treaty Organization:
Urguan Emblem.png Grand Kingdom of Urguan
BackgroundHaenseCoatBiggerCrown.png Kingdom of Haense
balian.png Grand Duchy of Balian
Lubba.png Sliver Lubba Band
The Ferrymen.png The Ferrymen
(from 84 S.A.)
Commanders and Leaders
Rexdom Of Krugmar Flag.png Rex of The Horde Ar-Borok Akaal
Rexdom Of Krugmar Flag.png Dominus of The Horde Ixula'Akaal
Rexdom Of Krugmar Flag.png Targoth Zahgorim
FrederickNovellen.png Frederick I, King of Oren
FrederickNovellen.png Lord Commander, Hannes of Acre
(82 S.A. - 84 S.A.)
norland.png Odin I, King of Norland
(82 S.A. - 84 S.A.)
norland.png Ciaran Vildr, Marshal of Norland
(82 S.A. - 84 S.A.)
VanAert.png Prince Hadrian van Aert
(84 S.A. - 84 S.A.)
daelandcoa.png Piast of Vistulia, Casimir Kovaceski
(Until 84 S.A.)
Duchy of Elysium COA.png Leika de Astrea, Queen of Elysium
(from 84 S.A.)
Duchy of Elysium COA.png Ellathor Vanari, Lord Commander of Elysium
(from 84 S.A.)
Urguan Emblem.png The Grand King, Bakir Ireheart
Urguan Emblem.png Grand Marshal, Sigrun Ireheart
BackgroundHaenseCoatBiggerCrown.png King Karl III of Haense
BackgroundHaenseCoatBiggerCrown.png Lord Marshal, Hieran Melphestaus
balian.png John I, Grand Duke of Balian
balian.png Alexandros Casimir Heir to Balian
balian.png Constable, Peter Benedict d'Arkent
(82 S.A. - 84 S.A.)
Lubba.png The Sliver Lubba, Mika Uialben
ferrymen.png Basiyl 'Banjo' Mareno
(from 84 S.A.)

The Almaris Coalition War, also called the Horde-Urguani War or the War of Dwarven Grudges, is an international conflict between the Eastern Almaris Treaty Organization against The United Sovereign States of Almaris. The conflict started when Orcs from the Horde allegedly killed a Dwarf from the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and the Orcs failed to meet the demands of the Dwarves, and escalated when both sides began calling in allies, notably the Orenian agreement with the Orcs, and Norland turning its back on its long time allies to join with the Orenians.


During the early hours of The Amber Cold, 82 S.A. A Drawf went to the capital of the Horde, Krugmar, and, challenged an Olog to an Honor Duel. However, he was defeated and killed. Word of this quickly spread. The Dwarves of Urguan were angry about this death, calling it "Unjust" well a rumor started to spread about the orcs having raided the capital, in response to all this, the dwarfs along with their vassals, and select members from Malin'or march on the orcish capital of Krugmar. In the rally of dwarves was the Grand King of Urguan and Prince Royarc of Elvenesse. Waiting for them at the gates of Krugmar was the Targoth of the Horde, Zahgorim, and, the Dominus of The Horde Ixula'Akaal. At first, the Orcs agreed to the demands of removing all Azdrazi from The Horde, Paying 11,000 mina, and, handing over the orcs who killed the dwarves. The orcs were promptly handed over to the dwarves for execution. However soon the orcs said they could not pay the 11,000 mina leading the King of Urguan to declare war, and his host met that of the Orcs in battle before the gates of Krugmar in the first skirmish of the war.

Major Skirmishes, Battles, and Sieges

  • 6th of Amber Cold, 82 S.A. - The Charge of Iron - Stalemate
  • 8th of Malin's Welcome, 84 S.A. - The Raid on Daeland - EATO Victory
  • 11th of the First Seed, 84 S.A. - Battle of Acre - EATO Victory


