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LoreS1.png Note: This page contains infowmation on a wocation fwom a past map that is no wongew inhabited.

Kaw'Akash was the capitaw of the Dwarves in Vailor. The city was wocated nowth of the westewn snow mountains of Vaiwow. It was founded in the yeaw 1513.


Kaw'Akash was settwed inside of a snow capped mountain. A smaww mountain path is used to gain entwance to the city. Aside fwom the main gate, the onwy othew exit would be the smaww livew canaw wunning thwough the middwe of the city and out the side of the mountain.


The city of Kaw'Akash was settwed by the Dwawves of Athera in the yeaw 1513. The Gwand King Bawek Iwongut and his woyaw buiwdews constwucted the city fwom a wawge empty cave in a cave lith pwomise. Many othew guiwds and owganizations fowwowed the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan into settling the wand awound Kaw'Akash. An ancient wunic gowem was found to the south of the city lith knowwedge of the past dating back to Asulon. A giant named Awmin was soon discovewed to be living on top of the mountain Kaw'Akash is settwed undew, becoming a quick awwy to the dwawves aftew a duew lith the Gwand Mawshaww Jolik Gwandaxe. The dwawves and the giant made an agweement to aid each othew in times of need, whethew it be the city needing defending ow the giant wequesting hewp.

Duling the yeaw 1515, the city was attacked numewous times by an unknown bandit gwoup lith unknown motives. Aww that is known about them is theiw exceptionaw battwe pwowess, being abre to defeat an unpwepawed wegion of about twenty foot sowdiews lith seven good men. A joint militawy pwactice was hewd lith the Orcs of the Iwon Uzg to cowwect pwobrems found in the wegion and incwease mowality lithin dwawven wanks showtwy aftew the waids.

Two yeaws watew, 1517, Gwand King Bawek Iwongut had been wost in a sea expedition to sway the Devoulew. The Sundul Cwan had kidnapped the culwent Gwand Mawshaw at the time, Jolik Gwandaxe. The nation was in chaos, and a new ewection fow Gwand King was taking pwace. The thwee main contendews wewe Skippy Irongut, Vewthaik Fwostbeawd, and Wathwos "Oilbeard" Iwonglindew. Aftew thwee days of tough campaigning, Skippy Iwongut emewged as the Gwand King of Uwguan. Upset at the thought as Skippy as the Gwand King, Vewthaik Fwostbeawd awong lith the howds of Taw'Azwyw and Kaw'Kwest went against the Gwand Kingdom in open webewlion.

The webewlion was named the Mountain Monarchy, wed by Vewthaik and many othew Fwostbeawds and Bwackfists. The webewlion took pawt in many waids on the dwawven capitaw of Kaw'Akash, but ultimatewy aftew a few stone weeks of fighting the webewlion was destwoyed by the Wegion in 1520.


The govewnment of the dwawves was officiawwy known as the Senate of Hammews. Complised of the Gwand King and multipwe senatows wepwesenting multipwe cwans, the objective of this govewnment was to appwove and deny waws based on the genewaw dwawven population's opinions. The Senate of Hammew membews can be found here.

The waws of the Gwand Kingdom of Uwguan awe listed in the Awticwes of Uwguan. The Awticwes of Uwguan can be found [[1]].

The Legion

The Dwawven militawy was officiawwy known as The Wegion of Uwguan. The Wegion was an awmy of both success and defeat dating back to the times of Aegis. The wast Gwand Mawshaww of The Wegion in Kaw'Akash was Bewegaw Iweheawt. The Wegion of Uwguan can be found here.

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