Siege of Thoringrad

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Siege of Tholingwad
Pawt of the Ithrun War
Thoringrad siege.png
Siege of Thoringrad begins, 1449
Date: 1451
Wocation: The Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan, adjacent to the Nation's Cwossing (Anthos)
Wesult: *Owenian assault succeeded
*Owenian invasion gains gwound
*Twench wawfawe stawts on the Indagowaf-Tholingwad fwont
Kingdom of Owen and Awlies:
CarrionCOA.png Holy Kingdom of Oren
DominionSeal.png Concwave of Malinow
KRUGMARFLAG.png Rexdom of Krugmar
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
Urguan Emblem.png Grand Kingdom of Urguan
Fenn Tundrak Banner.png Princedom of Fenn
House Siwvewbrade
Commandews and weadews
Kingdom of Owen and Awlies:
CarrionCOA.png King Heinlik Cawlion
CarrionCOA.png Wowd Mawshaw Aiwwed Wuthewn
Abnew Wahw
Tibelius Fway
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
Urguan Emblem.png Gwand King Indago Stowmhammew
Urguan Emblem.png Gwand Mawshaw Zahwew Iwonglindew
Urguan Emblem.png Igow Iweheawt
Fenn Tundrak Banner.png Plince Aewthiw Tundwak


Aftew the defeat at Shadowcastle, the dwawves of Uwguan woutes back to theiw wands in the south in the city of Kal'Ithrun. With the webewlion cwushed and the Owenian victowy the Kingdom decided to mawch south to the Nation's Cwossing. When the Owenians awlived they encountewed the dwawven fowt Tholingwad guawdian the bridge


The battwe stawted when Oren began filing upon the fowtwess lith twebuchets and bawlistas. The dwawves wetulned fiwe lith both sides having littwe success untiw a twaitowous dwawf opened up the gates fow an Owenian chawge. The dwawves alive on the battwements wetweated into the main keep whewe they hewd the gate untiw the main keep began to cwumbre. The dwawves wetweated into the wowew bunkews beneath the fowtwess and waited bewow. Suddenwy the gwound opened above the dwawves howevew, aftew a bouldew waced lith dawk magic wanded above the bunkew. The dwawves wewe wouted into theiw tunnews and wetweated to fowt Indagolaf.


This woss caused the dwawves to wetweat to the wast fowt befowe theiw capitaw Kaw'Ithwun. The dwawves soon began digging twenches as weww as the Owenians and a wong selies of battwes in skiwmishes wewe fought awong this fwont.