  • 82nd year of the Second Age
    • Following an honor duel between an Olog and a Dwarf of Urguan, the Grand Kingdom of Urguan was led to believe that the Dwarf had been killed in cold blood by the Horde
    • In response to allegedly having their citizens killed by the Horde, the Grand Kingdom of Urguan rallied roughly 2,700 men and marched towards the Horde's capital. Upon arriving, the Grand Kingdom issued several demands to The Horde.
    • The Horde accepts all demands except the demand for reparations, as the Horde was unable to afford the cost at the time. This angered the Urguani party, and they charged the Horde's delegation and sparked the Charge of Iron. The battle resulted in a stalemate as the delegation fled to the safety of the Horde's walls.
    • The next month during The Deep Cold, The Grand Kingdom of Urguan released a series of demands to The Horde. These demands included: expelling the Azdrazi from the domain of the Horde, and, destroy the Pirate Cove. Handing over the orcs who killed Balor Ireheart. Paying 7.5k minas to the Grand Kingdom and a sum of 20 stacks of leather to the Grand Kingdom. [1]
  • 83rd year of the Second Age
    • A meeting is held in the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska's capital of Karosgrad, where the Grand King would meet with a diplomat from the Iron'Uzg regarding the demands. Neither side could come to an agreement, and the Grand Kingdom of Urguan issued a declaration of war[2].
    • The Kingdom of Haense and Grand Duchy of Balian join the war against The Horde upon the signing of a new alliance known as the Eastern Almaris Treaty Organization.[3]
    • The Horde hands over the lands of former Haelun'or to the Kingdom of Oren in exchange for peace with Malin'or[4].
    • The Kingdom of Norland, bound by a defensive alliance with the Horde, joins the war.
    • The Church of the Canon declares their endorsement of the conflict against Azdromoth, and calls upon Canonists to join the war whilst threatening to excommunicate those that fight for the horde [5].
    • The Church of the Canon denounces the march on the Sliver Isles as it is now in the hands of Oren, A Canonist Nation, and encourages the members of EATO to march westward instead towards the lands under the influence of Azdromoth in order to purge them. [6]
  • 84th year of the Second Age
    • The Horde and The Kingdom of Oren sign a non-aggression pact in order to remove and destroy the Azdrazi [7]
    • Despite agreements by The Horde and Oren to destroy the Azdrazi, the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and The Kingdom of Haense show no sign of ceasing their military advance.
    • Blackvale signs on with Oren in the defense of the Sliver Isles, and the Kingdom of Oren effectively joins the war on the side of The Horde. [8]
    • The Ferrymen sign on with Haense for the war [9]
    • A conference was held in the south by Cesar of Hyspia between Daeland and Balian with Hyspia acting as mediators. Despite the proposition of a deal to prevent bloodshed in the south, Balian demanded that Daeland refrains from fighting against Haense and Urguan entirely. Daeland promptly refused and resulted in the meeting being adjourned with no permanent agreement.
    • The Silver Lubba Band, The Grand Kingdom of Urguan, The Ferrymen and The Kingdom of Haense raid Daeland with what is estimated to be 2000 men, the Daelish forces manage to muster 1000 men in their defense, it is unknown how many died on each side, however, the coalition forces managed to capture Piast of Daeland, Casimir Kovaceski, upon his capture he was dragged off to The Kingdom of Haense. Upon his arrival, he spoke to and stuck a deal with the King of Haense effectively removing Casimir from the war. [10] [11]
    • The Lord Chancellor of Oren, Conrad de Falstaff, issues a final warning to the Kingdom of Haense to cease their military advance.[12]
    • The son of Manfred of Westfall and Laurentina of Westfall, Wulfnoth of Arichsdorf returns to The Kingdom of Oren in order to lead the grand march to war on the side of Oren [13]
    • The Knight order of the church, The Holy Order of St. Nicholas, Declares its intent to stop the sheading of canonist bleed, help those in need and defend oren in the case of attack [14]
    • The Kingdom of Oren, the Horde of Kurgmar, The Kingdom of Elysium, and the Enclave of Fi’halen create The United Sovereign States of Almaris in an attempt to counter the Eastern Almaris Treaty Organization aggression. [15]
    • The Kingdom of Haense declares their intent to press on with the war. [16]
    • The Kingdom of Haense and The Grand Kingdom of Urguan march upon The Kingdom of Elysium, despite, there being no battle, The Grand King of Urguan, Bakir Ireheart and King Karl III of Haense encourages the people of Elysium to rise up against their queen with some agreeing to do so.
    • The Romstuns on the orders of King Karl III of Haense Captures a peer of The Kingdom of Oren, releasing a missive and demanding 3000 mina for his safe return. In response, the Kingdom of Oren rallies the United Sovereign States of Almaris and marches towards the Haeseni border at Acre. [17]
    • Not wishing to wait for the United Sovereign States of Almaris to come to them, the Eastern Almaris Treaty Organization rallies their own members and marches to meet the United Sovereign States of Almaris at the town of Acre. The ensuing Battle of Acre is a decisive Eastern Almaris Treaty Organization victory. [18]
    • Blackvale voids their contract with The Kingdom of Oren [19]
    • The Lord commander of The Kingdom of Oren, Hannes of Acre is captured by The Kingdom of Haense and strikes a deal [20]
    • In a meeting with King Karl III of Haense, the Odin I, King of Norland declares his intent not to join the war and remain neutral.
    • A small orenian hit squad plunders the Balian armory, finding many chests unlocked. [21]
    • High Pontiff Tylos III of the Church of the Canon, releases another missive denouncing the war and calling on the canonist princes to make peace. [22]
    • Word Circulares about a war band entering the fray [23]
    • High Pontiff Tylos III of the Church of the Canon, releases another missive announcing a ceasefire between the canonist nations until peace is gartered or the battle for the silver Isles [24]

All Sides

Name Nation(s)/Settlements/Groups Goal
The United Sovereign States of Almaris Rexdom of Krugmar
Kingdom of Oren
Kingdom of Elysium
Enclave of Fi’halen
Clandom of Vistulia
Defend Enclave of Fi’halen
Eastern Almaris Treaty Organization Grand Kingdom of Urguan
Kingdom of Haense
Grand Duchy of Balian
Sliver Lubba Band
The Ferrymen
Conqure Enclave of Fi’halen
The Order of St. Nicholas Church of the Canon Defend Canonists
Bandits The Warband Vultures Pillage and Plunder

All Battles

  • 6th of Amber Cold, 82 S.A. - The Charge of Iron - Stalemate
  • 8th of Malin's Welcome, 84 S.A. - The Raid on Daeland - EATO Victory
  • 11th of the First Seed, 84 S.A. - Battle of Acre - EATO Victory
  • 12th of Amber Cold, 84 S.A. - Vinnie Gate Skirmish - EATO Victory