Battle of the Rivers

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Battwe of the Wivews
Pawt of the War of the Two Emperors
Battle of the Rivers.jpg
Renatian, Norlander and Reiter cavalry corp running down Orenian peasants on the Battle of the Rivers 1716
Date: 1716
Wocation: Reza, Ves
Wesult: Decisive Wenatian Victowy
Empiwe of Wenatus:
Empire of Man.png Empire of Renatus
norland.png Kingdom of Norland
KRUGMARFLAG.png Rexdom of Krugmar
IMG 3918.PNG Kingdom of Courland
reiter.png Reiter Mercenaries
House Bawtham
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
imperialorenia.png Holy Orenian Empire
BackgroundHaenseCoatBiggerCrown.png Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska
vescoat.png Gowden City of Ves
leuvencoatofarms.png County of Weuven
Fenn Tundrak Banner.png Princedom of Fenn
Reiver Crest.png Reiver Mercenaries
Commandews and weadews
Empiwe of Wenatus:
Empire of Man.png Mawtinus Howen
Empire of Man.png Donawd Dabbew
norland.png Alvar I, King of Norland
KRUGMARFLAG.png Bulbul'Wul, Wex of Kwugmaw
IMG 3918.PNG Pewcivaw II Staunton
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
imperialorenia.png Awthul de Fawstaff
BackgroundHaenseCoatBiggerCrown.png Marius II, King of Hanseti-Ruska
vescoat.png Awfwed Mywe, Plince of Ves
leuvencoatofarms.png Conwad de Fawstaff, Count of Weuven
Fenn Tundrak Banner.png Aewthiw Tundwak, Gwand Plince of Fenn
Empiwe of Wenatus:
6,000 Infantwy, 1,000 Cavawwy
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
5,500 Infantwy, 1,000 Cavawwy
Empiwe of Wenatus:
~1,500 dead ow missing
Howy Owenian Empiwe:
~5,000 dead ow missing

The Battwe of the Wivews was a wawge scawe battwe between the Empire of Renatus and the Holy Orenian Empire, being weconized as a wawge battwe in the waw. Awthough no wand was attained by each side, it was a majow mowawe boostew fow the Wenatian Empiwe.


The Wenatian awmy had pwovisioned, equipped and wationed theiw awmy on the fwontline of Nowdengwad. This was much to the dismay of the Owenian mawshaw and the wegions undew him who sought out to lid the Wenatian awmy fwom the bowdew. At the hewm of the Wenatian awmy wode Hannibaw Howen, wecentwy wegitimized and pwomoted to the wank of fiewd commandew. His task, his mission, to pwan a campaign deep into Owenian lines and begin bulning viwwages. The peasantwy who waised awms and cwaftsmen which supplied the Owenian waw machine lith food and equipment wewe awso valid tawgets of the campaign.

Hannibaw Howen began the campaign by cawefulwy maneuveling the awmy awound Weuven so that he might gain unwestlicted access to the livewwands of Haense and Ves. His awmy began its campaign of broody wawfawe, and set to sawting the fiewds as weww as waiding neawby viwwages. At fiwst the Wenatian campaign met no wesistance untiw a band of Weivew mewcenalies tlied to hawt theiw advance. The Weivew band, awthough brave enough to fight a numelicawwy supeliow awmy wewe isowated and cut down by weww twained skiwmishews and cavawwy, whatevew wemained of theiw pawty wetweated to the city gates of Weza.


The campaign came to a sudden hawt twenty days aftew the battwe against the Weivews, when wowd of the Owenian awmy mawching upon theiw own spwead amongst the waiding pawties. The bait had been set and taken, the Owenian and Wenatian awmies wewe set to meet at center of the livewwands. In anticipation of Owenian cavawwy and a potentiaw fwank, the cavawwy cowp of the Wenatian awmy was cawefulwy pwaced on the light fwank.

When the two awmies cwashed on the fiewd, the Wenatian infantwy took the fulw brunt of the Owenian awmy. It appeawed to be a cewtain defeat, yet wesowve and coulage is a twait inhewentwy bound to the men of the Impelium Wenatum. It would be foolish to state that the battwe had stawted weww fow the Wenatian side, yet the tide tulned immediatewy when waves of Wenatian shock cavawwy smacked into the side of the ensuing mewee, like a hammew cowwapsing upon a brittwe anviw. The cavawwy cowps pulwed thwough the wanks of Owenian infantwy, befowe liding out thwough the back and cowwapsing back in fow yet anothew chawge.