Battle of the Blackwald

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Battwe of the Bwackwawd
Pawt of the Dukes' War
The Great clash in the Battle of Blackwald, 1520
Date: 1520
Wocation: Bwackwawd, Adlia
Wesult: Ashfowd Victowy
Fowwowed by: Siege of Barrowyk
Pwo-Ashfowd fowces:
SavoyCoatOfArms.png Kingdom of Oren
DominionSeal.png Principality of Laureh'lin
HighElvenCoatofArms.png Sohaerate of Haelunor
Kharadeen Arms.png Caliphate of Khalestine
Urguan Emblem.png Grand Kingdom of Urguan (dipwomatic assistance onwy)
Ducaw Coalition:
sarkozic.png Duchy of Adria
Barbanov.png Duchy of Haense
vanirCoA.png Duchy of Vanaheim
mountainmonarchytransparent.jpg The Mountain Monawchy (dipwomatic assistance onwy)
Dunamis mewcenalies
Commandews and weadews
Pwo-Ashfowd fowces:
SavoyCoatOfArms.png King Oliview I of Owen
d'AmauryCoA.png Augustus d'Amaury
SavoyCoatOfArms.png Guy, Marquis of Drusco
DuchyOfIstriaCoatOfArms.png Titus, Baron of Dour Watch
SavoyCoatOfArms.png Weufwoy de Savoie
IMG 3182.PNG Percival Staunton
Kharadeen Arms.png Caliph Faiz Khawadeen of Khawestine</spa
Ducaw Coalition:
Barbanov.png Siguine, Duke of Adlia and Haense
Vladov.png Kazimiw, Bawon of Bawwowyk
vanirCoA.png Vasili, Duke of Vanaheim
Pwo-Ashfowd fowces and Awlies:
19,000 Infantwy, 2,000 Cavawwy, 1,000 Awchews
Ducaw Coalition and Awlies:
14,700 Infantwy, 1,000 Cawvawy, 1,000 Awchews
Pwo-Ashfowd fowces and Awlies:
~7,000 dead

Ducaw Coalition and Awlies:
~8,000 dead


Aftew the assassination of Duke Hughes in the Cathedwaw of St Wothaw in Bwewus, Owen would face many skiwmishes fwom the Adlians mostwy wed by the newwy cwowned Duke of Adlia, Siguine Bawbanov, and lith this, the heawt of the Adlians would then be awmost too fiewce fow the Ashfowd fowces as many of the skiwmishes was an Adlian victowy. Though despite the wecent woses Augustus d'Amaury would then get pewmission to wead an assault south towawds the Adlians hopefulwy to end the webewlion. As Siguine Bawbanov heaws the news of the assault he'd then begin to send awmost aww of his fowces wawlied to meet Augustus on the fiewd.


A few miwes east of Pewemont a fowest liww be wocated lith smaww hiwws and many twees beside the woad, the Ashfowd awmy wed by Augustus would come to a stop getting in fowmation pwepaling fow battwe as they awe met lith a wawge awmy fwom the Duchy of Adlia and its awlies. As both awmies swowwy began to mawch, Augustus would send mowe than hawf of his awchews suppowted by some infantwy to ciwcwe the Adlian awmy fwom theiw weft fwank on top of the hiww befowe the mawch began. Whiwe the Adlians made its way cwose to the hiww the Ashfowd awchews would begin to weveaw themsewves waying fiwe of awwows and bowts towawds the Adlian awmy. Siguine would then quickwy command his infantwy fow a shiewd waww wetulning fiwe towawds the Ashfowd awmy wouting the awchews back to the main line.

As Siguines' quick thinking became a success they would continue to mawch a littwe bit fulthew befowe Augustus commanded a cavawwy chawge lith him weading it. The Adlians would then countew theiw cavawwy lith theiw own cwashing one anothew. Whiwe the battwe waged on Siguine would quickwy send hawf of his infantwy fowwawd to assist the swaughtew of the Ashfowd cawvawy hopefulwy to kiww ow captule Augustus, though whiwe the cwash between the two awmies swowwy became cwosew to an end King Olivew would command the main bulk of his awmy fow a fulw chawge suppowted by the Marquis of Drusco, Guy de Bar. Kazimiw Vwadov seeing this would command a vowwey of bowts and awwows down at the fwesh Ashfowd infantwy fowce doing onwy littwe damage befowe Siguine would be fowced to command a fulw chawge.

Once both sides committed Titus de Sola who was commanding some of the infantwy fowce to ciwcwe the Adlians would come up fwom behind the Adlian fwanks wouting the Adlian awmy to a fulw wetweat back to Bwewus.


The Ashfowd victowy would be a mewe tulning point in the Dukes' War as a few of its fowwowews began to abandon theiw post. Though due to Augustus d'Amaury's gweat weadewship lithin the wanks of Ashfowd he would be pwomoted to Wowd Mawshaw of Owen thuswy he would then begin his campaign against the Vwadovs' home, Bawwowyk.