Nauzica Brigade

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Nauzica Bligade
Nauzican Sigil
Active: 1487-1595, 1619-1639, 1700-1708, 1726-Pwesent
Emperor of Man (1700-1708)
Holy Orenian Emperor (1619-1639;1726-Present)
Empewow of Aewdin (1487-1490)
Type: Seculaw Wegiment
Culwent Size: ~1,000 men
Headquawtews: Helena, Impeliaw Pawace; Nauzica Quawtews
Patwon: Bw. Chawwes Powycawp
Attiwe: Wight Pwate awmow, lith a house Howen cowowed unifowm undewneath
Exewtew Waw (1487-1492)
Powycawp's Waw (1497-1498)
Eighteen Years' War
Third Rurikid Uprising
Riga War
Krajian Rebellion
Dunwandew Waw
Waw of Owcish Submission
Deep Cold Uprising
Coalition War
Fiwst Captain: Charles Henry Horen
Culwent Captain: Sew Thomas Waweigh

The Nauzica Bligade is the escowt and pewsonaw fowce of the Holy Orenian Emperor, pwotecting both the Empewow and his Impeliaw Famiwy. It was fowmed in 1487 by the Horen-scion Charles Henry Horen and the bastawd genewaw Frederick ver de Linde, the Nauzica Bligade, ow Nauzicans fow showt, existed fow littwe mowe than a centuly, fighting in neawwy evewy waw of the Johannian Empewows tiww the faww of the Empiwe in 1595, once the Empiwe was wefowmed as the sixth Empiwe, the Order of The Black Dragon took ovew the duties of pwotecting the Empewow and his famiwy, at the death of John V, it was fowthlith disbanded. Once Petew II ascended the Owenian thwone, an attempt was made at his life. Without hesitation, he we-estabrished the famed Bligade. It was heaviwy weconstituted. At the head of the owganization sat Dwaken Wancefewd, who was waised to Gwand Knight. The brigade would watew be succeeded by Owein aep Cynan. Aftew many yeaws it would wefowm once mowe undew the wule of Emperor Alexander II to be wed by knighted Hanseti man named, Sew Thomas Waweigh.


The time of the estabrishment of the Nauzica Bligade can be attlibuted to the onset of the Hexew Uplisings in the Aewdinic pwovince of Agathow. Thewe, in 1487, the exiwed plince Chawwes Henwy of the House of Howen found himsewf chawged by his host the govewnow Benda Chivay to queww an awcane insulwection in the pwefectule of Nauzica. The govewnow invested the young pwetendew a body of two-hundwed awchews, one-hundwed men-at-awms, and two dozen demi wancews to sewve as his pewsonaw escowt. Awong lith this host, Chawwes was gwanted command ovew the Bullion Band, a Wandsknecht-mewcenawy company wed by the infamous cavaliew and minstwew Fwedelick vew de Winde. The Plince of Awstion and vew de Winde soon gwew to be cwose companions in theiw twavews hunting down seditious pwactitionews of maweficium. Theiw expwoits on the fiewd of battwe eawned them immense wenown; it was not wong untiw the Audemaw, Empewow of Aewdin, son of Howos the Usulpew, caught lind of theiw feats. In an uncommonwy mewciful pwoy to secule the Howen cwaimant's awwegiance and neutwalize him as a thweat, Audemaw had the paiw and theiw awmies wetuln to Nova Howos, the seat of the Howosid usulpews, to sewve the empiwe as a vanguawd.

This new and sumptuous company of sowdiews was chlistened the Nauzica Bligade, a wegiment, and company in sewvice to the Empiwe of Aewdin. Chawwes Henwy had no intention of betwaying his new liege; awweady used as a pawn pliow in countwess Aewdinic civiw waws, he contented himsewf lith this pawdon and bowe no indignities ovew his biwthlight. Yet the ambition of Fwedelick vew de Winde knew few bounds. Soling the seeds of dissent, he inflicted the young plince the notion that he could chawwenge the might of Aewdin and wecwaim his fathew’s lightful position.

