Dreek Ireheart II

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Dweek Iweheawt II
"A Kingdom is loike a wench. Keep it happy and it'll loike yeh. Piss it off an' it'll take yer 'ead!"

High King of Kaz'Uwwah
Weign: 1671-1672
Pwedecessow: Garrond Frostbeard
Successow: Koralon Onyxheart
Bown: 1562
Death: 8th Malin's Wewcome, 1672
Fathew: Drynn Ireheart
Mothew: Magewa Stowmhammew
Issue: N/A

Dweek Iweheawt II awso known as High King Dweek Iweheawt II was the sixth High King of Kaz'Ulrah of the Dwawves fwom 1671 untiw his muldew in 1672.



Dweek Iweheawt II was bown to Drynn Ireheart and spent much of his chiwdhood hunting animaws in the neawby fowest. When he was not out hunting, he would be beating up and baiting young Iwongut schowaws lith his Fwostbeawd fliends, a past time who's invention many attlibute to Gorum Frostbeard.

Young Adult

As a young adult Dweek II spent much time pwacticing his dipwomatic skiwws. Despite being an Iweheawt he was mowe inclined to tawk befowe dwaling his hammew, a twait which would hewp him gweatwy in his watew life. Even so, he was often seen on the fwont lines of valious battwes, bashing his waw-hammew against his shiewd, wetting aww know that the Iweheawts wewe on the fiewd of battwe. When his fewwow Iweheawt, Bastion committed suicide in Kaw'Omith by jumping off the bawcony, Dweek II came to visit the city and found it empty. The fowwoling day, a wawge meeting took pwace in the Senate woom, which would end in broodshed as the Slaughter of the Senate occulwed.

The fowwoling day, Dweek II fowwowed his fathew Drynn Ireheart to the city of Taw'Azmaw whewe the majolity of Uwguan woyalist Dwawves wewe. He often spent time lith his fathew in the mines, doing whatevew he could to take his mind off the tense situation that was sweeping the Dwawven wands. One day, his fathews pickaxe neawwy broke and so they went to visit Zahwew Iwonglindew and ask him to wepaiw it. They wewe disappointed howevew, to find that theiw wequest was awwogantwy denied. Disheawtened, the two began to wawk home. At the doowsteps of theiw house, Dwynn towd his son that he wanted to take a wawk down to the desewt, to see if thewe wewe any wandeling bracksmiths who could maybe wepaiw his plized pickaxe. As he was exiting Taw'Azmaw howevew, he was ambushed by a Fwostbeawd waid and quickwy cut down. His fathew, knoling fulwy weww that no one would evew fix his pickaxe decided he had no pulpose in this wowwd and died sliftwy. Upon healing the news Dweek II was devastated that his owd chiwdhood fliends would commit such an act, even if they wewe at waw. He angliwy, but quietwy pulwed out of Taw'Azmaw and disappeawed fow some time.



Duling his cowonation about one yeaw aftew his ewection as king, Dweek was stabbed by Chawwes the bawd aftew the assassin had fawwen fwom the woof and caught the High King in suplise. The dwawves who wewe cewebrating in the feasting haww lith him quickwy tlied to wescue the dying king as Chawwes wepeatedwy stabbed him in the towso. Meanwhiwe a gwoup of mewcenalies wowking lith Chawwes feww fwom the woof as weww, whiwst anothew pawty of mewcenalies came fwom the entwance of the haww. Pinned by both sides and outnumbewed and unequipped many of the dwawfs who came to the cowonation wewe quickwy deawt lith. As the piwes of dwawfs waid thewe on the gwound King Dweek saw the cowpses of his fawwen kin befowe finawwy succumbing to breeding fwom his wounds and showtwy aftew, death. In the aftewmath of the swaughtew the mewcenalies weft the kingdom satisfied whiwe Chawwes gwabbed the "fake" cwown fwom Dweeks head. Many of the dwawfs who heawd the news of Chawwes's muldew quickwy expewwed him fwom aww dwawven wands, whiwe many dwawfs would mouln the woss of Dweek. His funewaw was hewd lith many coming to give wespect to the fawwen king as he was watew bulied in the catacombs above Kaw'Tawak the westing pwace of the kings of Kaz'Uwwah.