War:Tenth Nordling War

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Norland-Oren Conflict


Date: 22 S.A. - Present
Place: Holy Orenian Empire, Kingdom of Norland
Result: Ongoing
The Kingdom of Norland & Allies
norland.png Kingdom of Norland
ferrymen.png The Ferrymen
Urguan Emblem.png Grand Kingdom of Urguan
The Holy Orenian Empire & Allies:
OrenianFlag.png Holy Orenian Empire
metinancompany.png The Metinan Company
houndsofdon.png Hounds of Don
norland.png Sven II, King of Norland
norland.png Donovan Freysson II, Marshal of Norland
ferrymen.png Banjo, Captain of the Ferrymen
Urguan Emblem.png Norli Starbreaker, Grand King of Urguan
Urguan Emblem.png Officer Grudgebeard Star-eyes
OrenianFlag.png John VIII, Holy Orenian Emperor
OrenianFlag.png William Darkwood, Baron of Darkwood
OrenianFlag.png Iskander Basrid, 2nd Count of Susa
SavoyCoatOfArms.png Olivier Renault de Savoie, The Consul of Luciensburg
metinancompany.png Bernard de Salier, The Interrex of Luciensburg
metinancompany.png Lukas Castile, The Domini of Luciensburg

The Norland-Oren Conflict, called the Tenth Nordling War by the Holy Orenian Empire or the War of the Three Kingdoms by the Kingdom of Norland and their allies - due to Norland and Urguan recognising Oren as a Kingdom - was a large-scale conflict which took place between the Kingdom of Norland and their allies against the Holy Orenian Empire. The war has also been referred to as the Kneeling War due to some of the events leading up to it.


Skirmishes, Battles, and Sieges


  • 22nd Year of the Second Age:
    • A group named the Sons of Horen engages in armed conflict within the Kingdom of Norland, citing a supposed order by the Empire and the Canonist High Pontiff.
    • On the 13th of the First Seed 22 S.A., the Kingdom of Norland respond with a declaration of war upon the Holy Orenian Empire [1], noting an extended period of turbulence between the two nations.
    • As prior established allies of Norland via the Iron Accord, the Kingdom of Urguan declare war on the Empire [2]
    • The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Oren under Gustaven von Halsfield, continue their campaign against the Empire in hopes of achieving their goals of overthrowing the current standing government of Oren.
    • The Holy Orenian Empire responds to the declaration of war with a public announcement, claiming the war will be the 'Final Nordling War'.[3]
    • Immediately following the declaration of War, Norlandic forces launch the Raid on Southbridge led by Donovan Freysson. The Raid is a success and Southbridge is temporarily occupied and looted by Norland until the garrison withdraws back to Varhelm.
    • On the 1st of Sun's Smile, 22 S.A, Imperial forces launch Operation Golden Field led by the Count of Susa. The Imperial State Army force the Duke of Elysium to announce secession under threat of executing all inhabitants of Elysium. This announcement was later revoked after his release. The Holy Orenian Empire is heavily criticized for their methods used during the raid.
    • The Kingdom of Haense releases the Greyspine Convention, a declaration of neutrality [4], on the condition that no Canonist clergy member is harmed.
    • Oren signs the Lucien's Agreement of 1818 [5], bringing the Metinan company into the war.
    • On the 5th of Sun's Smile, 22 S.A., the Kingdom of Norland alongside a small force of Ferrymen numbering 900 soldiers attempt a raid upon the City of Providence meeting an Orenian Host of 2,000 defenders. After losing one hundred infantry, the Norlandic and Ferrymen forces pulled out of the region.
    • An Imperial Response is issued, claiming that every effort was made to protect non-combatants from harm after their controversial actions in Elysium.[6]
    • A missive is issued by Olivier Renault de Savoie, the Consul of the City-State of Luciensberg, proclaiming that they will kill all men, women, and children they encounter in the war unless they evacuate their homeland. [7]
  • 23rd Year of the Second Age:
    • Multiple raids take place within the four realms engaged in the war with no major battles being fought.
    • On the 5th of the Snow's Maiden, a force of ISA scouts were engaged and attempted to capture Thorfinn Kursin. In order to evade capture, Thorfinn Kursin chose to jump into the water, resulting in his death from drowning. A further one hundred Norlanders were killed. [8]
    • On the 12th of Snow's Maiden, a mixed force of the Metinan company as well as Imperial officers, stationed themselves inside the Norlandic maple trees to siphon off entry and exit to their capital. Once word reached Norland about this, an army of roughly 2,400 Norlanders engaged the force of 1,100 Imperials to try and drive them from the roads. [9]
    • 13th of the First Seed, a force of 1,200 Norlanders raid the city of Providence which results in the Storming of the Bastille
    • On the 16th of Snow's Maiden, Norlandic and Ferrymen forces attacked the Bridge of Providence, leading to a battle between 2000 Imperials and 900 Norlanders and Ferrymen. Northern forces retreated after the loss of 100 men.
    • 7th of Grand Harvest, a force of 600 ISA men led by Lukas Castile, Captain of the Metinan Company, and Antonyus Horen, left Providence for a patrol on surrounding Orenian roads. This led to The Battle of Peter's Bridge, which was a confrontation at Peter's Bridge with the Ferrymen, ultimately leading to the flight of the Ferrymen and victory of the patrollers.
    • 10th of Grand Harvest, a force of 1,100 Norlanders establish a roadblock upon the bridge leading to Providence, 600 Imperial men were killed, 400 of which were Ministry of Justice agents and the rest being Imperial State Army soldiers.
    • 23rd of Sun's Smile, a force of 1,200 Ferrymen captured a Lady of d'Arkent, sending a letter to Captain Erik var Ruthern. A host of 3,500 marched out to finally drive the ferrymen from the roads of Oren. After a long battle, a majority of the Ferrymen were killed, the rest routed off of Orenian soil. [10]
    • 10th of Amber Cold, Norlandic forces capture an MRA scout outside of Varhelm. He was hung from the Ashwood Tree.
    • On the 15th of Sigismund's End, 1819, the Holy Orenian Empire and the Hounds of Don sign a contract, bringing the Hounds of Don into the war on the Imperial side [11]
  • 24th Year of the Second Age:
    • 16th of Malin's Welcome - Antonyus Horen is captured by Urguan forces supplemented by the Ferrymen, and handed over to Norland. He was later released when it became apparent the Empire would make no attempt to rescue him.
    • 18th of The Deep Cold - After failing to break into Elysium, twelve hundred Imperial soldiers took a Norlandic scouting force of two hundred Rangers prisoner outside of the walls. Rallying a force of two thousand five hundred, the Rangers confronted the captors. The Imperials demanded that Elysium rebel against Norland as a ransom for the prisoners, which was refused. Shortly afterwards, the prisoners were freed and the Imperials withdrew without bloodshed. [12] [13]
    • High Pontiff Jude II is murdered within the Basilica of the Ascent of Exalted Godfrey whilst holding confession. The Imperial Ministry of Justice, the Canonist Church and the Kingdom of Norland would all open their own investigations into the killing.
  • 25th Year of the Second Age:
    • On the 17th of Snow's Maiden, Ferrymen forces raided Providence. Upon their arrival, the Ferrymen mercenaries break into Providence via it's underground tunnels, entering the Imperial Bastion. Using the offices, they climbed up to the Imperial bank, soon thereafter loosing arrows into the city. They were engaged in negotiations by Lieutenant Heath Linnord and Captain Viktoriya, meanwhile the ISA climbed up on to the the roofs and then engaged with the attackers, the Imperial forces successfully driving off the Ferrymen attack. [14]