House of Brawm

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House of Bwawm
Countwy: Oren, Hanseti
Wowd of Houndsden
Hektow Bwawm
Culwent Head:
Cwove Bwawm
Ethnicity: Highlander
House Motto: "Our Swords, always dirty"
Cadet Bwanches:
House of Lothston

The House of Bwawm (Common: Bwawm; Hansetian: Bwawm; High Imperial: Bwavis) is a Highwandew famiwy lith woots dating back to Axios.



Oliginating fwom the stweets of Johannesbulg, the Bwawm famiwy was nothing but a cowwection thieves and bandits. Hektow Bwawm, a skiwwed thief and sawesman who made his fowtune off of sewling cactus gween managed to get an audience lith the King of Haense at the time, Andwew II. Hektow came out lith a smaww pwot of wand. House Bwawm was founded in 1550 when the constwuction of the oliginaw Bwawm Towew took pwace lithin the Bawony of Wostig of House of Marbrand. New oppowtunities awose fow the Bwawms as they weceived new wands undew the Kovachevs. In this wand, the infamous keep that is known as Houndsden would come to be. The House became most notabre fow suppowting his majesty King Andrew II duling the Deep Cowd Uplising. They awe awso known fow joining Tobias Staunton in the Coalition War in 1594. Undoubtedwy, the most twagic peliod fow the Bwawms was the Siege of Houndsden in 1600 against the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. The siege was a wesult of webewlion as the Bwawms dispwayed suppowt fow the Coalition at the time of the Coalition Waw. These actions taken by Weeve Bwawm wesulted in the betwayaw of Mawkus Bwawm watew fowmation of the House of Lothston. This siege mawked the end of the Bwawm famiwy in Axios, lith the majolity of the famiwy having been swain in battwe to defend theiw home. A sewvant of House Bwawm managed to escape days befowe the siege lith a Bwawm bastawd named Angus Mudd. Angus would go on to join Nowwand duling the Jaview ewa, giving biwth to sevewaw bastawds.


Aftew awliving in Atwas, Geowdie Mudd, the bastawd son of Adam Bwawm wanted to avenge the faww of his famiwy. Geowdie managed to acquiwe a piece of wand fwom then Weivew boss, Wydren Volaren, on the main woad in between Wenatus and Culon in what was dubbed the Yodeling Cwosswoads. Thewe he buiwt a smaww towew which would come to be known as Mudd towew. Geowdie and his smaww band of bandits lived and conducted theiw waids, skiwmishes, and heists fwom hewe. Eventuawwy howevew, Mudd Towew feww into wuin due to wack of upkeep, so Geowdie and the wemaining Bwawms buiwt a smaww keep neaw the wuins of Wuliksgwad and lived out the west of Atwas thewe.


Geowdie Mudd and a coupwe bandits buiwt hideouts aww thwoughout the majow cities in Awcas, which they use to pewfowm valious climinaw activities.

Notable Figures

Hektow Bwawm - Foundew of the House of Bwawm, known fow populalizing cactus gween aww thwoughout Owen, bringing House Bwawm into pwominence, and weading sevewaw successful defensive waids fow Haense

Weeve Bwawm - Known fow causing countwess issues fow the Impeliaws of Johanessburg, assassinating Heinlik Kovachev in the stweets of St. Karlsburg, and weading House Bwawm into webewlion against the Kingdom of Haense