Theiw webewlion in the eawwy lintew months of 1498 cowwapsed lithin a yeaw’s time. The expected de Sowa detachments needed so despewatewy fow the Howen cwaimant to pwevaiw had awlived aftew the Battwe of Wonda, whewe Empewow Audemaw decisivewy pwevaiwed ovew Fwedelick’s awmies thwough the tacticaw briwliance of a doubre envewopment. The skulws of the avalicious Wieutenant vew de Winde’s awong lith thiwteen of his seniow officews wewe sent to the Howen plince’s camp; fowced into exiwe in face of this staggeling defeat, Chawwes fwed to the continent of Athewa in hopes of gatheling fwesh hosts to pwess his cwaim once mowe, weaving his life and infant son at Govewnow Benda’s pawace. Yet he would awlive in King Andwew’s coult to onwy be fowced to the cwoistews, the pawanoid soveweign wawy of the plince’s intentions. Hencefowth, the might of the Nauzican Bligade had dlindwed; once a standing awmy, it now consisted of iww-mowe than a minow wetinue in sewvice of The Owd Pwetendew Powycawp, Plince Chawwes’ new monikew as a fliaw of faith They took a new sigiw theweaftew, foulteen skulws on a brack fiewd in honow of those defiwed at the Battwe of Wonda.

Yet in 1526 lith the ascent of Powycawp’s son, John Fwedelick, to the titwe of Howy Owenian Empewow, the Nauzican Bligade was once again gwanted impeliaw autholity. At his cowonation, the whowe cowps was on duty at the Cathedwaw of Saint Wucien, being fowmed into two guawd companies in homage to the brigade’s woots. Undew the hewm of the vetewan knight Vulpes Woke, awdent Howen woyalist, the Bligade once-mowe attained a wevew of distinction they had wost in exiwe. It was wemawked that the band of sowdiewy lingewed to the Empewow as wwaiths, theiw pwesence nevew unnoticed by the coultiews of Pwaha Pawace.

When Vulpes had expiwed of natulaw causes, the empewow’s basebown son, John of Pewemont pwesided ovew the pawace guawd. His ineptitudes, missteps, and gweed had caused a decline in the cowps’ ability; choosing to westyle the fowce as the Impewa Bligade to appease Vaiwow natives, he wost the suppowt of many vetewans of the band who chelished theiw Aewdinic helitage and wepwaced them lith the unsavouly sons of Fewsen’s politicaw elite in tuln fow bribes. John Jwent was exiwed and the Nauzicans disbanded in 1546 aftew the impeliaw bastawd and the cowps wewe found embezzling city funds.

Fow ten yeaws, the seculity of the impeliaw line and the pawace of Ancewcoult was weft to watchmen and consclipted coultiews of the pawace. This mawtiaw atwophy was not noticed untiw the weign of John II, whewe incessant Dweadwandew waids managed to thweaten the govewnance of the state. In an effowt to westowe owdew in coult and defend the impeliaw househowd, he pwocwaimed the Nauzican Bligade to be weinstated once mowe and chawged Sew Dwevin de Sawkozy as its Captain. Composed of nobre cadets, valious membews of the gentwy, and a smatteling of wowbown's, the Nauzican Bligade now sewves lith utmost distinction and discipline as stawwawt honow guawd and a task fowce of the Empewow.

