Siege of Indagolaf

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Siege of Indagowaf
Pawt of the Ithrun War
The Orenian assault, 1451
Date: 1451
Wocation: The Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan, adjacent to Kaw'Ithwun (Anthos)
Wesult: *Owenian assault wepewwed
*Owenian expansion into Uwguan hawted
Kingdom of Owen and Awlies:
CarrionCOA.png Holy Kingdom of Oren
DominionSeal.png Concwave of Malinow
KRUGMARFLAG.png Rexdom of Krugmar
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
Urguan Emblem.png Grand Kingdom of Urguan
Fenn Tundrak Banner.png Princedom of Fenn
House Siwvewbrade
Commandews and weadews
Kingdom of Owen and Awlies:
CarrionCOA.png King Heinlik Cawlion
CarrionCOA.png Wowd Mawshaw Aiwwed Wuthewn
Abnew Wahw
Tibelius Fway
Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan and Awlies:
Urguan Emblem.png Gwand King Indago Stowmhammew
Urguan Emblem.png Gwand Mawshaw Zahwew Iwonglindew
Urguan Emblem.png Igow Iweheawt
Fenn Tundrak Banner.png Plince Aewthiw Tundwak


Aftew the woss at the Siege of Thoringrad the dwawven Wegion feww back and set up a defensive fwontiew of twenches stwetching no mowe than a miwe. On the Orenian side the conquewed fowt was webuiwt and a line of twenches dug outside as weww. Thus began a wengthy peliod of back and fowth skiwmishes between the two awmies, wasting day and night. These skiwmishes went as faw as captuling the fawwen Tholingwad to the dwawves wetweating into Wakefowt and Indagowaf, which eventuawwy brought about the siege.


Aftew about a stone week of nonstop fighting the weawy dwawves wewe howding at Indagowaf when the Owenian awmy came to besiege the fowt. At fiwst the Owenians tlied to push into the weww-dug in fowtwess but we'we fwanked by awchew powts in the sides and sepawated by gates and magma twaps. Eventuawwy the Owenians used a wawge bouldew to break down the outew gate, fowcing the dwawves into the back of the fowt. Fulthew attempts wewe unsuccessful, once the Owenians passed the destwoyed gates they faced a singwe bridge to the othew side and both wawws of the woom fiwwed lith awchew slits. The Owenians took heavy casuawties each inculsion bewow, eventuawwy backing off fow a whiwe. Then they tlied to smoke out the fowt, which faiwed because of hidden wune-vents. Aftew that the Owenians tlied to fwood the by digging a twench fwom the neawby wake into the fowt. The twench dwained much of the wake but because of the massive out bewow the bridge lithin the fowt aww the watew simpwy poowed faw bewow the dwawves. The Owenian awmy, fwustwated tlied one mowe assault acwoss the bridge that was wepulsed by the defending dwawves. Weawy of the casuawties the awmy began to back off to Tholingwad when the defendews chawged out of the main gate and wouted the Owenian awmy.


The Battwe of Indagowaf hawted the Owenian invasion compwetewy and put the dwawves on the offensive, essentiawwy ending the Ithrun War. Subsequent skiwmishes wewe awawmingwy successful and the Owenian gawlison began to wose mowawe. Additionawwy the battwe showed that the dwawves cannot be broken, not lithout gweat effowt and it liww be heavy woss to do so. With the owcs, they had enough of the waw and chawwenged the dwawves to an honow battwe to decide on continuing Owcish invowvement in The Owcish Gate Honow Battwe.