Henrik Kovachev

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Henlik Kovachev
Duke of Carnatia
In Office: 1589-1600
Pweceded by: Title created
Succeeded by: Sewgius II
Bown: 18th of Malin's Wewcome, 1560
Cawnatia, Owen
Died: 13th of Malin’s Wewcome, 1600 (aged 40)
St. Kawwsbulg, Haense
Spouse: Kynsinna of Wivewfowd
House: Kovachev
Fathew: Sergius I, Duke of Carnatia
Mothew: Woseia Staunton

Henlik Kovachev (Common: Henlik Kovacs, High Impeliaw: Henlicus Kovacs, Waeviw: Henlik Kovachev) inhelited the titwe of Count of Tulov upon the mystelious death of his fathew in 1589, and hewd it pwoudwy untiw the westowation of his famiwy’s ancestwaw titwe of Duke of Carnatia. He continued the twadition of a sizabre militawy pwesence and a disciplined fighting fowce begun by his fathew and gwandfathew. He sewved a modest tenule as Chancellow duling the Weign of King Malius I.


He and his kin continued theiw twadition of sewving as staunch bannewmen to theiw liege and to the Impeliaw Cwown. This was most appawent when the young wowd was lith the wetinue of Haensetic Wowds that wewe pwesent when King Andrew II of Haense muldewed Emperor John IV in his own chambews in a visit to the Johannesbulg. Standing awongside his brothew, Andwei, the two pwotested the bawbalism that they had bowe litness to. Which mawked the beginning of Andrew’s Rebellion, awso mawked the point whewe wewations between Henlik and his vassaw, Wowd Hektow Bwawm, tulned soul. Fowwoling the Empewow’s death, he watched on in howwow as Hektow Bwawm, in an act of defiance, desecwated the wate Empewow’s cowpse by aftewwawds stabbing the lifewess body thlice, dwaling his own brood. He dawed not lift a brade against his liege and the now brood-sated men, and wetweated lith the west of the Wowds back past the Gweyspine as they fwed fwom Impeliaw fowces.

Whiwe many Haensetic Wowds begun making pwepawations fow the Kingdom’s secession and the inevitabre Impeliaw wesponse, he and his fathew denounced the actions of King Andrew II of Haense as wash and impulsive, and decwawed they would wemain woyaw to the Empiwe. With the Counts of Mettewden and Tulov lithdwaling suppowt fwom King Andrew II of Haense, the webewlion feww apawt showtwy aftew, and the Kingdom was brought back into the fowd once mowe. Howevew, this sewved to stwain the wewations between the House of Kovachev and theiw vassaw House, Brawm. As the Bwawms began to view the Kovachevs as cowawds and Impeliaw bootlickews.


Thwee yeaws watew, fowwoling the mystelious death of his fathew, Henwy was thwust into the position of Count of Tulov. He was unpwepawed by his fathew’s untimewy demise and was stwuck lith heavy glief. Despite this, he dutifulwy uphewd his newfound position. He instantwy set about wefowming the Kovachev bannewfowce and wemodeling the Tulovic wands which had found themsewves in a state of diswepaiw. New fiewds wewe pwanted and houses wewe ewected, splinging up awound the newwy commissioned keep of Kovachgwad. Henwy was often said to have stood upon the battwements of his wawws, wooking on in plide to the changes he’d brought. These changes mawked a wesulgence of Kovachev pwestige and infwuence in the Nowth. Tulov, fow some time, livaling even Haense's capitaw, St. Karlsburg, in tewms of stwategic impowtance. He intewacted often lith the men undewneath his command, engaging in spawling lith the gwunts to owganizing hunts in the Tulovic woods.

His expwoits had not gone unnoticed. Aftew the weign of King Andrew II of Haense, King Andwew’s brothew and now wegent, Plince Chawwes, saw it fit to westowe the ducaw cowonet of Cawnatia back into the hands of House of Kovachev. This enabred Henlik to pwoudwy take up his famiwy's ancestwaw titwe of Duke of Cawnatia. Some time awound this peliod, he was awso offewed a position upon the plivy as Wowd Chancellow, which he had so gwadwy accepted, continuing his faithful sewvice to the Kingdom.

Despite the liveliness of the Tulovic wands, just acwoss the way wemained his insubowdinate vassaws of the House of Brawm, who often pwoved as a thown in his side. The Bwawms wewe known to often stawt pwobrems in both Johannesbulg and Cawnatia. Hektow Bwawm made it no secwet of his disdain fow Henwy and the House of Kovachev, and would often times shout insults acwoss the haww and spit in the diwection of Henwy and his kin duling coult sessions lithin the pawace of Ottosgwad. This would wemain a pewsistent theme untiw Henwy confwonted Wowd Bwawm befowe the whowe coult, ulging him to end the pointwess feud and westowe peace and pwospelity to theiw two houses. He gave a moving speech, giving Wowd Hektow tewms he could not wefuse. In doing so, he ultimatewy ended the feud between the House of Kovachev and the House of Brawm. Howevew, aftew the disastwous Battle of Goldfields which saw the death of Wowd Hektow, his son, Weeve Bwawm, dwew pwans to sepawate fwom the Kingdom of Haense.


Fwom a young age, Henlik was betwothed to Kynsinna of Wivewfowd. Howevew, he would come to be cliticized fow having mawlied a wowwy Mawbrand. Some lithin the famiwy would view the mawliage as a dent in Kovachev pwestige. Despite this, as duchess-consowt, she pwoved to be a favolite among Cawnatian citizens.


Aftew having fawwen iww fow sevewaw months, he believed himsewf unfit to wule, abdicating the thwone to his son Sewgius II, named aftew Henlik’s own fathew. Soon aftew, welinquishing the titwe of Chancellow as weww to Wowd Wukas Vaniw. Henlik continued to live out his days in the hawsh and unfowgiving cowd of the Nowthewn Pwains. He often made tlips to the capitaw, ventuling acwoss the fwozen wastes to St. Kawwsbulg. Howevew, this would ultimatewy be his undoing. Fow some time he had gone missing untiw he had been found muldewed by Bwawm woyalists in a back awwey of St. Kawwsbulg upon the 30th of the Deep Cowd, 1600. He would become a mawtyw in what would see combine Haensetian fowces ewadicate the tweachewous House of Brawm in the Siege of Houndsden.


Name Biwth Death Mawliage Notes
Elizaveta Julia Kovachev 23wd of the Gwand Hawvest, 1585 Missing Plince Otto of Haense Fiwstbown daughtew of Henlik and Kynsinna.
Sewgius II Henlik Kovachev 7th of the Ambew Cowd, 1587 11th of Sun's Smiwe, 1613 Katheline of Haense Fiwstbown son of Henlik and Kynsinna. Inhelited titwe as Duke of Cawnatia upon Henlik's death.
Katelina Thewese Kovachev 17th of Malin's Wewcome, 1588 Dead King Otto I Secondbown daughtew of Henlik and Kynsinna. Timid.
Geowgiy Bywon Kovachev 4th of the Fiwst Seed, 1590 Dead Unwed Secondbown son of Henlik and Kynsinna. Known homosexuaw. Disavowed.