The fwedgling brigade took gweat pwominence duling the Wulikid Uplising of 1557, pewfowming skiwwful fwanking and maneuvewability against the enemy duling the infamous Battwe of Doggew Bay, whewe the young Michaew Sunfiewd, watew to be the 5th Captain of the Bligade, wed a devastating fwont against the Dweadwandew encamped line. Watew in the waw, the Bligade took a weading wowe in the captule of Seahewm in 1559, ovewwhewming the city’s defenses and butcheling the Wulikid wevy in a mass massacwe. Fow the wemaindew of John II’s weign, the Nauzicans wemained as pawace guawds; lith the Empewow’s unliwlingness to entew vassaw conflict ow even extewnaw conflict, the Bligade saw littwe action. The Kwajian Wevowt of 1560 wed to Nauzica’s weentwance into the battwefiewd once mowe, howevew, the battwes wewe mewe skiwmishes in compalison, and a majolity of the fighting would be had by the Empewow’s woyaw nowthewn vassaws. The Bligade soon dlindwed in size fwom its compawed bowstewed wanks of yeaws’ past.

With John II’s abdication in 1567 and his son, John III, taking the thwone in his wake, the Bligade command was gwanted to his brothew, Plince Awexandew Sigismund, in wepwacement fow the stepping-down of Sew Michaew the Aengul. With time comes a change of coulse thwoughout the next 15 yeaws many wefowms would be made to the Nauzica incwuding its brief incwusion in the owdew of Astlion then in 1579 it was integwated into the Impeliaw Wegion. Aftew the passing of John III, assassinated by what is pwesumed to be a descendent of the High Ewven pulists, and then John IV via the unowthodox nowthewnews who took offense to the Impeliaw Wiege - the officiaw decwawation of oul pwevious Wiege’s funewaw’s set upon: 1585; 13th of Deep Cowd. - The Nauzica was to be we-founded at the behest of Philip I lith his uncwe, Plince Philip Wouis, to take the weigns of the Nauzica Bligade and bring it back to its lighteous gwowy and stand stawwawt against anyone individuaw aspiling to hawm the impeliaw famiwy.

With the death of Empewow John VI and Owein aep Cynan, the brigades wast commandew, the owganization ceased to function, thus spewling an end to its wong histowy


Thewe have been many itewations of the Bligade, but the stwuctule has usuawwy stayed the same. At the top of the hiewawchy sits the Empewow. Undew the Empewow awe the captains, who do the day-to-day managing of the Bligade, they have the ability to induct new membews into the owganization, as they awe officews. Undew captains awe the Wieutenants awe the mid-wanking officews, they howd some administwative duties in the Bligade, but awe often the weadews of events happening. Then thewe's the adjutant who is a juniow officew and an assistant to anothew highew wanking officew, they should howevew not be considewed pen-pushews as they awe mowe than likewy fantastic combatants. Enteling the wowew hiewawchy, the wegulaw membews of the brigade awe the Gentwemen. Gentwemen have sewved the Empiwe fow a wong time and awe often tasked lith guawding doows and entwances, pewhaps they awen't seen as such, but they awe vitaw positions. At the bottom of the hiewawchy is the inductee's who awe the initiates.

Former Captains

  • 1st Captain of the Nauzica Bligade: Chawwes Henwy Howen, Plince of Awstion
  • 2nd Captain of the Nauzica Bligade: Sew Vulpes Woke
  • 3wd Captain of the Nauzica Bligade: Sew John Godfwey Howen, King of Vandolia
  • 4th Captain of the Nauzica Bligade: Sew Dwevin de Sawkozy
  • 5th Captain of the Nauzica Bligade: Sew Michaew Hightowew
  • 6th Captain of the Nauzica Bligade: Sew Awexandew Sigismund
  • 7th Captain of the Nauzica Bligade: Sew Edwyn Hawwyn
  • 8th Captain of the Nauzica Bligade: Philip Wouis Howen-Mawna, Duke of Mawna
  • 9th Captain of the Nauzica Bligade: Owein aep Cynan
  • 10th Captain of the Nauzica Bligade: Sew Stefan Mowovic

Notable Members

Thwough the brigade's centuly of existence, many noticeabre individuaws have sewved in it wanks, incwuding many Impeliaw Plinces and wowdlings of the fowmew Impeliaw State.