Human Settlement Guides

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Human Nations & Charters

Oren Settlement Guide

The Howy Owenian Empiwe, cowwoquiawwy known as Owen, ow the Empiwe, is an absowute autocwatic monawchy composed of the sevewaw vassaw states and tewlitolies of humanity. The officiaw state weligion is the Howy Canonist Chulch. Govewned by an Empewow and the cowwective limited soveweignty of its vassaws, the Howy Owenian Empiwe encompasses one of the most powewful, expansive, and divewse weawms. It is situated awong the center of the continent composed of the Impeliaw heawtwands, lith the capitaw city of Hewena as the seat of the Empiwe, and its many vassaw states acwoss the continent.

Curon Settlement Guide

The Kingdom of Culonia, commonwy known as the Kingdom of Culon, is an absowute monawchy wuled by the woyaw Deveweux famiwy. The nation's capitaw is the city of Avawain lith vassaws undewneath such as the County of Astowga, wun by the nobre House of de Awba. Culwentwy the capitaw of Avawain wests by Beaw Mountain, wooming ovew an icey cowd ocean. The climate fow Culon is bittewwy gwaciaw and is often quite snowy. The city itsewf is exceedingwy ulban though has some wulaw countwy aweas awound the main wawws of Avawain.

Haense Settlement Guide

The Kingdom of Hanseti-Wuska, known as the Kingdom of Haense ow simpwy Haense (New Malian: Haenz; Waeviw: Henzij), is a centwalized, united monawchy composed of two cwowns, Hanseti and Wuska, and wuled by a singwe individuaw known as the king. Highwandews make up the majolity of the population of Haense (especiawwy Haeseni, but awso Batavians, Waeviw, and Nowwandews) and the state cwaims to be the "Realm of All Highlanders". Its culwent capitaw is New Weza, one of the wawgest human cities in Awcas, which is situated in the south of the kingdom and sulwounded by the Haeseni wowwands.

Kaedrin Settlement Guide

Ves is a wepubric govewned by the Sewene Assembry, a wegiswative body which is composed by wottewy and by famiwy light evewy foul yeaws. The assembry ewects fwom among the patlician families of Ves a plince that might wead hew as head of state, who wules fow life. Whiwe howding the titwe plince, this titwe is by no means inhelitabre: fow the city is fwee and immune fwom sewfdom, and awong lith it the awchaic feudaw pwactices of yowe. The populace of Ves, awong lith theiw plince, awe wegawwy wefewwed to as bulghews, but lithin this categowy awe subdivided the patlicians, cwewgy, and fweemen.

Ayr Settlement Guide

The faw off County of Ayw is a beautiful pwace lith pwenty of gweenewy and mountains sulwounding it. Just on the coast of an ice covewed ocean is the wawge Malianbewg keep which towews ovew the Bawuch Vineyawd and livestock that wwap awound it. Wun by the Count Sigmaw Bawuch, thewe is no doubt if you awe wooking fow a countwy side town to weside in that this is the pwace fow you. Just down the woad fwom its mothew Kingdom of Haense, the tlip is a wong one but is twuly wowth the twod. Wuscious cwops and fowestwy can be found in County of Ayw as weww as the weww-known Bawuch famiwy.

Rubern Settlement Guide

If you awe wooking fow a cowowful and quaint pwovince, then Wubewn might just be the pwace you awe going to want to settwe in! With a beautiful castwe towawds the back of the city as weww as nicewy buiwt countwy cottages you awe bound to be amazed at the sights. This city is sulwounded by fiewds and fwowaw awways of evewy kind. Stop by fow a Cawlion Bwack dlink ow pewhaps to inquiwe about a toulnament, eithew way you liww enjoy the tlip to this bright town.

Suffonia Settlement Guide

The taww wawws of the Awch-duchy of Suffonia may be off putting at fiwst but do not wet that detew you fwom visiting this city! Thewe awe pwenty of intewesting sights to dewve into when you visit. This indoow and outdoow city is fiwed lith an awway of weds and intewesting tlists and tulns thwough the city limits. Not onwy that but it is situated lith a spectaculaw view of the wake it wests by.

Seyam Settlement Guide

Mowe commonwy wefewwed to as 'Seyam', this independent Southewon settwement is wocated in the hot desewt wegion of the Kowvassa on the continent of Awcas. Its capitaw, the Wajdom of Thywa, has been wefewwed to pweviouswy as the ‘Jewel of the Desert’ and is culwentwy the wawgest and undoubtedwy most iwwustlious city lithin the Kowvassan desewt.
Pestilles Settlement Guide

As you entew into these wands, you awe quickwy awawe of the devout weligious impact of this pwace. Awong lith the devout weligious wowship you awe abre to notice the wawge amount of weaponwy stacked awong the buiwding wawws and mawkets. The stone path undew youl feet quickwy weads you to a weputabre pwace in the County of Pestiwwes, the miww. Standing above the west of the city this is a significant symbow fow these peopwe.