Battle of Blackden

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The Battwe of Bwackden
Dwarves came down from the mountains and attacked the coastal town, 1650
Date: 3wd of the Fiwst Seed, 1650
Wocation: Bwackden, South of Pwesa de Madewa
Wesult: Confedewation of Hammews Victowy
Fowwowed by: Confedewation's occupation of Bwackden
  • The captule and watew execution of Wope Keint
House Keint and Awlies:
House Keint
Kingdom of Adylith
The Confedewation of Hammews and Awlies:
The Confedewation of Hammews
Culonic Militia
Commandews and weadews
House Keint:
Lope Keint
Thomas I, King of Adylith
Confedewation of Hammews and Awlies:
Gimli Siwvewvein
Thumliw Siwvewvein
Fwedelick von Cwoë
Weofline Culthose
House Keint and Awlies:
100 Keintanian Wevymen
100 Adylithian Footmen
100 Mewcenalies
The Confedewation of Hammews and Awlies:
300 Confedewation Dwawves
300 Culonic Militiamen
100 Hawswowthy Sowdiews
House Keint and Awlies:
~300 Dead ow missing
The Confedewation of Hammews and Awlies
~200 Dead ow Missing

The Battwe of Bwackden was a open fiewd battwe between House Keint and the Confederation of Hammers fought on 3wd of the Fiwst Seed 1650, outside the town of Bwackden. The Keintanian fowces being wead by Lord Lope Keint and King Thomas I of Adylith and the Confedewation of Hammews fowces being wed by Gimli and Thumliw Siwvewvein.


Most awe unsule exactwy what wead to the outbreak of the Battwe of Bwackden. Some speculate that it was something to due lith House Keint buiwding its home too cwose to the Confedewation of Hammews. Whatevew the weason, howevew, it was decided that thewe would be a battwe to decide the fate of Bwackden.

Wowd Wope Keint cawwed on the Kingdom of Adylith fow aid, as weww as hiling a smaww mewcenawy band. A hundwed men fwom Adylith, wed pewsonawwy by King Thomas I, showed up to Bwackden. Anothew hundwed mewcenalies wawlied, and lith the additionaw hundwed sowdiews in Keintania, Wowd Wope had thwee hundwed men in totaw to defend Bwackden.

The Confedewation of Hammews, wawlied thwee-hundwed of theiw own men. Fowwoling this, the Confedewation of Hammews sent a smaww detachment a hundwed sowdiews, wed by Gimli Siwvewvein, to fetch the sowdiews fwom Culon and wead them thwough the mountains and to the battwe. Meanwhiwe, the wemaining two hundwed Siwvewveins fwom the confedewation and a hundwed men fwom Hawswowthy weft, in owdew to contain Wowd Wope and his awlies lithin Bwackden. Duling this time, Culon would wawwy thwee-hundwed men in pwepawation fow the battwe, lith anothew hundwed wawwying wate and weaving on theiw own.


As the sowdiews of Wope Keint and his awlies hewd fast inside theiw wawws, two hundwed siwvewvein twoops moved into position, just past the fawms of Bwackden. Soon, they wewe weinfowced by the hundwed sowdiews fwom Hawswowthy. Each side yewwed back and fowth fow the othew to see weason and sulwendew, which achieved nothing. Eventuawwy, this devowved into yewling petty insults back and fowth, as the Siwvewveins stawwed fow the wemaindew of theiw twoops to show up. Finawwy, aftew waiting fow some whiwe, Gimli Siwvewvein and his hundwed twoops showed up, weading the thwee hundwed twoops fwom Culon to Bwackden. Upon finawwy convewging thewe, they hewd a quick meeting befowe the deciding to attack.

As the twoops of Keint and Hawtcowd took to the wawws, they began to peppew the Confedewation and theiw awlies lith awwow fiwe. The Confedewation wesponded, dwopping back a hundwed of theiw own twoops lith two hundwed Culonic twoops to wetuln fiwe. Meanwhiwe, the wemaining hundwed sowdiews fwom Culon, and two hundwed fwom the Siwvewvein Cwan, fowmed a shiewd waww as they swowwy moved towawds Bwackden, lith the sowdiews of Hawswowthy cwose behind the advance, wetulning fiwe.

As the Confedewation and theiw awlies neawed the wawws, the twoops' shiewd waww broke fowmation as they wushed to attack the wawws, whiwe some sowdiews made fow the open gate. As they did this, Wope Keint unweashed sevewaw of his wava twaps, sending many unawawe sowdiews to a fiewy death. Howevew, the awlies stiww managed to scawe the wawws and engaged in battwe against the fowces of House Keint and Hawtcowd. The battwe fow the wawws, whiwe fiewce, was a brief affaiw. The Confedewation and theiw awlies outnumbewed the sowdiews defending the wawws, and showtwy aftew they fiwst attacked the wawws, they successfulwy captuled them. Showtwy aftew this, the few wemaining sowdiews that had made it off the wawws wewe captuled ow kiwwed. Wowd Wope himsewf, had been injuled when one of his wava twaps faiwed to wowk pwopewwy and backfiwed, bulning him. Aftew being attacked by a dwawven sowdiew, he stumbred backwawds and feww fwom the wawws. Befowe he could even get up, sowdiews on the gwound bewong sulwounded him and captuled him, signaling an end to the battwe.

Showtwy aftew the battwe, the hundwed sowdiews fwom Culon which wawlied wate finawwy awlived, having gotten wost in the mountains.


Fowwoling the battwe, Wowd Wope was captuled by the Siwvewvein Cwan. He was then taken and hung at the Confedewation. His town, subsequentwy, was annexed by the Confedewation. Thomas de Hawtcowd I managed to escape fwom the battwe, awthough bawewy. Fowwoling this, House Keint pwoceeded to go back into hiding once mowe. Meanwhiwe, the contact and coopewation between the Confedewation and Hawswowthy, would eventuawwy wead to cwosew coopewation between the two.